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the time * , and happy delineations of characters which have variously figured in his day , and whose movements came within his own knowledge , or were of unquestioned
public notoriety . His benevolence was begt known to his more intimate friends ; and nothing but his death releases the hand which writes this short memoir from the restriction of private confidence on this particular subject . It was in the course of our unreserved
correspondence , immediately . after the failure of a bank , at Bury , in 1797 * which involved his father and himself in no inconsiderable loss , that he wrote , in reply to what I had proposed to him on that occasion . . . - . m . " But it will not be in my
pdwer to accept the very friendly invitation , till after the next dividend . Upon the ban k ruptcy taking place , I determined , if possible ^ not to fail in any one of the Httle douceurs I was in the habit of bestowing in the eleemosynary way , to a few persons with whose necessities I sun
acquainted ; and as it is impossible to lose the best part of a year ' s income , without making retrenchments someudiere , I was prompt in deciding that the abridgment should be in personal gratifications ; of which the greatest I certainly esteem that of presentin g myself before my London friends . ' —See Monthly Magazine , Vol . xiv .
pp . 89 , 193 . CATALOGUE OF HIS "WHITINGS . No . 1 . Examination of Mr . Harrison ' s Sermon , preached in the cathedral church of St . Paul , London , before the Lord Mayor , on May 2 . 5 th , 1788—1789 . 2 . Letter to the Right l ? ev . the Bishop of Norwich , ( 13 r . Biigot ) requesting him to name the Prelate to "whom he referred as ecu it < : ndi sir : ?
strenuously for the general excellence of our present authorised tr ; i illation of the Bible , " 178 Q . 3 . Letter to the Right Prv . the Bishop of Chester , ( DY . Cie .- ? ver ) on the subject of two Sermons : v \> . uV ~ w <
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by him to the Clergy of Ins diocese ; comprehending also z vindication of the late Bishop Hoadly > 1790 , 4 . Review of Dr . Hay ' s Sermon , in tilled " Thoughts cu the Athanasian Creed , * ' preached April 12 th , 1790 , at the visitation of the Archdeacon of Bucks , 1790 . 5 . Outline of a Commentary on Revelations xi . 1 — 14 . 1794 .
6 . A Sermon preached in the chapel of Trinity College , Cambridge , on Thursday , Dec . 19 th , 1793 , the day appointed for the commemoration of the benefactors to that society , 1794 . PAPERS IN" " COMMENTARIES AND ESSAYS" SIGNED SYNE R . GUS .
1 . Vol . I . 1786- Art . V , p . 94—111 . A Paraphrase and Notes on Romans v . 8—18 * 2 . Art * XI . p * 467—509- Observations 011 part of the 8 th , 11 th , and 12 th chapters of Daniel . 3 . Vol . 11 . 1801 . Art . XIlLp . 1-- * 8 . An Illustration of 1 Cor . x . 14 ™
24 . 4 , Art- XIX . p . 123—252 . A Summary View of the Prophecies relating to Antichrist , contained in the writings of Daniel , Paul , Peter , Jude , and John . 5 . Art . XX . p . 253-267 On the Forensic Metaphors adopted
in the New Testament , 6 . Art . XXI . p . 268—278 . On the terms Redemption , Ransom , Purchase , &c . adopted in thg , New Testament . 7- Art . XXII . p . . 279—311 . On the Sacrificial Phrases adopted in the New Testament .
PAPERS IN THE " THEOLOGICAL REPOSITORY . " 1 . Vol . V . 178 & p . 38—56 , signed Ereunetes , Observations 011 Isaiah vii . 10—23 . viii . 5—19 . 2 , p . Q 73 — 288 * Observations on various Texts of Scripture , signed Krciiictrs . 3 . Vol . VI . 17 SS , p . 00—78 . signed RreuneU'S * I > n thf * Ob 2 c « -tion of Isaac , ms fjguraii . vf of the jDeath- of Christ . -1 . -p . i 3 ">~ -1 7 * * signed hliola- On the " Elijah fV * n ^ okl by Maluehi . 5 . p . QA- 'l—^ vVy s ^ , ' ; iH .: d Idiola . An Inquiry into the Time at wtiieii the Km . ^ dom of Homvoi ) will commence . J . D .
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The Fathers . 1 s
Extracts Vhx)Ni " Nk " \V ~ (Hi 12licatio.Ns.
EXTRACTS VHX ) NI " nk " \ V ~ ( Hi 12 LICATIO . NS .
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- ——wM ^ i The Fathers , [ From Edinburgh Review ,, Nov . 18 M , No . 47 . Vol . xxiv . pp . 58—08 . Review <> T Boyd $ T ' ranslations . ' ] E had thought that the merits Wof the fathers were beginning to
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. I *« - bcpnrUy thirly i-istiinntod ; thai :, whatever reverence migiit stiU hct due to those emincut men , for ihe sanctity of their Sivcs , their ' laborious lueuhrations , their zeal tuitl intrepidity in the can : > e of t \ w < : ln . irch ? ajidall thone
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1815, page 15, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1756/page/15/