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tfftitfe direction , and that the superintendence of the laboratory will merge into that of the gun factories , ¦ # Mc h will create a reduction of no insignificant importance in the general expenditure . > In order to have the A riadne , 26 , screw frigate , no w in the fltting-basin at Chatham , completed by the 19 tb . inst < , at which date she is ordered to leave the bafein , a number of men in the employ of the contractors for supplying her engines are employed from 6 o ' clock in the morning until 8 in the evening m fitting her machinery . _ _ ' ,. _ , _ ,., _ .. of about 30 shipwrightsthe
With the exception , ¦ Wli oleof the additional labourers , shipwrights , and mechanics ordered to be taken on at Chatham dockyard for the augmentation of that establishment hare now been entered . Owing to the great demand for shipwrights at private dockyards , the Admiralty hare experienced some difficulty in procurin g a sufficient number of that class of artizans to complete the entries ordered to be made , but , from Intelligence which has been received at Chatham from the shipbuilding yards in the north , the full number of men required will be shortly obtained , fieveral first-class workmen having expressed their intention to enter at Chatham dockyard .
The members of the National Defence Commission arrired at Dent ' s Portland Hotel , Southsea , on Wednesday evening . On Thursday , accompanied by Major-Gen . Sir James Yorke Scarlett , K . C . B ., they embarked from the Sallyport stairs on board the Vividpaddle yacht , and proceeded to Hurst Castle and the forts which guard the western entrance to the Solent andSpithead . Two gunboats , the Beaver and Rainbow , and a steam tug , with 200 men of the Eoyal Artillery , had left the portearly in the morning for the same destination .
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THE VOLUNTEERS . The London Rifle Brigade has at length 300 men drilling daily , which number , if the ajffair is not to "be a complete mockery , ought to be increased tenfold immediately . At Clapham and Bermondsey this week new corps have been formed , and the men Of Westminster have met , and determined to emulate the doings of the volunteers of-that ancient city in 1803 . Among the new provincial companies and battalions which have been inaugurated this week we find the inhabitants of the following places : —Kidderminster , Brierley Hill , Weston-super-Mare , Waltham , Bewdley , Forfar ( artillery ) , Warwick , Burnham , Chippenbam , the East Riding of Yorkshire , Launceston , Skipton , and Tunbridge .
At Bristol and Glasgow , in addition to their fine regiments of rifle rolunteers , the citizens are organising artillery battalions . . On the subject of volunteer cavalry , Sir W . Napier , in . his quaint and characteristic manner , observes : ' Each gun , whether manned by volunteers or militia artillerymen—and there are inany good ones—should be attended by a small corps of volunteer cavalry always moving with it , ready to support the skirmishers and protect the gun from accidental roving detachments of the enemy ' s horsemen . We also should have roving horsemen—aye , and fighting horsemen , numerous and bold . They would soon teach the French cavaliers how much a good horse has to do in warfare ; horses never blunder if their riders be earnest and strongwilled . "
A correspondent of the Times warns volunteers purchasing their own arms , against being taken in . He says : — "The Government rifle is as good a weapon as the English trade can turn out ; every part of it is carefully viewed in . detail , before it is Set up , by the War-office viewers , men of good experience , who ascertain that , both as to materials and make , it is completely up to the mark . On the other hand , the rifles supplied to private individuals are not viewed in detail , if , indeed , they are viewed at all by competent viewers . It is notorious . at the present moment that quantities of inferior
materials , which have beon rejected by the War-office viewers , are being worked up to meet those private orders ; and that the skilled workmen , who have hitherto been wholl y employed on the Government contracts , are claiming permission from their eralio have a share of the private , work , because , being mibjeoted to no War-office view , it can bo more rapidly and profitably scamped over . I need say no snore . Noblemen and gentlemen connected with jciflo corps arc now warned , nnd can aot as they please ?'
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IRELAND . Ow Sunday evening , a man named John Harlin , Sliding in Cooraolevln , in the barony of Clonliah , * uwgte county ,-was fired at and wounded . The ruins 2 * f »« MoWvUott 8 ( & vrejre close by , and there , it is sup-2 ? fl £ ? ' ' $ * £ < W 8 i »« ln » tlay concealed * Harlin saw one ' ffic ^^ W ) CW * BlRnB yfaXk deliberately away after "Mag ttWBhot , -winch wan discharged from either
a blunderbuss or a laTge . pistol loaded with slugs , several of which took effect on Harlin , who received the contents in the neck , arm , and body . His house is situate within about 200 perches of the police station at Cooraclevin . He is an under-agent or bailiff on the estate of a Mr . Stackpoole , who has recently purchased property at Cooraelevin and proposed raising the rents of the tenantary , who , having refused to comply with the proposed increase , were served with notices to quit , which duty was performed by Harlin , who was therefore fired at . During the night four men , named Patrick Egan , Michael Egan , William Egan , an < l Edward Fox , were arrested by the police on suspicion . Some of the accused are tenants of Mr . Stackpoole .
