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New Edition , crown I 6310 , antique cloth , red edges , 4 a ., EMBLEMS , DIVINE AND MORAL . ;• ¦/ . '¦ JByPBANGIS QUABIiES . " With a sketch of the Life and Tunes of the Author . Illus-•¦ ' trated with 78 Engravings . • • ? Queries' { F . Y "School of the Heart . " NeVr Edition , will be ready early in Pecember . Iibndon ;' . WuJliam : Tbso and Co ., 85 , Queen-street , dheapaide * B ; G . - ¦ ;¦ ' - . .- •?¦ " , ¦ ¦' ¦ •• . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ .
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Frontispteo © , 18 « n& , cloth , silt Odges , Is . 6 d ., freo by post , iv O U B W I L LI E ;" ob , Home Teaching . By Mrs . "W . H . COATES , Author of "look up , or , Girls and Flowers , " "Grace jDermott , " Sec London : WntiAM Tegg and Co ,, 85 , Queen-street , Gheapside , E . G .
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MOSHEIM'S ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY . 8 vo , cloth , 89 ., MOSHEIM'S INSTITITTES OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY , AJTCIENT AMD ilODEBN . A New arid Literal Translation from the original Latin , 'wish copious additional Notes , original and selected , by JAMES MURDOCH , D . J > . Revised , and Supplementary Notes added by James Soaton Bold , D . D . London : ^ Wixmam Tegg and . Co ., 85 , Queen-street , Cheapside . E . G .
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Frontispiece , ISmo , cloth , gilt edges , Is . Od ., free by post , bunny seasons of boyhood . By the Author of " The Village and tho Vicarage , " « co . , V Like sportive deer they coursed about , And shouted as they ran , Turning to mirth all things of earth . As only boyhood can . " Londont Vfau * iAM Tboo and Co ., 85 , Queon-stroot , Ohoapeldd , B . O ; . '' .
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DUBLIN "UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE , No . 318 . DECEMBER , 1858 . Christianity in India . Rides upon Mules and Gerald Fitzgerald , "Tho Donkeys—VI . Conclusion 1 Chevalier . " By Charles Among tho Granite Lever . Part XII , Boulders of Syeno . Beoent Cambridge Lttora-. Anastft » i » .. ture . Chronicles of Castle Cornet . The Blaok Chamber . A A Tale . . German Ghost Story . , lleoent Novels , gtftttsttqa of Irish Prosperity . Remonstrances of a Radical . PiibHn j Awmx . Thome and Sons ; Londoni Hurst and BXAOKBfTT . __
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NEW ILLUSTRATED BOOK FOR THE SEASON . Published this dny , in One Volume , orown 8 vo , with 80 Illustrations , beautifully bound in clotli , gilt odgoH , price <»• '" THE TRAVELS AND SURPRISING ADVENTURES 01 * BARON MUNCHAUSEN . ' , „„„ . The above old favourite , in a now dross , will bo gladly welcomed , a mod odltlon of " ^ wo ^ '' QftiK inS 21 ) wood-Jfc is now offered iilustrntifl with Illimitable humour by Alfred Orowniiill in 10 ohromo-lUhotfruplfic \> uav * cuts . The binding' has boon ouooutod by tho Mossru . Wostlpy in their bout Htylo . T T > fTWWF . W AND CO ., 00 , PATERNOSTEK-ROW . === rs ======= = =
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CHRISTMAS PRESENTS . THE INGOIiDSBY UEGEND 5 . Nineteenth Thousand . Price 5 s . EHE BENTLEY BALLADS : Choice Selections ttomJBiiMe ^ a Miscel lany . Price 5 s , BtTGKLAM ) 'B CARIOSITIES of NATURAL Bn ^ QBT . Small 8 vb . 6 s . Illustrations . Pfc ^ EESSOR CREASY ^ FIFTEEN DECISIVE BATTLES of the WOBLD . Eighth Edition . 8 vo . ¦ ' 'l ^ s . ( Bd . . . _ . , ' _^ PRb ^ BSBOR CREASY'S RISE and PROGRESS 0 * ^ Be ^ HWGLISlI CONSTITUTION . Fourth Edition . Post 8 vow 7 « . 6 d- SELECTIONS from the WRITINGS of ARCHBISHOP WHAfflBLY . Small 8 vo . 5 s . McCAUSLAlfiyS SERMONS in STONES ; or , Scripture Confirmed by Geology . Small 8 vo . 4 s , THE LABIES QF BEVOR HOLLOW . By the Author of f Mary Powelli" New Edition , small 8 vo . 5 s . TSfCMCES ON NOSES . Small 8 vo . 2 s . CDRlQsiElES of FOOD . By PETER LUND SIMMQNBS . Small 8 vo . 6 s . ~" MRS . ^ wiBB'S MaSyRS of CARTHAGE . Bmall 8 vo , with Two Illustrations . 5 s . MRS . WEBB'S IDALINE : a Tale of Egyptian - Bondage . Small 8 vo , with au Illustration . 5 s . CJUTHBEST BEDE'S FAIRY FABLES . With numerous [ Illustrations . 5 s . . 34 ISS AUSTEN'S NOVELS : Sense and Sensibility—Pride and Prejudice—Mansfield Park—Northanger'Abbey and Persuasion—Emma . 5 vols .. small liTA ^ Ciii ^ iii ^ RM ^ SlON . By JULES SIMON . - ¦ < T « S ^ 5 ^ br J ; W . COLE ; Edited by the Key . J . B . : - ^ f ^ n ^ m t ^ t ^ ¦ ftatSviiL ca . - .. • ¦ ..,: ' . ' j&g §? tf&feyTA ^ H ^ AfAiiTgT . TlsrR : a Tale of ? Auvergne . Small 8 vo , wit& Illustration . Ss . 5 d . BiIOHASD BENXiiBT , New Burlington-Btreet , * " ¦ PubU 8 hterin Ordinary ^ to Her Majesty .
