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MB . A ^ BUTHNOT ON TH 3 J ISSUE OF BANK-NOTES . Just published , in 8 vo , price 2 s . 6 d . sewed , SIR ROBERT PEEL'S ACT of 1844 , regulating the ISSUE of BANK-NOTES , vindicated . By G . AB-BUTHNOT . Iiondon : LoueacAH , Brown , Gbeek , Longha . "ns , and ROBERTS .
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MR . BENTLEY'S NEW WORKS . ? - —— . ¦ - .. / Sent post free on receipt of Post-office order . LTJCT AYLMEE ,. . By the Author of " The Curate of Overton . " 3 vols . KATE'S HISTORY " of the "WAE in AFGHANISTAN . Forming Yols . IX ., X ., and XI . of Bentley ' s Periodical Volumes . Vol . I ., crown 8 vo , 5 s . Containing a History of our Relations with the Persian Court—of the Progress of Russia in the Hast—the First Siege of Herat—the Origin of the Afghan War , and the March of the British Army to Caubul . With an Appendix containing the several Treaties hetwoen Persia and Great Britain . in . HISTORY of the FIRST 3 STAVAL CAMPAIGN in the BALTIC . Fiona Authentic Documents . By G . BUTLER EARP . To which is appended an Account of Sir Charles Napier ' s recent Visit to Russia . 8 vo , 16 s . [ On Monday . NATURAIi RELIGYbN . By M . JULES SIMON . Translated by J . W . Cole . Edited , with Preface aud Notes , by Rev . J . B- Marsden , M . A ., Author of " The Early and Later Puritans , " " History of Christian Churches and Sects . " Post 8 vo , 6 s . MONARCHS RETIRED from BUSINESS . By Dr . DORA 1 ST , Author of " Lives of the Queens of England . " 2 vols ., with Illustrations , 21 s . MEMOIRS of Sir ROBERT PEEL . By M . GUIZOT , Author of "History of Oliver Cromwell /' &c . 8 vo , 14 s . '¦¦¦ . ' ¦ vir . LETTERS of JAMES BOSWELL , Autlior of "The Life of Dr . Johnson . " 8 vo , 14 s . VIII . LET TEE S of Queen HENRIETTA MARIA , including her Private Correspondence with Charles I . Collected from the Public Archives and Private Libraries of France and England . By MARY ANNE EVERETT GREEN " , Author of "Lives of the Princesses of England . " Post Svo , 10 s-6 d .
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COLONEL MTJRE'S HISTORY OF GHECIAN LITERATTJRE . Vols . I . to III-, in 8 vo , price 36 s . ; and Yol . IV ., price 15 s ., 4 CRITICAL HISTORY of the LANGUAGE _ r \ . and LITERATURE of ANCIENT GREECE . By WILLIAM MURE , of Caldwell . — Vol . V ., containing Thucydides , Xenoghon , and the remaining Historians of the Attio Period , ia in the press . London : IiOHQMAK , Bbows , Greek , Longmans , and Robbkts .
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NEW WORK BY DR . HASSALL ON THE ADULTERATION OF FOOD AND MEDICINE . In crown 8 vo , with 225 Woodcuts , price 17 s . 6 d ., cloth , A DULTERATIONS DETECTED ; or , Plain - £ JL Instructions for the Discovery of Frauds in Food and Medicine . By A- H . HASSALL , M . D ., Lond ., Analyst of the Lancet Sanitary Commission ; Author of the Reports of that Commission published under the Title of " Food and its Adulterations" ( which may also be had , in 8 vo , price 28 s . ) , of " The Microscopic Anatomy of the Human IBody , " &c . London : Longmaw , ' Broww , Greeit , Longmans , and Roberts .
