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1 W i ¦ ' ' • ¦ ¦ j. ' ' f OStenpt . . • T
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Arrangements for Week < ndir . g Saturday , Jr . nc 4 : — Monday , open at 9 ; Tuesday , Thursday , Friday , open at 10 . Admission by Season Tickets , Or on paymOiit of Ouc Shilling- ; Children under twelve , Sixpence . . Wednesday , Sth , open at 12 . GKEAT SUSIMElt FLOWEH AND FKU 1 T SHOW . Admission free by Two Guinea Season Tickets ; or by One Guinea Season Tickets cm payment of Half-a-Ci-own ; by Day Tickets , Seven ' Shilling's and Sixpence ; or if taken before the day of the show ,- Fire Shillings ; Children under twelve , half-price . Saturday , lHh . MiOTnOPOLITAX SCHOOL CHOKAL SOCIETY'S CONCEKT of 0 , 000 Children , oil the Great Festival Orchestra . ' - Admission free by Season Tickets of both classes , or on payment of Half-arCrojvri ; . Children under twelve , One Shilling ;; . Reserved Seats , Half-a-Crown cxtrai ¦ ' Sunday , open at l" 30 , to Shareholders , gratuitously by tickets . The Khododeudrons , ¦ and other American plants , in the terrace , gardens , and park , are now in full bloom .
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CRYSTAL PALACE . FLOWlUt SHOW . The SECOND GKAKU SUMMJEIl FLOWER and FHU 1 T SHOW of the present- season will be held on W . JiDNJCSDAY , J L ' -NU Sth . Doors open at Twelve . Admission free by . Two Guinea Season Tickets ; or by One Guinea Season Tickets on payment of Half-ii-Crown ; by Day Tickets , Seven Shilling and Sixpeuce ; or if taken before the day of the ShoW , Five Shilling's . Children under Twelve , half-price . Tickets may be had at the Crystal Palace , at 2 , Exeter Hall , and at the usual ag-ents .
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CRYSTAL PALACE . METROPOLITAN SCHOOLS OHOKAL SOCIETY . Established to promote Musical Education in the Schools of the Metropolis and its vicinity . A GRAND CHOKAL FESTIVAL will tnkc . plnccon the New Great I-Iandol Orchestra , at tho Crystal I ' lilnoe , on SATURDAY , JUNE 11 th , 1859 , ' commencing- at Three o ' clock . The Chorus will consist of about 5 , 000 ' children , and teachers of metropolitan schools . . Conductor , Mr . G . W . Martin . Organist , Mr . Brownsmith . . The programme will comprise pieces solicited from Handel , Mendelssohn , Farrant , Dr . Arno , Stnft ' urrt Smith , Sir J . Stevenson , Spoflbrth , &o . Tho full Bund of the ltoyal Military Asylum will perform sovoral piecos during the day . Admission by Season Tickets , of both cIobbos , Free , or on payment of Hnlf-a-Crowu ; Children under twelve . One Shilling . . Reserved Scuts , ut Hulf-u-Crown or Five Shit , lings each , may bo secured previous to tho diiy of performance , lit the Crystal Z ' nlucc , und nt No . a , Exeter f lull . Books containing- tho music In full vocnl Bcor «\ wltli J'ljinoforto oi Organ accompaniment , price Is , ( id ., together with TlckotB of Admission , may nlso'bo obtained of the Treasurer or Secretary of tho Metropolitan Schools Choral Sooiuty , 4 , St Aini ' s-laiie , E . WI . IIAMMOJVD , Tronnurur , Northumberland House , I'orey-clrous . O . J . KNTWIS'l'LK , Hon . Sec . 4 , Ht , Ann ' s-lane , City .
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THEATRE ROYAL , IIAYMAR . KET , ( Under tho Management of Mr . Buckutonu . ) Mr . and Mrs . Chavles MathowB will cominouoo their third engagement nt this theatre ulncc their uirlynl from Amurloa , on Monday , Juno Oth . Monday , and during tlio week , to oommonco nt 7 , with Sterling Coyno ' a last new Comedy of Ifl VIS It Y BODY'S FUIMND . C'hnraotere by Mr . mid Mrs . Charles MiUJiowh , &o . Aftor which the Furoo of A 11 ANDBOMK IIU 8 IJAND , I'AV ! ?' ?! * IKl Mr " ' Charles Mat hows and Min » Funny Wright wlllnpnour . Concluding with ( last time but two ) tho Iflnntcir ICxtrnvuganaaof KEWCTltA , IN A NEW ICLlCCTltIC LIGHT . wHli nil tho mng-nilloont aoonery by Fentpu , O'Connor ninl Morris . . ^ Jpu ^ mrHuuy . Friday , and Saturday , alter KVIQKY * - B 0 l > y * B-F 4 yiBND , THIS CIIIV 10 . PunuiulHlrFrotf . il X'lnglary , Mi ^ Chnrloa , Miitl ' iewa . With JACK'S ^ liM'l ' lJHN FROM CANTON . . Stutro-irmnufror , Mr . Ohlpnondulo .
