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Secretary at "War , 321 Seymour , Sir Hamilton , reported seizure of the property of , 340 Sturgeon and Sons , 267 Sweden and Denmark , neutrality of , 130 Testamentary Jurisdiction Bill , 652 Thanks to the Allied Armies , 1188 , 1205 Tickets of Leave , 411 , 730 Tiger , loss of the , at Odessa , 467 Times and the Foreign Office , 252 Treaty of Adrianople , 687 , 602 Troops at Gallipoli , 380 , 435 Unauthorised Diplomacy , 436 . War , 194 , 340 , 380 , 681 , 698 , 740 , * 1178 , 1183 War Medals , 606 War Minister , 8 Blr 539 , 628 War , final criticisms on , 1204 "West Indian Encumbered Estates , 582 , 747 White Sea Blockade . S 87 - COMMONS . Abolishment of Church Rates , 485 Adjournment in December , 1226 Affirmations for Oaths , 151 , 244 , 411 , 484 Arctic Expeditions , 1205 Army in Turkey , 435 Army Administration , 195 , 435 Austrian Treaty , 1189 Ballot , 555 Baron de Bode , 583 Baines' resignation , 291 Beer Bill , 701 Betting-houses , 268 Bertolacci , Mr ., 1188 Birmingham gaol , 726 Bills of Exchange , foreign , 557
PARLIAMENT . LORDS . Address in reply to the Queen's Speech , 98 Address in reply to the Queen's Message , 297 Adjournment in December , 1226 Adrianople Treaty , 587 Alleged Betrayal of Government Secrets , 252 Ambulance arrangements , 539 Andes , case of the , 442 Army in Turkey , 435 Bank of England and the Government , 615 Bosrd of Health , 658 Bribery Bill , 781 , 748 Criminal Law Codification , 652 Canadian Legislative Council , 556 , 604 Ceylon Coffee Planters , 587 Church accommodation in Manufacturing Districts , 437 Common Law Procedure Act , 276 , 508 Conduct of Ministers , 148 , 1178 December Meeting , 1178 Denmark , neutrality of , 130 Divorce Bill , 556 , 653 Dogcarts , 628 , 652 Easter adjournment , 340 Ecclesiastical Courts , 149 , 628 Eastern Question , 130 , 178 , 228 , 242 , 678 , 587 602 Education , Irish National , 156 Education , 701 Education , Scottish National , 172 Elgin . Treaty , 606 Encumbered Estates ( West Indies ) , 582 , 747 Episcopal and Capitular Estates , 1205 Fisheries Question , 606 Foreign Enlistment , 1203 , 1226 Foreign Office and the Times , 252 Fraud , alleged contract , 267 Government and the Bank , 515 Guild of Literature and Art , 653 Hampstead-heath Enclosure , 605 Irish National Education , 156 Income Tax , 410 Law Reform , 196 Law Taxes , 461 Legislative Council of Canada , 556 , 604 Mavnooth , 563 Malta Criminal Code , 124 Manning the Navy , 219 Medical Graduates , 701 Message from the Queen , 290 Message from the Queen ( second ) , 681 , 698 Meeting in December , 1178 Militia , 1205 , 1209 , 1226 Ministers , conduct of , 148 , 1178 Ministerial Explanations , 122 Miscellaneous Estimates , 563 National Education in Ireland , 156 National Education in Scotland , 172 Navy List , 124 Navy , Manning the , 219 National Defence , 459 Neutrality of Sweden and Denmark , 130 New Zealand , governor of , 658 Oaths Question , 508 Opening in February , 98 Oxford University Reform , 026 Patriotic Fund , 1204 Pablen , Count , 053 Poor Knights of Windsor , 54 ) 0 Polish Legion , OHl Privato Executions , 4 ( 31 Prorogation ( in August ) 75 4 Q ueen ' s Message , 200 Queen ** -Speech , i ) 8 BeaLfE , statea Charges Hill 720 EefoVm Bill , 130 , 202 , uiy Religious Liberty under the Porte , 'Z 2 K Russian Securities Bill , 7 . its ' Sale of Boer Bill , 701 , 705 Savings Hanks ,, 1201 ) Scottish Rights , 314 Schools of Design , 5 ( 33 Scottish National Education , 172
