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ESTABLISHED 1838 . -C 7 ICTORIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , No 18 , King William-street , Mansion House , £ ite Assurances of every description effected . Half the Annual Premium may be paid during the first five One ^ Sfird may remain on credit during the whol e of life . Endowment Assurances , payable at 50 , 55 , 60 , &c fjoans to Assurers on personal or other security . 80 Der cent , or profits go to Assurers on the bonus scale . Thelast bonus averaged 53 per cent , on the Premiums paid . WILLIAM RATRAY , Actuary . ; - e , I .
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TH E CAMBRIAN and UNIVERSAL LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . Capital 100 , 000 . Established 1849 . Office 27 , Gresham-street . Agencies in the principal towns of England and Wales . This office offers the benefit of assurance in all its branches , and is highly eligible for every description of life assurance . A new and most important feature entirely originating with this Company , viz . Marriage Dowries . Life Asssurance , and Deferred Annuities included in one policy . Bates of premium moderate . AH policies indisputable . Annuities granted . Family endowments . Loans on personal and other securities . Forms of proposal and every information may beobtained on application . By order , ALTRED MELHADO , Manager . J s ~ > ,
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W " ESTERN LIFE ASSURANCE and ANNUITY SOCIETY . 3 , Parliament-street , London . —Established a . d . 18-i 2 . DrKECTORS . H . E . JBicknell , Esq ., Upper Bedford-place , Russell-square . T . S . Cocks , jun ., Esq ., M P , Charing cross . G- H . Drew , Esq ., Hiberaia-chambers , Wellington-street , London Bridge . W . Evans , Esq ., Chosham-street , Belgrave-square . W . Freeman , Esq ., Millbank-street , Westminster . F . Fuller , Esq ., Abingdon-strcet , Westminster . J . H . Goodhart , Esq ., Upper Tooting , Surrey , T . Grissell , Esq ., Norbury Park , Surrey . D . Lucas , Esq ., Millbank-stre « t , Westminster . F . B- Marston , Esq ., Brunswick-place , Regent's Park . J . Nicols , Esq ., Savile-row , Burlington-gardens . A . Robinson , Esq ., Eaton-square , Pimlico . J . L . Seager , Esq ., Millbank-row , Westminster . J . B . White , Esq ., Swanscomte , Kent . J . C . Wood , Esq ., Victoria-street , Westminster . Bankebs—Messrs . Cocks , Biddulph , and Co . Actuary—Arthur Scratchley , Esq ., M . A ., F . R . A . S . By a valuable new principle , originated by this office , policies effected in it do not become void through the temporary inability of its assurers to pay a premium , as permission is given , upon application ( if his policy be of at l east three years' standing ) , to suspend the payment , at interest , according to the conditions detailed in the Society ' s prospectus . The rates of endowments granted to young lives and annuities to old lives are liberal . Invalid lives are accepted at an increased rate of premium , where they are not in a completely satisfactory state of health ; and any person , paying a fee of one guinea , may I be re-examined as to the state of his health , and the directors will make a reduction of premium where just . Partners in firms can increase their available capital , by r the aid of a special life assurance polic 3 . Creditors desirous of assuring the lives of their debtors . — Free policies arc issued , at a small increased rate of premium , which remain in force , although the life assured may go to any part of the world ; and payment of the premiums is only required while the creditors and debtors are jointly alive . Every information , free of expense , may bo obtained of the actuary . The third quinquennial division of profits will take place at the close of the year 1 S 5 'J . J Now ready , Fourth Edition , 5 s . ( 2 s . 6 d . to members of j Friendly Societies ) , A TREATISE on LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETIES , FRIENDLY SOCIETIES , and SAVINGS BANKS : with a Mathematical Appendix and Tables ; and Model Rules lor Friendly Societies . By ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY , M . A ., F . R . A . S ., Author of Treatises on Copyhold Enfranchisement , Tontine , and Benefit Jhiilding Societies . London : C . Mitoiibi . i ., Red Lion-conrt , Fleet-street .
