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Untitled Ad
. - - HOLLOWAY'S PILLS . LIVE R COMPLAINTS . — -The virtues of these incomparable Pills aro fully appreciated in every part of thKaSed world . As they apt on the general system throuriTtbe circulation , there are few diseases which they < £ nua ? cure , but they are especially efficacious in all disorders of the liver . For these they are an indubitable specific . They possess unrivalled potency for good , while they cannot aoharm . A child might physic itself with these pills , and without tho slightest danger , except from such excess aa would make the most wholesome aliment in the world ail evil . By reducing the superfluous bile , regulating its due secretion , and giving tone to the stomacli , they effect a perfect arid permanent cure . I - [
Untitled Ad
BLAIR'S GOUT AMD RHEUMATIC PfLLS . Price is . lid . and 2 s . 9 d . per box . T HIS preparation is one of the benefits which the science of modem chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during the first twenty years of t he present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance ; but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every rank of life , that pubhe opinion proolwms this as oue of the most important discovenesof the present 'Ann These Pills require no restraint of diet or confinement during theiruse , and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part . Sold bv all Medicine Vendors . See the name of " Thomas Peout , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government Stamp . ' k ' ; 1 ' i
Untitled Ad
TSERNETHY'S PILL FOR THE NERVES AND MUSCLES . INVALIDS who suffer from Lcrwness of Spirits , Want of Sleep , Loss of Appetite , and Bilious Attacks , -will hail this medicine as a great blessing . It acts by purifying the blood and by restoring the stomach , liver , , and bowels to their heal £ by state , and thus eradicates melancho ' y , weakness of limbs , &c The smallest size box will be quite sufficient to convince any invalid of the extr aordinary virtues of these pills . Price Is . ltd , 2 s . 9 d ., and 43 . 6 d . a box . Agents—Barclay , 95 , Farrmgdon-street . and Hannay , 63 , Oxford street . Any medicine vendor will procure thern . - ¦ ,
Untitled Ad
THE BEST RENIEDV FOR INDIGESTION . NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently recommended as a simple but certain remedy for Indigestion , which is the cause of nearly all the diseases to which we are subject , being a medicine so uniformly grateful and beneficial , that it is with justice called the " NATTTEAIi SXBBWGTHKIfEB OP THE HUMAST STOMACH . " XOKTOX'S PILLS act as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient : are mild in their operation ; safe under any cnv cumstances ; and thousands of persons can now bear testimony to the benefits to be derived from their use . Sold in Bottles at I ? , lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., and lls . each , in every town in the kingdom . CAUTION!—Be sure to ask for "Norton ' s Pills , " and do not be persuaded to purchase the various imitations .
Untitled Ad
HALSE'S SCORBUTIC DROPS . TH IS old-established Herbal Preparation has a miraculous effect in all Scorbutic Complaints , quickly eradicating all impurities from the blood . Indeed , a finer purifier of the blood cannot well be conceived , the pale , sickly complexion speedily being converted to the roseato hue of heafih . Ladies should have recourse to this preparation , instead of using the dangerous cosmetics now so much in vogue . Price 2 s . 9 d . and lls . a bottle . Wholesale Agents—Barclay and Sons , 95 , Farringdon-street ; Hannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street , Any London or country medicine vendor will procure the above for any customer .