Blockade of Memel , 1210 Book of Common Prayer , 245 Board of Health , 628 Bribery , 652 , 659 , 675 , 701 Breach of Privilege—the Times case , 173 Bribery at Elections , 150 , 316 Budget , 218 Canada , 730 Civil Estimates , 531 , 539 Carlisle canonries , 268 Chaplains for Prisons , 557 , 582 Chjirvh Bates , 581 Church of England in the Colonies , 256 , 340 Church Revenues , 292 , 460 Conveyance of Troops , 412 , 509 Coasting Trade , opening of the , 107 Cork Hospital Ship , 675 Canterbury Disfranchisomeut Bill , 267 , 506 , 517 Colonial Church , 266 , 840 Corrupt Boroughs , 207 , 506 , 517 Conventual Establishments , 197 , 291 , 461 Credit of 3 , 000 . 000 ^ ., 674 , 681 , C » 9 Criminal Procedure Bill , 531 Criminal Conversations Bill , 411 Crown Forests , 437 r Cuba , 814 December Meeting , 1178 Declaration in lieu of Oaths , 2-14 , 411 , 484 Disfrauchisement of Corrupt Boroughs , 267 , 500 , 517 Destruction of Stores at Ulcaborg , GOG Dublin University , 316 Dublin Mails , 292 Dublin Hospitals , 173 . Eastern Question , 156 171 , 41 H , 01 ) 9 Education in Scotland , 172 , 4-12 Education , ( S 12 Encumbered Estates ( West India ) Hill , 7-17 Episcopal and Capitular Estates , 21152 , KSO Estalxlishod Church in Ireland , (> 70 Exchequer Bonds , IN' 2 Flogging in the Navy , ( 574 Financial Statement , 21 N Foroign Enlistment , UH 0 . 1202 , 1210 , 122 ( 5 Foreign Hills of Exchange , 557 Friendl y Societies 4 itU Frost , Williams , and Jones , 220 ( jaining-houses , 2 < 5 K ( Jaol Chaplains , 057 , 5 H 2 Government Finance . 740
Militia , 411 , 705 Militia Barracks and Storehouses , 106 Militia Volunteer Service Bill , 1182 , 1204 Ministerial Changes , 606 Ministers' Money , 220 , 268 , 292 Morning Sittings , 557 Napier Banquet , the , 243 National Defence , 459 Navy Estimates , 178 Naval assistant-surgeons , 157 Newspaper stamps , 460 Neutral vessels—the Anne M'Alister , 397 Neutrals , rights of , 627 Newfoundland , 341 Nuns , property of , 486 Nuisances removal , 701 Nunneries , 196 , 291 , 461 Oath Question , 125 , 244 , 411 , 484 Opening of the Session , 98 OTlaherty Case , 748 Orange River , 437 Order of Government Measures , 101 Ordnanco jo b , 726 Orders of Meat , 1205 Oxford Reform , 321 , 380 , 410 , 437 , 508 , 557 Payment of Wages Bill , 268 Partnership Law , 124 , 005 Poithman , Dr ., 701 Postal Service , 220 Polico , rural , 600 Poor Law Settlement and Removal Bill , 276 291 Portuguese Government , 125 Property of Nuns , 480 Preston Turn-out , 480 Property Disposal Bill , 810 Prorogation 111 August , 745 Protocol of May , 4 , 91 Prussian Arsonal in the Jahdo , 1210 Public Accounts , 102 Public T'inances , 3 IH ) Public Buildings , ami Royal Palaces , 631 Public Health , 220 Public Libraries and Museum , 310 Queen's Moccch , 98 Rations Cor the Troops , 1 C 0 Railway and Canal Tralllc , 509 Heal Estates Charges Hill , -Mil Reform Hill , IKS , 151 . 11 ) 7 , 203 , 338 Regium Domini , 02 M Reformation . Schools in Scotland , ( 575 RuliKiouH Attendance 011 LhoAruiy , 11 ) 5 Railway Legislation , 310 Rights of Neutrals , ( 527 Royal Message , 2 « H , 3 L 4