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IMPROVED DEPOSIT and DISCOUNT BANK . ( Tho Life Assurniico Treasury . )—Five or six J per cent ., as per arrangement , on Deposits . A Free Life- i , Policy given , in addition to : i per cent , on Drawing accounts . Bills ' discounted , Annuities gnu ilod . A liberal commission to ' Agents . Chairman—Tho Right Hon . tho EARL of DEVON . ProspcetiiHOH , forms of application for Shares , &c , may bo had at 0 , Cannou-strcct West , City . () . 11 . LAW , General Manager .
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A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK , 1 IN OAMli OK IN . IIIUV 1 » Y ii ] ACCIDENT OF ANY DESCRIPTION , " , - ^* - OK TIM ' , HUM OK " £ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH , h Maybe secured by an Annual l ' nyment of < £ 3 for a l ' olicy in thi ) fl : RAILWAY PASSENGERS AKSITRANOK COMPANY . A weekly Allowance- of FIH . wmi Shilling !) Tor Injury , or ^ iOOiuca ' so of Death secured by npayment of Ten Shillings . * NO CH A RGE FOR STA M P DUTY . m Fornm of Proposal , Pro . sixwtumtH . & « ., may bo hud of tho ul A ffonts—of tho Clorkn at sill ( lies Principal Railway Stations " —and at tho Mead Ollleo , London , where also j " RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE May bo insured against by tho Journey or by tho Year as " hoVot . ofon ) . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Socretary . p Railway 1 ' aasongors IiiHunnirn Compnny , Hmpowered by J Hpcwial Act of l ' arlianicnt . OHIcos , : i . Old Broad-street , in London . at I of bo
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- This day , in post 8 vo , cloth , price 7 s . 6 d ., ; - TT E R T H A . By Fbedkika Bbemeb . e , - ¦«* - Aethue Hat . i » VrKTTJE , and Co ., 25 , Paternoster-row . l .
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e This day , BARON DE BAZANCOURT'S HISTORY OF THE WAR . Translated from the French . Sampson , Low , Sow , and Co ., 47 , Ludgate-hill . l
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. I . Just published , price Is . 6 d . A LECTURE ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF KANT , delivered at Magdalen College . May 20 . 1 S 56 . J By HENRY LONGUEVILLH MANSEL , B . D ., Reader in Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy . Magdalen College ; Tutor and late Fellow of St . John's College . s J . H . and James Parkeh , Oxford ; and 377 , Strand , London . ? \ ' ,
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, . ¦ — — - ~ > Now ready , price One Shilling , , T < HE IRISH CHURCH : SPEECH of Mr . \ JL EDWARD MIALL , M . P ., in favour of the impartial disendowment of all sects in Ireland , delivered in the House of Commons May 27 th , 1856 . London : Effingham AVitsox , Royal Exchange ; Dublin : McGiashan and Gill . | '
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. BANK-NOTE FORGERY AND ITS PREVENTION . This day is published , in demy 4 to ., price 5 s ., SECURITY AND MANUFACTURE OF BANK NOTES . Being the substance of a Lecture delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain , on May 9 th , 1856 . With Explanatory Notes and Engraved Specimens . By HENRY BRADBURY , M . R . I ., &c " An interesting paper on the Manufacture of Bank Notes was recently read by Mr . Henry Bradbury at the Royal Institution . Its object was to enforce the necessity of employing the highest resources of the engraver's art . According to Mr . Bradbury , every means has peen taken to bring bank-note paper to perfection , but similar attention has not been paid to bank-note engraving , although excellence in both is essential to a complete result- The general correctness of his theory will probably be admitted "Times Money Article . Bkadbttry and Evans , 11 , Bouverie-street .
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I Published this day , price 7 s . 6 d ., ESSAYS IN PHILOSOPHY . By ALEXANDER CAMPBELL FRASER , M . A ., Professor of Logic and Metaphysics , New College , Edinburgh . CbWTETTTS I . Life and Philosophy of Leibnitz . II . Hamilton and Reid : Theory of Perception . III . Scottish Metaphysics : Theory of Causation . IV . The Insoluble Problem : A Disquisition on our Ignorance of the Infinite . ' V . The Metaphysics of Augustinianism . VI . Ferrier * s Theory of Knowing and Being . VII . The Philosophical Class room in the Nineteenth Century . Edinburgh : W . P . Kennedy . London : Hamilton , Adams , and Co .
