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Untitled Article
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Untitled Ad
Law , Property , and Life ASSURANCE SOCIETY . 30 , ESSEX STREET ; STRAND , LONDON . . Capitai . — £ 250 , 006 . directors . Ralph T . Krpckrnan , Esq .. Folkestone . Edward Wai . Cox . Esq ., 36 , Russell-square . George Fr < -dericfc Fox , Esq .. Bristol . E . K . 1 ' . Kersey , Esq ., Salisbury . J Mead . Esq ., 2 , King ' s Bench Walk , Temple . H . Paul ! , Esq ., 31 . P ., 33 , Devonshire-place , l'ortland-place . Eighty per Cent , of the . Profits divided among the Assured . . At the First Divison of Profits in May , 1855 , a bonus was declared , varying from Two to Eleven per Cent , on the amount assured , and amounting in . many instances to upwards of Fifty per Cent on the Premium paid . At the Second Division of Profits in icoS , an EQUAL PRO It ATA BONUS was declared . The next Divisiqn-of l'rolits in 1861 . % * Every description of Life Assurance business transacted . EDWARD S . BAKNES , Secretary .
Untitled Ad
Loan , Discount , and Deposit BANK .. Established IS 19 . DEPOSITS received , bearing interest at from j- to . IO per cent ., withdrawable as per agreement . ' . LOANS gxiuilet ! . ¦ Prospectuses , and overy Information , nwy bo obtaiued by letter -orpersonal application . ED \ VARD I . EWIS , Manager . 145 . Blackfriars-road , S . '' ¦' .. '
Untitled Ad
Money ..----All persons requiring ADVANCES slwuld apply toMessrs . JOHNSON and Co ., 2 , Surrey-street '; . Strand ^ who obtain cash to any amount upon ia . il kinds of seeulities , making no charge unless business is transacted .
Untitled Ad
Bennett ' s Watclies , 65 and t > i , Cheapside . in cold ; ind silver , in preat variety , of every construction and price , from 3 to 60 guiueas . . Every watch skilfully examined , and its correct pert ' oruianefe : guaranteed . Free arid jafe j ' er post . ¦¦ ' ¦"¦ . Money Orders to JOHN BENNETT , Watch Manufactory " t > 5 and 01 ' , Ch = apsicie . . . , ,
Untitled Ad
Ma p p i n , ' s Electro-Silver PLATE AND TABLE CUTL . ERYV MAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to t . he Queen , nrt » the only ijbertielvl makers ¦ who supply thr- eonsuiT-er in London . Their London Show Rooms , fi 7 and fiS , King William Street . London Bridge , contuin by far . the luriiest stock of ELECTKOfclLVEiR PLATE and TAULK CUTLEUV in the WOULD , which is transmitted direct from their manulactory , Queen ' s Cutlery AVurks , Sheffield . * Y Fiddle " Double IKings'a 7 " Lilly "" Pattern Thrend . IPnUtern'Pattern . v ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ; ¦ \ ' . ' ., ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i £ s . il . i £ s . d- £ b . a ;\ . £ ' & ' . d . 12 Tuble Folks 1 10 (• 2 U t > : i 0 O \ 3 12 0 12 Tulile ' Spi . oi . s .. 1 16 (> 2 11 U 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 Dessert Forks .. 1 7 l » l V' 0 0 2 4 0 2 11 0 12 Dessertspoons ., r 1 " C ' - 0 ° ' - * ° - ° 12 Tea Spoons' .. . | 0 10 0 I A- 0 ' I 7 . O 1 Iti . 0 SIDE DISHES > , ELECTRO . PLA , TED ON HARD NICKEL ; SILVER Buitnble for Vegetnbles , Curries , and Entrees , Pt-r set of 4 Oiahes . '¦ $ * o . £ . s- d . K . S 078 Gndroon Oblon ' p Pattern , Light I'lat ' ng 6 8 * 0 K 5 l 37 Beaded Edge and Handle , slmilur to E-IOIrfJ , . ' ,... ' .... 10 1 . ' ' 0 E 17 * 0 Ditto ditto stronger ilitio IS 0 l > K 4012 Antique Scrol . Pattern , Mulon-shaped DUti : It' 0 0 E 40 K ) S Hendcd P « tu « rn Dlsli l . 