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( Limited ) . Capital 40 , 000 ? .. in 40 , 000 shares : of 11 . each ( with power to increase ) . Deposit 2 s . Cd . per share . ( To be incorporated uiitler the Joint-Stock Companies Acts , 1850 and 1857 , and liability limited to amount of subscription . ) DIRECTORS . George Cavendish Bentinck . Esq ., 48 , Charles-street , Berkeley-square , London . JohnDunnington Fletcher , Esq ., 13 , Westbburne-terrace , London . George Glennie . Esq ., of 43 , "Upper Thames -street , London , and Blackhcath . . James ! La . wr . ie ; , Esq ., 3 S , Lombard-street , London . . John Romanes , Esq ., of Hollymount , Illackheath . Captain F . Stewart , of Surbiton , Surrey . John W . Williamson , Esq ., 4 , Gloucester Villas , Hyde Park , London . Auditor—William Moates , Esq ., Accountant , 19 , King ' s Arms-yard , Moorgate-strect , London . Solicitor—Walter Feder . au Nokes , Esq ., 1 J , George-yard , Lombard-street . ' Bankers—rT ) ie City Bank , Threadncodlo-street , London ; Branches of the National Provincial Bank of England . Brokers—Messrs . P . " W . Thomas , Sons , and . Co ., 50 , Threadvjfe ^ -v' needle-street , London . ; J >' ;? V ? Conisulting Engineer—Joseph J . W . Watson , Esq ., C : and S ;? Kv ¦ ¦ ¦;¦ ? M . E ., F . G . S .. &c . £ [' , *< Secretary—George Grant , Esq . ^ " : Temporary . Offices—73 , Old Broad-street , London . r ^ jL PROSPECTUS . ; , •; , ; Con * « a staple article of constant and increasing oon-- Sumption , ana thq demand which exists for it may be said ; to be limited only wtheauality that tho producer can ¦ offer , and the price at which u oan bo supplied . Jn the , . Uy&ur 1857 , upwards of 3 , 000 . 000 tons < . eOOal were exported . r'flwm Great Britain , while the home consui .. tiou at llrst right appears almost fabulous , so immense was the quantity . ; It fsobvious ,, however , that tho \ vants of tho co untry , as % respects coal , may be regarded as constantly and rapidly : fcnugjnentTn £ ; ftndifc is nofca inattor of surprise , therefore , ifjtl ^ t a good colliery , well situated and well managed , has '•'' uniformly proved a lucrative investment . A reference to the statistics of tho day will show that thero is far less risk * 8 ft : a . greater certainty of large and profitable results in , ¦ ¦ , i ^ orking-cjculierics than in any othor mineral property . ' | irfaisC 6 OT ( fl >» iy 18 formed for tho purposp of purchasingand TOrknig . the coal in tho four grants from tho Crown , coiu-PJrimhg about 360 acres , ou which four well-known collieries , afllodjthe True Blue , Newhnm Bottom , Woortsidc , and Blr ^ hon Grove Collieries aro situate , immediately eonti' guouato tho ' -i ' Jnage oTItunrdean , in tho Forest of Dean , in the county of GloncosterY in England ; together wit | i the railway ^ plant , "stoam-nitRiiios , tram waggons , pit carts , machinery tools , and all other necessary appliances which , at great espouse , have boon lately placed on those important properties . , ^ , Tjjioae four . grants adloufoeftph other , as shown in tho oncipqod , plan , and for nil pnnjCJcal purposos , t hero fore , may " ^ PPRSldoroUas , forming , oiiq extensive but very compact ? Jwto ; they contain about tf . OOO . OOt ) tons of con ) , which l . i o" first-class bituminous clwnutor , und nntoh vnluod for tyouaohold purposos , for gas , ironworks , smelting , and ospo-0 ' < UIy for raising fit cam . To got this quantity , at tho rate OfJoQ tons per day , for 300 days in tlio yoar , will , it may be opaprved , occupy a period of about 27 years . .. Nob , land 2 . The Trno Blue ' and Nowham Bottom ColuortoB . ~ Tho grants \ yliloh contain thoso collieries are 184 aoroBin extent , of which nt loaHt 100 remain unworked . A'ljo BOftm Is b root 8 inohoa In thickiicHR , and is froo from flWMngs , nJUchJngs , or troubles , and , with tho oxeoptidit of jS ° . hor 8 e , whlph is of little practical iinportiuico , of any JftWwj tlioyiold , per squnro rathom is from 3 to \\\ tons i « 2 Si ?