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Letter VIII . Limes freet , ^ uly 29 , 173 2 . To Mr * Say . My dear friend and bro . * Tis so long since I heard from you , that a letter was very welcome . 1 live
so little in London , that I have nearly forgot ye place where I lue to send little packets for you to your sisters ; will you tell me again where to send for you , and whether you have the 3 last that I have published , ( viz . ) Revivall of Religion , and Scripture History , or Miss Abney ' s Funerall Sermon . Mr . Hamby shall be
considered when we come to receive y e appointed legacy of Mr . Hopkins , and I hope also , Mr . Robinson 3 Chaplin , Rastrick : but the will having been sent through the land in newspapers , multiplies our petitioners ; and y long delay of paym * . will still encrease y so far , that I fear y divisionall shares will be small . You were desired to direct to Dr .
Scott , because your letter is an enforcement of his bro rs . at Norwich , and I suppose , to save my charge , w ° was not worth their notice . Since this was written I received your Jetter by Dr . Hunt , w stands recorded in nly list .
Now let me speak a word about your own affairs , since I suppose you may be returned from Yarmouth . I much approve of your reasoning : TV * has y God tfy e Deists done Jib : man ? And again , An eternal I 'world universally miserable is inconsistent , &c . But y God of
y Christians has done something ; yety extent of it is narrow . Well : hut I lately read in a book entitled the Strength ^ nd Weakness of Human Reason , some attempts towards y solution of this difficulty , I own ' tis y best I have seen ; but I wish 1 had a better . If you have not seen it I will send it you , ifitbenot quite out of print and not to be bought . But as you remark , the Deisticali writers give a stubborn and obstinate misrepresentation of ffacts . ' -
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I own with you , that y whole connexion of y O . and N . T . makes up such a harmony as greatly confirms both ancient and later revelation . Mr . fForster ( Foster ) has shock ' t some about his opinions ; I am glad you stand unmoved . Good ,
dear ffriend , with me to practice the duties of naturalL and revealed relig . but to fix your hope on revelation . Blessed be God for " the hope of eternal life by faith in a Savior for guilty creatures who have deserved death ! This ffoundation
-will stand if reason be our guide , ffor I think reason honestly pursuing" truth will find sufficient evidences for ye Lhristian and Jewish revelation . May ye rules of ye gospel be observed by us , ( viz . ) fFaith , hope , diligence in duty , humility under a sense of sin , and trust in par- * doning mercy , thro' y Son of God y
mediator , and we may venture our eter " nali interests upon ye gospell ; nor shall we be disappointed of our best hope if we found nothing at last but ye God of y Deists to depend upon and his favour * This is y * happiness of y ^ Christian sidet of the controversy . flfarewell , dear fFriend , and believe that I take nothing
afniss , resent nothing at your hands , and that I shall be glad to receive a line now and then from you , if it be but to tell me that you are in peace . Grace be ever -with you and yours . & / ly salutations attend Mrs . Say and your daughter . My health I thank God is much as it has been these 7 years past . Seldom
ill , but always weak ; but Providence tells me I am mortall and must dyefor it has pleased God Jast Lr * day morning to remove her that' bare me away from this world . 82 years she bad endured y fatigues of life . JMy fFather of the same age is left behind . God give us all a happy meeting in a better state . 1 am , dear bro . Yours affectionately , J . WATTS .
* Mr . Say was now at Ipswich , where he first received ordination . It is observed by Mr . S . S . Toms , that Dr . Watts ' s letters to him before he was an ordained minister , were directed to him as a plain minister of the gospel , but aftor that period , he denominated him Revtrend . 3 £ » ,
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THE SAY PAPERS [ Continued from Vol . iv . ]
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1810, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2400/page/3/