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Untitled Ad
' NICOLLS NEW REGISTERED PALETOT TTAS all those advantages which secured siicb Hi ™ n « rid popularity to Messrs . NicoU ' a original paletot , 5 w * i £ ? oWaS it avoids giving to the weareran outre ap-SSJance ^ St proSo nal men . and all others , « museit S ^ rit a ^ morning and afternoon , in or out of doors . Secondly , * w £ fs a £ absence of uunecesaary seams , thus securing a mor ^ ™ efur outline , and a i great saving m wear ; She St ^ - ^ vant age is considerably enhanced by the appli-Jatton of a peculiar and neatly stitched binding , the mode Cf ^ onlon ^ heWw REGISTERED PALETOT can alone be had of H . J . and D . NICOLL , 114 . . , and 130 , Regent-street , and 23 , Cornhall .
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A NEW DEPARTMENT FOR YOUTH * c H J . and D . NIGOLL recommend for anout-• side Coat the Haveloek and Patent Cape ™*^ and for ordinary use the Cape Suit , such being well adapted S ^ Sa ^ = l ^^ SS'OTK ?? 3 S wHSS ^^^^ wssasRgsgffl theKiJted or Highland Costume , as . worn by the Royal ^ W ^ RW ^ ClfHOUSE , 143 and 1 + 4 , Regent-street .
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FOR LADIESNICOLL'S PATENT HIGHLAND CLOAK is a combination of utility , elegance , and comfort . Do Lady having seen or used such in travelling , for morning ¦ wear , or for covering full dress , would willingly be without one . It somewhat resembles the old Spanish Roquelaire , and has an elastic Capucine Hood . It is not cumbersome or heavy , and measures from 12 to 16 yards round the outer edge , filing in graceful folds from the shoulders ; but tay a xnechanical contrivance ( such being a part of the Patent ) the wearer can instantly form semi-sleeves , and thus leave the arms at liberty : at the same time the Cloak can be made as quickly to resume its original shape . The materials chiefly used for travelling are the soft neutral-coloured shower-proof Woollen Cloths manufactured by this firm , but for the promenade other materials are provided . The price will be two guineas and a half for each Cloak ; but with the Mecanique and alined Hood & few shillings more are charged . This department is attended to by Cutters ^ who prepare Mantles of all kinds , with . Velvet , Fur , or Cloth jackets , either for in or out-door use . These at all times - like this Firm ' s Riding Habit—are in good taste and , fit well . Female attendants may also be seen for Pantalons des Dames a CheVah partially composed of Chamois . As no . measure is required , the Patent Highland Cloak can be sent at once to any part of the Country , and is thus well adapted ° H * f . and D . NICOLL , Warwick House , 142 and 141 , Regeut-street , London .
Untitled Ad
T \ JICOLL'S PATENT CAPE PALETOT -LN offers the following desideratum : the Cape descends from the front part of the shoulders , and forms a species of sleeve for each arm , both are at perfect freedom , having to pass through enlarged apertures in the side or body of the Paletot ; these apertures , however , are ^ duly coveredby the Cape , which does hot appear at the back part of the Paletot , but only in the front , and thus serves to form hanging sleeves , at the same time concealing the hands when placed in the pockets . The garment is altogether most convenient and graceful in appearance , and can in London alone behad of HT J . and D . NICHOLL . 114 , 116 , 118 , and 120 , REGENTSTREET ; and 22 . CORNHILL .
Untitled Ad
CAUTION . IN consequence of many impudent attempts to deceive the public , it is necessary to state that all Messrs . Wicoll ' s manufactures may be distinguished by a trade mark , consisting of a silk label attached to each specimen ; to copy this is fraud , and may be thus detected : if the garment , is dark-coloured , thelabel has a blackground , with the firms name and address woven by tho Jacquard loom in goldcoloured silk ; if the garment is light-coloured , the label lias a pale drab ground , and red letters . Each garment is marked in plain figures , at a fixed moderate price , and is ef the best materials . . H . J . and D . Nicoll have recognised agents in various parts of the United Kingdom and Colouics , and any information forwarded through them will be thankfully acknowledged , or paid for , so that the same may lead to the prosecution of any person copying their trade mark , or making an unfair use of their name ; that is to say , in such a manner as may be calculated to mislead . „— , « .. » , ( Signed ) H . J . and D . NICOLL , REGENT-STREET and CORNHILL , London .
