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A rgus Life Assurance Oom-JTTL PANY. 39, TRROGMORTON STREET. BANK.—Chair-man, William Leaf. Ksq Deputy Chairman, John Humphery, Esq., Alderman.
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RichardE . Arden , Esq . Rupert IiiKleby , Esq . Edward Bates , Esq . Saffery . Wm . Johnson , Thos . Farncorhb . lEsq ., Esq . ' . ¦ „ Alderman Jeremiah Pucnet , U . sq-. Professor Hall , M . A . Lewis Pocock , Esq . Phyiician , Dr . Jeaffreson , 2 , Finsbury-square . Suraeon , Wi . Coulson . Esq ., 3 , Frederick > place , Old Jewry . Actuary , George Clark , E « q . ADVANTAGES OF ASSURING WITH THIS . ¦ ¦; ' ¦ .. ' . .. ' ¦ ' COMPANY . ¦" . ¦' . The Premiums are on the lowut scale con * itteiit ¦ ' with security . ' . . ' - ¦ ¦ - ¦'¦ . ' ' ..- . .. ¦¦ ,: ' The assured are protected by an ample subscribed capital—an assurance fund of jer 480 , 000 , inyested on mortgage and iu the Government « tock 8—^ and » n income of £ 35 , 000 a-year . Premiums to -Assurei £ 100 . Whvl . oTflrm . . ¦• ¦ v' ¦ -i ^ V i — ' i .. n '» v . m . Seven With Without AgeOne 1 ear . Yearfl . profits . Profits . £ b . d . £ a . d , £ s . d . £ s . d . 20 0 17 S 0 19 9 1 15 10 1 11 l < r 30 I 13 1 2 7 2 5 6 207 40 1 ft , 0 16 9 3 0 7 2 14 10 50 1 14 , 1 1 1 » 10 4 6 8 4 0 11 6 Q 3 2 4 3 17 0 6 12 9 6 0 10 ' MUTUAL BBANCW . Assurers on the Bonus system are entitled , after five years , to participate in nine-tenths , or 90 per cent , of the profit * . . . ' . The profit assigned to pach Policy pan be added to the sum assured , applied in reduction of the annual premium , or be received in cash . At the first division , a return of 20 per cent , in cash on the premiums paid was declared ; this will allow a reversionary increase , varying , according to nge . from 6 $ t . o 2 H per cent , on the premiums , or from 6 to 15 per dent ; on tho sum fissured . One haH ' of the Whole Term Premium may remain on credit for sevon years , or one-third of tho premium inBy remain for life as a debt upon the policy at 0 per cent ., ormiiy be paid oft " at any time without notice . Oluims paid in one month after proofs have been approved . Loiuis upon approved eeourity . No charge for Policy Stamp ? . ' Medical iutendanta paid for their reports . Persons hi ay iii t , ime of peace proceed to or reside In » ny part ; of Europe or British North America without oxtra charRe . No oxlrachargo for the Militia , Volunteer Rifle , or Artillci-y Corps , on Home Sorvicc . The mutUahl officers attend every day at a quarter before tiro o'clock . K . 1 JAT 1 SS , Rosidont Dircotor .
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KSTAHLISURV 1838 . Victoria arid Legal and COMMERCIAL IJFK ASSURANCE COMPANY , 18 , KING WILLIAM STKKK'P , CITY . The Business of tho ComiiAny cmbraccBovory description o ( rink connected with Life AsHuranco . Credit allowed of ono-third of tho rroiniuniH till ueath , or half tho Premiums for flvo yearo , on policies taken out for tho whole of life . Advanced in cpnnoxion with Life Assurance nro made on advantageous terms , either on real or personal security . WILLIAM KATUAY , Actuary .
Untitled Ad
INCOIU'OUATEn 1847 . Tlritish Empire Mutual Life - * - ASSURANCE COMPANY , 32 , NEW UUIDGG STREET , LONDON , E . C . Annual Income , j 6 r » S , ; ifl 8 . Aooumiilulpd Fuwtl , £ Wi , 607 12 » . . " , »? prollta « loolnrod havo uniountod to £ 03 , 418 , srioldlnK a Uonuq of 27 * per cont . on tho premiums , returnable iu Oaah to tho mombera . . . , o « Pi" ° * i " . " commonooinpnt of tho Company tho amount paw to tho Widows and other ropreaontutlvoa of doco « 8 Qd momborH \ t \ . 879 . 142 3 a . Oil . ' *» r on a l » HurlnB t | i > n yeftr will flhnro In the Bonus | o bo declared up to l ^^ ooinboi-, lsoa , JAMBS INGLIS , Soorotary .