Untitled Ad
VALUABLE INFORMATION ! GRATIS ! A neatly printed book , . 100 pages , TEN THOUSAND COPIES of which aro being issuod GRATUITOUSLY , by tho " ANATOMIOAl ANP PATHOiOGICAi SOCIETY QV GEBAT Beitain . " The Society proaents this important work to tho publio gratuitously , tor tho benefit Of those who aro suffering from debility , nervousness , loss of memory , dimness of sight , drowBiness , indigestion , irritability , and general prostration of the system , incapacity for study , ueinoss , or society , awd especially recommends it to , Young- Mew . , ( " Most valuable to those who feel an interest in the subjects treated of , showing sufferers themoBt certain means of recovering perfect health . " -i-if « McaJ Journal , Enclose two stamps to prepay postago , and address Dr . . "W . B . Maraton , Anatomical museum , 47 , Bornors-atroot , 1 Oxford-street , London . ]
Untitled Ad
VISIT THE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT OF LAWRENCE HYAM , J MEUOHANT CLOTHIER AND MANUFACTURER , j CITY—38 , GraceohuTqta-itreet , 1 t nw-nnisr " WEST—189 and 190 , Tottonham-court-roaa , / LOWVOW ' . In tho BEADY-MADE DEPARTMENT , such an immense assortment of HENS ' . BOYS ' , and YOUTHS ' CLOTHING , consisting of garments of the moat novel , ! durable , and elegant designs , can rarely bo aeon . Tho Public will effect a great saving , tho prices being baaed on \ the moat ooonomical prjnolplos , consistent with sterling > quality—tho onlyteBt of cheapness . f BOYS' AND JUVENILE DEPARTMENT . — Nothing J can exceed the variety and novelty of design in thia depart- i mont . For tho winter season , such an immense assortment 1 Is provided as to ewjeod all t , HYAM'S forjnor efforts . Tho " prlcos , as uauaLOTeJJ ^ wjmOTv tho most economic scale . The ORDBRBP DBPARTJONT contains a magnificent ' assortment of oyory novelty for tho season . The Artistes , t who aro celebrated for refinoo , taste and style , aro guaran- < toes for ft goc 4 fit . Economy la thaloadlnorfoaturo , < * $ SF& * S £ MWflrtfl i ES £ » ffiflas ^ 8 &Fmtoffi t % ' s % & \ ^ Ij . VyAM mabkis every Garment In PLAIN FIGURES , j Jroxnfwhloh no deviation is madoj and no garment need tee kepi , when seen at home , if not 1 satisfactory , but can bo 1 < Jx « hangod within any reasonable time , U returned In good ; condition . 1
Untitled Ad
" | ' t < < i 1 ; 1 r > ENTLTEMEN'S FASHIONABLE OVJGR-\ JC COATS at IIYAM and CO . 'S 13 STAULIS 1 IMRNTS / 80 , OXFORD STIIMJST . Tho Now Invornona Capo , Sloovo Oivpo . Rodlngoto , and Silk-Lined Oyor-ooats at a Guinea , Gulnoa ancfa Half , and Two and Throo Guineas , aro do- 1 Bignod and mado in all tho Winter Matorla a by cutters 1 and workmen In oonstant practice on this description of drosa , and suporlor stylo and quality aro guaranteed . Tho I order dopartutont in connexion with each oatubllahmont ia < unUor orfiolohb management , and ofl ' ors various induce- < wonts to gentlemen . ' SPECIAL ATTENTION Is dlroofrod to the following Es- j tabllshmonts with which HYAM and 00 . alone aro connootodt London , 80 , 1 Oxford-Ntroot , West End ; BlrmlMghftm , Zi , Now-atrcot t Leeds , < l& , Briggnto . t
Untitled Ad
