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Incorporated under the Limited Liability Acts of 1 S 5 I jtiid 1 S 57 , whereby the liability of each shareholder i ; limited to the amount of his subscription . Capital 500 , 000 / ., in 50 , 000 shares of 101 . each , with power to increase . Deposit 27 . per share ; 1 ? . further payable upon allotment and a call of 21 . per share will be made iii about sis months . TRCSTEES . The Eight Hon . the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot , Rear-Admiral , Ingestre Hall , Stafford . Coleridge John Kennard , Esq ., banker , London . Edward Masterinan , Esq ., banker , London . r > I hectors . Right lion . Lord Viscount Bury , M . P .. Norfolk . Sir Peter Hesketh Fleetwood , Bart . ' , London . Sir Allan Napier Macnab , Dunbnrn Castle , Canada . John Arthur Roebuck , Esq ., M . P ., London . Thomas . Howard , Esq .. Manchester-George Peter Lascaridi , Esq ., London . John Orrell Lever , Esq ., Manchester . Thomas Osborne Stock , Esq ., Lloyd ' s , London . Harvey Lewis , Esq ., Director of the National Bank of Ireland , 24 , Grqsvenor-street , London . With power to add to their number . GrcuEEAi . Manager—A . M . Wier . Esq ., London . Secretary ( protein . }—John Marshall , Esq . EANKERS—Messrs . Heywood , Kennard , and Co ., London ; Messrs . Masterman , Peters . , and Co ., IiOndon ; the Provincial Bank of Ireland . Dublin , and its branches . Solicitors—Messrs . Hughes , Kearsey , and Co ., 17 . Bucklersbury , London ; Messrs . Vallanco aud Val lance , 20 , Essex-street , Strand , London . Brokers—Messrs . PhilipCazenove aud Co ., Threadneedlcstreet , London ; Messrs ; Boyle , Low , Pim , and Co ., Dublin-Offices , 40 , Cannon-street , London , B . C . The capital is fixed at 500 , 0007 .. in 50 , 000 shares of 107 . each . It is , however , considered that it niay not bo necessary to call up altogether more than 5 / , per share . Applications for shares must be accompanied by a deposit of 2 / . ]> or share . A further sum of II . por sharp will be payablo upon allotment , and a call of 21 . por share will bo made in about six months . By the terms of tho articles of association no call can exceed iil , por share , and an interval of three months at least must elapse between each call . prospectuses and forms of application for shares , with all further information , may bo obtained from the brokers , or at tho of Dees of tho coiupauy . Extract from a specoh of tho Lord-Lioutonant of Ireland , delivered on tho 18 th of August , 185 S :-r "I feel most confident anticipation , and I am not too sanguine in tolling you , thnt ero lpng Galway will bo tho high rond of communication , for passengers aud mails at least , botweon England and America . " N . R—No further applications for shares will bo roooivod by tho Dirqotors , so far as regards applicants in England , after tho 10 th instant .
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IMPERIAL LLFE INSURANCE COMPANY , 1 , OLD BROAD STREET , LONDON . Instituted 18 * 20 . DIUECTOnS . MARTIN TUCKER SMITH , Esq ., 31 . P ., Chairman , GEORGE WILLIAM COTTAM , Esq ., Doputy-Chaimmn . ThomasGoorgo Barclay , Esq . Goorgo Hibbort , Esq . James 0 . O . Boll , Esq . Samuol Hlbbort , Eaq , Jamos Brand , Esq . Daniel MIldrod . Eda-CharlesOavo , Esq . Thomas Newman Hunt , Esq . Cteorgo Uonry Outlor , Esq . Frederick Pattlson , Esq . Wonry Davidson , Esq . Will lam 11 . Robinson . Esq . ' Goorgo Field , Esq . Nowmnn Smith , Esq . BOUftITY . ~ Tl » o existing HabiHtloa of tho Company do < S i 9 P . od 3 , 000 , 000 ? . Tho Investments arc noarly 1 , 000 , 000 / ., in addition to upwards of 000 , 000 * . for which tho sliaro"oldors are responsible , and tho inooino is about 120 . 00 UJ . por annum . t > * $° FIT 8 . —Foim-FlimiB , or Eighty por cent , of tho Jrroflts , aro assigned to Policies ovory IIfth yoar . Tho noxt u P ? pnivtlon will bo mado in 1801 , and persons who now e » e ° fc / ijnsurancos will participate rafcafoly . -, ON ) J 8 . ^ -Tho additions ' to Policies have boon from Ivir a rAS ' * , " ' P ° r oonii ' on th 0 original sums insured . „ , CLAIMS—Upwards of 1 , 850 , 000 / . lias boon paid to ola i" » antB under jpolioioa . * \ 9 Posivlfl for fnsurauoos may bo mado at the chief oflfloo ? , » "ovoi at tho branch odloo , 10 , Pall Mall . London 5 or to any of tho ngonts throughout tho kingdom ! . SAMUEL ING ^ LL , Actuary .
