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Untitled Ad
FIDELITY GUARANTEE . ALBERT LIFE ASSURANCE AXD GUARANTEE COMPANY . . . Established 1 S 3 S . " . This ' ' Company grants policies of guarantee for the integrity of managers , secretaries , agents , cooirnercial travellers , clerks , and others in positions of trust , at moderate rates . Every description of life assurance . Chief office , tfl , Waterloo-place , Pall-mall , S . TV . ; branch office , 63 , Moorsate-street , E . C . HENRY WILLIAM SMITH , Actuary and Secretary .
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ALBERT LIFE ASSURANCE AND GUARANTEE COMPANY . Established 1 S 33 . Principal Office . ll , Waterloo-place , Pall-mall , Loudon , S . W . City Branch , 63 , Moorfcate-sti-eet , E . C . DIRKCTOKS . ' Hear-Adin . the Rt . Hon . Lord GEORGE PAULET , CB . Capt . Thomas Porter , R . N . Swinfen Jervis . Esq . WiUiam Peattie , Esq ., M . D . William Kin * , i . sq . Capt . the Hon . S . T . Car- George Goldsmith . Kirby , negie li V . C . B . Esq . Lieut .-Col- James Croudace , James Nichols , Esq . H . E . I . C . S . ' George Raymond , Jisq . Assurances , Annuities , and Endowments granted , and every other mode of provision for Families arranged . Half the Annual Premiums for the first five years may remain on credit for any period until death , on Payment or Interest at five per cent , per annum . Parties nlllowed to go to , or reside in , most parts of the world , without extra Premium . Naval and Military Lives , not in active service , assured at the ordinary rate , „ . . ,, Policies forfeited by non-payment of Premium , revivable at any time within Six Months , on satisfactory proof of health , and the payment of a trifling Fine . No charge for Policy Stamps . Reversionary Interests in every description of real or personal property purchased . . . . .. Security to Employers , Guarantee for Fidelity m situations of trust . Forms of Proposal , with every information , may be obtained at the Office of the Company , or by letter , addressed to . , _ ¦ . HENIiY WILLIAM SMITH , Actuary and Secretary .
Untitled Ad
Imperial LIFE rN'SUIlAKCE COMPANY , | Z , OLD BROAD STREET , LONDON . ¦ - ' Instituted 1820 . ¦ - - .. ' DIRECTORS . MARTIN TUCKER SMITH , Esq ., M . P ; , Chairman . GEORGE WILLIAM COTTAM , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . Thomas Georere Barclay , Esq .: George Hibbert , Esq . _ . James C C . Bell , Esq . Samuel Hibbei-t , Esq . James Brand , Esq . I Daniel Mildred , Esq . Charles Cave , Esq . Thomas Newman Hunt , Esq . George Henry Cutler , Esq . Frederick Pattison , Esq . Henry Davidson , Esq . William R . Robinson , Esq . George Field , Esq . Newman Smith , Esq . SECURITY . —The existing liabilities of the Company do not exceed 3 , 000 , 0002- The Investments are nearly 1 , 000 , 000 * ., in addition to upwards of 600 , 000 ? . for which the shareholders are responsible , and the income is about 120 , 000 !; . per annum . PROFITS . —FoiiE-Firms , or Eighty per cent , of the Profits , arc assigned to Policies every fifth year . The next appropriation -will be made in 1861 , and persona who now effect insurances will participate ratably . BONUS . —The additions to Policies have been from 11 . 10 s . to G' Sl . 16 s . per cent , oh the original sums insured . CLAIMS . —Upwards of 1 , 250 , 0002 . has been paid to claimants under policies . Proposals for insurances may be made at the chief office as above ; at the branch office , 16 , Pall Mall , London ; or to any of tho agents throughout the kingdom . SAMUEL IN GALL , Actuary .
Untitled Ad
AGENTS REQUIRED FOR THE MAGNET LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , Established 1854 . CrriEP Offices—22 , Moorgato-streot , City . Prospectuses , proposal forms , and every information for offeoting Policies may be obtained by letter , or personal application at tho Chief Office , or to any of tho Society ' s Agents throughout tho Kingdom . Influential persons desirous of taking Agencies where appointments aro not already made , can apply for terms , &c , to tho Manager , 8 . POTT .