. ! ¦ \ > f J i 1 HYAM and OO . 'S CONJOINT GAKMJBNTS for Gontlomon . Thoao consist of tho Guinea Coat and Vests . Tho True-fitting Trousers and Voat at Ono Pound , and tho Coat , Trousern , and Vest , or suit conjointly , at Thirty-eight ShilUnsH . The New l ' agot Jiickot . Sac Jaokot , Dross and Surtout GoatN . half Dross and full Dross Suits , &o ., aro cut from matorlala which vary »» much n auallty and toxturo as in pattern , so that Gontlomon will Uad no dJUloulty whatever in suiting their tastes to tho utmost nicety . ___^_____ ,
Untitled Ad
, . 1 ] J " TUVENILK OVERCOATS at HYAM and fj CO . 'S ESTABLISHMENT , 80 , OXFORD STREET , aro realising a merited amount of favour . Now patterns have been designed , and a much groator variety of sizes have boon introduced so as tp adjust tho Garments to tho slightest possible variation in ago , growtlj , and figure Boll Sleeve Oopos , poncho Oapos . and Oollcffo Capes , for Children , 10 a . 6 d ., 15 s . Cd ., and . 21 s . Winged Capes , bao Capos . andOsbornoUver-Coats , for Hoys , 12 a . ed ., IBs . Od ., and Sob . Inverness Capes , Sleeve Oapos , and tho Now Close-fitting"ltodingote / ' for older youths , 21 s ., 80 s ., and 30 s-
Untitled Ad
, ( YAM and CO ., 80 , OXFORD STREET . — CLOTHING for tho YOUNG should correspond with ago , and juvenility should bo studied in dross for Children . 3 ioys , and Youths . Parents and Guardians are informed that HYAM a-nd CO . 's Juvenile Suits and Separate Garments display adaptation in stylo and make , besides being durable , protoctivo in material , and economical in prier > . Belt Suits for Children at 10 s . fld ,, 15 s . 0 d ., and 21 s . School Suits for Boys at 15 s . Gd ., 21 h ., and 25 s . Capo Suits and Osborno Suits , newly introduced . 25 s ., 32 s ., ana ; $ 8 s .
Untitled Ad
' 1 1 I < < ' j t CAUTION TO INVALIDS . Recent lnvostl K ntloiiB hiivo M | K » s «« l l «[ . j '"'''! ' / ' ^ " ^ ily tho docopt ions pmctlbod by a cortuli ( -li » h ti ' ) 'l | " , ^ ro « pecta ») le , but not ovor-Horu | iu «»«» , «!«««' ; ^ ' . ' ^' ^ cn uiion tho Jlcditml ProftjhHloii iiml tlm 1 ; e » nl 1 K <• m " , 0 AmoiiBHt thoso ' tricks » f trnilo" nn- Iho « ul ; i I ' , Injure tho roputoand chock Hie *> l' mil ( ''/ ' ' ' hlycsanJ pnro ramody . extensively rccouniiiHidoil 1 ii « K"y , timatod by tho X ' nouH . v in th | . s niui « t ktco i il i ^ m Jongh ' H LlKht-Drown Cod Liver Oil-by < li ^ P » rnf- )> Kl " , vatiousand the iiitniHivo rocoinn ) ouiliiti <» n 1 ^ <¦ , ,, , ly Htltittlonor al ' ftlo , Yollpw . or C uarao , { . Jl' »" ,. / , I ,,,, iIvob inaotivd or sorioiwly pernicious i » «» { V ' . f' 1 H lo , UM'i ! w for this exceptiuuablu vonduol nro too » b 01 imi ° ^ , Hl „ . plaiiatloin but II , Jhi'IkiL t » cnulloii puivhi y m " ^ ul poablblo iiurioHltluii . aHwell usto prt-vfii ; !' , ( Viunblo nnU mnlntivin tho reputation oi' an uiiqu oHlloniU'ii addition to tho Matorla Modlou . .,, , «« i , l oni . v Dr . do JoiiKh ' H LlKht-Hrowii Cod l ^ vor Oil » 7 , l ' . | Hl iw ., In Imperial Ualf . pl 11 ts , 2 H . m . i JMntu , ; »¦«• • ' ; f ™\ vithoapsufod « hd laViollod with IiIh » tiiiHj » hi ' ' «' " ' i , nwnr OUT TOIOH NONU CAN l'OS 8 l UlA ' 11 1 > , f " . * J ^ ' j ,, l ( l " lII hl > . S ' rospootablo OljomiHtH throughout Uju l ' rovlixjts ^" don b y hb Solo UrltlHh AkohIh , Kimnil V . f - » AT ^ SAR . HAliFORU . and CO .. 17 . *» " ^ % \) Urts of By whom the Oil is dally forwanlod to nu i « tho Mot . ropolib .