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A New Edition , in 2 vols . 8 vo , with 6 Maps , price 63 s ., M'CULLOCH ' S GEOGRAPHICAL , STATISTICAL , and HISTORICAL DICTIONARY of the WORLD . " The present ia an improved edition , with additional information , made necessary by late changes . .. . . The articles Australia , Russia , and Turkey , with others of less importance , have been rewritten The present improved edition will be acceptable to all readers of newspapers , who now meet for the first time with , the names of numerous places in the East of Europe , especially in those great empires of which in this edition the description has been entirely rewritten . "—^ Economist . Also , in 1 vol . with Maps , price 60 s . cloth , or 55 s . half-russia , M'CULLOCH'S COMMERCIAL DICTIONARY , illustrated with Maps and Plans , New Edition . Xondon : Iohgmab " , BbowhV Gbbin" , LoNGKarajrs , and ROBEETS .
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MR . MAOAULAY'S ESSAYS AND HISTORY . Library Edition ( the Eighth ) , in 3 vols . 8 vo , price 36 s ., cloth , Y ^ KITICAL . and HISTORICAL ESSAYS con-\ J tributedto the Edinburgh Review , By the Hight Hon . T . B . MACAULAY . —Also , Complete in One Vol ., with Portrait ... Square crown 8 vo , 21 s-A new Edition in Pocket Volumes ....... 8 vols . fcap . 8 vo , 21 s . The People's Edition ... .. 2 vols . crown 8 vo , 8 s . MB . MACAULAY'S HISTORY of ENGLAND from the Accession of James the Second ... Vols III . and IV . Vols . I . and II . ( Twelfth Edition ) .. % \ o , 32 s ' . Xondon : Longman , Brown , Geeent , Longmans , and Roberts .
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MAUNDER'S POPULAR TREASURIES . ANe-wEdition , fcap . 8 vo , price 10 s . in cloth ; 12 s . bound in embossed roan ; or 12 s . 6 d . calf lettered , Ti / TAUNDER ' S SCIENTIFIC and LITE--L ~ JL EARY TREASURY ; A portable Encyclopaedia of the Belles-Lettrca ; including all Branches of Science , and every subject connected with Literature and Art . A thoroughly revised edition , comprising definitions and descriptions of the various terms and inventions that have recently come into general use . Also , all uniform in size , and price 10 s . each Treasury , MAUNDER'S HISTORICAL TREASURY ; MAUNDER'S BIOGRAPHICAL TREASURY ; MAUNDER'S TREASURY of KNOWLEDGE MAUNDER'S GEOGRAPHICAL TREASURY ; and MAUNDER'S TREASURY of NATURAL HISTORY . London : Longman , Beoto , Gbeen , Longmans , and Roberts .
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Eleventh Edition , Revised by L . SANDIER , 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d . L E BRETHON'S GUIDE to the FRENCH LANGUAGE . Especially designed for solf-instruotion , and equally adapted to the purposes or the profeasional teacher . A SSffl& * 5 Sd « ta £ SE Bnbl 1 lanffuaso > mily ° * " « liZ ^ tt « raramar ovor P » * !! Atlioroughly practical book . "—Critic ll ™ .. , r 0 ! i ? nor i i «? ' ^ Rrammar undoubtedly is its oloarness and simplicity of arrangement . "—Sun . London : Bran-my , Majmham ,, and Co .
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CHEAP EDITION . Juat published , fcap . 8 vo , cloth , Is . Cd .. A FEW WORDS to tho JEWS . By ONE OP THEMSELVES . J Xondon ; Jony Chapman . 8 . KinK William-stroot , Strand
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¦ " "oWAT . MTO . PiBniu Hlly ; and all Boolcaollora . Price Ono Shilling , T HE BALLOT : A CONSERVATIVE MEASURE , By Sir A 31 THUR IIALLAM ELTON , iJart . ' / Deserves tho widest posalblo circulation . "—Leader . « , « V ^ astorly , nrPMmout infn . vour of tho Ballot , by ono of "!?««„ ma « : k « iblo pamphleteers of tho day . " — Sun . Unanswerable . "— Mornina Chronicle . RiPGWAY . lgft . Picnatllllv ¦ and all BookflollorB .