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SPECIAL NOTICE . ROYAL-EXCHANGE ASSURANCE , August , 1868 . Life Policies offoctod during tho present yoar on the participating soalo will entitle thoir holders to share in tho division of Profits at tho end of tho yoar 1800 , provided tho assurances continue in force . Fubthbb Uowl'sub will bo doolarod at tho end of eveky Fxvjb Yxu ss .
Untitled Ad
ACCIDENTS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION . £ 1000 X 3 ST CASE pi ? DEATH , OR A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ G PER WEEK IN TUB EVENT OF INJURY , Slay boaoourod by an Annual Payment of . 63 for a Policy in the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY . A speoial Aot provides that porsons rocoivlngoomponsatlon from this Company are not barred thereby from rocovoring full damages from tho party causing tho injury } an advantage no other Company can , offer . It is found that ONE PERSON in ovory FIFTEEN is moro or loss injured by Accident yearly . This Company has already paid aa compensation for Accidents' 27 , 0882 . Forms of Proposal nml Prospootusos may bo had at tho Oompany ' eOMcos , anilnt all tho principal Rnihvny Stations , whoro , also , Railway Aooidents alone may be insured against by the Journey or yoar . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . RailwayPnssongors' Anauranco Company . OHlooo , 3 , Old Broad -Ntroot , London , E . O . WILLIAM J . VlAN , Soorotary .
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CHARITIES TO THE AGED BLIND , DISTRIBUTED BY THE PAINTERS COMPANY , ' LONDON . , Tho Gifts of John Stock , Esq ., lato of Hampstoad , paiutor j Mrs . Jano Shrink , formerly of Peckham , widow ; Mrs . Mary Graiugor , aiut others . —Wotico is horoby pivon , thaj ; a Court was hold at Painters' Hall , on the Sth inst ., when tho following Petitioners wore elected Ponsioners , at lOf . per annum , for life , to Mr , Stock ' s Charity , viz . ;—Elisabeth Allen , Baddosloy Clinton , Warwickshire ; Thomas Coro , Cfiniborne , Cornwall ; Mary Harrison , King ' s Stanley , Gloucostcr ; Dinah Mardlin , Snndridgo . Herts ; Samuol ShncUoll , St . I ^ eonard ' s , ShorodltoU ; Mary Soloman , St . Atavgan-in-Pydnr , Cornwall j Ilnnnnh Thornton , Olaokheaton , York ; Jaiuds Whinp , Nowchurch-in-Pondlo , Lanonstor ; William Woods , Walsden , Todmordon , Lancashire . To Mrs . Shank's Charity , ns Ponsionors for Life , at 10 ? . por annum s—Mary Colos , Sfa . Savlovir's , Chelsea ; Mary Curry , Bishop Auckland , Durham ; Edith Daunts , Lower Marsh , Lamboth ; Mary Holy Hold , Arcott , Oxfordshire ; Elizabeth Sadler , St . Stephen's , Marylobono ; Mary Simmonds , Tottonlmm , ' Mludlosox s and also , as a , Suporinunorary Pensioner for one year only , Lucy Vino , Tucklngml ) , Cainbourjjc ^ . Ciu : u-Blank forms , containing a receipt , will ^ jWv [? £ vff * L ?\ !>¦• prepaid , in January next , to tho Mliiistoiwf t ^ SffisS ^ T ^' / J hparishes , and which , on being ? Prosoiited f ^ nfjffWw ^ rjgHAJ- ' i j days ana hours assignod for payment , wilMitipi fft % ^ rSM ' \\ 1-to rocelvo tha pension . All frauds on wj ^ Wm ^®*^ ¦< \ "' 1 dealt with'necordiUK to litw . f ~ J r "" j fi > . 'p , V- < y . ^ ordor of tfio Courfc ' p . n . T ^ gMMfef ; 2 ? Palntors ' Hall , Deo . 8 th . mas . r , i W * mSH 85 k / Bsfo C 11 , Cainbouruc ^ . tjOtti . " nfoijgwf ^^ j _ W _^___^' v'py h " -
