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millioas of persons bowing to the authority of Mahomet equally ivilh . yourselves , interpret his words in a manner , which both of you explode , I , who know little of the Koran , cannot judge
between you ; but , whatever may be the value of your respective opinions , I shall recommend to ypu , to have some regard for others , who may have as good or better grounds than you have for maintaining their doctrines .
But we may place the subject in a still stronger light . There tvere formerly two dissenters from the established church at Jerusalem ^ named Peter and John . They
taught in the temple certain things , which were not agreeable to the divines of those times , > vho , judging-their dissent to be without a real cause , exercised a rigour , which has since that time been
frequently adopted by Christians against feach other . The two dissenters were thrown into prison , and well scourged for their opinions . The council was not how-
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To the Editor of the Monthly Repository *
Oct . 20 , 1809 . SIR , The late learned Mr . Hugh Farmer makes the following introductory observation in the
third and , I believe , last edition of his Inquiry into the Nature and Design of Christ ' s Temptation in the Wilderness . iC The detection
of error being a great help towards the discovery of truth , it will be proper , before we attempt to settle the true n&ture and design of
: * Fighters against God .
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ever unanimous . They did not all say that to dissent from the doctrines of the established churck was to dissent without a cause .
Orie of them , named Gamaliel a man of very great learning , would have calmed the irnpetXiosity of his brethren . If the opinions of these dissenters , he said , arise merely from the vain fancies
of men , they will come to nothing ; but , if they are founded on truth , if they proceed from God , ye cannot destroy them ; and in fighting against 0 Od ye ar * doing yourselves an irreparable
injury . We would recommend then to the learned professor , th # ttoyy ) of pause of Gamaliel , and beg of him to Jcjave to time to deiermine the question of dissent , lest :, by prematurely taking upon himself the decision , of so solemn
a question , . he may be found amongst the feoaa ^ &i , * I remain , Sir , Your constant reader , THEOPHILUS , / *
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Christ ' s temptation , to consider what objections lye ( lie ) agains * the several explications , ^ which have hitherto been given of thidT " part of the gospel history . Should those objections appear to be just .
we shall , at least , see the necessity of looking out for some new interpretation / ' To the justness of this observation I give my full assent , conceiving that nothing can be more obvious than that , if all the supposition * but one , whick
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Objections to Mr . Farmer ' s Hypothesis . 1 ?
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vol . v , u
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1810, page 17, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2400/page/17/