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MAN AND Ill y 1 IAHITS . Dully , at Threo mul h . ilf-pnflf lfllght , Dii . I ^ . ' *^ 11 ^ ! , deliver Loolmvsut I . In unrlvulled niKl original Muslim , ¦' Tichbonio-strcft , i ' twluu the lliiymiu'kft . rhllo-Hvi . i . Aiiii 8 .-Iriuntlty of Hi > IMovo and Ho .-iiw-l li . I lilio fiophyanU 1 'hynloloM-y of . Marr ) aKo-nu ) . | . y ""'* Jj " ^ $ UnlonH-Wh . Mii ami when to Marry-Tlic ''^ lll' ^" _ Kvll , IIh ivnl Ciiror-lMillinilhroiilHfB ami tIt . lr hcli .-i wi Nonv VifWdof Muii inn ! riiliiKrt- «>«» W ; 7 lV' V' ! \ 7 v Uu of Advanced Agi—Tho trm- CJlory ol'MJiltlle Ago-M > <« moli'rt—flluoli iii Little . . . ,,,, iv \ iVnui The AliiHi'iiiu 1 h oiH-ii dully (/ "I ' tJijHtli-MHii P > / .. ' , Twelve till Vlvu mul rwntiHuveii III T « '" . I ' . ni . ' '''" j I ho . MotlolH t'vi-ry hulf-hoiiv . AdmlHhl . m Oiu ; ! T " ' «• , „ eluding Handbook i to wliloh Ih mmi-mU- « l " ¦ } ' «'' , w llabltH . " ily . Johihmi K . viin , W . l > .. < J"i < »« i « 'li M ^ ' " Hiirtfery * nu l Mlthvll'ii-y , < if thu finiit'rln ! I . » Im <)? ' , ° Vienna , An . « < V «> e by |» ui-t for t « - « -lvo rtlni )>|)« , tUrin-l tiuutlu author , 17 , Harloy-Htrcct , Cuvondl ^ h-Miuan .
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C II It ISTY'S M INS T ¦ 11 \ i h * . ST .-IAMK . S'S HALL , VICCAl ) ILr , V . OltA ^ U ClfANOJfl OF 1 'KOOHAMMK , And hist week of tho Julllon 11 ui-1 « -m (| U <\ Open every night at 8 , tho usual day rvptv-HiMiljjtion ovury Saturday afternoon nt li . Dn-m BtiillH , BnimUt . * iua tma rcBorvecl , . 'Jh . ; unrcB .-rved « c « t « , > lH . i Uiijiory , !»¦ i » - ^ , ' nml places may l ) o scouredntMr . MltchelTu , K » vi 1 J . rll >' 33 , <> I < 1 Itoml-atrvctt mid ut tho Hull , I'lcoailllly ontnmci , from U till 0 .
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MR . BENEDICT'S ANNUAL MORNINO . COXCKUTS , On Mondays , June 13 and July 1 , at St . James ' s Hall , when the following distinguished artists will appear : —_ Madame ( Mara Novello , Mailume Sherring on Lcmnions and Mile . Artot , from the Imperial Opern , J , ' arls ( her lirst appearance ) . Mesdiimos < Juorduci-l , Sarolla , and ^ Ictoln ! lialfe ( her second appearance in ncoiu .-ort , on July •»); Msliors Mongini , Ludovlco Liraziunl , Budiali , Mtu-iiu , \ "& » " and hauxonl , from tlio Koy « J Italian Opern , "ni ry- nno ( hy the kind permission of K / T . Smith , iW ) , ^ W ^ S 3 ' W on- JtoiKliardr , and Mr . HniitW : Miss AralK-lla . oil . lur 1 . Messrs . Leopold do Meyer , Joachim , YVk-niavhW , Oiu . U Kegoudi , Signer l'lattl , and 31 . Tuque . Tho programmes are noivremly . . Sofu Htufls . Ml Is . i reserved sout : i , KM . i . d . ; \>< dyjor Uhhall , r , s . ; sofa stallH . to mlmif to both fonn-i-l . ^ A . 1 IU . i < i . reserved seats to both concertrt , i : >* . i-hi-Ii . at rumci ami Co . ' h , Chnppell und Co . ' h , Lender ami Cock H - """ , " ,. > - ' Hnm ' H library , K . W . <> UIvIoi -h . JVIItel . eira Koyul Lib . ar ) , and St . James ' s Hull ticket ollk ><« , ' . 'H , i'ioeadllly , N \ .