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WRITINQ EMGRAVERS \ QlW ^^^^ . ] M Const nut onn > IOv , wit h iUoral ^ 'ivi ! P ! * jP c W ^? S ^» J ^ Jf J * T * lauo , M ' ost jSiuitliiloliJ . —i ^ ^ . f ^ r i livlw lipcJre ^^ jjS ^ S ' f J y-m to alalN $£ W . ^ jjiJjiP £ / ' « * '
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PATENT DERRICK COMPANY ( Limited ) . Opfices-27 , CORNHILL , LONDON . Capital , 100 , 000 ? . In Two Thousand Shares of 501 . each . This Company ' s Derricks , which may be employed either as stationary or movable weight-raising apparatus , accomplish , expeditiously and economically , every description of hoist , whether on land or water , from 10 to 1000 tons and upwards . The Directors are prepared to construct , or licenso the construction , in any part of Europe , of Patent Floating , Transportable , or Stationary Derricks for Government Arsenals and Navy Yards , Harbour Commissioners , Dock Companies , Ship Builders , Engineers , Contractors , and others , A small Floating Derrick , built for the requirements of the Thames , and employed in lifting and transporting heavy weights , such as steam-engines , boilers , machinery , blocks of stone , &c , recently raised the brig Lightning , sunk in Erith Reach , A largo Floating Derrick , specially designod and constructed for raising sunken vessels and for general salvage purposes , is fitting for operation about tho coasts of Great Britain and off foreign shores . A limited number of shares of 50 ? . each , in tho Capital Stock of tho Patent Derrick Company , remain for allofcuient . These shares aro required to be paid as follows : — 101 . per Share on Application , and the remainder by , Calls of 10 / . each , at intervals of one Month botweon each Call . ' . ';"" . ! Forms of Application for Shares , and Prospectuses , may be obtained at tho Olllces of the Company . ' ' . G . J . SHARP , Sec . , 27 , Cornhill , London , E . G . "
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LAW PROPERTY & LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . 30 , Essex-street , Strand , London . Capital , 2-50 , 0001 . PIRECTOKS . Ralph T . Rrockman , Esq ., Folkestone . Edward "Win . Cox , Esq . 36 , Russell-square . . George Frederick Fox , Esq ., Bristol . E . E . P . Kolsey , Esq ., Salisbury . J . Mead , Esq ., 2 , King ' s Bench-walk , Temnle . H . Paull , Esq ., M . P ., 83 , Devonshire-place , Portland-place . EIGHTY PER CENT . OF THE PROFITS divided among the Assured-At tho first division of profits in May , 1845 , a bonus was declared , varying from Two to Eloven per cent , on the amount assured , and amounting , in many instances , to upwards of Fifty por oont . on the Premiums paid . At tho Second Division of Profits ia 1858 , an EQUAL PRO RAT A BONUS was declared . Next division of profits in 1801 . % * Every description of Life Assurance business transacted . EDWARD S . HARNES , Secretary .