Untitled Ad
ACCIDENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . C 100 O IN CASE OF DEATH , OR A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ G PER WEEK IS TUB nVJBNX OF INJURT , May bo secured by an Annual Payment of £ 3 for a , Volley In tho RAIT-WAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY . A special Act providoa that persons raoolving compensation from this Company aro not barred thereby from recovering full damages from tho party causing tho Injuryr an advantage no other Company qan offer . v * ii * It-K % w * 4 tlmt ONE PERSON in every FIFTEEN is ii JK * 3 mccJb * llafiHljiu'od by Acoidont yearly . This Company has * ^ lW& ^^ A ^ JB £ lfi ^^^^^ nm ^~ ^ Aopiaonta 27 , 088 ? . / fa / GrigJmf * aKgl iJzsPP otaaland Prospeotu 8 oa may bo . had al $ ho As ^^ -JBB BtiWtTnCBrto ^ Vna at all tlio principal Railway Stations , I ( hl 5 ffi * MfcfmraftW ^<* f AcoWQutsaloho may be Insured against 1 S 1 \^^^ W |^^|» S 3 BJ FOR STAMP bTJ * Y . ^ SK ^^^ ^^^^^ ' Sectary . \ UUVUilllf ^ I ( ill ui vuiitHva an advsintago no other La JMkedbl uSnMjuvea b ; 1 1 _ ioil « t > Jji iml ! il jm nil 1111111 » 18 [ EtcTVcTSM :-TS :
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I ? PPS'S COCOA . — -Epps , homccopathiQ chemist , Lphdon . ~ llb . and dlb . packets , lu . < ld . nnd 0 d . —This oxcollentproduction , originalfy prepared for tho apeolal uho ot homotfopathlopationts , having boon adoptcftlby tho Kon ' oml public , can now bo had of tho principal groaors . Each nftcKpt la labelled . Jamas Epps , hoinooopftthio oheinlufc , London
Untitled Ad
FOR LADIES . NICOLL'S . PATENT HIGHLAND CLOAK is a combination of utility , elegance , nnd comfort . No Latfy having sdru or ufwd such in travailing , Cor morning wonr , or for covering full Uross , would willinaly ho without one . It somewhat rosomblou tho old Spanisli RonuoliurQ , and has an elastic Capuoino Hood . It ia not cumbersome or heavy , and mensuron from 12 to lrt yards round trio outer ocIko , fulling in Bracoful folds from tho shoulders j but by a mechanical contrivance ( suoh boiiiB a part of tho Patent ) tho wonror onn instantly form houiI-bJoovoh , and thus loavo tho arms at liberty ; at tho same tlnio tho Cloak can bo mado tin quickly to resume ita original shap . Tho matorialH ohlofly UHod aro tho soft neutral coloured shower-proof "Woollen Cloths nianul ' atitured by this Ilrm . Tho prlco will bo two guinonsand a half for oooh Cloaks but with tho Mocanlquo and a Hnud Hood a fow shilling * more is charged . This department ia attended to by Cutters , who prepare Mantles of all kinds , with Volvofc , Fur , or Cloth Jackets , either for In or out-door uho . These at all timos - lllto this Firm ' s Riding Habit—aro In good tasto and lit woll . Fouuilo attendants may also bo soon for Pantalons dos Damoa u Choval , partially composod of Chamois . As no moasura is required , tho Patent Highland Cloak can bo sent at onco to any part of tho Country , and is thus woll adaptod for a gift . H . J , and D . NIOOLL , Warwick Houso , 112 and 144 , Rogont-strotit , London .
Untitled Ad
A NEW DEPARTMENT FOR YOUTH , &c . H J . and D . NICOLL l'ecommerul for an out-• side Coat'tho Havolock ; and for ordinary uso tho Capo Suit , such being well adapted for young gentiomen , as exhibiting considerable economy with general excellence . Gcntlomon at Eton , Harrow , Winchester , tho Military and Naval Schools , waited on by appointment . A groat variety of matorals adapted for tho Kilted or Highland Costume , as worn by tho Royal Piincos , may be soon at WARWICK HOUSE , 112 and lit , Rcgont-stroot .
