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count ; of ibe Auaerican German Baptists , pp . 143 , 144 , is , very just , except that his printer has . misprinted one letter . Their American name is jTunkers , from the German verb , tuncken , to dip , not i ) unkers , as the
printer has put it . They are the true old original Baptists of " the dark ages . The sufficiency ' of Scripture is their foundation truth , and having no human creeds they have no quarrels . Their mode , of administering baptism resembles that of some Eastern churches .
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Letters of Dr . Franklin ' s . [ From his " Private Correspondence , new first published from the Originals , by his Grandson , William Temple Franklin , " in one Volume 4 to .
Print-\ ed for Golburn , 1817 . ] To George Whitefield . * Sir , Philadelphia , June t > , 1753 . RECEIVED your kind letter of I the 2 d instant , and am glad to hear that you increase in strength ; I hope you will continue mending till you recover your former health and lirmness , Let me know whether you
still use the cold bath , and what effect it has . As to the kindness you mention , T wish it could have been of mpre service to you . JBut if it had , the
only thanks I should desire is , that you would always be equally ready to serve any other person that may need . your assistance , and so let good offices go round ; for mankind are all of a family .
For my own part , when I am employed in serving others , 1 do not Jook upon myself as conferring favours , but as paying debts . In my travels , and since my settlement , I have received much kindness from
men , to whom I shall never have any opportunity of making the least direct return ; and numberless mercies from God , who is infinitely above being benefited by our services . Those kindnesses from men , 1 can
therefore , pnly return on their fellow men , and 1 can , only shew my gratitude for these mercies from God , by a * One of the founders of the Methodists ; born at Gloucester , 1714 , di « 4 in New J&ogfoad , 177 tt .
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They use irtne immersion , and trie peison baptized receives the ordmauoe kneeling in the water . They aare right in immersing , right in- bowing thfc candidate for baptism forward ? and . wrong ( I think ) in causing him to kneel , and in repeating the immersion thrice . I suspect they were originally Trinitarians , by this , yet this is not certain , for the Unitarian Raptists of Spain in early times used trine immersion . Once more , peace be with you !
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readiness to help his other children , and my brethren . For I do not think tnat thanks and compliments , though repeated weekly , can discharge our real obligations to each other , and much less those to our Creator . You will see in this my notion of good works , that I am far from
expecting * to merit heaven by them . By heaven we understand n state of happiness , infinite in _ degree , aiitt eternal in duration : I can do nothing to deserve such rewards . He that for
giving ; a draught of water to a thirsty person , should expect to be paid with a good plantation , would be modest in his demands , compared with those who think they deserve heaven for the little good they do on eafth . Even the mixed imperfect pleasures we enjoy in this world , are ra ¥ her from God ' s goodness than our merit : hbw much more such happiness oTheaven ! For my part , I have not the vanity to think I deserve it , the foHy to expect it , nor the ambition to desire it ; but content myself in submitting to trie will and disposal of that God who made me , who has hitherto preserved and blessed me , and in Whose fatherly goodness I may well c oh fide , mat he
will never make me miserable ; arid that even the afflictions f may at any time suffbr shall terfd to my benefit . The faith you mention has certainly its' Use irt the wBrid ; 'I do not desire to see it dn ^ ffi ^ h ecL nor would I endeavour to' ifesefV It it * any man . Bat I wish * it \ veVe rrioVe productive of $ d 6 d v ^ brks / thaii I ftave generally seen * it : } I rrV ^ an real good wdrks / works 6 f kirrtliht&B * charity * ierey , '' anM public sWVIt ; , ir < A holiday !
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1 * 2 ExtractsJvom 2 itw Publication ^
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1817, page 12, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2460/page/12/