« aro two "tawing pits of tho rospootlvo d . opt , hs of 00 raa jo yards now in use nt those collieries j also two powor-Sfi 5 ' , S'J }' "e fl »» with bollurand tho nttotiUnut innohlnory , ¦ ffivwwmn naoq ^ ato to tho roquirenioittM of the work , togo ^ ft £ a « sfirl 1 " W J } ° oo 8 aar , v plant ,. iiiohuUiiB twin wiiffff' »>» wy > IJ > tuba , drawing taoklo , landing titaKos ^ pit staining , m \ a , timboriniK of the main roails , &o ., ln the mo . st oinolmi t wn « , iSI Ji ? order . r Tho coal yard , with loatllng bank . JS gnbrtMKO , amith ' a shop , s 1 orohouH <>« , Ac ., lu wnll . arff n'M dl » oth for Bvrtlhg nntl ( loHpntohliiR ooal . Ti > o col-* gj * Mr •«> . 1 " « i \ , wQi : d ;} ii full working owlor , nnd do not , h 3 l roAiiy fui-l : l ) ei \ pWt . liiy . At Tmo l » luo I'lt oixiratlona SS 2 d « ™? i i i - « v » ' « t \\ H \ wv Uuiu driving out tho ' ¦ ¦ '• tfiSS i ^ i hloh l '( "wevor , nro nlroaUy sullluiently ndvanoixl to ' ¦^ W § o , ?» 2 i ls wlu '" , t 0 llM ' ' { l |> < 'n y m « . V »>« rafoocl , Hut- . vlolU , . * ttawn ^ A 3 l ^ ' 0 $ lblvo | . y li > oruiVHlnK » H moro mIhIIh Hliall lio ' boffi « iA % , llft »> HoUoni i'lt Mid roaUVi and hIiiIIh Iuvvo J / tona n ** A ** V ' Wd for wfuniiig nurjiohou , iunl from 00 to 70 Wna por day are now bpln B mlifoa / Woth pits aro oonnootoU ' \' . ' , ' * . '
Untitled Ad
Price 6 d . r — V ' , RAILWAY MANAGEMENT :: The OFFICIAL VIEW REFUTED ; being a Reply to OT ^ j iections urged against a Plan for / the Government and Working of a Railway . By THOMAS WRIGLET . London : Simpkin , Mibshau , and Co . ; Manchester : Johnson and Ravtsok , 89 , Markets-street ; Gboegb SiMMj ?» St . Ann ' s Square . ' \'
Untitled Ad
Established in the reign of Queen Anne , A . » . 1714 . XTNION ASSITRANCE OFFICE . FIRE AND LIFE . Ortices—81 , Cornhill , and 70 , Baker-street . London ; and in Bristol , Liverpool , Edinburgh , Dublin , Hamburg , : r Berlin , and Berne . Receipts for fire insurances falling due at Chriitmas aro now ready at the Head Offices , and with the respective agents in the country . WM . B . LEWIS , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
Established 1838 . VICTORIA & LEGAL & COMMERCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , No . 18 , King William-street , City . directors . . BENJAMIN HAWJ 3 S , Esq .. Chairman . THOMAS NESBITT , Esq ., Doputy-Chairman . Charlos Baldwin , Esq . 1 W . E ,. Jameson , Esq . George Penny , Esq . I John Jonos , limi , J , 0 . Dimsdale , Esq . John Nolloth , Esq . William Elliott , M . D . 1 Meaburn Staniland , Esq . Robert Ellis , Esq . Daniel Sutton , Esq . J . P . Gosslot , Esq .. F . R . S . WaltorCharlea yenning , Esq . John Gladstono . lisq . O'B . Bolliugham Woolsoy , Aaron Goldsmid , Esq . Esq . Sidney Gurnoy , Esq . Tho business of the Company ombracos every description of risk connected , with Life Assurance . Tho assets of tho Company oxecod 205 , 000 / . And its incomo is over . 60 . 0007 . n year . Advances in connexion with Lifo Assurance are made ou , advantageous terms , cither on ronl or personal security . WILLIAM RATRAY , Aotunry .
