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Kew Burlington-street , ' March 22 , 1856 . I MB . BE FT LET' 8 . , NEW "WOEKS FOE MARCH . .: ' HISTORY of BICHAHi ) CROM"WTRTr , ana ttae RESrOBATKHSTof CHARLES II . By M . GUrZOT , Iutl . or of " History of Oliver Cromwell , " &c . 8 vo . 28 & Published this day . j II . Dedicated by Permission to H . R Jff . the Duke of Cambridge . BIART of the CRIMEAN WAE , ' ftom the Departure of the Guards to the Capture of Sebaa- ( *> pol . By EREDEkICK ROBINSON , ^ D .. Aasista » fc . Snrseon to the Fusilier Guards . 8 vo . . With Portrait of hia Koval Highness , from a Miniature , with his permission . 14 s . Published this day . ni . HISTOBY of the OTTOMAN TURKS , "from * he Foundation of their Empire totbePre- . sent Time . By Professor CKE AST . Second and concl"udingYolume . 8 vo . WithMaps , 14 s .- Justready . - ^ . iv . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ " r { The PRIMARY 3 ? RINCIPLES of ¦ B ^ ASO'NtNGi- BteVised ati * Approved-by the" Archbishop of Dublin . By E OBEB . T ; BO 3 T > KIDD , B . A . r Perpetual Curate- of Batley , Suffolk . ; vP « st Svo- 9 s . 6 d . Published , ¦ this day . : -: ; MEMGIRS of MRS . FITZHEIl-BERT » with anAccount ofher" Marriagei wifhJH . RH- the . Prince of Wales , afterwards Kin . e George the Fourth . -Bylthe Hon . CHARLES LANGDALEv 8 yd . With Portrait . 10 s . 6 d . Now ready . ¦ / : ' ¦ . Y / . . ¦' ¦ " . ' . ¦ vi y ¦"¦ " . • • •"¦ : ' "' ~ ¦ CLARA ; or , SliAVE LIFE in E-TJROPE . With a Preface . JB ^ Sir ~ ARCHIBALI > ALI > JSON ^ Bart . Second edition . 3 _ vols . Now ready . ¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' '' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ - ' : •¦ ¦¦ .: ' . tit . : ' - ¦ ; - -: ¦ ' ' : : ' . KMGrHTS and THEIR BAYS . By Div DOR AN , Author of" Lives of the Queens of IEnglaiid of the House of Hanover . " Second thousand . Post 4 jyo . * ° s . 6 d . Uow ready . . . /¦ :::. . '¦ : v ¦ ¦' ; , . :. ¦ : - VIII : ¦¦ ¦ ¦ .. . : .. " .- - - . . ' ¦ The FIFTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES of the WOItLD : from Maratnon to Waterloo-. By Professor CREASY . Seventh edition . Sro . With Plans . 453 ; Now ready . - ¦ ¦ .. _ SEBASTQPQ 3 L ,. QTJR TENT in the . CRIMEA and WAiJi ) iEJlilIG } S INSIDE-SEBASTQPOL ; &y'TWQ BKOtH-EfRS . Tpost 8 vo . With Map )' Ms ^ Gd . ? T $ 6 vr ready . . ; i' ; . \ '¦ / v ' /• " ; ; w y"Aniphg the best \ vprka in our present war literature . ?'— , Atlu-neaurn . . r I .,. ¦ - ' . ' , .. ' . ' . , ' v : ; .. . > ¦¦ .... ¦ " If any oaie wishes to read some Teally interesting experiences in the camp he will find them in this work ' . " —' Globe : ¦ :. '¦ ' i . , ' ; " . ' . ' ¦ *' . " . " SERM 0 N ¦ S in STONES ; or KJ £ ?^? & C 0 NFI ^ ^ GEOIiOGy . By D . M'AIJSI . AM 1 ) . One Vol . 5 s . -Now readyi ul ' f ^ ^ Jjct . of- tMs ;\ yorlc is to reconcile the discoveries in JppolpgywitU ^ the , Mosaio account of the Creation , which ?« 2 i ^ £ f ^ *^ n . oty ** been done . The statement of the case " - tS ^ Wi' ?^* t »? e , Bketoh of the leading facts of geology Interesting , the argument cleverly managed- "—Spectator . \
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, ' New Edition . 'in 8 vo ., price Sixpence , rpHE SABE&fH , its Origin , History , and L Obligations ; In a Letter to the R « v . W . Sinclair , Indjmhent of St . George's , Leeds . By JAMES HCKARD . Second Edition , with a Notice of the 3 tev . Mr . Bolland ' s London : Longman and Co . Leeds : D . Greek .
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j - THE LATE ROBERT SOUTHEY'S-COBBE-. . SPONDENCE . Just published . Vols . I . and II . postSvo ., price 21 a . SELECTIONS from the LETTERS of ROBERT SOUTH EY , &c . Edited by his Son-in-law , the Rev ; JOHN WOOD WARTER , B . D ., Vicar of West Tarring , Sussex . To he completed in Four "Volumes . London : Longman , Bbown , Gheen and Lonqmanb .