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ROYAL OLYMPIC TIIEATRK . ( Lessees—Messrs . F . liobson anil SY . fi . Knulou . ) Monday , and during the week , will be performed an entirely new and original Comedietta , by Tom Ttiylor ; Ksij ., entitled S ' lSK I'OJXTS OF Tijfc LA ' . V . Ciiaracters by Messrs . Addtaim , ( i . Viiiing , 11 . AYiysui , and W . ( iofrduil ; Mi-fiianifS (' ottrell mid Stirling . After which Til 10 POUTKK'S KiS'OT . Characters by Mesars . F . Jle-bsn ' n , ( f . Vining , ( i , Cooke , \ V . ( Jordon , If . Wi « -nn , Cooper , White , and Franks , Mis . Leigh Murray , " M eSU 3 iHT with KKTAIXKD YOU TIIK VKFKNCE . Chnracters by Messrs . F . Uobson , ( J . ^ Inmg , G . Cooke , H . "Wigan , If . Cooper , and Mitis Cottrell . Commence at Half-past Seven o ' clock .
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ROYAL " PRINCESS'S THEATRE . LAST AVKKKS OF MR .. CIIAHLKS KEAX'S MANAGKMKNT . Tlie I ' lihlio is respectfully informed that the T'lay f . E HKNKY T 11 K FIFTH will-be withdrnwu early in June , NKVKKTO BK UlirEATiJi ) tSDKU TIIK PKESIINT MANAU . E-. MEST . On Alonday , ativ-1 during the week will J ><> . p ? vsonterl Sliakespeare ' s historical piny of UKN ' ltV Tllli i- 'lKTH . cpnir irrenc !)];^ - at- 7 o ' clock . ' King lleury , Mr . C Kean ;; Chorus , Mrs I 1 " K . ^ aii .
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ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA—DRURY LANE Lessee and DinEcion , Mr . E . T . SMITH Magnificent success of the Italian Opera , which is-ni « -htlv increasing in popular estimation . The eminent nrfV . it \ ° Madlles . Titiens ; Hambilla , Ualfe , Sarolta , Vanerf S Anese , end Guarducci ; Signori Monoini L nrk ^> Tn « Badiali . Fagotti , Lanzoni , Marini , and GiugUnivwho ^ nightly received with the most enthusiastic and unecjui' vocal applause , will have the honor ' of appearing during the ON MONDAW 1 L BAUBIEItE DI " SIVIGLIA . Count . Almaviva , Signor-Moiiglni ; Figaro , Si"iior liidiili Doctor Uartolo . Signor Mafini ; Basilio . li " nor Im zoni ; Berta , Madlle . ¦ Dell'Anose ; and . Kosiiia , Madlle Guarducci . . ' ' TUESTJAWIL DOX GIOVAXXL Donna Anna . Madlle . Titiens ; Donna Klvira Madll , > Vantri ; Zerliua , Madlle . Victoire Balfe ; Don Giovanuf Signor IJadi . ali ; Lcporcllo , Signor Marini ; 11 Commondatore , Signor Lnuzbni ; . Masetto , Signor Castelli ; and Dom Ottavio , Sifriior ( Jiuglini . Madile . JJoschetti will dance in the Minuet Musical Directors , M . Benedict and Signor Ai-diii . To conclude each evening , with AHfADXE . By MadKo Amina Boschotti , M . A ' andris , M-ud . Ucs . ' Morlaechi , ( J . oriMa * Mathot , 1 ' asqiinli , Marjiquot : i , and the corps rlc ballot . Leader of the Ballet , Mr . Thnddeus Wells . : kotick . Mercadajite ' s opera , 11 Oiuramento , in which the following popular artistes will appear—viz ., Mndlle . Gnarduccf , Signor L . Graziani , Signor Fagotti , and Madrlle . Kiiriclictta "Wciser , who will make her reappearance , will be produced in a few days . l'it tickets , 3 s .: fid . ; galleries , 2 s . and Is . ; second circlo , boxes , as . ; dress circle , 7 s . . In Order to prevent disappointment at niirlit , onrlv application should be -made for places at Hie 'box-office vt the theatre . . J ' rivate lioxcs , stalls , box , pit , and gallery tickets to be had on application to 31 r . Chatterton , at the box-office daiiy , JVoni eleven to six . Dovrx open at half-past seven ; commevice at eight . -
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THE BATTJLE OF PALESTRO . ThePiedmoiUese Gazette publishes the following : Chief head-quarters at Torrione , May 30 , 1859 . rRQCT . AMATIOX TO THE TROOPS . Soldiers !—Our first battle has been our first ¦ victory . Your heroic courage , the admirable order of your ranks , and the valour and sagacity of your chiefs , have this day triumphed at Palestro , Vin-Tzaglip , ami Casalino . The enemy , repeatedly attacked , has , after an obstinate defence , left Iris strong positions in your hnnds . This campaign conld not commence under more favourable auspices . The triumph ofthedayis a sure pledge that you have other victories in reserve for the glory of j-our King and the fame of the brave Piedmontese army . Soldiers ! The country exultingly expresses its gratitude to you through me , aud it already points out to history the name of its heroic sons , who for the second time have bravely fought for it on the memorable day of the 30 th of May . : Victor Emmanuel .