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TilK . EIGHTH YEAR . , r rhe ConsorvMtivo Lund Ho-X duty , —Truxtvcii : Virioount Kiumlnyli , ft »> U J > O . Cobbold , Kh (| ., M . I ' .- -IVthoiik ih-ulruun . > rJnvu » Unff HiivlngH untl cniiltul uru ri'MUfblud ( . o up | ily lor tho s [ nuwproHpuutiiK . ' I'hu fVHU'ni Is utliiptua for nil clnsBfca '" , of tho ooninMinlly , iiinl ( ho liU » lnt'Mrt ouu l » ' an easily anrried on by corrcHpomlvnco an !•• ' ¦ ttt . 'inliuifii' nt il . ie U / l )< io « , No . , Nor | i )) k t flivot , nl , f . oi . ilon , \ V . 0 . —• ThoRooiotv . wlll I"' fownd niiv i ^ 'jim . hi n * well uh eligible , an Inventor * vim iniiK . >• ¦! it « Mi > n > r im u < lviio .- « it or HiivlngH 1 bunk , oom ) . n ... < , ¦ ' « tio ' » , 'H * "f ( . , intoroHt , with Iho nrlvllogo ojr nroiii n * wlthdniwul ,, whon runUirod ' , ' jfiuPliiourrlntf no l | ubl IU « h ultl ^ r n « h eluiroholdur or uduponltor . I ' ruchold Innd , » li t' Iftkinff of which iHqulUiopilonnl . ciin bwuciiulrod ui « niuU « r . . .. . . Uxruis lot » , by ««« y monthly ropnynn'iilH , Inf . <<^ 4 t qn HhiiriH , n ptir cciit ,, with Mlmro In luinmiljJtyiUKM V' ^ "' ¦¦ f ' ^ ftWS TKV w GRUNKIHKN , ^ 0 f ^ ^\ ' ^
Untitled Ad
Imperial Life Insurance ' Ml . COMTANY . 1 . OLP UliOAD S . TK-KKT , LONDON— Instituted l « ao . ¦ Wircc / or '—' G'floWo William (^ ottHm , Kmv , Chalrmnn ; Frederick 1 ' iittiHon , Ksij ., Deputy Chuiirmtn . Thomas G , Harclav , Knq . ( Juorgn Hilibtil , Ksq . , lttm < » s C . C , } h )\ , ) is >< i . Samuel Hibbcrt , l-sq . Jam . ua HraniJ .-Kirti . ¦ ThoH . Nqwiuan 1 unt , fcsq . Charles Cave , l % s <| . , J . ( jontun Murdo .-h , Kmj . ¦ ( Jooiro Honry Cutlor , Kaij . William U . i { oliui . ») , lj , so . Henry Duvldion , Esq . MuvtiuT . . Smith , I-. jq M . P . George Kicld . Ksq . i Newman Smltli . K »(^ , , SKC . UKITY . ~ TJk u »« utx'il nrc proteeti-d by n «««¦ rniUee fimrt ot' upwaidit of u million and a hnlj U \ rling from the linbiliticH uttaohlncf to mutuiil nBHuranpo . i'KOl'ITS . —Vour-Hfthp , or eighty per c < -nt . of tho prolltri , arc- ad ^ gncd to rollciert ovfiy filth your . I ho assured iiroentlllod to participala after j » uy » ient or one premium . , CLAIMS . —The Company 1 ms ilislnirsed in pnyment of claims and ntlilltiouH upwhrds . of X'l . ftOO . OUO , TropoHulfl for insurances nmy he made u < ilm Chior Office , nsubovoi nt tin- Ilnineh Office , Itl , Pull Mall , London : or to unySif the iiBmil-tihrouchou' P . u kIiirdom . HAMUKL lXUALJ - , Aeluary .
