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: • / . * ¦ ¦ ¦ .- ¦ . . - , w £ l £ ETCtt Or THE , IilFE , AND ^ TOTICES OF t . ME WRITINGS , O # DR . JOHN JAM ^ S ^ HIESBACH * j [ Although tlxis illustrious professor is still amon | tKc iiv ^ ig , it is presumed that the riders of We Moiithly Repository will be sufficiently ingerestcd in what ; relates to him , to admit of a departure from the rule which Ifiots this -portibii of tjie work to memoirs of dtccasid * authoj | s or eminent persons . It is with hit . literary rather than * his natural life that they are concerned , and of this the
principal events arc already past , ^^ w . For the blographicml facts of the f ^ BMing paper , the author is indebted to Bajpr * JS / Lagmxin fur Predtger ^ Y 0 I .-3 , " r ^|| from which it is partly translate ^ - - * • ¦
JOH N JAMES GRIESBACH was born January 4 th , 1745 * at Buzbach , in Hesse-Darmstadt . His fatter , the Rev . Conrad Gas-, par Griesbach , seryecj a church in this place at the time of his son ' s birth , but removed in a few weeks
to Ms native city , Frankfort on the Main where he ended his days *^ The son was sent at a very early age to the Gymnasium of Srankfortj and had also private instructors at liome , by whom he
Kvas initiated not only ipto the ancient and modern languages , and thosfe branches of science which were adapted to his yestrs ^ but into some of the fine arts . He Was hence enabled to carry , in his
J 8 th year , to the university of Tiibingen , then much resorted to ,. $ s * having escaped the ravages pJf the seven years war % competent knowledge pf Latin , Greek , and lJicibrew , and some acqu ^ Sitancc Y ») . t \\ , rn ^ ith ^ m ^ tics , ri ^ ti } r ^ l philQ-
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. * . > - i-. . * . - ' . ¦ . sophy , and history . The public lectures of . the u ^ iver ^ itylrin ^ lu * losophy , arid philology npt ; . being agreeable to his ta ^ te , n 6 r suited to the state of ^| iis acqu irem «| ts ^ he endeavoured to suppl ^ t ^ eir deficiency by the help , of private
tutors and professors extxaordinary ; but he diligently fcfreridecj i $ e theological prelection ! f of Rquss , Cotta , and Sartorius * H « j studied t ) i ^ ancient system of the * plogy under them with great assi-. duity ? of which , ( says his Germari he to
biographer ^) con tinued , reap tl ^ e benefit after his views ojq ? th ^ subject of theolpgy b ^ cam ^ , moj ^ enlarged . * He was not in dapgeij of misjepresenting the ancient sys- ^ tem and of imputing absurdities to it with which it was npt chargeable ; and as he did not change lus ppiaioz ^ s on a sudden ,, but graduall y ^ with the gradual ac ^ cession of knowledge anfJ . tfep pro ^ gressiye illumLnation of the p > jj $
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No . ^ XkV ] JANUARY . [ VoL IIL
,:-. * Biography*
,:-. * BIOGRAPHY *
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vot . in ; m «
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MONTH ^ Y REPO SITORY ¦ ¦ " . .. - ; OF ; ' ¦ ' , ¦ - ' . .. * . ¦ Theology and General Miter attire . t
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1808, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2388/page/1/