Untitled Ad
XT ICOLL'S NE ^ Y REGISTERED PALETOT i-V . has all those advantages which . secured such jroneral popularity to Messrs . N ( coil's original palotot , tliut is to say , it avoids giving to the wearer an -outre appearance , so that professional men and all . others can u-e it during morning and afternoon , iii or . ' out of doors . Secondly , there is ail absence of . unnecessary ( earns , well known to secure a more graceful outline , as . well as to c-lfect a great savins in wear ; the latter advantage is considerably enhanced by the application of a peculiar and neatly stitched binding , the mode of effecting which is patented . Great exertions are being made to supply Messrs . Nieoll ' s agents throughout the country and tho colonios with an assortment of this new garment simultaneously with the display in London , bur , it is necessary to inform the public that all Messrs . Nicoll ' s manufactures may he distinguished by a trado mark , consisting of a silk label attached to each specimen ; to copy this is fraud , and may bo thus detected . If tho garment is dark-coloured , tho label has a black ground , with tho firm ' s name and address woven by tho Jacquard loom in gold-coloured silk ; if tho garment is light-coloured , tho label has a pale drab ground , and rod silk letters . Each palotot is markod iu plain usurer , at a fixed moderate nnco . and is of tho best materials . In London , tho NEW REGISTERED PALETOT can nloncbo had of IF . J . and D . NICOLL , Hi , 110 , IIS , IjW , Rogeutstreot , and 22 , Cornhill .
Untitled Ad
/ CAUTION to Householders , Bankers ,. Mer-KJ chants , and Public Offices . The Patent NATIONAL and DEFIANCE LOCKS can be had onlji of F . PUCKRIDGE , 52 . Strand , near Charing-cross . These Locks arc important for their security asrainst burglars and thieves , as evidenced ia tho fraudulent attempt to pick it at the Crystal ' Palace , in August , lS 3 i . by John Goat or ; foreman to " Messrs . Chubb , for " tho REWARD of 200 Guineas . See Pamphlet and Description , to be had gratis . Fire and Thiff proof Iron- Safes , Pliite and'jewel-Chests , Deed . Cash , and DcspatchBoxes , 'Embossing Diesi&c Warranted Strcct-Door Latches , 17 s . < 5 d . each . *"" ..
Untitled Ad
DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK . FI YE PER CENT , is paid on all Sums received on DEPOSIT . Interest paid half-yearly . The Right Hon . the Earl of DEVON , Chairman . G . H . LAW , Manager . Offices , G , Cannon-streetWest , E . C .
Untitled Ad
B ANK OF DEPOSIT , Established a . d . 1844 . 3 , Pall-Mall East , London . Parties desirous of INVESTING MONEY are requested to examine the Plan of the Baxk of Deposit , by which a high rato of Interest may be obtained with aiuiile security . The Interest is payable in January and July . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Forms for opening Accounts sent free on application .
Untitled Ad
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by RoyalCharter , lS 47 . LETTERSof CREDIT and BILLS issued upon Adelaide , Port Adelaide , and Gawler . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Every description of Hanking business is also conducted direct with \ ictoria , Aew South Wales , and the other Australian Colonies , through tho Company ' s Agents . Apply at 54 , Old Broad-street , Loudon , E . C . WITjLTAM PURDY , Manager .
Untitled Ad
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . WELLINGTON LOAN & INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION ( Limited ) , 3 , Chatham-place " JBlackfriars . JibndOn . Deposits received at 0 per cent . Interest , payablo half , ¦ y early . " ' . ' Loans granted at moderate rates . Particulars of CHARLES W . ROE , Secretary . ? J . B . Asrents renuired in town and country .
Untitled Ad
NATIO NAL LINEN COMPANY . p . blishfid 1 « years , for tho SALE of HOUSEIJOI T ) ,,, i FAMILY LINEN of tlio best qualities , every article in , „ especially for their dillerent uses , and warranted lor ilnVi bility nnd purity of bleach . ma ' City Branch . 105 , Flwt . street ( B . C . ); West End ISraiK-l . 130 , New Bond-street ( W . ) .- ; iilfln < » .
Untitled Ad
NAT IONAL LINEN COMPANIE S LISTS of PRICES contains full particulars , m-iecs mwi widths . Sent free by post . ' LLb > and City Branch , 105 . Floot-strcct ( K . C . ) , foot of Ludsratc-liin West End Branch , 130 , New Bond-street ( W . ) , comer of Grosvenor-stroet .