Untitled Ad
VISIT THE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT O $ LAWRENCE HYAM , JUEBCHANT CLOTHIER AND MANUFACTURER , CITY—36 , Graoeohurch-afcreet , 1 LONDON . WEST- ^ -189 and 190 , Tottenham-court-road , / " - " In the RBADT-MADB DEPARTMENT , such an immense assortment of MEN'S , BOYS ' , aud YOUTHS ' CLOTHING , consisting of garments of the most novel , durable , and elegant designs , oan rarely bo soon . Tho Public will effect a great saving , the prices boiiiK based on the most economical principles , consistent with sterling quality—the only test of cheapness . boys' and Juvenile department . —Nothing can exceed tho variety and novelty of design in this department . Ifor the winter season , such an Immense assortment is provided as to exceed all Ii , HYAM'S formor efforts . The prices , as usual , are framed upon the most oconomlo scale , and have only to be seen to ensure that patronage which their intrinsic merits so well deserve . Tho ORDERED DEPARTMENT contains a magnificent assortment of ovdry novelty for tho season . Tho Artistes , who are celebrated for refined taato and stylo , are guarantees for a gopd fit . Economy is tho loading foaturo . CLERICAL and PROFESSIONAL MEN arp specially InvltedTtho Black and Mixture Cloths betnk of A "PAST we A ordered Suit of Black for S 3 . 3 s . Also tho oolo-Sitod SEVENTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS in great T ^ SyaM marks every Garmen t in PLAIN FIGURES . from which no deviation Is made ; undno garment ) nood l > o kept , when Boon at homo , if not satisfactory , but oan bo exchanged , within any reasonable time , if returned In good * condition .
Untitled Ad
132 , RECENT-STREET ,, W . N EW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT for the Nobility and Gentry ^ Naval , Military , and Clerical Tailor and Outfitter . 182 , BEGENT-STREET , W ., -WM . CLARK , from H . J . and D . NICOLL .
Untitled Ad
132 , REGENT-STREET , W . TVTEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT X ^ for the Professional and Commercial Public , Clerical , Legal , and Court Robe Makor . 132 . REGENT-STREET , W ., WM . CLARK , from H . J . and D . NICOLL .
Untitled Ad
132 REGENT-STREET , W . WM . CLARK , from H . J . and D . NICOLL . Tho NON-RKGISTJSRED PERMISTIO CLOTH PALETOT : the cloth used for this graceful garment being made from the Llama and Astracau wools , has a j ^ rcat ailvantage over the ordinary Llama cloth , being liner and stronger , with a permanent finish , retaining all the softness of the Llama ; it is an article of clothing that illustrates , both in material and design , perhaps better than any other garment of the season , the prevailiriK and frrowing ; taste amongst the well-dressing part of the public for cnastetiess and : simplicity of style in dress . It is made only in dark , fine cloths , or in dark colours sliphtly mixed . with a lighter shade ; some of these plain colours are of distinctly novel tints , and the few sprinklings of mixtures added in others to these original shades , produce , a variety quite sufficient to give ample choice without impairing iii tho slightest degree the character required for a quiet and gentlemanly garment . ,.,--,, , Two Of these latter are especially adapted for Frock Coats for clergymen ; one of them is so dark as not to bo easily detected " from black , but affording more durability forweaf than can bo produced in plain black . The other is a little lighter , and while it is equally well adapted for Frock Coats is also peculiarly suitable for clerical and other quiet professional paletots . , "Win . Clark has also a very strong fabric of fine Doeskin , in exactly the same colourings for trousers , aivd which is more durable than ordinary cloth , in plain colours or mutures ; the price is alike for tho Paletots , Morning , or Frock Coats , 42 s ., and the Trousers , 21 s . ; for Lounging , Travelling , or Business Suits , made from the . Patent finished Cotswold Angolas , at 60 s . ; Waterproof Capes and Overcoats of every description aud novelty in material , froui 21 s . lull dress Evening Suits , Black cloth Dress Coat . \ V hito \ est , and Black Trousers , complete for 75 s . ; every other article of Dress equally moderate in cost . Ladies' Riding Habits , in Waterproof Tweeds or Melton Cloths , for morning wear , 60 s .: do . do . in superfine . cloth , 5 / . to 7 / . 7 s . ; . WM . CLARK , Military and Clerical Tailor and Robe Maker , 132 , REGENT-STREET , W .
