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December 4 9 1820 . Notes on a few Passages in the New Testament . MATT . i . ii . A summary of Griesbach s * observations concerning the authenticity of these chap- *
ters , may not be unacceptable to a particular class of readers . ( 1 ) No testimonies of ancient writers can be adduced which ought to throw a doubt on the first and second
chapters of this evangelist . We meet with them in all those Greek MSS . which are entire : they exist in every ancient version which is not mutilated ; nor can it be proved that they have been introduced into these translations
at a later period , and by another hand . The Codex Ebnerianus f does not furnish an exception : both chapters are contained in that MS ., which merely follows the earlier codices in the arrangement of the sections and the titles : " " in omnibus , auotauot the titles ; in omnibusquotquot
, Kz $ cL \ a . i < i ) v notatione et rtrXoiq instruct ! sunt , codicibus , Matthaei KztyoLhauoov A seu primum inscribitur ire pi tuv fjuxyew , et incipit Matth . ii . 1 . Similiter Marci * £ > . A , titulum prae se ferens , nspi re SpLifAWityfAepa , inchoat Marc i . 29 , &c—Quin in epistolis quoque
plerisque eadem est tm KEfpaXataw ratio . Primum , v . c , epistolae ad Romajios K £ ( f > aXa . ioy incipit Rom . i . 18 . —Sic accidisse videtur ut primae libri cuiusque particulae in enumerandis KetpaXaioiq mentio fieret nulla . Ex quibus omnibus patet , Novi Testamenti librorum paene omnium initia fore resecanda , si
earn sacn contextus partem , quae primum Ka ( pccXc ^ iQv antecedit , in yo 0 cia <; suspicionem adducere fas esset . " Dr . Williams t has in vain appealed against these chapters to the Latin MSS .: in all of tjiem , the whole of the introductory narrative occurs . , J #
* Comment . Critic , in Text . Grac . N , T . Partic . ii . 4 *^( 55 : ' [¦ ' t Michaelis * Ihtrod . to N . T . ( Ma&li ) H . 257 , 25 S ( l 793 }^ x X " Free Inquiry into the Authenticity of the Fii ^ t flnd ? Second Chapters cff St . Matthew's Gospel . Edit . 2 , Ldnd . 1789 /* Griesbach , >
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some , it is true , we find the genb ^ logy detached from the ^ &tdity V btkt '* tfief separation is arbitrary - 'tffkd '' xtijyrtit ranted . Ai ? t * i ^ feiid ^ of the sevdnf& ^ ktll
verse of the first chapter the Hatteiaa MS . marked 1775 , ami of tl ^ e ^ W the 6 th or 7 th centurjr , exM | itS ;" iite words , Geneftlogia huc 1 tsqitieir \ ktii-PIT fcVANGELItTM SECtrrtDUM 5 MAt ^ -
th ^ um . These * sentences , howeydr ^ are not placed in the text : nor \^ ere they written by the original transcriber ; they stand in the margin , and were Hie addition of some later possessor or copyist . * Latin MSS . ; of the 10 th ,
1 lth or 12 th century ^ may * also be , produced in which the' genealogy is , in like manner , distinguished from the narration . To these , nevertheless , we oppose the evidence of fkr old ^ riuid better codices , both in the Latin tongue and in other languages . The utmost ,
indeed , which the MSS . alleged by the objector can prove is , that in the middle ages some individuals existed who looked on the genealogy not as belonging to the history , but in the light of an appendix , or rather an introduction
to it . Now the suspicion indulged by these men does not affect the authenticity of much the larger portion of the chapters , or even intimate the spuriousness of the genealogy , b $ t
merely aims at separating it from the ' body of the history ; in consequence & £ this pedigree * ( as they supposed ) not having been drawn up by the evangelisft himself , though he judged fit to adopt it , by way of preface to his naftative . '
( 2 ) Further : These chapter ^ cannot be fairly arraigned by any thirty that we know of the gospel accoriJrfig t 6 the Hebrews or of that of the Ntiato ^ renes or Ebionites . It is far from
beinff certain that the genealogy and * the history of our Lord ' s miraculous birth were originally wanting ^ in , all 6 f them : nor can Matthew's Gospel b $ . so conneeted with them as ' to ' make it
probable that whatever irf liot found m those apocryphal wprKs ^ WAfe ^ dd passed in silence by our EvdtitelistJ " '' ( 3 ) Equally irrelevant , ittwAt ) vi 6 ^ are the conjectures of ^ j ^ fe'ijktoptf men in favour df the e ^ st ^^< # iin original gospiel , ^ t ^ ihm ^ l ^^ fr 6 which Matthevv' ;^ Mttrk ^ iaiid ! iJUk ^ e \ Hx&&
• ' €€ Vide St / nlbojas nostras criticus . torn . I . p * 309 / Oriesbach ,
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Notes ton hfew Passages in the New T ^ ttameni . 7 # 5
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cations : subjects that justly rank with others on which tnen should think correctly . : ;¦ ^ ¦;• ' . ¦ . • , J . P .
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VOL . XV . 4 Y
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Dec. 2, 1820, page 705, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2495/page/17/