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LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS . ¦ ¦ . ¦ .. ' ¦ ¦;¦ i . .. ¦ : ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦" . '¦ . • ¦ ¦ . -. ' » i . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ' . BR IALMONT'S LIFE OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON . MARSHMAN'S LIFE OP GENERAL HAVELOCK . Translated , with Emendation * and Additions , bj theL . ^? , ^ ^ hule- MEMOIRS of the LIFE of Major-General SIR HENRY HAVEM . A .. Clmplain . Gener . 1 to Her M . je . tv ' . Force .. Vol .. III . and 1 Y-, comple- M ^ CK . K . C . bJwIUi Selection , from hie Corre . pond . nc * and Journal ,, tloo . pno . 24 ^ z Md ^ wjth numerou 8 Illustration 8 # prJce 3 oa . By hi . J rother-in-law , JOHN CLARK MARSHMAN . 1 voL - *» o . ^ Jgrn / S ^ SS ^ t -gS ^ Si ^ SW ^ ftSS ^ -- . ^" JSLSTH-rao * i . well t ook a part , the author , wh , . 1 . Sir H . Battle of W ^ terlb ^ o and repies «» t him tione of n . odern times they must tell known to hare used his pen a . well a . Havelock ' . brother-in-law , haa freely as an ? ambassador ' aV a minister , and truly : while the Duke * character is h # u . « d hi . Bwords anS the present availed himself of on « mal and authen-« acitS They have been compiled brought by them more completely work will include a larce portion of hi . tic . ources of information ; and in hi . from ^ fh ^ enticeour *!! ; namely ; the under the « oK nizahce of his country- orre . pondehce . It will likewi . e pre- description of the eighty days into Lrivlte and public correapondence of men than it has been , or is ever likely « ent extract , from th . notes in which which ten victories were _ crowded , ho Sis Grace , which the present Duke to be . in the preient . orperhaps in any he recorded hi . professional judgment has had the adavntage of referring to permitted Mr . Gleig to consult when- future generation . of some of the mo . t important military the present Sir HarryHavelock . who mre chose todOBO . Everything . I operatio n * of hi . time . In the narra- fought « de by side with his lather in M 2 . tire of event , in which the General every engagement . riEYLON : Ah Account of the Island—Physical , Historical , and * 2 . \ J TopographicalI ; with . Notices . of its ™ & ™ $ ™ Bt gZ £ ?^ g & %% M mHE LIFE OF AMALIE SIEVEKING . Translated from the Ger-H i ^ Sl ^ Sw ^^ p ^ % S T ^ r **^^;? " ^^**^ Wood Engravings QjCHILLEB'S LIFE and WORKS . By ' Eifii . Pa i . leske . Translated 1 , _ ., v . ., viwptcitwtu rPNTtTRV Br the Rieht Hon . O by XADY WALLACE . Dedicated by permission to Her Majesty ^ the Queen . TALY in the NINETEENTH ClilNl UK I- *> J ; me . * " 6 * "" ** . With Two Portraits ....... ......,.... ; a vol .. post 8 vo . lie . JAMES WHITKSIDE , Mr . Third Edit ion . revised ; with a New Preface , relating to the eventd which bave occurred in Italy since the year 184 S . 8 yo . a 4 . ' ¦ ' : ¦ . [ Aor / y . » January . r YRA GERMANIGA . Translated from the German by Catherinb -t ^ t-it'o Diccijo » J P ! in * B' 5 A «? Pi-iM of Excursions by i-i WINKWORTH . Fift h Edition of the Firtt Serin * , Hymns for the Sundays PEAKS , PASSES , and GLACIERS , A ^^ ea ¦ <*_ M «» s . iona . A » y ana chief Festirai , of the Christian Year . New Edition ofthe Second Serie * , the 1 Members of the Alpine Club . Edited by JQHN ^ ALL . M . R . I A ., t . Li . fc > ., Christian Life ... 3 vols . leap . 