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THE GREAT SHIP COMPANY ( Limited ) . The Directors of this Company have made arrangements ' to grant PREE ADMISSIONS until Saturday , the 18 tb . inst . ( Sunday excepted ) , prior to closingthe ship on commencing the necessary works for equipping her for sea . Admission ^ by free ticket , which , maybe obtained at the Stations of the South Eastern ,, the Greenwich , the Black wall , and the North London Railways , on board the Greenwich and ¦ W oolwich Boats ; arid at the Offices of tlie Great Ship Companv , 79 , Lombard-street , London , E . C . JOHN HENRY YATES , Secretary . _
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PELICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED IN 1797 . 70 , Lombard-street , City , and 57 , Charing-cross , 'Westniinster DIRECTORS . WiniamCotton , D . C . L ., F . R . S . Kirktnan D . Hodgson , Esq ., Octavius Edward Coope , Esq . Ji . P . John Davis , Esq . . Henry Lancelot Holland , Esq . "William Walter Fuller , Esq . ' Benjamin Shaw , Esq . Jas , A . Gordoji , M . D ., F . R . S . Matthew Whiting . Esq . Wm . Jas . Lancaster , Esq . | M . Wyvill , jun ., Esq ., M . PThis Company offers COMPLETE SECURITY . Moderate Rates of Premium with Participation in Fourfifths or Eighty per cent , of the Profits . Low Rates without Participation in Profits . LOANS in connexion with Life Assurance , ou approved Security , in sums of not less than 500 ? . ANNUAL PREMIUM rt quired for the Assurance of 100 Z ., for the whole term of life : — 7 ~~ Without ¦ ¦ Wi th 711 Without With A % e % Profits . Profits . Ase' Profits . Profits . 15 £ 1 11 0 £ 1 15 0 40 £ 2 IS 10 £ Z 6 5 20 1 13 10 1 19 3 50 . 4 0 9 4 10 7 30 2 J , _ 0 _ 2 10 4 60 _ 6 _ _ 0 _ J ? . _ 7 4 ROBERT TUCKER , Secretary .
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THE GREAT SHIP COMPANY ( Limited ) , For Purchasing and Equipping the Great Eastern . Liabilitv strictly limited to the amount of subscription . Capital , 330 . 00 O ? ., in 330 , 000 Shares of 11 . each . Deposit , 2 s . 6 d . per Share , on application for ; Ten Shares . and upwards . Less than Ten Shares must be fully paid up on application Detailed prospectuses , full particulars , and forms of application for shares , may be obtained at the Offices of the Companv , as under . " ¦ . ' JOHN HENRY YATES , Secretary . Temporary Offices , 79 , Lombard-street , London , E . C . Nov ., 1 S 5 S .
Untitled Article
^^ j ^^^^ . ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' vf -it -- ^ -- * - -rr :. . - ¦ ¦ ^¦ ¦• •; .: •>¦ ¦ -:. : -:: ¦ : ¦ ; -- -f yr . > ¦ -- . . •;• ¦ - \ : ¦ ; — f -- - •* - : ¦ . ¦ . ; . . ;¦ - ^ . ¦ ¦ . , v ¦ ¦ . . . «•" . ¦ - . ¦;¦ ¦ . ¦ _ ¦ . ; ¦; - ¦/ ¦ - ¦ .. - ¦¦ - ,. ; - • :. , - , . > ; ^ " i ^^ ^ £ *«* £ To- ? yU ^ - nyg ^^— - , y ¦ ' % ^ x- . v /\^< z 4 ^ v \ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ . ¦ . * m ** J >/ ^~ ~ ~ ^ —— ^ g | P ff ^ m ^ ^ Lu ^ f A POLITICAL AND LITERARY REVIEW , MERCANTILE JOURNAL , AND RECORD OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES , BANKS , RAILWAYS , MINES , SHIPPING , & ° .
Galway Line. The Atlantic Royal Mail Steam Navigation Company (Limited).
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YOL . IX . No , 455 . j SATURDAY , DECEMBER 11 , 1858 . Price j ^ SS ^ L ^ dSS ^ SS *^ .
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) , Cainbourjjc ^ . Ciu : u- , will ^ jWv [? £ vff * L ?\ !>¦• Mliiistoiwf t ^ SffisS ^ T ^' / J h- f ^ nfjffWw ^ rjgHAJ- ' i j wilMitipi fft % ^ rSM ' \\ 1- wj ^ Wm ^®*^ ¦< \ "' 1 f ~ J r "" j fi > . 'p , V- < y T ^ gMMfef ; 2 ? r , i W * mSH 85 k / Bsfo C \ QlW ^^^^ . ] M ivi ! P ! * jP c W ^? S ^» J ^ Jf J * T * —i ^ ^ . f ^ r 11 , Cainbouruc ^ . tjOtti . " nfoijgwf ^^ j _ W _^___^' v'py h " - livlw lipcJre ^^ jjS ^ S ' f J y-m to alalN $£ W . ^ jjiJjiP £ / ' « * '
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 11, 1858, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2272/page/1/