Mr ; Moutray , of Clogher , had received a threatening notice , requiring that his bailiff should be forthwith discharged ( the notice was , of course , annoymdus ) ,, whereupon Mr . Moutray called his tenants together , as well as the labourers on his estate , and made a speech , the burden of which was an attack upon Popish tenants . Popish partisans , and Popish conspirators , believing that the threat had proceeded from a . Papist , and was the result of a conspiracy in which Papists alone had a hand . Mr ; Moutray finished by declaring that if anybody injured him every Roman Catholic would suffer , for punishment would be inflicted upon them all .
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LAW , POLICE , AND CASUALTIES . In reference to the late fire at the Puraffin Light Company ' s premises , Bucklersbury , the solicitors of those interested hare attended at the Mansion House to report to the Lord Mayor the result of the coroner ' s inquest , and to come to an understanding as to how the business should be conducted in future , so as to ensure the safety of contiguous property , and satisfy the neighbours as to their personal immunity from danger . Some discussion took place , and suggestions were entertained to secure the desired results , which , are to be further considered when the arrangements have made some progress .
The Court of Bankruptcy on Wednesday granted permission to sell property at Enfielcl , belonging to J . " Buller , the bankrupt solicitor , of Lincoln ' sinn-fields , for the purpose of paying off the claim of an equitable mortgagee thereon . The ease of Ernest Levy , jeweller , of 352 , Strand , was adjourned . A strong opposition is anticipated in this case . The adjourned examination meeting in the case of Messrs . Ayers and Melliss , who had traded as general merchants at Nottingham and New York , was further adjourned for three months ; and a petition , praying for an order directing that the Ruardean Colliery Company should be wound up , was dismissed , all parties consenting .
On Thursday , in the Court of Queen ' s Bench , a rule nisi was granted , at the instance of Lord Brougham , calling upon the Westmoreland Gazette to show cause why a criminal information should not be filed against it for libelling the noble lord , representing that he had used undue influence in relation to a certain charitable property . Marshall , Mortimer , and Eicke , who had been convicted of the illegal sale of a commission , were brought up for judgment on Thursday . To Marshall is assigned six months' imprisonmnt and a £ 200 fine ; Mortimer and Eioke get the same term of imprisonment , but with . £ 100 flno each , and in all the three cases the fine must be paid before the prisoners are released .
At the Equity Court , yesterday , Mr . Mayhew again directed notice to a petition which relates to the . new JEast India ITive per Cent . Loan , and was asked to mention the matter again , . Joseph Henry Jay , an income-tax collector , residing at Kingeland , has been placed before Mr . D'Eyncourt , at Worship-street Polico-court , charged with fraud in the collection of that assessment . The magistrate remanded the case , and not considering the evidence offered of a very satisfactory kind , accepted bail in two sureties of . £ 200 each . Another " highly respectable" man has tyjen caught tripping at Hereford , and groat care appears to have been taken in vain to hush the matter up . The serious peoplo of that quiet city have beon edified by the apprehension of Mr . Thomas Hancon .
a timber merchant , and one of the deacons of the Baptist church of that place , on a charge of forgery . He had resorted to the practice of uttering forged bills to bankers , and taking them up before they became due , by which the offence remained a secret . Unfortunately for him , one drawn in May last upon Messrs Hanbury and Oo ., of London , for the sum of 237 / . 8 s . was , olthorfrom neglect or inability to do so , not taken up , and , the fact having come out that the bill in question waa a forgery , the prisoner was quietly apprehended at his residence a row evenings since , and from the poeition of the prisoner , and the respect for those conneoted with him , the matter was kept as secret as possible . In fact , it only became known to a few of his most Intimate friends . The prisoner was also sooretly admitted to bail by a
magistrate , who , it would appear , is a friend , the prisoner himself in 4 OOZ . and two sureties in 200 ? each . As all efforts to hush up the affair proved futile , the hearing of the case was fixed for Tuesday The prisoner , however , failed to appear ; and it subsequently transpired that he had left the neighbourhood . Mr . Fitter , of the firm of Fitter and Warder , of Birmingham , appeared for the prosecution , and Mr . Smith of the same place for the prisoner . A long discussion having taken place as to the mode of procedure in such a case Mr . Fitter , in opening the case , stated that at the ' request of the prisoner they had consented to
postpone the hearing of the case from time to time until their patience had become quite exhausted . He therefore pressed that the hearing might be proceeded with . During Mr . Fitter ' s remarks a telegraphic message was received by Mr . Smith , the prisoner ' s attorney . It proved to be from Mr . H . James , of Birmingham , who said Hancon had requested him to say that he had met with an accident and could not attend , but that he should proceed to London to secure the services of Serjeants Parry and Ballantine . The clerk of the magistrates having called iipon the defendant three several times to appear , his bail was estreated .