8 vo . Cs . each . President , With 8 Illustrations in Ghromo-fithography , 8 Maps , and numerous wirauHu ^ u .... Wood Engravings . Fourth j ? d « fon , thoroughly revised ; with some Corrections 25 . and a New Preface ...... ....... Square crownsvo . -sis . TTT-ONIG'S LIFE of LUTHER , in Forty-eight Historical Engravings . 6 . I \ . With Explanations by Archdeacon HARE and SUSANNA WINKrimAVELS IN PERU AND MEXICO . By S . S . . -Hux . - , Esq ., WORTH ... Fcap .. 4 to . 28 ., i Author of " TravelB in Siberiai"&c . .................. 3 yols . poat 8 to . 21 s . 26 # 6 , „ T , nr .- ' mnn ? n 6 if ¦ MRS . JAMESON ' S LEGENDS of the SAINTS and MARTYRS , BARON PDNSEN'S Work on EGYPT'S PLACE in UNIVERSAL jy ^ a 8 represrnted in Christian Art . Third Edition ; with 17 Etchings and HISTORY . Translated by C . H , COTTBELL , M . A . The Focbth upwardB oflSO Wpodcuta ........ -....... S vols . . qiiare crown 8 vo , 3 ls . 6 d . Volume , with numerou . Hieroglyphics , Diagrams , and other IllustraUons . - . ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' . ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ \_ In January . ¦ ¦ .. ¦ . . - ¦ ' ¦ ¦• . ¦ . ¦ . ¦ . . ¦ ¦ . ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ 7 . . . O ; _ . . _ ,. , - - MR S . JAMESON'S LEGENDS of the MONASTIC 'ORDERS , as M'CULLd CH'S DICTIO 1 TARY , GJE OGRAPHICAL , STATISTICAL , J \ JL represented in Christian Art . Second Edition , with II Etchings and 88 and HiSTORICAL , of the various Countries , Placet ) , and principal Woodcuts ; ........., Square crown Svq , 28 s . Natural Objects in the World . With Sixlarge Maps ... .,......, 2 role . 8 to . G ^ s . - ^ M . r ^ T'T i npri n r > TrTTnNTATiY ' PRArTIPAL THEORETICAL M RS JAMESON'S LEGENDS OF THE MADONNA , as repre-CLL 1 iR 9 ™ , ^ r ^ r ; tS « r >? t ^ J /^ lMF ^ AL NA ^ VIG ^ i M sen ted hi Christian Art . Second Edition , with 27 Etchingsarid 165 Woodcuts , and HISTORICAL , of COltMkRCE and COJttaiEUGlAL _ JNAyiUA- . Square crownBvo . 28 .. TION . With Jlaps and Plftns . N « w EaitiO j n . containing much , additional . In- 2 g * i ¦ - # m » 4 lOT i ...,. ; . ; .. ; ^ vo - 8 - nONYBEARE and HOWSON'S Work on SAINT PAUL ; Gompria-^ -rrnrrni-r ' \ nTiiLTc 3 L * x-M > € ; niPTinMioY ~ t rirnrRAPHV Vnrm ^ «« ff a Complete Biography of the Apostle , arid a Translation of hi 3 Epistles . 17 " EITH JOHNSTON'S DICTIONARY of GEOGRAPHY . Vorm . Aew i ^«/ io » / with Maps , Woodcuts , and 4 Plates ,... .. a vols . square JY ing a complete General Gazetteer of the World . New Edition , rectified to ^ crown 8 vo . 31 a . 6 d . Mtiy ; 1859 ....,.. „• ........ ; , 8 vo . 30 s . 30 . . v ,. 10 . ¦ ,: ¦ ¦ .. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ CJELECT MEMOIRS of PORT ROYAL ; Tour to Alety Visit to Port M BUNDER'S TKE&HUFHY of GEOGRA ^ FHpfi Phy sical , Historical , p Royal ; Gift of an Abbess ; Biographical Notices , &o . Fifth Edition , revised lJe 3 crJpt ! ve . andl * 6 ri « palrcpritainW * staccinC ^ . . » rols . post 8 vo . 21 s . in the World ; JV « o Edition , vritM Maps andio Steejl Plates . Tcap : 8 vo . 10 s . 31 . II . ' :. . QCHIMMELPENNINCK on the PRINCIPLES of BEAUTY , a * DR ROGET'S THESAURUS of ENGLISH WORDS and PHRASES , O manifested in NATURE . ART , and CHARACTER ; ^ with . II . An Essay c-lnsViiied and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of Ideas and on the . Temperaments ; and . III . Thoughts on Grecian and Gothie Architecture . ' assist i » Literary Composition . A'inth Edition ; .., Grown 8 vo . 10 s . 6 d . g 2 i-ost 8 vo . l _' s . OH . ™ i **™ : n ^ **™ - * ™^»^ * j **!^ . V ^ % ^^ f ^^] SS ^^^ St ^ SllZ ^ 1 to the Edinburgh Revtexo . I ' eople ' rt Motion , uniform with the . 