'J 4 ' 0 By removing the Hiuuiloa from the Covers , the set of four enn be mude to form n set of eight Dishes . B 170 : 2 Norfolk I ' nttern , n very elaborate Design , with rich Scroll Border nil round 17 10 0 Hot Wnter Dishes for above e \ tm 1 J 0 V E 1707 Threniled Pattern , equally good as the Norfolk Pattern ., ¦' . 10 12 0 Hot Winef Pishes for above .... extra 16 10 0 DISH COVERS , ELECTRO-PLATED ON HARD > 'ICKKL SILVER . Eiich set conlnjns one Cover 20 inches j one of id Inclic ^ i nml two of 11 Inches each . jSo . CpinpU'to set of ) Covers . e a « "ft 0 Plain I ' uttem , with . Scroll Handle .... 10 10 0 k 27 . M AIclou Piittern , Fren « h Scroll Han < 11 e , olthor I ' lain or Cindroon edge , very liundiioine .. ., i- 13 12 0 I 3 S 1 S Shrewsbury Patturn . wltli bold lleartod Kdtje mid HunJlos ' lt > \ 2 0 E 40 S 5 Orpek Ornament l '« tt » Tii , matdies j ) 4 ! C ( S Siilo Dishes 2 * 0 0 a 4 $ M Wnrwi . 'k Pattern , matches s 4 ? 5 J 1 Side DUhea ., , 2 » 0 0 M * rris lliioriiRns guarantee o » nil their innnufuctim't * In Kloctro ^ lvor Plniv n stroi » K ilupo ^ it of rvul silver , < iocQr « llng to price cbnrged . A O'l * ' !) Hoolt uf l ^ nRrnvlniis , with I ' rlcos uttaoheil , jnnv lio hM ir'ti uppllvnt on . K ^ iimaten furiilxhed for Scrv ' run o < l'lato lor Hotels , Stenni tfhlpn , i « iul Ht < i ? ljiunpii Mo »» o » , / 2 UA 1 MUN HHO'JTHKKS , 07 nnd tW , fc li )« Wjljlaw Strcut . CUyi , London , lT-iC . i ^ ti » nur . itiory , Qi »«? en '« Cutlery Worko , ¦ SlioilWd .
Untitled Ad
K 0 YAL ITALIAN OPERA , COVENT GAEDEN . SITR . OYE has the honour to announce to the Nobility , ( Jentry . Subscribers , anil the Public , that the Opera Season of is > 60 will coniMienco on Tuesda y , April li » th , on which occasion will be pejformerl , for the seventh time , on the Italian Stage , Meyerbeer's New Grand Opera . D IN OKiH . ; Prospectuses , with the Terms of Subscription , full Particulars of' the Krpnseraents , Operas to be given . &c . &c , may be obtained at the Box ofuce ot the Theatre ; also of Mr . Mitchell , Messrs . Ebers , Mr . Hooklmm , Messrs . Chappell , Mr . Bubb , Boiid Street ; Mr . Sams , St . James ' s Street ; Mr . Hammond , and Messrs . Cramer and . Co :, Regent Street ; aud 01 5 Ie .- ; srs . Keith and Prowse , Cheai > sido .
Untitled Ad
THEATRE P-OYAL , HAYMARKET . ( Under the . Management of Mr . Uuekstone . ) Last Week but Two of " The Overland Route . " Monday , April 9 th , and duriiig the week , to commence at Sevt-n , with T 1 IK OVKRJLAND ROUTK . Characters by JlesrTS . C . M :: iliew ^ Com . pton , Buckstone , Mrs . C . Mathews , &c . Aftfr wi . icli ,- iirst timej a New Fairy Romance , with Xew Scenery by Fenton , O'Cunr . or , &c , entitled THE riLGHiJl OF LOVIi .
Untitled Ad
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lessees , Messrs . F . Robsou and W . $ . JEmden . Oil Ea ' sfer Monday will be per / ornicd T (> M XODDY'S SKCRKT . Characters i > y Messrs . Aildison . W . Gordon , aud II . Wigan ; . Miss . Cottrc-ll and Miss Marston . • ' . ¦; After which , a new seriocomic drama , loiimlea on ' " L"Oncle iiiiptiste , " to be called T _ " >* Cr . E ZACHARY . Gharacters by , Messrs . F . ilobson , tr . ViniiiR . W . Gordon , G . Cooke , F . Vinihjr . li . Kivers , iind Fi ' iin-Hs ; Messr .-. Le . iph Mu'rr . y ; and Miss Herbert . To conclude with an original draiiiatic sketch , by Mon-ajru Williams , Esq ., entitled " ' 15-:. JJ .. " Characters by 3 Xessrs F . Kobson , H . ¦ . "W'igari ., G . C"oke . aud II ; Cortper ; Mt-sdames Stephens . ani ! \ Y . S . Emcivh . Doors open at . 7 . Commence at half-pa-- ^ 7 .