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r ~* :.- immecUately . i * ** 9 '^^^ * rait > ^ . ^ w « PASSAGES $ 3 tiiW KY A ^ JTOBIOGBAPHY . ^^^^ " ¦^ JnfBJMHT I 4 J > Y MORGAN . * '¦ - Bi 6 habi > Bb » tust , New Burlington-street , PubKther in Ordinary to Her Majesty .
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I MR . CARLYUE'S NEW WORK . HISTOKY OF FRIEDRIGH THE SECOND CALLED FREDERICK THE GREAT . By THOMAS CARLTLE . Vols . I . and II ., demy 8 vo , With Portraits and Maps Price 40 s . Second Edition will be ready December Cth . MR . CARLYLES WORKS . COMPLETION OF THE NEW EDITION . Handsomely printed in Crown Octavo , price Six Shillings per Volume . THE FRENCH REVOLUTION : A His toby . In 2 Volumes . 12 s , OLIVER CROMWELL'S LETTERS AND SPEECHES . With Elucidations and Connecting Narrative . In S Volumes . 18 s . LIFE OF JOHN STERLING . > Ono volume . LIFE OF SCHILLER . S 6 s . CRITICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Essays . In 4 Volumes . 24 s . SARTOR RESARTUS . HERO WORSHIP . One Volume . 6 s . LATTER-DAY PAMPHLETS . One Volume . 6 s . CHARTISM . —Past and Present . One Volume . 6 s . TRANSLATIONS OF GERMAN HOMANCE . One Volume . 6 s . ^ WILHELM MEISTER . By GOTHE . A Translatien . In 2 Volumes . 12 s . Chapmaw and Haxl , 19 S , Piccadillj-.
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MESSRS . TRUBXERand Co .. in reply to the inquiries ot their numerous Subscribers , have much pleasureiinflnnouncinK that they will issue in December THE FIRST VOLUME ( comprising Letters A to J , 1005 pp ., imp . 8 vo , price 18 s . to Subscribers . 21 s : to Non-Subscribers ) of CRITICAL DICTIONARY OF ' ¦ ENGLISH LITERATURE , AND BRITISH AND AMERICAN AUTHORS , living and Deceased , from the Earliest Accounts _ tothe Middle ot the Nineteenth Century . Containing Thirfe-one Thousand Biographies and ^ teiWNpWces . v Witti an Index of Subject Matter . By S . AUSTm ^ LLIBONE . . The Second Volume ( Letter K to JZ . 'likewise © weeding i « 00 pp . ); whfclils in a very forward 8 tat 6 ( beinK ' stereotyped as ftw-as the Lotter S ) , will complete the work , And be published , with a most elaborate Index of Subject Matter , in the Autumn of 1859 , on the same terms as the First The above important work was originally announced to be published in 1857 , in onolvol . imp . Svo , of about 1600 pages , and the first appeal to the public on its behalf was signally successful ; Tho delay in the publication seems to have caused a feeling of disappointment among the patrons of the work , but it is hoped that'this feeling will g . ive way to one of lively satisfaction when tho first half of it is examined . The high expectations raised by tho mere announcement made it incumbent ubon the Author and Publishers to spare no expense or twnmle to bring the work to the greatest state of perfection ; and although stereotyped ( to the letter H at the time it was first announced , that portion has been entirely revised , partly re-written , and so much new matter introduced , that the subscribers will how receive above 20 . pages at no increase of price . Prospectuses and Specimens will be forwarded on application . TnuBNEn and Co ., CO , Paternoster-row , London .
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This day is published , 1 vol . 8 vo . 360 pp ., in handsome wrapper , price 10 s . 0 d ., MEMOIRES BE LIMPERATRICE CATHERINE II . Ecrits par Ello-mimo , ot prec 6 d 6 s ; 'd ' uno Preface , par A . Wi ^ lM ^ KN The abovo work cannot fall to create a groat sensation in all political and literary circles . It contains tho Memoirs of the . great Empress , written by herself , comprising the years ifU to 1758 , faithfully reproduced from the French original manuscript , with an t Introduction , by ALISXr Messrs . TrUbner ' and Co . hayo also in the press » n English translation of tho work , which will bo published at an early date . % * CAUTION . —Messrs . TrObn&r and Co ., in wliom tho copyright of tho original French Edition , and of tho translaflons into tho HnWah and German languages la vested , herewith intimate that legal proceedings will bo taken against any pqrsona Infringing upon tnolr riffhtB , TbUdneb and Co ., 00 , Patornostor-row , London .
