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&jaffeaa | : feH ** ara& w « tt b ^ mtnie < te fcnict tffetefttei / w Ho individuals < taking « 5 ^ co-^ i ^ or wrote . * t is 4 « titted , >« A ** j * c Itount qf < tktRisv and Progress of the Urhit&rib&x Doctrine "hi the Societies at HMtkdtt&t i NetttchHreh in R&ssendaie ^ and other Places , formerly in Connection with
the late / lev * Joseph Cooke . In Ten Letters-toor Friend J" By John Ash worth , prise 1 * . r * Erratum in VoU XI . p * 124 , * For « tV . ioneS , Esq . " Manchester , 5 / . " Tead " Samuel Jones , Esq . Green hill , near Manchester , $£ /'
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Manchester Quarterly Meeting * The last- Quarterly Meeting of Minister& £ eft £ rally denominated Presbyterian , in tbe district of MhiicHesfer , was held on the ' 3 d January , 1817 , at the chttjrel of the Rev . Wm . Hawkes . Seventeen
ministers were present at the chapel , and ttie number of hearers , though not large , y # 8 & perhaps rather greater than generally assemble on similar occasions . The Rev . T ; C . Holland , of Preston , introduced the
set * vice , and the Rev . Jos . Ashton , of JDakinfield , preached from Hos . vi . 6 . At tbe dose of the service * the ordinary business of the meeting -was transacted , and a Mew member was added to the
assatiation . The tiinner at the Bridgewater Arms was less numerously attended than usual , only tjrirty-one gentlemen being present , whereas on som * occasions nffe mnendber to have seea between sixty ^ d seventy . But this , circunutance did TOt by anpy means diminish the interest of tberfteetfng . of
Oa the ^ vefiirig the same day a sermon was pre « itied by ttje ^ ReT .. Wa . Jletobs / of AltriD ^ bam , on behalf of the l ^ aacasbir ^ and Cheshire Unitarian Book atld Traxtt Society , —The introductory part * 4 > f tUe service having been kindly tmdertaken by the Rev . W . i \ irncr ^ of Ii « W 9 a $ H « . At <^> c telose of the service t& * t * . Wt& a colkcti ^ to &t tlie beue £ t of
the wd society . Tb « » era&cm an 4 collodtion are inti » t 4 « 4 to bfe yearly continued . On thp utxt day tlie annual * m « etin ^ of tfc * & < ttfc * a d Tract Society was > -el < l . —
Besides variaas oUter ordinary 4-t »^» Uitio « s , wjjic | i * as tlkfe ^ aH tiec ^ s aary to the succe ^ nil operatioti jof « rerr fttch fostitution , it-ii ttjdt thought Tinneces || flry ^ o detail , it "tfrtf * Vas ^ lVed unajWti ^ ou ^\ y , that Mr . Je-V 6 « i n W ^ rvKbetf fVil Vv reriu ^ sl ^ ^ t 6 nrirtt in a m % ^> * efal ! y re ^ ue ^ tetf 16 rint in a tfig
p felifeto $ hn # at tH ^ teac ^ cn ^ edf S ^ fcidty , ta ^ ^ B ^ moii % reMfebeif >^ ' ftl ' behalf ^ ie fveina ^ befoM ; ^ 64 "be ^ In ^ fy c ^ hife ^ fed fb c ^ dtply Witb tfi ' e > visVes of the meeting . THi ? ^ eM ^ n ^ il ^ ffr ^ blfshed iix a vt * ry ^ tie ^ y ^ ^ d ^ Mw ^
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Gie * yr ^ Gittftl o ^^ ^<* f tliik y ^ an ^ There can be no doubt Irhat \ thorn itwtttfttion ^ since ^ -- its- nrst > estabHsinHeirt ^ tetBo « itf * ix years fego , has done great « erric «^ t&' > tbe cause-of pure Ctrris ^ atrityV arnt afdvd-the progress of religious ^ ttBttv ba ^ righteousness r and the best thanks of the friends of to
truth are owm ^ those persons first contrived , and have since co » ductedy an engine of so mighty a power in the operations of intellect and reason . MaV its opefatidns- be carried dri v ^ th * till increasing effect . Since the forementioned meetings were held , an Unitarian Fellowship has been
formed in this town , tbe specific objects of which are , first , to extend the opera- > tionrof the Book ^ md Tract S ^ eie ^ f , by the payment of small subseriptiona at itwSrt intervals { 6 ne p « riny a -week )^ % > b * £ &- to 3 « rmble the poorer classes qf society td ^ ul ^ themselves of its ^ rbvisions , b > y purcha ^ hig
books to tlie amount of their stibsferfp- " " tions ; and secondly , by means of donations ( e \^ ery eiee ^ s ab ^ ve ont pent ^ y ^ ^ ver week betog cordered a donation ) , mod utK ^ ai med subscriptious , to create a fund for general purposes in aid o the * TJnitarian cause . At the time of- "the cons ^ ttteiit
meeting , -which took place last we £ k , 'the number of members amounted to betM ^ efei ] i thirty and forty . The general tneefitigfe ' of the Fellowship will be be Id once a « jliet * €# r , of the commiHee otice a uvonth . A noting-for religious purpo « ee to be denominated the Religious Meeting o £ th « Fellowship , will-be h % ld ofcee a fortnight : w . ^ r . ]\ fa ? ichester * Jan * 1 817 .
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MlSCEXLAI ^ EOUS . Deistical Princi / Lfas a &isf * 9 lijltation for Parental Zhtty . [ Wt copy the fbtUw ? ittg ft ^ m ihe fcewspa ^ ers ^ , r ^^ e rvirfg 1 liur ootniwent s , ft ikiy be re ^ tri ^ ed , TH % U « Lotd ^ tianceMbr ^ as pronounced a judgment . ¦ £ |>? 3 < > ' " Coukt or Chancery , Frij > ay 7 "Jan * ^ 4 .
Westbrooh v * Shelley , / Sh-S . Romilly mav * A f ^ r- aa ' brSer Ho prevent the < left-nd «^ it exerci ^ r ^^ ¦/» ahy gtrardiansbip - ' &&& hi « children ; tih ^ Aje giFautid of ifis DelsUoftl ^ rmtipVe sc 1 * rippeared tftat the defendant had sdtn « $ iihe since written a book , called Q * i £ e % * Mfcb ,
which openly ltrow % d ^ "tlift ^ principm of Deism ; aud ih ^ ttcti ^ caf . ^ ft ^ eoijilft e ^ rtainJy not be'ebrt * ft ! e ^ d U- 'pr ^ e ^ ^< % on lor educating youth . -The i « tefe * t # 4 f % ociety wou ^ -bM i ^ Mksly be vhdafcrge *^ H ^ te pers <> trs of tti&e < - pvftMipy > % > pt # mi ** fci ikitetil ^ fcem ittto tttia t < iMMitot * i ItW ^ r feYem ^ itt ^ a «* h H t < aae * ttai ^ ereftf ^ to ^ Hy cdlfetrYo ^^^ d li ^ ( H \ t - » i \ bad tto ^ iH *^
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tO Inteltigenci ^ MiiiteKtetirr -Qntrtcrly Meeting .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1817, page 60, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2460/page/60/