Three bricklayers , named Jenkins , Stanley , and Davies , have been convicted before Mr . Elliott , at Lambeth Police Court , of threatening and intimidating John Boy , in order to force him to belong to a s ' ociety . Jenkins and Stanley were sentenced to one month , and Davies to fourteen days'imprisonment ; but an appeal to the quarter sessions lmving been entered , they were liberated for the present on bail .
At the Mansion-house , Thomas Brooks was charged with procuring a cheque-book from the London Joint Stock Bank by means of a forged request . The book when recovered , on the prisoner being apprehended , was found to have twenty-three cheques v * nnting . These had all been forged with the names of various tradesmen , and had subsequenty been presented at the b : ink for payment . A remand for a week was ordered for the purpose of making further inquiry . At the "South Shields Police-court the mate of
the Prussian barque Emily was charged . - ' with assaulting Frederick Peters , a seaman on board the same vessel . Mr . Leighton , ship chandler , of North Shields , acted as interpreter between the Bench and the parties . During the examination a . man in the body of the court called out , in a foreign accent , that the interpreter was speaking falsely . The Bench asked him if he was a witness . He replied that , being a Prussian by birth , and , therefore ,
knowing the language , he could easily detect the falsehoods that had / been uttered . He knew the English tongue very well , having resided in England many years . The Bench requested the man to come round to the witness-box , and then asked Mr . Leighton whether he had been speaking the truth , to which he replied that he had not . He admitted that he had been engaged by the defendant . On hearing this the Bench ordered him to sit down . Tlie case ,
with the assistance of an honest interpreter , was clearly proved against the defendant , who was fined 20 s . The magistrate merely sail that Leigh ton had conducted himself " improperly , " instead ot sending the scoundrel to prison . During the gale on Tuesday , a catastrophe occurred off Liverpool . by which a fine barque ami till on board were lost . She was the Austrian barque Tyrol , Captain Castelli , belonging to Fiuine , a seaport in the Adriatic , and went ashore on the * k > "i e Benbo Banks , close to the Cheshire coast . VUicn she was observed on shore it ^ was about half-past tlio
two o ' clock on Monday afternoon , but as w »" at the time was only blowing moderately still , it was believed that t \\ o Tyrol was at each successive wave becoming less visible . A few solitary shots ana blue lights werefirod to point out the position ot tne vessel , but event those signals fuilcd to bring assistance . About twelve o ' clock tho soa was very -who , but still hopes were entertained that tho crow on board might hold ont until duybrouk . DajDrooK came , but the position which tho vessel had <> cc « ppied tho preceding evening was vaeant--noc a vestige of tho wreck was visible The Mo ° « those on board was easily told—thoy had sharod that oi the vossol . , j , „ ., ,. | Tho jury have returned a verdict of fto ° i < lcntai doath at the inquoat on the body of tho unfortunate man Thomas Hlno , who was killed by tho oxr ' ^ " at tho Gonstimors' Gas Works
Surrey . A dreadful accident happened on Sat unlay afternoon at what is called the " Big Pit , " in t ] \ ° t , ' " bourhood of Ftvr Green , near Hunley , by whieli vro regret to state that ten persons lost their Hwa .-i ""* ten others were severely injured . It appears tlitit : » company of men employed at tho pit woro J " con < "Illi in a cage , and from want of attention of tho man oi tho wheel , the cage , instead of stopping ™ 1 " reached tho bank , was thrown over tho whool Botwin upwards , by wtiloh ton persons woro thrown * " !; £ , killed on the epot , another dying soon aftorwurae .
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1242 ffiE , LEAIEB . iNo . 503 . Nov . 12 , 1859 .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 12, 1859, page 1242, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2320/page/6/