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BlTRXING Olf A . TllAKSrORT SHIP AT SlMTHKAD . —• Tho Eastern Monarch , from lvurracheo , bound to London , with 140 troops on board , invalids , besides cabin passengers , arrived at Spithcad at ono o ' clock on ' Friday morning . In about an hour and a half afterwards a flre waa discovered raging among tho cargo . The master had rockets fired , and other signals of distress , to attract the attention of tho ships of war in tho harbour , which being soon , numbers of boats put ott to tho burning ship . With difficulty the captain succeeded in getting tho invalid soldiers and tho women and children into the ship boats , and they wore takon on board of tho nearest of tho ships . At 0 . 30 , b . er Majesty ' s steamer Ifalcon commenced firing into tho storn of tho burning ship to sink her . She was then completely in flames , both fore and aft , and her masts had fallen overboard . Hor loss is . calculMod at noarly £ 80 , 000 . It is hoped that few , \ t any , Hvoa are lost . . PttWSBN'rATION OC TH 13 FftRHPOM : OF TKW ' ClTT -so Sin Joun liAwnuNOK ) this Day . — This
aftornoon a Special Court of Aldermen and Common Council was held at the Guildhall , for the purpose of presenting Sir John Lawrence with the-freedom of the City , contained in a gold box of most elaborate workmanship , " as a testimony of the high opinion entertained by the citizens of Iiondon of the distinguished services rendered by Sir John Lawrence in the civil department of the Government of India , and the success that has . attended his exertions to promote civilisation and religion , and to stay the progress of rebellion at one of the most momentous periods of British rule in India . The Lord Mayor presided . Sir John Lawrence was introduced to the Court by Mr . Alderman Salomons and Mr . Deputy Dakin , the mover and seconder of the vote . After the usual formalities had been gone through appertaining to the creation of a citizen , the Chamberlain ( Mr . Scott ) presented the gold box containing a record of his admission as a citizen of London in a speech of eulogy on the services rendered by Sir John to this country during the time he had been employed in India . Sir John Lawrence replied to the address , aud the proceedings terminated .
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Leader Office , Friday Evening , June 3 rd .
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A . telegram dated Turin , this day ( Friday ); says that the Austrians have withdrawn to the eastern bank of the Po , and have abandoned Torre , Beretti , and the surrounding country . Garibaldi re-entered Como yesterday evening at eleven o ' clock . Yesterday morning the Austrians advanced from Bobbio towards the French outposts , but retired xgtLin after a short fight . This movement was made to ' Conceal the retreat of the Austrians , who had begun to evacuate Bobbio , carrying with them about 1 , 000 wounded . Garibaldi has surprised and beaten the Austrians at Varese , and the town is again free of the enemy .
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PAPAL STATES . A letter addressed to the Messager tin Midi states that M . Pietri , the former prefect of police , has arrived in Rome , and that reinforcements of French troops have been quartered in several convents . It is stated from Marseilles that 400 foot chasseurs embarked there on May 30 , for Civita Veccllia and Rome . A letter from Koine , of May " 24 , in the Constitutionnel , says that 600 French troops had arrived in Rome that morning , and that some engineer companies , aided by a reinforcement from Marseilles , had , to the great satisfaction of the inhabitants , recommenced the works of the fortifications of Civita Vecchia , which had been suspended .
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NAPLES . On Wednesday the remains of the late king were carried with great ceremony arid military display from the palace to the church , and interred . Naples is tranquil . Everything remains in statu quo .
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THE INSURRECTION IN THE VALTELINE . The Duke of Purmahas arrived in Switzerland , via the Tyrol , with a numerous suite . The sub-governor of Sondrio has fled with gensdarmes and tho public treasure into the Tyrol , Sardinian officials fill the public offices in Sondrio .
1 W I ¦ ' ' • ¦ ¦ J. ' ' F Ostenpt . . • T
0 tisterijji .
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696 . .. ¦¦ " THE LEADER fPasTscniPT .
Crystal Palace.
Leader (1850-1860), June 4, 1859, page 696, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2297/page/12/