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to fan the flame , or to convey the flakes of fire that now fell into the river , to the tops of the neighbouring houses , whole streets must have been destroyed . Again , if some part of this same river had not been drawn off two days
preceding for very different purposes , the necessary engines would not have been efficiently placed , one side of the building on fire being close to the margin of the water . Once more , if three vessels laden from the mill had
not been got under sail the day before the accident , they and their cargoes must not only have been inevitably destroyed , but the dreadful conflagration would hav £ been tenfold increased I " O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness ?* that they would consider themselves as ever under his
guardian care , and declare his mighty works to the children of men ! How forcibly , Mr . Editor , did this bring to my mind what must be the horrors of a besieged city , where spectacles of this kind surround the wretched
inhabitants on . every side , and where , if any should escape the flames , the poor forlorn fugitives are subjected to massacre and death , in a thousand frightful forms , or to cruel outrages from the infuriated soldiery , still more
to be dreaded than even these ! Yet , to fight bravely , and to conquer in any cause , in itself however unjust , especially if decked in military array , is denominated glorious ; the victor is crowned with laurel , and suppliant crowds bow the knee before him ! And
do we use this language ajad yet call ourselves Christians—the ( humble disciples of Him " who , when hqs w < as reviled , reviled not again *'—of Him who " endured the cross , despising the shame , " that he might demonstrate to succeeding generations in what true
glory really consists—of Him who , Having risen from the grave , and shewn that death is not the end of man , lias " for ever sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high" ? Can we think on these things and reflect for a moment on the dreadful evils of which
war is the prolific pajrentt , ( evils evidently not less destructive tp the . conquerors than to tfre coi ^ fltWNIO without unfeign ^ ly ; rejoicing in the formation of Pea , < c § Societies , ^ n < J ^ incp ^ eiy endeavouring £ p aid their success ? Their leading object , in ray mind , shpuld be , Aot so much to discuss the question
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for war can * * in any cask , be justi fied on Christian principles , as ; to discourage the war \ spirit , tQ < \ point * out from time to time the malignant passions it engenders and inflames , the horrid crimes to which it leads , and the ruin and desolation which it fails not to spread on every side . Respecting the strenuous advocates for this dreads
ful practice , may we pot say , with the good old patriarch , " O my soul , enter not thou into , their secret $ unto their assembly , mine honour be not thou united" ? C . CAPPE ,
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¦ , The Canonical Gospeh the support of Unkarmn Christianity JO 9
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JSiR , ; October , 1820 . f t ^ HE commendations passed most JL deservedly ( pp . 163- —168 ) on tke Family Sermons published by the Rev . Mr . Butcher , induce mfe to suggest that he could make the treasure more
complete to families unable to attend public worship on account of distance , &c , by composing a shoit introductory prayer , and another longer prayer , ( far immediate subsequent delivery , condensing the subject discussed , ) distinctly suitable to each sermon . I need
not point out the usefulness of such a book of prayers to families who have no Unitarian places of worship , within many miles , to attend . And who can do it so well as the devout author of these Sermons himself ? One volume possibly might contain the substance of the three volumes of Sermons ^ G . M . D .
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The Canonical Gospels the support of Unitarian Christianity . ( Concluded from p . 672 . ) WE have then the old objection as to the difficulty of reconciling the evangelists : * but the writer does
* The disagreement in particulars of the gospel historians is a favourite topic with Infidels . They can only make a handle of it , if the plenary inspiration for which Bolingbroke so zealously contends ,
be conceded to them . It should be shewn that the historical writers of the ^ Bible ever pretended to inspiration , i Mr ; Evanson gave up this point to them in his " Dissonance . " He , too , thought , by ** expuagfoag" the disagreeing gosjpels , * to remove stumbKng ; -blocfcs out of thfe way of those who would not thank him for
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Dec. 2, 1820, page 709, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2495/page/21/