Untitled Ad
KOYAL ST . JAMES ^ S THEATRE , . King street ,, St . James a . : Sole I . ' es ^ cei Mr . 'F . B , Chattbrtos . Directress ,. Miss Wisbham . Nearest theatre to Chelsea ami Piinlico , the Park bbing open , to carriages aiid foot-passengers all hours of tlieuteht „ , Ueduc , d Prices—Pit . Is . ; Gallery , Cd ; On Easter Monday , and ¦ duriiig the n % eck , A BORDKK MARRIAGE . . AlU-r ¦ v-li'ich , an entirely New Comedietta , by Howard Paul , £ sq ., enftled . A CHANGE Ob SYSTEM . . , ¦ „ . , , . To be followed by an entirely New and Gorgeous Burlesque , by I . elcosti r Bucking ) iain ,. E ^ q \ , eutitled LU'CRHZIA BORGrA , AT HOME AND ALL AIJKQAL ) . Supported by Mesdames >\ ynclhain , Clara Scott , Cecilia Bouse , Maskell ,. Miss ulara Morgan ' of the lloyn-1 Kngiish Opera ) , a numerous Corns de iJallet ; antl ' Mr . Cliai-K ' S Youpfi . : To conclude with No . FOHTV-N 1 NE . Box-oiRce open 1 'roni 11 to 5 daily . Commence at 7 .
Untitled Ad
MR . AND HRS . HOWARD PAUL . MR . nnd MRS . HOWARD PAUL'S Fan-WvH ¦ Sortiion nt St . James ' s Hall , in ili « ir brilliant Covuie nnd Musicnl Eiitvrtiiininent . wUlch will be privc-nc-viry EveniHg next "\ Vi « ek , and on Tuesday kihI Sutunluy Moriiliiff .-nt Tliivt ' .. Mr . Hownr . l 1 ' ivul in ' tlirt-o New Soncs— The Man Who Knowti'F . voryVHidy . " ¦• " U ' hvii Goorge the Third was King , " nhH u builosVjtue sorenude , 'Tick- 'ft-tlek-u-ta I" The " Jvivinsf I'hotos . L'rnph" of ' Mr . Sims Reeves in " Gentlfhiu- '' and ' Frii Puco . " Stulls , Us . ; Area , 2 » ; lial cry , Is . Commence » t F . ljrlir ; ' cnrriupi ' S « t Ten . l'luoi-s may bo secured at Austin's West-cml l ! ox-orHoe , L ? , l'ieeudilly . .
Untitled Ad
CHRISTyS MINSTRELS . P O I . V G It A P li I C H A L 1 ., KlNV , AVlLLIAM-STUKKT , S . TUAND . 1- \ A R K W K L L S K A * 0 N \ In London . Evpry Evening , nt E ' . ulit ; and > . very SATURDAY Morning , nt Throe o ' clock . Tickets niii't Plaeof * may In * secured « t tln > Hall , from I ' . lewn till Three , nnd at Mr . Aijstin ' d NV » bt . « . uil Hox-ullice , St , tinnier- ' * Hull , l'lcciuliily . SoU- l ' roprieior ami Manned , Mr . . 1 . W . U'AYNOUi Swvruiury , 11 . MO > - TAG WE .
Untitled Ad
EASTEU 11 OL 1 J ) A \> . r Phe South Kensington X MUSEUM , with the Pk-tiire * pr » -M » iittd by Mr , &lii ? Cj >» hn »)\ i 4 , ilu' I'lctui't . ' s i'i tin > . iik > iiikl Gullory , l } ritli » li S liool ¦ ; liy lunlvrlty ol lUo Uiroetor mid Trutivvs ) , nnd the - \ rt schov is I ' ui Mulo Stuiiould AV 1 LL UK OVEX TREE Kvery Morning uiul Kvviilii ^ t ' ron ; tlio inli to \\ w lktli of April , liu-lurlvo . llouic , Utiytluio irotn 10 till ^ . Kvouinp ,, from . " till JK » . Uy onlvr of tlicCoiinnittcv o ( Council on ErtuauU'ii .