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r Price Two Shillings , cloth , limp . HPHE CHURCH OF CHRIST NOT AN 1 JL ECCLESIASTICISM . By HENRY JAMES . London : W . WniTE , SO , Bloomsbnry-strect . E
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J j " Now let reason , not passion , be thy guide !" Will be published on Saturday next , ' A N INQUIRY into the CHARGE of Lord Chief-Justice CAMPBELL , < On tho LATE TRIAL of WILLIAM PALMER . Illustrative of its Dangerous Tendencies as Destructive to tho long-enjoyed Right 9 and Privileges of all British Subjects . By tho Rev . TITOMAS PALMER , Brother or tho Prisoner WILLIAM PALMER . Price is . ; post free , la . Cd . ' John Taylou , : 5 Sa , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars . fc Sold by all booksellers in town and country .
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J i , ' Just published , price 2 s ., post free 2 h . 0 d ., AN ESSAY ON SPERMATORRHOEA ; its : Naturo and Treatment , with an exposition of the Frauds that aro practised by portions who advertise ) ( ho . speedy , safe , and ofrcctiial euro of Nervous Derangement . JJy A AlUMBKR OF TIIIO ROYAL COLLIXUO OF PHYSICIANS , London . London : W . Kent and Co ., 51 and 52 , Patcrnoster-row . ;
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1 ii ] " , h fl : ITALIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . ' MR . AKRIVABHNK , J ) . LL ., from the Uni- L versity or I ' ndua , who has been established iu London for tlireo years , gives privato lessons in Italian and I'Veneh | at his own house , or the houses of his pupils . !!<¦ also at ,- t tends Schools both in town and country . Mr . AU 1 UVA- s , I 5 KWE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , and tho ,, most mediocre niiud cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend | his lessons . . , & Apply by letter to Mr . ARRIV . YIJEXH , No . 1 , St . MiclnK'Ts-jJlacc , Hrompton . a 1 I so ]
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| * m ul " j " " I p in HAMPTON'S ril . L OF HEALTH .--The _ , inaiiil'old advantages to tho heads of families from tho possession of n medicine ! i » f Known clllrae . v . that may lie romiiI . ihI to with confidence , and used with success m cases A of temporary sickness , occurring in families morn or les .-: ^ ovcit ( liiy , aro so obvious to .-ill , that no ( iiii'stion ran , j bo raisi'il < jf il ; i imporliuico to every honsckec ])( . 'r m tho kingdom . . ,. For females , t . hew Pills aro truly excellent , ronioving all . obstruotioiU ) , tli <« dislre . sMiiiK lieadaehe so very prevalent , with the sex , depression , of spirits , dulness of Night , nervous ailed ions , blotches , pimples , and sallowness of the skin , and produce a , healthy complexion . i ( . Sold by IMtOUT and IIARSANT , 220 , . Strand , LoiuJon , " and all Alcdicino V < Midors . . i ' rico I . " . I . Wl . and ' - 's . ' , H \ . per box . , ' . it
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_ . THE NEW NOVEL BY THE AUTHOR OP "TREl . VELYAN , " " MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE . " Now ready at all the Libraries , in 3 vols , HTHE OLD GREY CHURCH : A Novei ^ -L sj By the Author of "Trerelyan , " "Marriage in Higb l " It is written' in a gentle touching stylev which has a Seculiar charm of its own . Wo prefer it to » uy work we ave seen by tho same authoress . " —Athenaum . "The story is , indeed , a very interesting one . The characters are well drawn , and the narrative is animated and effective . " — Morning Post . ? London : Richahd BewtmBT , New Burlington-street .
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. ; , . THE NEW NOVEL . ' Now ready at all the Libraries , Second Edition , 3 vols ., , /^ iLARA ; or , Slave Life in Europe . With \ J a Preface by Sir ARCHIBALD ALISON , Bart , " It is an original , varied , and spirited story , baldly conceived , artfully constructed , pleasantly told . "—Leader . " One of tho most masterly and delightful works of fiction with which we are acquainted . " —Morning Post' " All the world will want to read this work . " —Atlas . London : Richaed BEirrxET , New Burlinjrton-srtreet .