Untitled Ad
THE 35 s , INVERNESS WRAPPERS the JEtvbkd sum , a Tine 1 % ' 3-tW&H A XiE all made to Order from the N « w&UH J- i CHEVIOT , all Wool Twoml j . or M ... ^; " ^ thoroughly shrunk , by li . 1 » ' - 'J , ' i , V . ,.,,- „ ml l ) r-it"i"i Family Tailor , 7 * . Ro . K « "t-Htrect , \> . J "J 1 ^ ^ Tli TWO with directions for JMoasurouicnt . nj-nt h <; • ... ' { ' ^ ijp , ^ GUINEA DUESH or FUUOK COAT , ho ( . ' ^{ ijTO . TROUSERS , and tho IIA l . V CH I NEA M . MIsH-UA i .-N . B . —A i » orlocl lit KuaraiHeuu ^_ .
Untitled Ad
CAUTION . IN consequence of many impudent attempts to deceive the public , it is nrei'ssiiry to stnti-1 lint all Messrs . Kicoll's ' manufactures mfiv be iltotniKuishcd by a traileniark , consisting of a silk lalu-1 attiu-lioil tooidi sjxcmicn : to coi ; y this is fraud , and may b « thus dftcutcl : if the rarnii'iit is * dark-colon rod , tho labt-1 bus : ; bl : u-U prrouti . V . \ vu ti tlu ; linns name and address wu . vou by tho . Tiiciiuard luum in milco ' ourod . silk ; if the garment is'lmht-colouiTd , lln > label has a pnlo drab ground , and rcl letters . Lneli f . al > 111 ^ " marked in plain ( ifrures , at a lixod inudi . 'ratc itmv , anens of the best materials . . ,. „„;„„ = II . J . and I ) . Nieoll have rocoRinsod a . ^ nlfj ni \ ni ious parts of tho United Kinedum uml ColtJiiU ^ . aiw »»>• "J '"'; Illation forwarded tlircui |< li them wjJI he tlmnklii Us nek nowlcdRcd or paid for , ho that the fc . -iino mny h . wl to tli . « <» mcution of any prison cop . > hip their- trade in : irk , < . i 1 •< ^ «» uiifaii * uso of thoir name ; that is to say , 111 Mioh a mnu . itr as may he calculated to inislunil . , „ ,,-, v ^ Ktirnod ) II .-T . nnd D . Ml . OLi-RKGRNT-HTUEKT and roUNJUM- l ^ iuloii . __
Untitled Ad
~ SrOENHAM TOP-GOAT , 42 s . Easy . warm , waterproof , and elegant ; the most perfect overcoat out . ^ -SAMUEL BROTHERS , Merchant Tailors , 29 , Ludgate-hill . SYDENHAM SCHOLAR'S SUIT , complete for 43 s . 0 d ., coptiprlsinR Trpuser ^ i . 17 s . 0 d-: Waistcoat , 8 s . 0 d .: and coat , 17 s . ad . —SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 , Ludgate-hill . SYDENHAM TROUSERS , 17 a , < 5 d ., universally admitted to bo the most elegant , comfortable and durable thsit can bo niade . —SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 , Ludeatc-hill . Patterns and Guide to Self-Moasurcmcnt sent froc .
Untitled Ad
132 , REGENT STREET , W . W M . CLARK'S CLERICAL SUITS , at S 4 s . Made from the permanent finished cloth , that will neither spot nor shrink . Clorical Gowns and Surplices equally moderate in cost , WM . CLARK , Clerical Tailor , 132 , REGEXT-STREET , W .
