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f s * W 1 a * ii * the vote wtb wfeich life # ppos * d the eonstftution sent by ttte satn&te to Louis XVI 11 . and as a reward , the tetter has now also excluded t&m from tfe * crumber of his peers ] Mf &&&' events , however , Bishop had
CSr ^ pI re finished , as it were , his political career , and for the last year , has %# ed entirely absorbed in his l ^ mtH up ^ dur ot rel igion , humanity afcd liters . Why then is he again Mi hm dUturbed ? His virtues , in Jfatace , it is well known , are proof against ail calumnies , and in England this same character , in . union with his
being the friend and defender of Profcestants , Anabaptists , Jews , Negroes ; Mulattos , m short , of the oppressed , ought to have shielded him from the taunts and designing statements of an e&ierof a daily paper . —Morn . Chron .
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$ &ftte Account qf the Rev . Dr . Lucas . BW . RICHARD LUCAS was rtte son p £ Richard Lucas , of l * Ueste ^ p&e , in Radnorshire , and born it * that county a&eut the year 1 ( 548 . Jkfte * & protyer foundation at school he < pj | $ eefit , in 1664 , to Jesus College , € 0 tptd , where , after taking both his d&grees in Aria , at the regular times , he ted rde rs the
e ^ j into holy o about year i # 2 , an 4 Wad for some time master of K | ie fi % e School at Abergavenny ; bi * t &ei ) $ g nrmch esteemed for his talejfcis in this pulpit , he was chdsen vicar of St . Ste p hen ' s , Coleman-street , London , and fecturer of St . Olave , in
South % ** rfe , in 1683- In J 69 ! , he took tfoe decree of Doctor in Divinity , a « d W 3 ts installed prebendary 6 f Westmirtster in JtjQt ) . His sight began to fail him in his youth , but he lost it
totally about this time , and lived many years aftet tJiis misfortune . He died on the 20 th of June , 1715 , and was buried ill Westminster Abbey , but there is no stone or monument there
to point out the place of his interment . It is somewhat remarkable that so few particulars should have been preserved of the life and character of a divine of « uch distinguished merit .
We are only told in general that he W&& gcetltly esteemed for his piety and leaV&tffcg ; aj % d indeed that he was a most excellent roan may be justly in-% z&id from his writing * , whicn are d&eexltnglV' valuable , and will pre-
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# r * e tm fa # de «<* tatS rSOiterity . IHs principaf peff&ietotttce is , " An Inquiry after Happiness , ' * in two volumes , octavo , which has passed through sevefal editions , and i $ justly held in high estimation . He also published , ) st , " Practical Christianity , or an Account of the Plolihess which
the Gospel enjoins , and the Rem $ d ^ fs it proposes against Temptations , " 8 W > - 2 d , " The Morality of the Gospek " 3 d , < € Christian 1 noughts for every Day in the Week . ' * 4 th , " A Guide to Heaven . " 5 th , " The Duty of Servants . * ' 6 th , Several Sermons , in
five volumes * some of which were published by his son , who was-of his own name , and survived him , and who was bred at Sidney College , Cambridge , where he took his Master of Arts degree . Dr . Lucas also translated into Latin the Whole Duty of Man , which was published in 1680 , in 8 vo *
British JBiographi / , Vo \ . \ I . page 1 $ 2 , in a Note to the Zafe qf Hfr . Howe .
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Among other respectable writei * s > of whom we have but a very slender account , is Dr . Richard Lucas , author of several volumes of sermons , which possess considerable merit , and of an " Inquiry concerning Happiness , * which has passed through , at least ,
eight editions . He was the sot * of Richard Lucas , of Presteign , in Radnorshire , and born in that county about the year 1648 . In 1664 , he was sent to Jesns College , Oxford $ and after taking both the degrees ir * Arts , he entered into holy orders about the vear i 6 ? 2 . For soiiW timd
he w ^ as master of the free school at Abergavenny ; but in 1683 , he became vicar of St . Stephen ' s , Coiemait-stTeet , and was also chosen lecturer of St * Olave , in Southwark . He took thi !
degree of Doctor in Divinity iflf lojjl r and was installed prebendary of W « ittN minster in 1696 . About this time ^ $ lost his sight , but lived many yeagg after that misfortune . H « Wiw&hB
4 < Inquiry after Happiness" alter 01 $ became blind , or nearly so . ff e t *^ the author of several theol # ^ cal p US €% besides those which h ^ ve beeii &w $$ ffl £ mentioned . He died in l ? 15 W $ was buried iii WesUi \ rnster Abfatfr but no stone has been placed tfaeftM point out the place of his ittteritt * Ut . - ** Mi / nthty Magazine .
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# Some Account qf Ihe ~ Reb . J&r . Z , ucns .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1817, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2460/page/8/