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CHEAP EDITION OF LEVERS WORKS . On February 10 th , in crown 8 vo , price 4 s ., CHARLES O'MAILEY . YOL . I . By CHARLES LEVER . "With 8 Illustrations by H . K . Browne . Just published , in crown 8 vo , 4 s ., HARRY LOftREQUER . FREIDA THE JONGLEUR . By BARBARA HEMPHILL , Author of " Lionel Deorhurst ; or Fashionable Life under t"he Regency , " &c . &c . 3 vols . post 8 vo . [ Feb 16 . A NEW LIFE OF LOUIS NAPOLEON , EMPEROR OF THE FRENCH . DERIVED PARTLY FKOM PRIVATE SOURCES . Containing ample details respecting his Education and Early Life—His Bambles in Switzerland—His Expedition against tho Pope—Strasbourg—Boulogne—The Chateau of Ham , tho Coup d'Etat , &c . &c . By JAMES AUGUSTUS ST . JOHN . Post Svo . [ In a few days . This day , in a handsome cover , price 12 s ., Part I . of THE SUNBEAM : A PHOTOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE . Edited by PHILIP DELAMOTTE , Professor of Drawing , King's College . Contents : Tho Woods at Pcnllegaro , Photographed by J . D . Llowolyn , Esq . —Tho Tournament Court in the Castle of Heidelberg , by Sir Jocelyn Coghill , Bart . —Magdalon College . Oxford , from tho Chorwolf , by Philip H . Delamotto , F . S . A . —Tho Baptistry , Canterbury Cathedral , by James Bedford , Esq . The Photographs are printed in . tho best manner , mounted on Cardboard , . accompanied by doscriptivo letterpress . Part 2 will bo ready on March Slat . Chapman and Hake , 193 , Piccadilly .
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This day , " ~\ T HE ARMY and the MILITIA : a LETTPP to the EARL of LEICESTER , from TUATrm GENERAL WINBH AM , C . B ., late Chief of " ^ Stiffffifc British Army in the Crimea . ° Jonir Murray , Albemarle-strect .
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¦ ¦ JtyTESSRS . WHITTAKER and CO . be * in 111 state that they arc NO LONGER the LOnTvvv AGENTS for the sale of LADY LYTTON'S work" vrnv SUCCESSPUL . " ' Xi -RY Ave Maria-lane , January 24 , 1857 .
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Just published , in 6 . vols ., fcap . 8 vo , price 30 s . cloth T ^ rORD SWORTH'S POETICAL WORKS Y V A new edition , with Prefatory Notes to main- nV the Poems . ¦ > 0 I Edward Moxon , Dover-street .
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Just published , in 1 vol ., fcap . 8 vo , price 6 s . cloth T HE EARLIER POEMS of WILLIAM WORDSWORTH . l With Preface and Notes by WILLIAM JOHNSTON . Edwaed Moxon , Dover-street .
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Just published , in Imperial folio , with Tifty-one PJate * ,- « half-binding , price 61 . 6 s ., THE NATURE-PRINTED FERNTS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND . Nature- printed bv HENRY BRADBURY . With Descriptions of thes liidi genous Species and Varieties by THOMAS MOORE Fis and Edited by Dr . LINDLE Y . ' * * - "Wemust take this opportunity to recommend to our botanical readers , and indeed to the public generally the magnificent publication which stands amongst others at the head of this article , and which represents , with the fidelity and beauty of Nature herself , the Ferns' of Great Britain and Ireland . Mb . Bradbuut has successfully introduced the peculiar mode of Nature-printing first practised in the Imperial Printing Office at Vienna , which is by far the most accurate and pleasing method of obtaining the portraits of botanical specimens . The collection is in tho highest degree interesting , and forms a complete manual of the Ferns peculiar to these islands . "—Edinburgh Beview October , 1856 . ' Also , just published , 4 to ., price 2 s ., "VTATURE-PRINTIHG ; ITS ORIGIN AND ± . y OBJECTS . By HENRY BRADBURY . Being the substance of a Lecture delivered May 11 , 1855 , at the lioyal Institution of Great Britain . With special Notes respecting the various claims to priority of invention . Bhadbuht and Eva . its , 11 , Bouverie-strcet .