Untitled Ad
¦\ THJOLL \ S PAT ISN'T CAPE PALETOT JJil offers t lie followii ' ist JcmiIi-rat vihi : the Cape descends from the front )> arl of the shoulders , and forms a . spoi ; i «> s of sleeve for each sirni . both arc at jierfcet fn'eduin , liavinjr to pass through enlarged apertures in the side or body of the Paletot ; those apertures , however , are duly covered b y tjic Cape , wliieh docs not appear nt the baek . part of the l ' alrtot , but onlv in tho front , and thus serves to form haupnig sleeves , at the same time concealing the hands when jilaced in the pocket ... The garment is altoiret her . most i-on \ viiicnt and prraeeful in nppen ' rance , ani ' f-csui in London alonMichjul of H . J . audU . NICIIOLI .. 1 , 11 . U 0 , 11 s , and 110 , RLC . J . \ TSTREET ; and ^ . CORNIULL .
Untitled Ad
, 132 . REGENT-STREET , W . W ]\ r . CLARK , from H . J . and D . NICOLL . The NON-REGISTERED PERMISTIO CLOTH ' PALETOT : the cloth used for this graceful garment bcniff k made from the Llama and Astro-can wools , has a great a . d' vantase over the ordinary Llama cloth , borne finer and 1 stronger , with a permanent finish , retaining allI the softnoSs ; of the Llama ; it is an article of clothing that illustrates , 1 both in material and design , perhaps better than any other ' garment of the season , tho prevailing and growing taste ; amongst the well-dressing part of the public for chasteness and simplicity of-stylo in dress . It is made only in dark , fine cloths , or in dark colours slightly mixed with a lighter shade ; some of these plain colours are of distinctly novel tints , and the few sprinklings of mixtures added in i others to theso original shades , produce a variety quite sufficient to give ample choice without impairing in the slightest degree the character required for a quiet and S t \ vo of these latter aro especially adapted for Frock Coats for clergymen ; one of them is so dark as not to be easily detected ' from black , but affording more durability for wear-than can be produced in plain black . The other is a little lighter , and while it is equally well adapted for , Frock Coats is also peculiarly suitable for clerical and other quiet professional paletots . „ , . - „ . ~ ,. Wni . Clark has also a very strong fabric of fine Doeskin , in exactly tlie saine colourings for trousers , and which is more durable than ordinary cloth , in plain colours or mixtures "• the price is alike for the Paletots , Morning , or Frock Coats , 42 s ., and the Trousers , 2 ls . ; for Lounging . Travelling , or Business Suits , made from the Patent finished Cotswold Angolas , at 60 s . ; Waterproof Capes and Overcoats of every description and novelty in material , from 21 s . Full dress Evening Suits , Black cloth Dress Coat , AV lute vest , and Black Trousers , complete for 75 s . ; every other article of Dress equallv moderate in cost . Ladies ' Riding Habits , in Waterproof Tweeds or Melton Cloths , for morning wear , 60 s . ; do . do . in superfine cloth , 5 / . to * il . 7 s . WM . CLARKi- Military and Clerical Tailor and Robe Maker , 132 , REGENT-STREET , W . . ; I , : ,
Untitled Ad
, 132 V REGENT-STREET , W . NEW TAILORISTG ESTABLISHMENT for the Professional and Commercial Public , Clerical , - Le ^ ' aild c % R e GEfStreet , w .. WM . CLARK , from II . J . and D . KICOLL . :
Untitled Ad
132 , HEOENT ^ STREET , W . i TVTEW TAtLORTNG ESTABLISHMENT JIN for tho Nobility and Gentry . Naval , Military , and 1 Clerical Tailor a ^ Outflgo ^_ sTREET ^ [ WM . CLARK , from H- J . and D . NICOLL . .