Roman Catholic Priests for the Army , 203 Rumoured attempt of Russia to reopen Negociations , 245 Rural Police , 606 Russian Securities , 700 , 724 , 749 Rye , Mayor of , 726 Savings * Banks , 1205 Sale of Beer Bill 701 Sewers Commission , 101 Seymour ' s , Sir H ., luggage , 397 Scottish Education 172 , 442 Settlement and Removal , 276 , 291 Sinope , 197 Smith O'JSrien , 173 Sligo Election , 197 ¦ . «&•" Spain and the Slave trade , 749 Stonor Case , 252 , 815 , 341 , 437 v ~ Smith , Mr . Jeremiah , 725 Sturgeon Case , 267 , 314 Strutt , case of Mr ., 580 Supply 195 Supplemental Estimates , 339 , 434 Succession laws , , 220 Sugar in Breweries , 557 Taxes on Knowledge , 459 Testamentary Jurisdiction , 442 , 628 Tea Duties , 1209 Tenant Eight , 151 , 197 , 650 Tenure of Land in Madras , Thanks to the Army , 1188 , 1205 Tickets of Leave , 411 Tiger , loss of the , 467 , 491 Times Correspondent , 412 Truck System , 151 . Uleaborg , 606 Unstamped Publications , 636 , 1209 University Reform , 172 , 251 , 321 , 386 , 410 , 437 , Valuation of Lr nd , 563 Ventilation of ie House , 701 Vote by Ballol 355 . War Minister , ' , ) 8 , 531 , 557 , 674 War Question 178 , 195 , 340 , 397 , 418 , 587 , 699 "Ways and Means , 266 Wiue Duties , 151
Greek Insurrection in Turkey , 397 Greek Government , 314 Guild of Literature and Art , 653 Hampstead-heath , 701 High Treason , 245 House of Commons Printing , 695 Horse Transports , 412 , 509 Indian Revenue , 747 Income Tax for the Officers in the Crimea , 1205 Income Tax , 292 Inns of Court , 197 Irish Members , 123 , 197 Irish Industry , 723 . Judgment . Executions , -220 Juvenile Reformation , 341 Lawley case , 425 Leader of the House , 725 Legacy duty for the Army and Navy , 1206 Limited Liability ,-124 , 605 Loan question , 458 Madras , tenure of land in , 652 Medical Bieform , 437 Manchester and Salford Education scheme , 172 Malt Tax , 458 Mercantile Marine , 461 Maynooth , 725 Meeting in December , 1178 Medical Militia officers , 1205 Merchant Shipping , 107 Medical Graduates , 653 , 701 Middlesex Industrial Schools , 316 , 486
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NEWS OF THE WEEK AND MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS . Accuracy of Lord Derby in Quotation , 1205 Advertising Extraordinary . 1187 Abduction at Hammersmith , 84 Abduction in Tipperary , 633 , 679 Abduction in Scotland , 894 Abduction , attempt at . in Portugal , 871 Aberdeen , agricultural deputation to Lord , 202 Abingdon , death of the Earl of , 996 Abortive Beer Bill , 823 Absurdities of the Bribery Bill , 771 Actresses at the Police-court , 67 . Addresses to the Queen , 820 Adams , Serjeant , and the Protection of Women , 1012 Address to tho Russian Army , 364 Addingtoq , resignation of Mr ., 371 Adlorberg and Qortschakoff . 750 Admiralty Official Visits to tho Outposts , 820 Adult Baptism at Ayr , 750 Alllliation on a Presby torian Clergyman , 749 Agriculturists at Dinner , 1014 Aladyn Camp , 008 Aldndgo , Ira , at Berlin , 70 ft Alleged Irish Corruption , 197 , 224 , 245 Albert Smithism , 823 Albert Question , 1090 Allied Armies in Turkoy , 487 Alma , battle of , 9 ( 52 Akiskaand Alcxandropol , 30 American NotoH , 7 , 31 , 10 M , 1 B 3 , 222 , 36 H , 30 B ; 41 ) 2 , fJ , V 7 , 5 UH , 5 H 4 , 030 , 051 ) , 07 H , 730 , 751 , 775 , 7 l » 9 , H 22 , H ( 5 H , H 1 K ) , DM , 1037 , 1002 , 108 H , 1112 11 ( 50 American Difficulty , 92 L American Life described by an English ltoindent , C 32
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Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1854, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct307/page/2/