Untitled Ad
132 , RECENT-STREET , W . W M . CLARK'S CLERICAL SUITS , at 84 s . Madefrom the permanent finished cloth , that will neither spot nor shrink . Clerical Gowns and Surplices equally moderate ; in cost . WM . CLARK , Clerical Tailor . , REGENT-STREET , W .
Untitled Ad
HYAM AND CO ., 86 , OXFORD STREET . NOTHING for the YOUNG should correspond V _ y with ago , and juvenility should be studied in dress for Children . Koys , and Youths . Parents and Guardians arc informed that HYAM aud CO . ' s Juvenile Suits and Separate' Garments display adaptation in stylo and make , besides bemp durable , protective in material , and econom Belt 1 Suit r s fo ' r Children at 10 s . Gd ., 15 s . Cd ., and 21 s . School Suits for Boys at 15 S . Cd ., 21 s ., and 2 "> s . Capo Suits aud Osborno Suits , newly introduced , 25 s-, 32 s ., and , 38 s .
Untitled Ad
TUVENILE OVER COATS at HYAM and < J CO . 'S ESTABLISHMENTS , 86 , OXFORD STREET , aro realising a merited amount of favour . Now patterns have been designed , and a much greater variety of sissos have been introduced so as to adjust tho Garments to tho slightest possible variation in ago , growth , and figure , Boll Sleeve Capes , Poncho Canes , and College Capes , for Children , 10 s . 6 d ., 15 s , 6 d ., and 21 s . Winged Capes , Sac Capos , and Osborne Over-Coats , for Boys , 12 s . flu ., 18 s . 6 d ., and 25 s . liivorness Canes ,, Sleove Capes , and tho Now Close-fitting"Rcdingoto , for elder youths , 21 s ., SOa ., and 30 s .
Untitled Ad
H YAM and CO . ' S CONJOINT GARMENTS for Gentlemen . Those consist of the Guinea Coat and Vests . Tho Truo-flttitig Trousers and Vest at Ono Pound , and tho Coat . Trousors , and Vest , or suit conjointly , at Thirty-oiffht Shillings . The New Pagct Jacket . Sac Jacket , Press and Surtout Coats , half Dross and full Dress Suits , Ac , are cut from materials which vary as much in quality and texture as in pattern , so that Gontlemon will 2 nd no difllculty whatever in suiting their tastes to tho utmost nicety .
Untitled Ad
/ GENTLEMEN'S FASHIONABLE OVERKX COATS at HYAM and CO . 'S ESTABLISHMENTS , a » , OXEOltD STREET . Tho Now Inverness Capo , Sloovo Capo , Rodingote , and Silk-Lined Ovor-coata at a Guinea , Guinea and a Half , and Two nnd Throo Gu noas , aro designed and made in all tho Winter Materials by cutters and workmen in constant practice on this description of dross , and superior atylo and quality aro guaranteed . Tho order department in connexion with « aoh ostnblishmoiit is undor elfloient management , and ofTora various inducements to gontlommi . ,, * , „ ,, . -n SPECIAL ATTENTION in dlrocfcod to tho following Establishments Wlth which HYAM and CO . alono aro connoctedt London , 80 , Oxfbrd-Htrcot , AVost Hud ; BirmiiiKham , 24 , Now-stroot 5 Leeds , 43 , Brlffffftto . ^
Untitled Ad
STDENHAM TOP-COAT , 42 s . Easy , warm , wotornroof , a'lrt V'W'i'i ^ . i " . ""' I' , V }\ r < i 0 ovorooat out .-SAMUEL BjaOTilKltB , Merchant Tailors , 20 , Ludgato-lilU . 3 YDENHAIVI SCHOLAR'S SUIT , comploto for 4 . 3 s . 0 d ., oonipriHlng TroHHora , i 7 h . fld . 1 Wa !? i " coat , 8 h . Oil . sand coat , 17 » . Ud . ~ SAMUKL BItOTUEUS , 2 l > , LudgatoOliU . SYDENHAM TROUSERS , 17 » . 6 d . unlvovaally admlttud to bo tho inoHfc ol « B «*> 'K . , ;?!" i 1 i ;' i ! ' ftn ( 1 durable thn < j enn bo inaao . —WAMUJOI ^ BKOTllDUS , 21 ) , Ludgato-hUl . Patterns and GuWo to Solf-Mcaswromont sout froo .