Untitled Ad
T ^ he Festiniog Slate Quarry JL COMPANY ( LimTted ) . A large portion of the required new capital is now subscribed for . and it is ; probable that allotments to the public will shortly close . The contract for the purchase of the fee-simple of the estate ( 200 acres ) has been effected upon very advantageous , terms . ' ... ' . ¦ I ' Preliminaries for the construction of the proposed railroad and the expansion of th « works arc entered upon , and both operations will be carried out with as little' delay as possibly so as to peenre an . early dividend . , The Capital of the Company consists of £ 100 * 000 , in 20 , 000 shares of £ a each , of two classes , Ti * .: —A . participating in the entire promts , aft or payirtg of dividend to 1 $ . 1 $ . bearing- a preference dividend not exceeding 74 per cent , per annum , payable out of the profits of the year . . Deposit 1 » - per share on application , and 19 a . per share on allotment . ; - Directors . David Dtivios , Kaq ., St . James ' s Mount , Liverpool . Alfred Erasmus Dryden , Esq .. Lincoln's Inn , London . Richard Worri * Griffith * Esq .. Jtahker , IJnnpror : William Mountcastle , K 3 q ., Market-street , Mnnchester Hugh Pupli , Kaq .., Banker , Pwllheli-, North Wales . ; ]) ankrrs . ~ Thc London Joint Stock linnk . London ; The National Provincial Bank of England , IJnngor . The Quarries of the Company are situatod on die Tyddyn . bacli Estate , Fcstinlop . North Wii ) es , contiguous to th < i oxtenHive and profitable quarries of Lord Pnlmerstonftnd others , whose production is known as tha I ' ortmudoc Slate , Tho Tyddynbach Estate contains 200 aoro « of prpved « l » to rock of excellent quality , np < l of a dip most favourable for economic working , affords natural drainage , a plentiful supply of water power ! and ample room fordeposlt of waato , Tho property Is lield by tho Company under n 12 years'lensogruntod in 184 ri tq tho former Hijiall proprietary at it low royalty , with an option to purchase the fee-aim pie . This lease and , option , with tho whole of tl |« ir quarries , buildings , works , and plant , have beun purchnped from tho former proprietors by nn allotment of 7 , ftl 4 ehnros in tho present company , taken lit & \ per share paid . Tho ^ unities lmvo boon in operation ainoo 1 R 48 , and tho quality of tho Sluto and Slabs produced , the Reports l >» ncd upon Scientific Surveys of tho wJiolo Estate , nnd ICxporlmontal Testa applied at different points ( sooTro ^ pobtiw ) . i ^ ijly establish the soundncHs of the ui ) d (> Ytakinft and the certainty of a largo dividend reuniting from further outlny ol capital . It iri entlniftted that « fiirthercnpltal of from jC , ' ) o , 000 to jtf-lO . ooo will onnhlotho Company to purchase tho foo-simplo i to oonhtruot a Rallrond tliroo miles In length , ooiuiootlng Ihu QunrrloH with tho I ' ort of Slilnmont ( I ' ortHindoo ) whorehy tho cost of transit will bo rotluoed two-thlrdn , und to inoreuso- tho Workings tin to h production of 00 * 000 tons per annum , from whioh it l « efltlninted a profit of from JC 30 to rf"W percent , would bo rallied . AppHoiitlon for Sharo « must bo made to the undersigned , from whom proper forms mid prOBpoottifloa may be obtained & WIIITPIBL 1 > . Solicltorn . IJIBNUY WHXTWOKTir , » i > protary . Offlce , o , Oftnnon-atroot , Londont M . 0 .
Untitled Ad
JE BONTX& DIVISION . lobe Insurance , Ooriiliill Gand OH A RING CROSS , LONDON . . Established 1803 . : Capital ONJ £ MILLION , all paid-up and Invested . The ifollowing are examples of the PROFITS accruing on GLOUE PARTICIPATING LIFE rOLIC 1 ES under the BONUS declared as at 31 st IJecember . lSqS : — ' ¦ " ' . ¦ . . Bonus app lied;— '¦ ¦¦¦' Age at Original Original ' Conn- ¦ —— . .: : ' ' .. . Date Sum Annual plete . ¦ "liy . By pay-. . jfV' ¦ . of Insured . Eremiiiii ' Years Addition mehtin , ' ¦ :. ¦¦ Policy : ' in force , topolicy . CASH . 25 Yrs . jqiOOO ^ " 21 9 2 . 8 Yearn . £ 72 £ 27 17 , . -35 „ 1000 28 2 66 „ 72 32 15 ' j ; " ..: •* »¦* ¦ 40 „ 1000 32 15 06 ,, 72 35 7 ¦¦ £ . ' 60 „ . 1000 45 12 6 ' „ , ; 72 . . > 2 g ^ . » ^ ^ Policies oj One to Vivecotnplete Years . partictpate . tn , ' ,- ¦ "¦ . ' ";¦ ¦ ¦ . '<¦ proportion , )^ ¦ ' \ - . ^ : . & ; . - ;•; . . ¦ ; . : ¦ ¦ . ¦ Theabbve . Profits are equivalent- ^ if added to tne <'; "_; . _ ¦ •¦' - ¦ Polioy—tb a ReWrsionary San » at vDeath equal to < hie ' ¦ .-, ' . '' Pound Four Shillings per Cent- per Annum on the Sum Insured for each or the completed years of the Policy :-r-Or , if taken as an Immediate Cash Payment , , at most ages , considerably more than One Year's Premium . The Bonue Periods are FIVE Years , and the Rate # of Life -. Premiums , whether with or without Profits , very economical . FIRJE , LIFE , ANNiriTY , ENDOWlttENT , and EEVEKSI 0 NAP . Y "businees transacted . WILLIAM NEW MARCH . Secretary . *« , No Charge for Volunteer and Militia Corps . For upwards of Thirty years JJo Extra Premium has been charged by the Glo ^ e lor « orvice in the Militia and in Volunteer Corps »» Die United Kingdoin .