Untitled Ad
j ^ rench Exhibition , 1 ' 20 , X . PALI . MAI . I .. — TI 10 . > vvoutli Alinunl K \» ilb | . tli . n ot Picture * , iho . roiiiitiUiiUuiK of A U V \ * 'l ' s > cl ' IUiv FltK . NCll JiXL ) 1 'LK . MIMI fCIIOtU . S , : n Mj \ V Ol'EN . Avi » i > l * # iC ) ii , Ouu . » hlllms ; Cwtulnguc i « , Slxp ^ uce . Oron lrom . Muc till six , iluilv .
Untitled Ad
HARVEY'S FISH fcjAUCE . otice of Injunction . — N Thy ndmiror . s of thl * ov . vbiut « .-a l ' l » l . a-aiu ^ nre | iunii'ularly rvi | Ufpl « il to olnuv Unit ni tiv if goiitnuv l . ut timi wlucli bears iho r > vl > ItiLu t \ Mtii U- - naniu cil \ S iLi . t . s . M I . a /> : miv , itp \\ cli .. r iIic ir til l . i ¦< I * lciml ¦ J \ hi'i- ' »(/ i / . iii'ii ;/ , " iu . il ili . it U'l' ' . nniK-r DccutMty , ou tin- Ik-ok nl ( . Nvi'y lu-iiK- vl ih ' ' , |' {'' V ' Suui ' v vill hi'iioi lorw trd ii |> t i-itr uii h ¦' -liiiiti . it ' •>'•" I ¦ i * 1111 , il in ( , i \ iii uhii ri ' il , up icl , \' i *^ ¦ - " I : * ' *•• ¦ ''• •' will In . ' ulit'wd u > l . intfiniy ' p Huru ' j - ' i > mu i - . ; : »*" - . l . m iln- orlff'iiuil witiL'iK'iii'O , in ini'i ' . i n -n u- i sw " " ki ' u'wn Uibi'ip . wliicli lire protei'iwi n ^ , tiii » , i ; ii . » m * i » . 'ii l > y u iivi'i'ytuul iiiJuiis'iivMi in Cluiici i / « . ' ( i' ; ii « ' •" , ' ¦ i £ ftjt , "i-O , F . dwuiM iirivt , Vs'i'UU . m . ^ iu . » i'o , Loiiuoii ,,
Untitled Ad
The CheapestAVincs in Eng LA-MJ , at Rtftlia . d Put ) -. FUK > 'C | -1 POlU ' . JJj , nnd Ul « .. pvrilo « or .. CI < A IU ' ' . T , •;»» ., bii .,, ; . i ' -s . | ier doztfii . , ¦ SH 11 UU V , L ' l » ., -13 ., 2 , " » 8 ( ., 3 Js . jur doicn . , l ' OH 1 ' . -Mf .. 2 M .. 333 . per iloieii . . CH . VMl'AGNK vv * ry superior ,, ^ tl * . per Jcten . l'lNKdT SCHiKUvVM HULL ANILS . ' -On . j . ercasc FINK COGNAC HllANI ) Y , ' . ' « j , [ itTtJit ,: i . NONPAKEII . 1 I 11 AXI . IV , 15 * . per sat . o . t . H , 11 . VILLIAMS , linpiViter of Wmtsiiml Sjnrlis U ^ . uiahoptiiiim Mfi'H Wiiiiti ) , » . iiy .
Untitled Ad
Op iced Breakfast- Tongues , KJ ~ id . o . idi , ' or !*• ¦* . «> d , l't-r half dozen . Cheildar Lu . u Ciui . ,-1 . ' , 72 tl . ami sjil . per U > . tirb ^ riK- 'a Peat-^ uui krtl Urcukliift H . icun , n { d , pi- 'r . b , Uy the halt ' side . iHijtcis in i ' itfr | L * ctitin ui . wiiffou u UlcTiit « . -, ¦* . Afuviiifj oi l . '» H . r cvnt . 1 * ' i-iU'cicd by the iiuifhi ..-vr ut this t *» t « - bliohnu nt on all urai ^ lMspruvlsi . iinv . Puckii . «< . ' » yriitis . O . ^ W 0 KN l-I'S til KE 5- H W AK-KHOi ; > i :.. O > WO 1 ' tN E 11 (> L'S £ , 30 , LudiMlU-hili ; iivur . ft . I ' ltui ? , K . C .
Untitled Ad
. ' . F 1 UE , THIEVES , F . IR . E . Sg co li cl-h a li cl Fir e . pr o o i Suf * es , the most fs . ten » ivo n 9 >< - ' - "tincut by Mihicr and oilier eminent . Milkers , at hitlt" tjie piioo ' of new . Dink'ii-ions , 21 m . liiu'h . !¦ in . ' wide , tin-. l l'Un . i . ' cep . A-3 IOs . At C . GUIKKITIIS ' , ay . Old Cliimge , . St . l'ivul ' s , F .. C . WuntL'il , Seoond-liand Snfea by . Vlilncr Chubb , . Mtvrr , ur . Morditn . XO'i'lCE . —Gc ' nilctucii possessed of Tuiai > Safe ? need not iilMily .