Untitled Ad
N ATIONAL LINEN COMPANY . LADIFs are INVITED to SEND for PATTERNS forcorlparison , and free by post . ' Address either to the City Branch , 105 , Fleet-street CE p > or-130 . New Bond-street ( W . ) . v """
Untitled Ad
NATIONAL LTNEN COMPANY . OLD PATTERN BRUSSELS CARPETS , original prices ¦ is . 9 . 1 . per yard , arc selling at 3 s . ( Id . A large stock now on hand of Tapestry Brussels , 2 s . 2 < 1- to 2 s . ( id . per yard . Velvet Pile and Turkey Carpets , Table Covers , and ' Curtains of every description . Price lists free . Patterns forwarded ia town or country . Address , 105 , Fleet-street ( E . C ) .
Untitled Ad
WINES FROM SOUTH AFRICA . DENMAN , INTRODUCER of . the SOUTH AFRICAN PORT , SHKRRYj Ac . 2 < is . per dozen , bottles included . A PINT SAMPLE OF EACH FOP . 21 STAMPS . Wine in Cask forwarded to any Railway Station in Knulaud . 'Extract from the Lancet , July Kith , 1 S 3 S . The Wives of Sol'tii Aruic . x . — " We have visitwl Mr . Desman ' s Stores , selected in all eleven samples of wine , aiitf li . ave subjected them to careful annlysntiou . Our exaiuimtion has extended to an estimation . of their bouquet nml flavour , their acidity and sweetness , the amount of wino stone , the strength iu alcohol , and particularly to their purity . We have . to . sl-.-ite . th .-it these Wines , thou : r ) i brandiel toa inueli less extent than sherries , are yet on tlio average nearly as strong ; that they are pure , wholesome , ami in / rfectly free from adulteration . Indeed , considering the low price at which they an ; sold , their Quality is roinarkrib !? . " EXCELSIOR BRANDY , Pale or Brown , 1 js . p ^ r gallon , or . ' ' . ( is . per dozen . Terms Cash . -Countr-v orders mustfontnin a remiltanrc Cross Chcciues— " Bauk ' of London . " Prie ,: d Lists , with Dr . Hawaii ' s Analysis , forwarded on ' application . —JAMKS L . DRNM . VN , Go , « Jfenchureh-btreet , curaer of Railway-i-ilacc London . ' .
Untitled Ad
WINK NO LONGER AX EXTENSIVE LUXURY . -nrOUT , SIII-TRRY , MARSALA , MADiailA , 1 fcc , TWENTY SHILLINGS PER DOZl-. X ., imported by us from the Cn , | T 8- of Good Hope ., nnd -only charged half the usual duty by her Mnje- < y ' s Customs . "I find it to he pure and unadulterated , and I liavc no doubt , of its beiiij ; far more wholesome than the arfilicKn mixtures too often sold for jreniiino Sherry . "It . LETIIEBY , M . D ., L'judon Ilosjntal . ' A pint sample of either , 12 stamps . Term- * . ca > h or inference . Packages charged and allowed fur if returned . Delivered free to any of the Loudon Termini . Brandy , Pale or Brown , 15 s . per gallon . WELLER and HUGHES , wholesale . Wine and Spirit Importers , 27 , Crutchcd Friars , Mark-lauo .
Untitled Ad
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . —Notice of Injunction . The admirers of this celebrated I'Nh ^ aiu-iare pjirtieularlv requested to observe that none is ( rciiutiio hut thut which bears the buck la . Vx . 1 with the niinic ot Witliam LAZRNnV , as well as the front label sipiW " Elizabeth Laznibtj , "'and that for further security , on 'lie neck of every hot tlo of tho Genuine Snuoo will liciiej-forwanf appear an additional label , printed in screen nnd P'U , as follows : — "This notii-c will bo alllxod to Lnzejili . v ' s fam-ys Sdtico , iiropnrod at tlio original wnrolioiiM , in adilition to tho well-known labels , which aroprotoetcd aeninst iinitnnnii by a perpetual injunction iu Chancery of ' . 'lh Julyi ^^' 0 , Edwards-streot , Portinan-souaro , LoikIqij .
