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atf < £ nature of the pre&efit state ^ frotn tftfc reflection that tlie wisest iitkj the best pf men have frequentl y befen ^ Wiged to struggTe with dreadftrl evils , $ n& that they ri ^ ay riot havp exceeded t& Hidtre in the excellence , of their
clitktacters than in their difficulties ami trials j frotn the short duraiion of this Jife , compared with thatibr which we are ultimately intended ; and from the happiness which contentment proclttces , and the misery occasioned by it ^ i absence .
in the sixth discourse ( from Jer . 3 t&iii , 24 . * Can any hide himself in secret places , &c . ' ) the omnipresence of God ijs considered : proofs are given of this attribute , and observations offered ^ es becting the manner of it ; and the influence which it ought to have on < 5 ur tetnpets and conduct is then stated .
Ood ' s omnipresence is implied in hts ~ being the cause and author of all tilings . Not onfy must his presence be ;^ € * oextensive with his works , but tfiey owe their preservation to this
jitesence . The necessity by which 2 fre Deity exists , * can have no relation to one place more than another y while die idea of an tinoYiginated Being ; jjastfy supposes that there cafc be nodifingto linajt him . As to the manner of God ' s
omnipresence—he Is present with us ., in all V 9 & thank , . as well as in all . wfe do ^—? he ik ffcesent with us not dniy by his ildtice and his influence ,. but by iiis seT ^ e- ^ and in a mode in whicn no < ithtr being can be present with us-God Is present alike in all places ; as
tibuch on earth as he is ii * heaven . "jThe Scriptural phraseology which deairtb ^ s the Oeity as being iri heaven , is intended chiefl y to express his supreme dominion ajicl sovereign authority . "jthtis , the expression tnat Christ is « one into heaven , and is at the right higdd' of God ^ certainly signifies no j $ Kfr& than that he is exalted to
domi-^ SiSlij wndcf God ; 6 r , as it is elsew'her / e ^ ffiifcsaccf , that all power is given him ifik fae ^ venjahd earth . Since God is equally present every ^ foe ' re , * V e ought ; not to imagine that 9 fa r vvorabip of Him . can be more ao-4 g 0 ^ pi * i ^ oye p lace than anqther . If&Wfe also it follows that there can JB ^ H * % tt / cr ; Bei ng who rs the proper ^ &t ^^ ttrr prayers . T ^ amjrid © - « mo 4 of tpe corotabt and intimate XKi&ac ^ the t ) eity with us , dught
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t ^ r > et > coarag ; £ 6 \ ir : a 4 w ^ er # hito . A reVeretaial fear * pf C | 6 d shb&M ctitnlin aally jJttesess as ;; i 11 &sjrti \ frfh i Hktf rre is ahva ^ -with ws . The tR 6 i ^ Ht 6 f his presence sttaulff detef tfe frofm ' sin : It shdnW support trs itf fff ^ pe ^ V forrnanee of biir ; duty , stnQ "^( utc fce& ^ ft ? in a virtudus ctiitrse : brio , finaHy , it should encourage and coiiffori uS tniifer every pain and trouble . "' ' ¦ This is a very eloquent , iifecT < t 63 ¥ and useful sermon , bat fairly expBsfcd , at the same time , to some objecttofi ^ . Part of it . as . Dr , Price j ^ i ^ elf seems
to have beez > sensible , is in ^ ta phy $ i ^* U speculative and abstruse . Th& c | e «^ rfs ^ the most practical and advantageotis view which can be exbibited ~ tJt } the omnipresence of the OeHy , we take to be the following : that there * is no spot where Ms perjectitms ' —^ his' pdtikf ,
wisdom and goodness—are not tn&nifestvd When we are to ? d that God if $ m& ? t with us «« in all abstract trcttHs &h <} possibles , " ancl that " * his sense peif ^ -. trates our ' s" we in vain enye ^ vouir to affix to this language any di ^ t ^ pct ^ ni satisfactory ideas \ and , for the , ^ - ment , jve believe that we are listeniaa
to a Platonic philosopher rather tbaa a Christiatv preacher . The method , too , of this aiscourse , m ight perh « jf > a have been improved : < fkthe proofs ^ ctf Ood ' s omnipresence , ^ might have succeeded more natixrally and CDttwnfently to d statement of the proposition
which they were designed to establferi ^ And we are mistaken if the prea ^ jher has not rn some degree confounded two subjects which , on the principles of jjourad reasoning , should be separately considered- —the immensity of creation and the universal pre $ enc ^ of the Deity * v tl .
Seff-examination , is the important topic of the seventh sermon ( froru Ps . exxxix . 23 r , 24 . i ( Search mft ± ) @ ^ God , &c ") . The indifference fof m ^ lr titudes co this practice , « r > 4 the Y ^ ft moment pif it > . Dr . Price represei )^ ^ with great fidelity and impredsivep ^ aj . He then mentions two boint 0 whi < j ]
demand our particular notice in | J ) # , work of self-investigatiotf ^ tj > e §^ ft ^ the purity of oqr motives , - ^ nitj jb& urttversaluy of out f > bedie * fcce > -b ^< Mik he concludes b y laying doty x * i& $ m rules for the perforfnapq ^ ^ i ^ thQ . ^ uJty ^ We ^ iiou ld examine A out 3 fciv ?§ . ; f ^ c | uent ! iy # wto ^ trtially mil > iQV&vtlfy Na day should be , aufi ^^^ toM jga ^ without some self-inquiry , Wnei
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0 f kM * U ) : ^ -PT * &es S&hridte .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1817, page 46, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2460/page/46/