Untitled Ad
THE BEST AND CHE .-Vi EsT Teas and Cofjees in England are to lie obttiimrd tf , I'll I I . I . I 1 'S Sc Co .. Tea ilerchants , = , Iviiijr William ftirt-L-r , C ; : y . Good t-tro ' ng Uctl ; ii J ' ea , 2 s . & . 0 d ., and Is . ' : ~ J . Tea and CoU ' ee to the valiu- oi -iOs . sent carriyjfe-frec- to any raiVWuy Clarion or market ' tuwn in l . jit : Liiid , A price currei ' it i " r « o . Suirars at niarkt-t . V'liCL-i .. Ail g-jO-U csirriiico-li ' cu witlun eialit miles of tlie City .
Untitled Ad
T ^ enders , Stoves , Fire-irons , JL and CHIMNEY PIECES . ^ -nuyers of the above are . requested before finally decioinp , to visit WILLIAM S . UURTON'S SilOAV-KOOMS . They contain such an assoniuent of FENDERS , STOVES RANGES , CHIMNEY PIECKS , FIRE-IRONS , and G ENERAL IRON JlONGtKY ; as cannot lie approached elsevyhere , either for variety , . novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of . workmanship . Bright stoves , with-ormolu ornaments and . two sets of bars , £ 3 15 s . to £ 33 10 s . ; bronzed Fenders , with standards , 7 s . to Hh Vik . ; steel fenders , j £ 2 15 s . to il t : diu <> , with rich onmolu ornaments , from Jt 2 15 s . to £ 13 \ chiirinev pieces , ' from £ 1 8 s . to £ ki ); fire-irons , from -Js . KJ . the set to £ 4 4 s . The BURTON andall oMier PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearthplates . . Dish Covers and Hot Water 'Dishes ., in every material , in ^ rcat variety , and of the newest and most recherche i ) atteruj , are OX ,-iHOW , at "WILLIAM S . lilTtl'ONS . Tin dish covert ! . Is . 6 d . the set of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d to 27 s . the set of six ; elegant :. modern patterns , 3- > s . ( id . to C 2 S .. 6 d . the set ; IS ' ritnmiia metal , with or without silver plated handles , £ ' ' > Us . to £ 6 Ss . the .-ft ; Sheffield plated , A ' lO to £ lt * . ' 10 s . the set ; block tin hot water dishes , with wells for . gravy , 12 s . to 3 'V ..- J 5 ritannin metal , 22 s . to'T-i . ; electro-p ! ato < l on nickel-, lull size £ J 1-1 Is . T / yiliiam S . Bui-ton ' s G ene'T'T ral Furnishiiifr Ironmonirery C : it . tlo ^ ue ¦ may be had gratis , and free by post , it contains uj / wards of 400 lliustratiuns o ( liis illimited Stuck cl Kiectruunc ' Sheffield flute . Nickel Silver , and Britannia Metal Goods , Dish Covers and Hot-water JJisiies , Sieves , FviideKS , Marble Cliimne . ypieees , . Ki chen Itjinges , l . itinijs , Gaseliers , Tea . Urns , and ¦ Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table . Cutlery , Baths ami Toilet . Ware , Turnery , Iron find Brass Bedstead ? . UeU . Jinj :, Bedroom Furniture , Sec , ivith Lists of l ' ric « . ^ , utul lians of the Sixteen large Show Kqom ' s , at 3 ' . ' , ' . ' . s-ruril .--ireet W- ; 1 , Ia , 2 , and 3 , lyewuian-street ; and i , . "» ,, and 0 , Perry's-place , Loiijou . —^ Estublis > jn . d lrii ) .
Untitled Article
318 The Leader andScUwrddyAnalyst : { April 7 , 1860 ,
Theatres And Amusements.
Untitled Article
NOTICE . r Vh . e Genuine an < l Original JL JJO > I > 'S PEU . UANEXT MAKIvLNG ' - ISE bears the Addresi oil the Livptrl ;' 2 S . I . OXU L : V > iE , WEST S . MlTilFIELI ) , CITV ,
Leader (1850-1860), April 7, 1860, page 318, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2341/page/2/