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tmtt in «^ ei » i Mfo * pattrfci £ v nor a * t ^ a ^ ybfe dtMOOtti m tte eerie * of tfaebr hftflen * ftp * at the GeotHe world , though fctien * fetia * the commonwealth of IstafcL AikV though the accounts , deplorable aa they * re > might be truly
given conccorni « gf many of tfee Jewish and Gentile nations , and even of Chris * tiaii nations to * , yet never without stfme particular exceptions . Andy incfeed , wbed , i » any ag : e of the world , suet universal characters of vice are
cbtettn by the saered wrfters , or by fl ^ ty writers , they generally refer not to all living , bjut to a certain great number of prefone perooFus appearing openly in rath titties and places . . The V € yry ^ fetovfriag' o £ sueh characters imftlies a very gre&fc sense of the
infMny of them in the breast of Mm vrfcerthtwrs thdm , who is , at least , sitppoeed himself to be an exception ; ajid not only an exception , but , by the detestation he expresses of this monstrous depraration , to be a real example of the contrary virtues .
• in the' account the Apostle Paul has givfen o £ the vices of the Heathens , ia the first chapter , no one cxn suppose that he meant to charge every ipm under the light of nature , wkh ail that black catalogue of heinous sins ; or that there were not in his esteem * instances ; of persons aaa € > ng then * innoeerrt of every one of them .
and <^ ve » eornmendal > le for all the contra * y virtues . And iu producinE ^ these cfeirftcter » of Jetv » frown Jewisli \ ¥ ri * tefs , be , doubtless ^ CI caumot doubt it myaetf , ) intended the same exceptvonff .
v All that I have endeavoured at , is to refprceeitf ; what appears to me the gtmime » enae and extent of such de-8 ti » ptaDa& as tlw ^ e in Scripture ^ that U » whomsoever they may be truly appbe <* > ( as , alas ! they are too often jttst t «« r far flrreater numbers set tf // jttst tr la * greater numbers set tf //
times than ehasity m&& virtue woitld wiehv ) yet they are aot to be taken foi ? the genuine and natural portrait of humtin ; natore , and tint universal ishmn ^ timaoi ait men , « rto in very ooirru | rt times and nat ^ ms- ; i Tofoititdflneneraldoi ^ riiiefteQncernv
i « g : humfett natiire ^ the work of Qod , ffrnn Hitch descrriptkm& of th « character of the great multitud&of vicious perfeon * , t » injurious to ihe Dirine B < Ang who formed U »^^ tho s oiiaft ^ of gloomy thoughts which terrier many
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90 M and virtHodR ttMfite . Bb * Ifi deti ala ^ lrOm ; the trim meaning « nd i « op ^ ofitfie saerad writers I » ^ etferul the eathnatkHt attid ju 4 gna ^* t of the cb » ractera of ail Particular p »» c 44 a < $ & in
the hands of God , who will impute t ^> n £ man any evil but what he is truty g ^ Hty ; of ; who ® ee « , dktifictlv , the various decrees of virtue and vice \ rMeh aare in evevy n * ind and ) ife > and who will not c * epr © eiate or overWrok the least gooA that i ^ c « ltivate 4 and practised by any of hig nui ^ ital creatvtres .
It is repugmmr to thN ? forHngs of every well-dkpoeed mhtd , to form the most dl * ocki »^ Me aNT ef the charsu te ' r of its nature , TW bonmir of fA «>^ should be comtttfed tent the hm \ our oC its ^ reat Author ; ^ rwi tbougfe it be
found stadned vvhh apreat hupnrity , yet , let it ever b # held a sacred ttiith , that its depravatioft & wilful , and arises not froi » the neee ^ ity and ihk pulse of its divine formatkm ., but from the voluntary abuse and perverfeioa of its faculties . JAMES MANNING .
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19 . ;; -:. " :- * ^ If ^ jkw ^^^ A ^^^* . -
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Sir , Bristol , Nov . 1 * 1821 . WAS long of opinion * tl » at the I book of Joh was wrklei ^ by Mosea ; the argument * of » mny former writes appeared to xtm altoos * conduaire upan that head . I \\ uve been
lately reconsidering the vvfojeei , and think there ftre m ?* fiy » tron ^ reas ons to sriipport tl * e ^ oneUjdicfn , thai it was not produced earlier thai * the Babylonish oap&Mty , One of the chief of these ia , the maoMnertf Wrhiefe is employcad » s an introduction to the whole . By the mo&t iwlieious interpreters ,
thla 13 admitted to te altegomal ; the allegory , ho * re ? grv mxwt be derived from tha notiong entertained % the writ « 3 r or th © Mf « in whfeh the events are- supposed to bare tnkert pla ^> upon ; 8 « ch sufej ^ ctB . N ovr it appeals to me , that U Moses > ht * l be < m ^ ther of
the writer oi ? the 4 fottipil ^ r tM » pt ; r ^ y theistiout and Unitarian poem * and had known , or b * lierv
be , he would <« iti 4 ttty hwe tertrodueed him , byviUdifMV itiMwe aceouftt he h »» ^ f iven . ttS ^ of tfe * intWodttction © € sin into the woiOdr ihl ^ Yr ^ ttl ^ surel y * have he * mi m ^ te htie \ ngib } & m ^ pMttar * an | fu « g « iAt ^ th *^ HKMXthi of ** smlaal mm tever b&A fte pwvear of
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1822, page 10, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2508/page/10/