Untitled Ad
^ PO IN VALIDS , Merchants , nml otlioi \ s .-Thc . 1 . PATENT ALBERT PORTAHLH . LOl'NfJl ^ w CHAIR , the most luxurious and clienpof , ever inniiulWturod . Solf-propolliiiK Bath , Urih'hton . nnd cvn-y ot km description of chair for iu and out-door uso , Mci'linniut chairs and bodsof nvory doscriptiou , pdrnmbiuatorrt , * t . ( the larpost assortment in tho world ) , nlwnys on hami ioi Hiilo or hire . AK « nt » i— Messrs . Smith , Taylor , nml io .. Homhny , Hatnvia , SiiiKaporo . aud Sanuirnnu ' : ^ lossrs . r . w Brownoand Co ., Calcutta . Solo patentee ami niiiiiu i " 'ii »•[• J . WAUU . fl and 0 , Loicostor-sciuiirc , W C . Established W yenrs .
Untitled Ad
C YDENHAM ALPACA OVl'lliCOA'l * iov O Suinmor Wear . Admirably ndaptod for tho iI ' nrk H . iJay FoHtlvnls , Rftco-OoursoH , Country Uainblos , Bully i , }«" Woar , or tho Soa-Sido , and equally convenient for n vi im in hot dryweathor from tho protouUon which t . h " . vn » " « aeainHtdiiHt , without tho oneuiubNinni nf we \ m < " > ' »" roHtmlut of traiiHjjirntlon . TIicbo kooiIh urn nmtl ; . ' ' doffrcq of oaro lilthorto unpnicodeiiti'iL l «| i « '"' TrouHors of lino llRht oloth , 17 s . Ocl . j > V ««« teo at ( ' lV" ) l l 1 w . ; Sh . ( Id . ; BuainoHH or Park Coat , 17 h . ( Id . ; B . vdonliiim ^ " » " ^ UvqrooatMir Moltou Oloth , 2 Ik . i Ooiii | il « lo Stilts for »« 2 I « . ; Goutlomon ' H comploto Jivoniuff Dross or O \ w « » ' »' , OJJh . ThoSydonhamcoiiHtriKition nn is now weUK" >) ' " ofl ' ooluallydirected toaocurotho nuwt porfeft , rot ( n J . in » oattydt In all poHltloiiH of tho body . » I »« " V iY Invontora . SAMUEL BROTH ERS . 2 l > , I . iHlKnt" - ' " ' .
Untitled Ad
THE 35 s . INVERNESS WRAPPERS , Tl 110 mm . TWBBD SUITS , AWD Til Ji ! 1 flavT , RQUSERfs , ARE all ma < Je to Order from tho Now SCO J . VU CHEVIOT , nil Wool Twcody , of WliiU-i ;«« ' « \*» Xi thoroiifflily Hliruiik , by B . BliJN . IAMIN , Aloi In ll | " l ' nmlly 'lWlor , 74 . ltotcont-street , W . PuttoniH < vi L ' ^ vo ' with dlrootloiiH for AIoaHuromonl ; , Honfc tnw . i »« ^ fc ^ GUINMA DRES 8 or FROCK C () AT . IIio nIJIN OA . IW ? VUOUSJSnS , Mid fcho HALF GUINEA WA 1 SXOOA *» - N . B . —A norfoct ( It B » i » 'nntood .
Untitled Article
10 S 2 THE LEA PE E ^_ ^ pSo-jW , Octobeii JUV 1858 ,
Untitled Article
covering an advantage no other v * ii * It-K % w * 4 tlmt ii JK * 3 mccJb * llafiHljiu'od by * ^ lW& ^^ A ^ JB £ lfi ^^^^ / fa / GrigJmf * aKgl iJzsPP otaaland As ^^ -JBB BtiWtTnCBrto ^ I ( hl 5 ffi * MfcfmraftW ^<* f 1 S 1 \^^^ W |^^|» S 3 ^ SK ^^^ UUVUilllf ^ I an advsintago no other La JMkedbl uSnMjuvea b ; 1 1 _ ioil « t > Jji iml ! il jm nil 1111111 » 18 [ EtcTVcTSM :-TS :
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 16, 1858, page 1082, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2264/page/2/