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This day , 2 d ., A TRACT ON TICKETS OF LEAVE . By C . B . ADDERLEY , M . P . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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Octavo , 3 s ., ¦ . SAL AM AN and ABSAL : an Allegory , translatod from the Persian of Jami . Xondon : John W . Pakkeu and Son , West Strand .
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Cheap Editions , Cs ., of tho STUDENT'S MANUAL of ANCIENT HISTORY . By W . COOKE TAYLOR , LL . D . STUDENT'S MANUAL of MODERN HISTORY . By W .. COOKE TAYLOR , LL . D . With a New Supplementary Chapter by C . BADHAM , D . D . London : John W . Pahker and Son , West Strand .
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GERMAN WORKS by DR . BERNAYS , VJT Professor of German in King's College . WORD BOOK . 3 s . PHRASE BOOK . 3 a . CONVERSATION BOOK . 3 s . GRAMMAR . Ninth Edition . 0 s . EXERCISES . Elovcnth Edition . Cs . Gd . EXAMPLES . Seventh Edition . 3 s . READER . Sixth Edition . 3 s . HISTORICAL ANTHOLOGY . Second Edition . 5 s . SCHILLER'S MAID OP ORLEANS . With Notes . ^ . SCHILLER'S WILLIAM TELL . With Notes , -is . SCHILLER'S MARY STUART . 2 a . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand-
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Now ready , price Is . Gd ., THE LATE WAR . By A CHRISTIAN . London : L . Booth , 307 , Itegont-streot .
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London : Joim OHAPivtvy . s , King Wtllinm-Btnu ; Juat published , post 8 vo , price Ba ., \\ rllAT IS TRUTH ? or , Revelation its own V Y Nemesis . 2 nd edition , revised and enlarged . London : John Chapman , S . Ktnir Williiun-stnid ., SI mini
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' ¦ " "oWAT . MTO . PiBniu Hlly ; and all Boolcaollora . London : Joim OHAPivtvy . s , King Wtllinm-Btnu ; r n « and Published by Alfbbd Bdmukd QAUOWiT . at » The Xendor" OHIco . No . 352 . Strand , in tho County of Middlonoi .-January 81 , 1857 . . . - , RiPGWAY . lgft . Picnatllllv ¦ and all BookflollorB . , London : John Chapman , S . Ktnir Williiun-stnid
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! 20 ; THE LEADER . . [ No . 358 , Sat ., Jan . 31 , 1857 . OF
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Prioo Threepence , OAVnTGS BANKS : their History , Laws , In-^ L-nSm ? 1611 ^ Management , Interest , Defalcations Bosponslbility of Government . Trustees and Officials pitt Progress and Present Results : with Hemedial Sii ^ naf s « ByThe Rev . J . BEAUMONT HAWKINS ? B A . B 8 > London ; Longman , Bko-wn , and Co .
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Just published , price 5 s . cloth , TI / flSCELIiANEOUS . SPEECHES . By UJ _ Henry Lord BROUGHAM , P . B . S . Vol . I . ( To bo completed in 2 vols . ) Contents : Military Flogging—Queen Caroline—Libels on the Durham Clergy—Army Estimates—Holy Alliance—Law in Ireland—Imprisonment for Debt—Bedchamber Question —Wellington Speeches , &c . &c London and Glasgow : Richabi * Gbiepim" and Company .
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Octa , vo , 16 s ., HHHE POLITICS of ARISTOTLE . Edited , X with Introduction , Notes , Essays , and Index , bv It . CONGRE VE , M . A ., late Fellow and Tutor of Wadhain Collogo , Oxford . Xondon : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 31, 1857, page 120, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2178/page/24/