Untitled Ad
. _ a B — ^ ^^ - » ¦ a 4 ^ & *¦•» & a « hkim . ^^ ¦ — p " ^ ^ ¦ ^ ^ aa ^^^^ . ^ , fJICOLL'S NEW REGISTERED PALETOT " *" H AS all those advantages which secured «»„! * v » . SCnoral Popularity to Messrs . ^ icoll'&original i ) aw ? that is to say , as it avoids giving to the wearera Ouw ° ' . pcaran . ee , that protesionol men , . and all others ™ , f ? P ; durnifc morning and afternoon , in or put of doors . ' Secomfi . there is an absence of unnecessary seams , thus socur f ^ more graceful outline , and a great saviho in wn- > v Sa latter advantago is considerably enhanced bv thfit : cation of a peculiar and neatly stitched biudinc tL « i' * of effecting which is patented . . UU 1 » S . ¦ uio mode In London , the NEW REGISTERED ? AL"ETfVr alone be had of " II . J . and 1 ) . NICOLL 111 lie iis Cai ! 120 , Regent-street , and 22 , Coruhill . ll > - 1 ^ US , aud
Untitled Ad
. A NEW DEPAR TMENT FOR YOUTH , &C 7 ~ ~ H . J . and D . NICOLL recommend for an out side Coat the Havelock and r ' atent Cape 1 ' alotnf . and for ordinary use the Cape Suit , such being woil ail-mforf ; for young gentlemen , on aec-oimt of -exhibiting considei ' -il , i » I economy with pen oral excellence . Gentlemen at J- 'ton Har , row , and Winchester , the Military Naval Schools waited nn by uppointment . A great variety of niaterials adanted fnr : the Killed or Highland Costume , as worn by the Itovni , Princes , maybe seen at ¦ > dl WARWICK HOUSE , 112 and 1-tt , llegeiU-slreet
Untitled Ad
FOR LADIES ~~ NICOLL'S PATENT HIGHLAND CLOAK is a combination ' of utility . elc > ganec , ' nnd comfort No Lady havintjseen or usud such in travcllihir , for mornin " ' wear , or for . eovrring full dress , would willingly be wiihoi ° one . It soniewhat rcsemUlcs tlu > old Spanish Uovnielairc ' and lias an elastic Capucino Hood . It is not cumbersome or heavy , and measures from l : ! lo 10 yards rotiim iho outer eilge . falling iu graceful folds from the shoulders : but In-n , mechanical eontrivnnce ( such heinir a part of tlie Patent ) the wearer can instantly form sviui-sli-cves , and thus leave the arms at liberty : at the same time ' t he cloak caiv bo made as quickly to resume its oriiriunl shapf . Tilt ? materials Chielly used for travelling are the yoft neutral-coloured shower-proof Woullen Ciotlis inanufacturi'd by this firm , but for the promenade other . materials are jirovidod . The price will be twoyniiit ' . is and a half for each Cloak ; but with the ftleeanique and a lined Hood a f < _ -w shUlinirs more ares charged . This department is attended to by Ciitters , who prepare Mantles of all kinds , with Velvet , ' rur , or Olo th Jackets , either for iu or out-door use . These at all timeslike this Firm ' s Kid-ing Habit —are . in good taslc and lit-well . Female attendants may aKo be st-cn for I ' antalons des Dames ft Cheval . partially ' Composed of Chamois . Asno measure is required , the Patent Jlig . hlaud Cloak can bo sent at once to any part of the Country , and is thus well adapted for a gift . "' .. -... H- J . and D . NICOLL , Warwick House , U 2 and 114 , Regent-street . Louden . ' __ _ _
Untitled Article
1334 TIJE LEADER . [ No . 454 December 4 , 185 R ¦ ' * : ¦ - ^—^—^—^—— - ^ . " . ' _^ ^^ mm —^ 1^———IM ^ B ^^^ Mi ^^^ M ^^^**^™^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ . _ a B — ^ ^^ - » ¦ a 4 ^ & *¦•» & a « hkim ^^ ¦ — p " ^ ^ ¦ ^ ^ aa ^^^^ . ^ fJICOLL
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 4, 1858, page 1334, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2271/page/30/