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In one vol . post 8 vo , prlco 0 s ., cloth , ON THE EDUCATION OF THE PEOPLE OF INDIA . By CHARLES E . TR 15 VELYAN , Esa-, of tho Bengal Civil Service ( 1 S 38 ) . The LETTERS of INDOLVIIILUS to the 7 V » J TWrd Edition , complete ( . March , 18 BS ) Royal » vo , 1 . «« . PAPERS-originally published at Onlcuttn . in « j * and 1830 on tho APPLiCATIONr « JLtho RQMAN ^ TJjj Bgto - tho LANGU AG K * pf 1 NW A . To which hw »!^ T an , a Letter from tho Rev . « . 0 . Mntlior to Bli t- ' 'JJ'SfV showing the progress made up to thoComnionoQimiieoi groat Mutiny , "" ' v ¦ Londom Lonqman , llpowy , ana Oa ^ Patorn ^ i ^
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Now ready , Second Edition , in 2 vols ., fcap . Svo , price 8 s ., THE ADVENTURES OF TELEMACHITS , THE SON OF ULYSSES . A POETICAL TRANSLATION FROM THK FKEMCn . By EPWIN V . SIMCOX . London : Longman . Bboavn , and Co . ; SniPKfJf . JUbsnAU , nnd Co . ; and R . pAViua , ihrininghaiiK ^
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NEW NOVEL . Just published , and may be had at all Libraries , AN OLD DEBT . By FLORENCE DAWSOX . In " 2 vols . post , svq . London : SaiiTn , ElDKn , and Co ., 65 , Cornliill .
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MR . PAYNE COLLIER'S EDITIONS OP SHAKESPEARE . Hfovr ready , in six volumes , Svo , price 4 ? ., cloth , A LIBRARY EDITION OF THE WOBKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE . Edited / with Life , &c ., by J . PAYNE COLLIER , Esq ., P . S . A Also , in super-royal , price one guincav clotli , The PLAYS of WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE , in ONE VOLUME . Edited by J . PAYNE COLLIUIL , Esq ., F . S . A . London : WniTTAKEK and Co ., Avc Maria-lane .
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This day , ]> ost octavo , 7 s . Cd ., H A N W 0 E T H . Originally published in Fraser ' s Magazine . . London : Johit W . Pahketi and Sox , West Strand .
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THE LATE BARON ALDERSOX . This day , post octavo , 10 s . Gd . % SELECTIONS FROM THE CHARGES And Other . Detached Papers of Baron AUJcrson , with aa . Introductory Notice of his Life . " By CEAB . LES ALDERSON' , M . A ., Fellovy of All Souls , . Oxford . 1 London : Jonx \ V . Pabkkr and Roy , West Strand .
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This day . foolscap octavo , 5 s ., THE TW 0 M 0 TT 0 ES : a Tale . , J 3 y the Author of "Snmmerlcigh Manor . " London : John W . Pakk £ K and Son , "W ' cst Strand .
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This day , Three Volumes , 8 vo , 86 sv •*• , HISTORY OF THE LITERATURE OF ' . GREECE , From the Manuscripts of the late Professor K ft twttt LEB . Tho first half of the Translation by the lUriifSF * Sir G . COR-NEWALL LEWIS ., Bart ., M . ^ Ttoi ^ LS ? * of the Translation , and tho completion of tho Wbrft ' ' cordiug to tho Author's plan , bv JOHN WIttta *? DONAiDSON . D . T ) .. Classical Exaniinerln « heSS £ of London ; late Fellow of Trinity College , Cambridge y The new portion of the Work is sold separatelr Twn Voliimes , 20 s . London : Jonx "W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
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, 1 JR . WHEWELL'S INDUCTIVE SCIENCES . This day , price 7 s ., NOVTOff OROAN 0 N RENOVATUM : Being the Second Part of tho " Philosophy of the Inductivn Sciences . " Third Edition , Enlarged . Bv VlLLIAW WHEWELL , 1 > . D ., F . R . S ., Master of Trinity ' College Cam bridge . ¦ By the same Author , IIISTOnr OF SCIENTIFIC IDEAS : being the First Part of the * ' Philosophy of tho Inductivo Sciences " Third Edition . Two Vols ., 14 s . " 1 HISTORY OF THE INDUCTIVE SCIENCES . Third Edition , with Additions . Three Vols ., 2 ls . London : John W . Parker and So > r , West Strand .
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X 38 A THE LBABEB . [ iEyo . 454 , December 4 , 185 R-
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- LOKDON j Printer « na publishedby Jfr * aorl « k GueafeTomunn » t " Tho Loader" Ollloe No . S 02 Bfcrttnd , in the County of Miuaiowcx .-l . 'oooiiioor ¦* , aO ^ .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 4, 1858, page 1336, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2271/page/32/