Untitled Ad
Protected by Roynl JlL 1 ™ '" * ° ™^^^ by tho hoiiIs uf tfio Ucolo U p l'liiirn aclo , ' ' » » - y 0 1 , , Iinppriiil CoIIuko <> r Modiciiio , Mo in | ' •«¦ ,, xlmU btlon la a remedy f « r reliixntloii . Hnonnaloji m 11 . nm | » , lwr of tho system . Trlosomnr . No . 2 , ollu ' > [^ walot nil si . nco of throe days , oonmlyio y ' ' , 'ft rioiilfl' * trnoes of those dlsordorH which ca | ! *"' j : tl " , L < uHl ) of a vnst thouHht nn antidoto tor , totliomln of 11 0 l »» ,, 10 |! W » t portion of tho population . / I ' r <•*«'""• ¦ . « ; ^ | , | Ch un-Continental rouiuily for that v iimi u « Hw « i •« * m . , v > fortunately tho UngliHli pliyHlclim | r « at « w nuiion . nnJ tho liiovitalilo destruction of th <> imtU « t «» remove , which all tho MirBaiinrllla hi tlw «« ' H of ln » to or TrioHonmr , Noh . 1 , a , an < t JJ , orj . nllko < h . vom „ , , 0 smoll , and or . ill iituiboaLluK « l'inl U : ' - 1 K ,, ' „ " - ? HoW "J toilet tablo without , tlmlr ww \ wlnu h «« I \ . 1 ) nla oftlw oaaos , nriao 11 h . ( froo by |» ohI ) 1 h . «• •«* " f " " fyl , by I' ** UnHod KlnK < iom , or four oiiwn Ii <> ' " oI c . I | 1 > c . ii . wfiorclV » h . ad . extra , which hiivoh 1 1 m . 1 « i < l , "' ., nili ' i l" ^' , ^ thoro iHJi HavhiK of U . 12 h . ; » liv »» l ''' ' l {'"\ l v ,.. S « l'l > 'f admiiAHforuil by Vulpoiiu , V " (> '" it u ll ""! 101 ' ... ^ I ) . Ohiiruh , 7 H . fJrucoc Mirdli-H vci ; l » i l i ' . uwt , ^; KlilK Wllllttin . bti I . 1 U . I ' . NW ; V ' sm il ' r , K "' ) X ' . r Strniul t Ilimiiny . Oil . Osfur . l-t . iiv . t ., ni k / M , IJC | jeJltf Htroet , London , ' lt . 11 . IiikIhuu . A In l «» Ml ' mid rowoll , 10 , Wo atiuorulnud-uU'i'ul . «""•»"!
