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, Christian Tract Society . 'T'HE sixth anniversary of this Society was holden on Wednesday the 16 th of November last , at the old London Tavern Bishopsgate Steet . At the meeting for business Willian Frend Esq . was called to the chair . The Report of the Committee was read by the Secretary . It
commenced by stating' the continued prosperity of the Society during- the last year ; though owing * to some circumstances which were explained , neither the number of New tracts published , nor the total number circulated during that interval had been so great as in the former
year . Only one New tract had been printed and two of the former tracts reprinted , makiugr altogether 9000 csopies . The Committee stated however , that they had left two Manuscript Tracts to be published by their successors , and intimated that it was likely a new volume would be completed against the annual distribution of the Tracts to
the subscribers . It appeared that up to this time the Society had printed in all about 200 , 000 Tracts , of which about 140 , 000 , have already been circulated . Tie Society ' s property was stated as follows : Estimated value of the stock in £ . s . d hand ., 245 0 0 JDife to the Society from the publisher * , &c 140 0 0
385 0 0 Due from the Society )« j g ^ - % for printing-, &e . i ( , 0 n JBalance due to the ? ^ 4 5 * ° Treasurer 2796 j Amount of the Society ' s pre- > - £ «*<> fi ft n sent property i ..,. 5
The Committee having stated their opinion that considerable inconvenience had been experienced from the Anniversary of the Society being * held in November , it was resolved , that in future the annual meetings shall be held on the first Thursday in the month of February , and that the next Anniversary be postponed to the first Thursday in February , 1816 .
Thanks were voted to the several officers of the Society , for their services during the llkat year . The following * gentlemen were elected into office for the year ensuing .
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in vain would pretended prophets and prophetesses attempt to deceive . mankind Let the name of Joanna Southcott be remem be red by the religions world , and lei it be a lasting warning that Reason , Understanding * , Evidence and Faith , ought ever to go hand in hand .
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James Esdaize Esq . Treasurer . Rev . Thomas Rees Secretary . Committee . Rev . R . Aspland , Mr . Foster , Mr . Silver , Mr . Spy ring , Mr . Parker , Mr . Hart , Mr . Gibson , Mr . Titford , Mr . Roberts , Mr . Parkes , Mr . Hall . Auditors . Mr . £ . L . Mackmurdo , Mr , W . Fiend . Mi \ John Taylor . The subscribers and other friends to the
Society afterwards dined together to th % number of Eighty . John Christie Eeq , in the Chair . The evening was spent in a manner highly to the satisfaction of all present . Among the gentlemen who addressed the meeting * were the Treasurer , ( James Esdaile Esq . ) Mr . Alderman Wood , Mr . Alderman Goodbehere , Mr . Frend , Mr . Rutt and Mr . Gibson . We rejoice to be able to add that a considerable addition was made to the list of subscriber * .
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CO Intelligence . —~ Christia , 7 i Tract Society .
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which has long laboured to destroy the natural connexion between reason and faith , and has hence led to the idea , that the more wonderful a doctrine is , the more worthy it is of belief . If the Ministers of the gospel would teach their hearers to expect evidence before they gave assent ,
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Manchester ^ Dec . 31 , 1814 . T ^ HE Quarterly Meeting of Ministers , generally denominated Presbyterian ,
in Manchester and its vicinity , was held on Dec . 28 . 1814 . Twenty-one ministers present . The Rev . Mr . Parker performed the devotional services , and the Rev , D . Jones preached from Ecdes . viL 10 . Two new members were added to the
association . The next meeting will be at Rochdale on Good Friday , Mr . Parker will bt the preacher , and Mr . Whitelcgg his supporter . The dinner , at which forty-twp Gentlemen were present , wag at the Bridgewater Arms . Among other topics of less importance , the circumstances of our Unitarian brethren at Oldham were pressed
upon the attention of the meeting , and about fifty pounds was immediately subscribed for the purpose of erecting * n Unitarian , Chapel in Oldham . It may not be improper here , perhaps , to inform om Unitarian brethren in general , that contributions for the -above purpose are to be transmitted to the Rev . Wm . Harrison ,
Manchester . In the course of the afternoon , the Treasurer of the Mancheste r New College , York , ( to whom our great obligation can never be forgotten ) gare information respecting that valuable
Institution highly interesting to the meeting " . Our Dissenting brethren throughout tb « United Kingdom cannot be too much impressed with the value and advantages of such an Institution , and they doubtlefli will never suffer it to languish for want of
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1815, page 60, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1756/page/60/