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confined * ; iI > likV ^^ f € Pi ^^| iB | . i ^|^^ gip > neighbourhood , and throughaut roy Ufatitiiumft "p ^ mm ^ i ^^ i ^ a ^ ki e ¥ ^ ry denomination dfeppsed ta bring their relimou ^ tenets to the test of reawny
and to the uniform i declarations , of Christ anijhi ^ appstles ; and I hmfci witnessed them ^ miasing their former mysterious nations , and embracing the rational and consistent 1 belief , th ^ t there is but one God , the Father , and one Mediator between God aad men , the man Christ Jesus . j
On the \ OTfeole * Sir ,. » I cannot o but congratulate the friends of Truth on the progress . which it is evidently making in th $ world .- —The time , I believe , is fast approaching when Christianity shall be < released from the fetters of superstition and bigotry , and , resting oa the basis of reason , shall meet with
equal approbation from the peasant and the philosopher . JOHN JONES . P . S . On observing in your Monthly Repository for August , [ p . 471 >] the question * by ^ ** An Unitarian Traveller **—* Is lUnitarianism infcreasincr or
decreasing l 9 f I thought that a letter from me on the subject might not be unacceptable to some of your readers . If you are of the same opmion you will please to insert it . , ) " ¦ . ¦•¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
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f ^ nflfjn <^ ^ £ |||^ to ^^| # ^ % ^ Kg ^^ h ^ md ^^^ m ^^^^ dose oquare . Xiopdon , to Hopton . Among WfeUoW ; 8 taMfeni 8 were several
mdividtmli iv ^« it Jl&ve Ml ^ i -ll&lft ^ tiifii stationa in the Dissenting Ch ^ bes , m ^^ m mt hare . M ^^^ W letters * r ' ' :. " * . where
qinttinfff thfi ^ qa ^^ y ^ h ^ ^ istlaguished himself by the most regulw and pereeverinff industry , that Mr . Howe preached , for a few months ^ at Exeter , as an assistant to the learned
and pious Micaiah Towgood , a name deservedly held in the most grateful remembrance by eterjr frjendtto t ^ e sacred rights of conscience , for his iincomparable ' €€ % ^ j ^ n ^^ j ^ ff 4 ^ l ^ nl ^ Pf ^ rkioctant "ntco ^ Wt ? ' ' T n
Mr , Howe , soon afterwards , engaged himself as chaplain to the Rev-Sir Harry Trelawny , who , having become dissatisfied with the doctrines of the
Established Church , ( though he was always enthusiastially attached to the splendour of its-rites and ceremonies , ) at that time officiated as * ' minister of the Presbyterian Church at West Loe , in Cornwall / ' With this gentleman , notwithstanding his singular fluctuations in opinion , f the history of which
* See " A Dissent from the Church of England fully justified , " by Micaiah Towgood . See also MaBiiing ' s Life of Towgood , p . 25 . It is a subject ,: I think , of regret , that Mr . Manning should not have enriched his volume with a short account
of the distinguished ministers in Exeter and Us neighbourhood ^ who were Mr . Towgood'is contemporjoies and friends . The public has , at length , been gratified by an interesting outBne of the character
of one . among them , the Rev . Samuel Merivale . It is found in the posthumous Discourses of his pupil ,, the Rev . Joseph Bretland ; hunself one of the most accomp ^ tehed , the purest and the kindest of human beings *
" Oh , I could stop and linger , if I mighty t See " Qrt ^ V . JUgtl ^ Ministers , " Vc $ , XJ ^|| 0 pkiife # 9 ^ # ir Harry- I ^ to ^^ Mip Hehed ; a " WffflS ^ M ^^} J ^ ^ W m $ M ^ 9 $ * ¥$ ' flH % . 8 » exhibited ftW ^ f . Miliim WW % m * & *
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laat Number of the Monthly Repository ? It is impossible for toe , to discharge thie di ^ ty , without feelings of deep and sincere re ^ r ^ t . I esteem it among the highest privileges of my life , that for nearly twenty years I have beeu honoured with his unreserved and affectionate friendship ; and . the more
I whose death is briefly announced Jn the Sir , December 7 , 1820 . MAY be aUowed to pay a humble tribute tpjtiie mein 9 ^ y of the Rev . Thomas Mqwk , of Brjdport , whose death is briefly announqed jn the
I have seen of his ' heart * and h $ 3 character , the more reason , have ? 11 fpund to admire and love hiin .. The few imperfect notices that I shall offer are
by no n \ eana intended to supersede a more regular jwid cowiect 6 d wf &poir , wliich I hope ^ ijl soon be Iiip ^ shed by o % fAMIS' n ^ zr ^ y ^ ' ^ n'lT 1 * • ! " '' ' ¦ ' > ' ¦ i 4 vw » " '¦• villaflre ^ neari ^ riverton * iiicthe countv of 4 ^ V | Qj |^ r jpr the mmiatry wilder . the able isup ^ rin-
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A THbutetofhe ^ M . % V %
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Dec. 2, 1820, page 717, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2495/page/29/