Untitled Ad
LAW PROPERTY < & LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . 30 , Essox-streot , Strand , London . Capital , £ 50 , 000 / . DIUEOTO 118 . Ralph T . Brookman , Esq ., Folkestone . Kilward Win . Oox , Ksq . 30 , Russoll-squaro . Goorgo Frederick Vox . Esq ., Bristol . _^ ——13 . 13 , P . Kolsoy , Esq ., Salisbury . /<[\ i r r \ J . Moad . Usq ., fl ; King's Bonch-walk , Tomplo . / Q ... ^ -- ^ \ H . Paul ) . Esq ., M . P ., 33 , DovoualUro-i ) laco ^ 6 »^ u ^ Pli * c ^ . 7 ^ . ^ , ; . EIGHTY PER OJENT . OF Tft ||| » J | ' \~ divided among the AsuxiroKW M \\\ ' 3 MM , // . ' .. 'A " At tho Orst division or profits in May , ^ wMw 9 Jpi ^ n 4 ^ 3 ^ doolarotl , vno'lug from Two to Elovcu ^ r * oojit . ( m ^ lipr 7 'C amount asRurcd , and , amounting , Iu nii * m 3 MwrImm 5 . ii ^> upwards of l'lfty por oout . on tho l ' roniluvnj JS ^ a&dl ^ iS ^ , 1 Lm At tho Second Division of Prollla In Wtp ^ W ^^ P ^ rz PRO RAT A iiONUS wuh doolnrod . r 3 ^ 6 > TlFl ^ i ^ T M Next dlvlaion of prollta in 1801 . W V y ^ S'M ^ Jaa J tl ^ " n . * Every description of IJfo Aaaurauoo ) nOTQB «^ CWMPj > X ~ noted , * BDW 4 . WD e , « A « wi 9 s 7 ^ # o 5 yj 8 Sfc >^ unplo . /'' ' Q ^ - ^ L *^/^^ uioo iw ^ CTOgtf ^ RwByj ^
Untitled Article
. •; ; . .. . ¦¦ ¦ .. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' ¦ ' f . ¦ . ;¦ " ¦ ' : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . . . ¦ ' ' •• ¦ :- . * 4 ? £ z A POLITICAL AND LITERARY REVIEW , MERCANTILE JOURNAL , . ¦ ¦ . '¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ' " ' AND- ¦ ¦¦ ' - V _ ; . ' ¦ . . ' ¦ RECORD OF JOINT STOCK COMPANIES , BANKS , RAILWAYS , MMS SHIPPING , &c .
Untitled Article
VOX * . X . No , 458 . ] SATURDAY , JANUAIii 1 , Io 59 . j RICE (^ b , ^ ,.,.,,..,. ^ , ^ . , ¦ : ' ~~ '¦ ! ¦ " ' T ~~ " ~ T _ " ' - ¦ .. .... . •• . ... . « .. ¦ ' i ; i . ~ 11 .. nl U k . » l . « Mi nf A Vi «» SVtrrinAYlv 9 a dli . TW * r shaTfl OH tllO nUmOiBr i welllaid tramroads with the main line to the Church bankers of the Company 2 s . 6 d . per share on thenuinber
The Gloucestershire Coax. Mining Company
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_ /<[\ i r r \ Tomplo . / Q ... ^ -- ^ \ i ) laco ^ 6 »^ u ^ Pli * c ^ . 7 ^ . ^ , ; . Tft ||| » J | ' \~ AsuxiroKW M \\\ ' 3 MM , // . ' .. 'A " ¦ , ^ wMw 9 Jpi ^ n 4 ^ 3 ^ ^ r * oojit . ( m ^ lipr 7 'C nii * m 3 MwrImm 5 . ii ^> roniluvnj JS ^ a&dl ^ iS ^ , 1 Lm In Wtp ^ W ^^ P ^ rz r 3 ^ 6 > TlFl ^ i ^ T M W V y ^ S'M ^ Jaa J tl ^ ) nOTQB «^ CWMPj > X ~ « wi 9 s 7 ^ # o 5 yj 8 Sfc >^ unplo . /'' ' Q ^ - ^ L *^/^^ uioo iw ^ CTOgtf ^ RwByj ^
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1859, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2275/page/1/