1 cople s compiete in One Volume , with Portrait Coat 8 vo . 10 a . 0 d . Edition of Lord Macuulay ' a Essays . To be had » n Seven Parts , price One ¦ -i Shilling each - 2 vols . crowti 8 vo . 8 s . 33 . . ¦ " 13 . M OR L EMBLEMS from CATS and FARLIE ; with APHORISMS , LORD M \ CAUIAY'S HISTORY of ENGLAND from the ACCES- IVi ADAGIiS , and l'ROVEKUS of all AGES and NATIONS . Tho Illuatrawwrtf TVMfSII Kw Edition of the drat Four Volumes of tha tipns by J . LKIGHTON , F . S . A . The Text truncated and edited with Addition . OctHSESuo ' nf ^ viied " d co ^ cted ^ . ? . " . . . .. . ... flrtt * . T ^ JS ^ W * y RldllARD PIGOT . Bound in Grolicr cov ers designedj ^ theArU gt . ^ 14 . 34 . TORD MACAULAY'S CRITICAL and HISTORICAL ESSAYS mtfOMAS MOORE'S MEMOIRS , JOURNAL , and CORRESPONJJ contributed to tho Edinburgh llevicw . People ' a Edition , unnorm with J DENCE Edited by tho Itight Hon . LORD . JOHN RUSSELL , M . P . the I ' opplo ' a Kclitiol ; of thq , Kev . Sydney Smith ' s Worta . To bo had in Seven witlfs P ^ trkitB and 2 Vi ^ o ^ Parts , ptice One ShUUngcwcli ,., ; 2 vola . crown 8 vo . 8 a . Ton Monthly Parts , price One Shilling each . % 15 * 35 SOUTHEY'S DOCTOR , complete in One "Volume . Edited by the _ -. rtAr , ^ . o ^/ -w ^ mT ^ , \ r , „«„„» . , ,. ., . „ ., A , ,. « ov J W . WARTKR , U . D . With Portrait , Vignotte , Bust , and coloured MOORE'S POETICAL WORKS , including the Author ' s AutGb . ogra , P ] .. » u . , , Squares crown 8 vo . 21 s . JJU . phioal Prefnceu , Notes , and other Copyright Additions . IVopIo a Kditipn , ,.. ' , m ' complete in One Voluouvwlth Por ^ ait . ' .... Squaro crown hvo , 12 s . Od . 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A Super roynl ' nvo . 31 a , Od , TROUH ;\ L ) O 1 { , and POKTNJpVL REMAINS . Wlth 3 Vl « imttefl by K . Doyle . ,. r . w * r —r < ' n j , VOIS 1 'fllllO l () rt O * ' » 10 , TV / fR . HENRY KOGERS'S ESSAYS , selected from hia Contributions BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS , with 126 Illustrations on Steel " ¦*• to * ° fidinburgh Uevicw . Suoond Edition 3 vola . foup . Bvo . aid . and Wood from DomIriw V > y CHARLES 1 JEISNETT i and a Profaoo by tho „ ^ »« r . CHARLES 1 UN . GSLEY V » . p . « t .. A .. ECLIPSE of > AITH , or , a Visit to " a Religious Sceptic , mUB WASHJNGTONS , A Tata i ' f « Country Parish in the Seven- ~ I * Wh *< Htton ..- Fcap . bvo . fti . i toonth Contury . Uy thu Kov . J . M . SIMPK 1 N 3 ON , Mootor of Hrln / rton , DKFJSNCB OP TIIE ECLIPSE OF FAITH . By its' Author . Northnniptonahlro . Poat Hvo < ..... ) [ Marly really . Second Kdition v I . 4 ..... ! .. Poat Hvo .: 8 .. 0 ( 1 . Loiulon : 'LONGMAN , GREEN , LONGMAN , and EOBJflBTS , Paternoster-row ' .
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: ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ . '¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ . . ' ¦ . - . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ . ¦ . ' . ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ - . > . . ^ * , - . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ gg The Leader and Saturday Analyst . [ Jan . 7 , 1860 .
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London i Printed , by Wlllum StovenH , ! tt , Koll Y . iinl , TompVo , \\\\ v , In tho Liberty of tho Rolls , In tho County or Middlosox « and published by Cluu-loa NuttuU ToinHna , lit No . la , Oiithtrlno Street , StrnnU , In tho County of Mlddioflox . —Jiuinnry 7 , 18 Q 0 .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 7, 1860, page 28, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2328/page/28/