Untitled Ad
iRECKNELL'S SKIN SOAP , Tlio best for produclnif a cli-ar ami lie itltliv ^ Kin ; * j pickets of four tablets or « talit wi « J' ^ ; , ; ^ Z ^ l corino Soap , for uhu when t he sku »? ''»} Jft % t . \ ER , packeta of four talilots , U . tJd .-IIKI ^ . v > LLU * ^ , and SONS , manufnoturom < j f W »» . ^ ' ( v ' mh to Compoaito , and Tallow Caiidlws to 11 » ' - > 'J , 7 f ) ti , er Went Price ' s VniUmt Candlo Company , Uw « n . » »» « > Jr ^ Candles , all kinds of l . yubglu . d au I toUt » oa ^ Colza , Sporiu . ViW'faliJo , undotli Ui 4 «'"^ uar 0 b 81 , Hayinarkot . London . — . N- I ' . ach lu / nti stamnod with the namo of " Uruukiifll . —
Untitled Ad
CAUTION TO HOUSEHOLDERS , Bnnkors . Merchants . ami 1 ' uHlioI > nioos . Th eJ' ^ Ji-TIONAL and DKFIANCK J . Ol'KS can be ' " ^ Hr ^ Locks PUCKR 1 UGK . . M . Strand . iu ar ^''"""^ " ^ iathlS arolmMortaiitforUioirsceiiril . yaKaiiistbuwn ^^ asevidonwd in the rrnuduh-nt iittc-n it > ^ " " ^ J * Crystal Palnco . in Aujcwst , l «*}¦ % J . ' . " ., ; . fli&S . Sco toMcsHrs . Chubb , for tlie KKWAR !? ®{ ;~ , u Fro and Vampltk-t nnd Descrijit on , In h" -V . '' ,, ?™' i , / c Cash , Thief proof Iron Safes , Plato ami Ji- » ¦ ^*> - (^" street andDcspatoliBoxoa . EinltoKsni KWi ^ ' * - « . » in » iuuairi « . Door Latches , 17 s . Oil . ouch . __
Untitled Ad
THE VERY FINEST COLZA OIL For moderator lamps , selected from choice parcels direct from Lillo , -Is . Oil . per gallon . Tallow Store Dips , . d . per lb . ; ditto Moulds , . 8 b . per dozen lbs . stored in Martli -las . especially for family use . Household !> oaps , 40 s ., -Us ., ¦ lbs ..-and kHs . perewt . Doliverod fro .- to any I "" * - ' . f 7 } ™ t miles of . town , and orders of s / value rai « W free to any part or Knelaiid . WHIT MOKE -tud OUAUDOtK . H > , B " ho ? is « ato ? str ^ t Within . K . C London old servants of , and City Afients to , l ' ricu's Intent Camlle Conipaip .
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ECONOMY . TO ALL CONSUMERS OF CANXEL COAL GAS . HART'S PATENT ECONOMIZING GAS BURNERS arc a groat desideratum . NO COSSl'MEKS ailO l'LI ) IILIIN TIIL'IE GAS WITJX 0 UT IHEil . IMMKNSi : SAVING EFFECTED . They recommend thrMusolves . —Thoir effectual working guaranteed for 10 y . rars . One scut post free on . receipt of 30 stamps : full particulars ' on receipt of one . DEPOT , C ' . » , FLKET-STREKT , LONDON . "" NO ltEGCL-VTOHS OF ANT KIH 11 KEQflRED . Neitlier will any roiriilntordiffuse theilluminatiugpowcr , lint on the i-ontraVv cheek ltd development .
Untitled Ad
Untitled Ad
HARVEY S FISH SAUCE . Notice of Injunction . The admirors of this celebrated Fish banco are particularly reiiuestod to ul . sr rve that none iscp nuuiobut that which bears the back label with 11 c namfof William Lazenby , as well as the front HupI simu . ii " Elizabeth Lazenb t . ''and that / or furthe ? slurit } , on' nock of every bottle of the ( Jenuinc Sauce wiJJ henceforward appear an additional label , printed in frreen and red a ^ follows : — "This notice will be allised to Lazenby ' s Harv ' ' s Sauce , prepared at the original warehouse , in addition to tne well-known labels , which are protected againstimitation by a perpetual injunction in Chancery of yth Juh- 1858 " C , Edwai-ds-strect , rortiuan-square . London .
Untitled Ad
A PATENT CORN FLOUR —~~ ^ ith BROWN and POLSON'S name has wow the annexed trade mark on each packet For ruridiugs . Custards , &c ... preferred to the best t ™* . ' Sold by Grocers , Chemists , &c , at Sd . per 1 C oz packet London *' ' Msinchester ' ^" > " > -. a" « l 23 . Iron monger-lane ,
Untitled Ad
THE 35 s . INVERNESS WRAPPERS THE 00 s . TWEED SUITS , & THE 16 s rnpm , ^ A KE all made to Orfw from th ^ New SCcvrn ' tr J \ , CIIEVIOT . all Wool Twcods , of \ SS ? t TCE SlSV ^ TSSSkfSr SS ^^ aV ^ HS ^
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„ WRITING ENGRAVERS WANTElT Constant employ , ^ with liberal salary accor . Hr , ¦
Untitled Article
1398 THE LEAjDEB . [ No . 456 , December 18 , 1858
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 18, 1858, page 1398, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2273/page/30/