Untitled Ad
Law Union Fire and IAfe I ..... ¦ ' INSURANCE COMPANY . . [ Chief Offices , liO , CHANCERY LANE . London . W . C . Birmingham Branch , 47 , UNION PASSAGE . Capitril , OKEMiLiLIOy STEltLlXG . The Fire and "Life . Departments are under one Management , but with separate , funds and accounts . CJuiirman , Sir William Foster , Bart .. ; Vice-Chai&ndn , James P * rkcr , E « q ., Baddow House , Chelmsford . FIRE DEPARTMENT . Capital responsible for Losses , £ 750 , 000 . The baainesa iscontint'd . to the best classes of insurance . The discount allowed by the Government on the duty is in all cases- given to-tlieinsured . ' : ¦ Claims ' settle'd . 'With promptitude and liberality .-LIFE DEPARTMENT . Capital responsible for losses , £ 250 ; 000 , A Bonus every five yefirs , —next Bonus in 1864 . Moderate rates of Premium , Annuities granted on favourable terms . _ . ' Prospectuses , f orms of- proposal , cbpie 3 . "of annual reports , and every information , on application to FRAgK McQ ' EDY ^ iBecretary . 126 . Chancery-lane .
Untitled Article
¦^ C . i- ' : ^ - -- ¦' , ¦;"¦ ¦ .- 4- ; : - :-V - :- - A ---- ;/ -. ' ¦ y- -i ' \ ' -. ^ : r y ; :-., -. -. ; . vV v .: ; W > . ¦ . •> . ' ¦ ^• ¦ v '; ' - ;'; \ -- r ''' -V-:: ; ; " -:- ^ S - ^^ r T : ^" "" /^ T- \ - % : - ; ^ V - ;^ ^ : ;; - ; ; " < . - - ^>|?^^; PM THE LEADED f \/' ; ' ; % ¦ ¦• '' . ' ¦¦ '¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦• ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ . AND ¦ ¦ ¦¦ . - . ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' . .. ' ' ; ¦ ¦ ' . ¦• '¦ - ' SATTIEBAY ANALYST ; A BEVIEW AND RECOED OF POLITICAL , LITERABY , ARTISTIC , AND SOCIAL EVENTS .
Untitled Article
¦ jrJ&& % i . Y : ; . - - ^ ; J ^ ary 7 th , 1860 . ; ¦ ¦ \ , ; { * %% ! % . : [ ,
Untitled Article
Our National Out-look for 1860 . " Ann us Lethalis . " Germany . Italy . . " . Ghurcli Associations . '' The Last Decade .
Lord Macaulay—The PolL- Parliament . tician . . Bedlamite . literature . " Sartor Triumphaiis / ' State of Music and the Papalism and Protestant- Drama . ism . ^ Letters from Italy and Satire . Germany . The Exhibition of 1861 . ' ¦ ' The Cornhill Magazine . "
George Rose and his Contemporaries . . Gleanings from Foreign Books . More of Shakespeare . Serials . Record of the "Week .
A Rgus Life Assurance Oom-Jttl Pany. 39, Trrogmorton Street. Bank.—Chair-Man, William Leaf. Ksq Deputy Chairman, John Humphery, Esq., Alderman.
A rgus Life Assurance Com-JTTL PANY , 39 , TRKOGMOitTON StltEJCT . BANK . —Ghnirmnn , William Leaf . Ksq Deputy Chairman , John Humphery , Kaq ., Alderman .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 7, 1860, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2328/page/1/