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WOEKS ON GARDENING AND BOTANY FOR THE PRESENT YEAR . Cloth gilt , price 7 s ., LADIES' FLOWEB . GABDEF , Companion to the . Being an Alphabetical Arrangement of an the O rnamental Plants grown in Gardens and ShniT > LO ' UDO ^ fUU ] DireCtion 8 for their Cultur e . By to . Cloth 8 vo ., price 36 s ., THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM !' or the Structure , Classification , and Usea of Plants ' Illustrated upon the Natural System . By Dr . LINT ) LEY . 3 a One Tol ., with upwards of 500 illustr * Cloth 8 vo ., price 12 s ., THE EIEMEWTS OF BOTAlfS Structural and Physiological . With a Glossary of Technical Terms . By Dr . LINI > LEY . In One Vo ) with numerous illustrations . * •« , * The Glossary may be had separately , price 5 s . Cloth 8 vo ., price 14 s ., HEDICAX AND ( ECONOMICAL BOTANY . By Dr . LINDLEY . In One Vol ., with numerous illustrations . Half-bound , 8 vo ., price-5 s . 6 d ., SCHOOL BOTANY ; or the Rudiments of Botanical Soierice . ' By Dr . LINDLEY . In Oae Vol ., wath 400 illustrations . Cr . 8 vo ., cloth extra gilt edges , price 16 s ., PAXTON'S BOTANICAL DICTIONAR ? . Cpmprasing the Names . History , and Culture of all Plants known in Britain ; together with a full extila' nation , of Technical Terms . By Sir JOSEPH FAXTON . In Three Vola ., cloth extra , price 333 . each , P AXTON'S FLOWEE GARDEN ; Illastrated with upwards of l ' ' -0 Coloured Plates , and more than 200 wood engravings . Edited by Sir JOSEPH PAXTON and Dr . LINDLEY . Complete in Three Volumes . In small 8 vo ., cloth , price 3 s . 6 d ., HOW TO LAY OUT A S 3 MEALL GARDEBT . Intended as a Guide to Amateurs in choosing , form-. . ing , or improving a : place , from a quarter of an acre ' to thirty acres in extent , with reference to both design and execution . By EDWARD KEMP . Price 2 a . cloth , HANDBOOK OF GARDENING . For the use of persons who possess a small garden . By EDWARD KEMP . 11 th edition , enlarged aud improved . Price 58 . cloth , HISTORY OF AGRICULTURE , a Short Inquiry into the ; in Ancient , Mediaeval , and Modern Times . By WREN HOSKYKS . The Britisti Ferns represented by Natwc-Printing . In Monthly Parts , price Gs . eaoh . the FERNS OF GREAT BRITAIN NATtTRE-PRINTED ( life-size ) . Twelve Parts are already publiehedof this splendid folio work , which will be completed in about sixteen . Each Part contains three folio plates of different varieties of Ferns , represented by the process of Mf ATURE-PRIUTIlTG . The descriptions . &o ., by THOMAS MO 0 KI 3 , F . L . S ., and edited by Dr . LIIJDLEX . " Natdsb Printing is that process by which Nature ' en « graves' herself ( as it were ) into ft plate of metal ; tlio printed impression from ivJiioh representB tho Fern in its exact eizo , form , and colour , nnd with the moat minute marks of < veneration , ' 'fructification , '" &o ., &o . BRADBURY AND EVANS , 1 J , BOUVBRIE-STREET .
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MAXWELL'S WORKS . —CHEAP EDITION . Price Is . 6 d ., bda .. Q TORIES of WATERLOO . By W . H . | O MAXWELL . One of the most popular Military Novels ever published . The Volumes lately published -itr the Railway Library are-Pastor ' s Fireside < 2 s . ) Porter . ' [ Hour , and the Man ( Is . 6 d . ) Self j or , the Narrow-, farrow Martineaii . ; . World ( is .. Gd . ) Mre . Gore . | Tower of London ( 2 s . ) Ains-Old Commodore ( is . Cd . ) By j worth , the Author of "Rattlintbej Totiogh . O'Brien ( Is . Cd . ) LKwieas . ) Mrs . Orcy . % g . <* < ! > > Ml * Flitoh of Bacon ( Is . 6 d . ) Alnsworth . „ . „„ The New Volutn « will he MARCHIONESS OF BRINVIJLLIERS . By Albert Smith . London : Gieorge RonxiciiDaE and Co ., 2 , Farringdon-street .
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CHEAP BOOKS . QEOOND-HAND Copies of MACAJJLAY'S O HISTORY OF ENGLAND . Vola . 111 . and IV . i MEMOIUS OF SYDNEY 8 JMI' » H'S ; DORANVS ( JUE 15 NS of the HOUSE of HANOVKR , WESTWARD HOI LILL 1 ESLEAF , and many other rocout workn , wro now on . Sale at Mudle ' e Select Library . Lists pf prices may bo obtained on application , Ghaiu-e ? Mdwabd Modie , 610 iirid , 5 U , New Oxford-stroet , London ; and 70 , Cross-street , Manchester .
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London ¦ ¦ W . Kent and Co .. 61 ami ft 2 , Putor Juat pu ^ llshorl , price 2 s ., poHt ft-oo , 2 h . < id ., AN ESSAY ON SPERMATORRHOEA ; ito \ XJl Nature awd Trontmont , with nn oxpuHliloii « f l ( l I Frauds ( lint ftre prnctlacd by por « o « n who n < lvi > rtlno t » B Bpcody , eafo , and efteotnnl euro of Norvouw I > t'r »« iK <»" onti By A MEJM 1 MQK OK THE KOYAL COLLKtf J'i O |( PHYBICIANS , London . Lond « n : W . Kent nnd Co .. 61 and 52 , PutoniosUir-row .
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' ¦ ' , " - '""• " * " ' ¦» " » ,., " » 3 . rioonrtlHy . London ¦ W . Kent and Co .. 61 ami ft 2 , Putor ' * tato 4 1 - * "ft" ** by A *~~ torn , ** a ^ w . r , „ « Tt » JUadoc " OBc No , M * Wwrt In t ^ Cp ^ iy « MUOm * r * m * « , mST . .., 103 , Ploondillv . Lond « n : W . Kent nnd Co .. 61 and 52 ,
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28 B THE lEABEB , ^ [ No . 313 , Sat ., March 22 , 1856 ,
Leader (1850-1860), March 22, 1856, page 288, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2133/page/24/