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4 j&esSiOl the Government ,- ithit not one of ^ emi ^ ypp tfc jqugk c # n 4 ^^ 4 , would be v ftn& ] ly executed ! If they could be andu £ jcM *> believe him , they would doubtless think him a very liberal-minded imn , but ^ * t * is likely ; the Government , _^ &f e ^ ry friend to the public good ^ oiii 4 thinly tijra . ap enemy to his coun" try , and to the very parties whom by % ]^ glozing doctrine ; he had deceived . "
^ . p Mr F . relates , in p . 5252 , some c ^ ie iues which were once put to ^ dj 5 and the answer which he ^ etTneaeiL TJio querist « , appar-, and modest
fi # }^ ' % ^^^ le m - . qutreiy asks , HoVvr the doctrines jq f bunion 4 ^ P ^ y a Hd divine « rituenoes are reconcijcable with ^ a ^ s aoc oAintableness ? Our diviae ieUs him * u he would do ^ v ^ l tg ^ consu ^ cr wheth er he be fUQi off Christian ground £ ? ( $
ub-^ titute ... Calvtnistit ground , and JS | r . r F- ' s sugg 9 Stio } n is right : as 5 pon as a man begins to inquire jnto the reas ^ rvs of his Jbelief and , J | 0 | >^ he r is truly off Cjalvinistic g ^ uuivd ) and then pr ^ ceedte td ) iU l ^ istra te hi ^ advice by ^ story
con-. CjCrn ^ ng some hones t millers and Jbi f . ; lec i remember , * ' says he , " when a \ boy of about ten years old , I was bathing ^ K Wfth a niunb ^ r of other boy s , near a milldam ; and , the hat of one of my companions falling into the stream , I had the
hardihood , without being able to swirh , ; to attempt to recover it . I went so deep > tjiftt ^ he waters Jtiegan to run into # iy mowth , arjci to heave nay Teet froni u tlie ] ground ! At that Instant . ' the mill-^ er ^ toinjg tiiy danger , setup alowclcry ,
:. Oet badt ! iget bafck ! get back P I jjdi ^ l so > and , i th ? it ; , was all * ^ What tli e iHlrffi ' i ^^ P ^ W ?^ 7 > . ^ V ^ ty and right reason say to ail such objec-^ fem' & tl \ e ' afco ^ eC 4 dfet back ! get bzcklgbtbatUV * l ^ MhrM ^ M ty WVH& iBWy ^ i p ^ lfs for ( ho use pijzxio # 4 ? i $ ~ Vjeatu ^ Qiis -heretics ! wludh may . possibly be thought too voltinM-
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ntjvis fer their ^ rus i'Wes'feliafl " thcr € f 6 i * e vender aservice to thesse daring mqwtrers by stating . that the 'substance of them j and we * trnst they -wilt 3 ay it to heart , is the miller ' s waraing : ^* Get back ! get bacfc ! get back !¦? -
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34 Apology fov Ih \ JV& Strvetus
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Art . III .- ^ i 4 n dpolog yfor Dr . / Michael Sewettisi including an Account of hi ? Life <> Persecution , Writings , and Opinions : being designed to eradicate Bigotry and Uncharitahlenets ¦; and to promote Liberality ; of Sentivirtvt among Christians . By Rich . Wright . 8 rD « pp . 458 . Boards . Price 9 s . Vidler *
^ he b ^ o e ^^ len t design of \ h& autli-pr ^ ij iii . the co pa position af this work " To eradicate bigotry -andu ^ charitablen es 5 : and to pxo ~ jpotelibera . Jity of sejp timentampiig Christians / ' is kept in view in $ 11 its parts : and we feel ^ onfuknt that the impartial reader pantjot fail to have excited irji his , breast an abhprrence of bigotry aud persecution , and a higher tone of Jiberality , by the perusal of the facts and observations which Mr . W . has placed before himf
Mr . W . h ^ , s very properly in * . scribed his book , To Calviri * istis in general ; to . ( the admirers of Mr . Andrew Fuller ' s . book 9 entitled the ( Julvinistic and Socinian systems compar ^ l as to their moral tendency , in particular . " In the pr 9 jfaqe hp justly , ofoserve $ > that ^ if ijt be still . cop ^ ndedi that the trutfi of religions systems is to b ^^ eteriTi uied by'the temper a ^^ p ^ ditct of thQ $$ ¦ whpj z fapt ' $$$ 9 ^ ^ ft ^ i ¦ insipt . tfefl wt G& 1 * ymm 9 sh VM > ;^ e jju dg *^ ofv by i ^^ ffl ^^^ M ^ n ^ ct of -P ^ irij froni Avfiora It derived its name . "
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1807, page 34, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2376/page/34/