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THE NEW ROMANCE BY MR , ARCHIBALD BOYD . Now ready at all tho Libraries , fn 3 Vols ., THE CROWN WARD : ¦ A Story of the Days of James I . By ARCHIBALD BO YD , Author of " The Duchess" and " The Cardinal . " " It is exhilarating to read a romance which , without servilely imitating Scott , represents that free and buoyant spirit of adventure which is the charm of his narratives . In constant and sustained adventure Mr . Boyd makes good a claim to be classed with Seott . "—Press . London : Richaed Beetti / ex , New Burlington-street .
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" HALF-HOURS WITH THE BEST AUTHORS . " In 2 vols . crown 8 vo , price 12 s . 6 d ., cloth lettered , HALF-HO URS with the BEST AUTHORS . By CHARLES KNIGHT . A New Edition , with 52 Illustrations by W . Harvey , and Steel Portraits . " This book is a complete treasury of knowledge and amusement , containing biographical notices of , and extracts from , the best works of upwards of three bundred . j [> f our moat celebrated authors . It is the best and mosf ^ JopuIar introduction to English Literature ever published—a branch of knowledge , as shown by the Report of the Civil Service Commission , to have been frightfully neglected . " London : Geoege Rofiledge and Co ., 2 , Farringdonstreet .
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1 ROUTLEDGB'S STANDARD NOVELS . Price 2 s . 6 d . cloth gilt , TYLNEY HALL . By Thomas Hooik " The only novel Tom Hood ever wrote . " Also , price 2 s . Gd . each , cloth , Mr . Ledbury ' s Adventures . Mothers and Daughters . By By Albert ' Smith . Mrs Gore . Bivouac . By MaxwelJ . Country Curate . By G . R . HectorO'JIallorau . JJyMax- Gleig . well . Trevelvan . By Lady Scott . Frank Hilton . By James Capt . Blake . Maxwell . Grant . London : Geoiige Routledoe and Co ., 2 , Farringdonstreet .
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' < \ Just readv , price Is ., npHE UNITED STATES : THEIR CONSTIJL TUTION and POWER , containing a popular summary of the Naval and Military forces of tho Union , as well . as tho American idea of Defence . By CHARLES BROWNE , Author of " Life of Southey . " London : Kent and Co ., Patornostei-row .
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. ' fc \ : SWEDBNBOBG'S WORKS . CON JUGIAL LOVE and its CHASTE DELKJHTS ; also , ADULTEROUS LOVE and its INSANE PLEASURES . Demy Hvo , 4 s . HEAVEN and IIKLL ; also , the INTERMEDIATE STATE or WORLD of SPIRITS . A Relntion or Things Heartland Seen . Demy Hvo , ; 5 m . With Hartley's Preface , ; is . tid . APOCALYPSE REVEALED , in which nre dincloncd the Areniiii therein Foretold . Two vols ., 8 s . Either volume , l . s . All sent post free . London : Swcuonborg Society , : *<> , 'Bloomsbury-strcet .
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' L | t ,, | & a Second Edition . ^ T" TOO ; " Atfn Other Poems . I ? y BEELJL ZHHU 1 J . 1 'Vap . Hvo , cloth extrn , gilt edges , 8 s , 1 'Yiio by jxxst on receipt of tho amount in . postage stamps . " \ V
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_ , A ^ , j . " . Just published , post frco , two stamps , with prc-HcriptUmu in I'liiKli ^ h , Q UACKERY UNMASKED . Its Extortions , IiiifiosiLions , and Deceptions fully explained . By . KMIN SUTTON , M . H . C . S . OIM . NIONH OF Til 10 PRESS : "Tim author lias eonUsrrcd a Krtut \ youn oi » nufftriuK liiiiuanily , by laying baro Hid HcanunlouH practices of "olurioiiM advcniiirtA-H , who advertiuu to « ur « diH « a «
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jj mE 7 , 1856 . ] THE LEADER . _^^ 551
Leader (1850-1860), June 7, 1856, page 551, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2144/page/23/