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Untitled Article
the head i . and wfftdfeh in ' thait sfrt pf consegjiential and flippant st ^ le wfrich characterises almost alt our works of this class , bnt which is so peculiarly out of place when applied to a department where we are n 6 t 6 riously defrcfeut . What would be most useful ( in addition to condensation 6 t analysis bi tile con - tents of foreign jtfattials , many of them immeasurably superior in solid Worth to the general ran of our own ) would be
short revievvs or ftOticeS , chiefly m an analytic form , of as many as f > bssibie of the , numerous publications , of all foreign nations on important subjects ; so as at . least to give us sfcfnie idea of vfrfiat is going oh afcroafl , aftd a clue tb farther inquiries where desirable . What can be a more miserable wasjte of nioriey and effort than to Consume a Whole number , of near 3 $ ) dagete , dhafge ' cl at an
extravagant price , in noticing only eleven books , most of tliem moreover , published iuaut ygars ago $ 'the nVsi ; 100 pages of No . 1 . are occupied by two essays ( attributed to great names , but not the less out of ^ Lace ); one on the . Arabs of Spain , which seems to con tarn all the * wfeepirii * s of Mr . Sotrthey ^ col - lection oh that head , not otherwise jpreviotjsl ^ a ^ propf i ^ edi and the other , on the very novel stibjecc bf ' * the supernatural in fictitious cOmbosition .
In No . IN . we have a great portion occupied by a panegyric on Phrenology , very lamely worked up into an editorial article . Surely we did not want a Foreign Journal to be set up to puff oar domestic quackery .
At the end of the number we have a few pages of literary notices , which , if properly attended to , might form , perhaps , &te mdsrt useful envision of file book , mrat are before iis , nbfreveir , aVe dttvlbusfy inefe setts'br - di j ^' mgs , st itd literal femMatiohs frdrii fo > jm $ n newspapers , In Vhfcfo we could point bait proofs of rWicftloits mMalfes' ahd ifcio - r-ai / ce . It # bald appear , m ^ , jMi this debarthieht ts to be ht > beH ^ e ^ ditetii&d . to ttiaiti It is ! in most « ¥ o 4 ir
irtag ^ iyes , wnefe tftese matters , ixtt ns ' rtiflkj iiiana ^ ed with eitaemti i ^ orane ' e . Th 6 thitH id , thsfc ^ th ^^ ^ htiigs are geinefrawy left to t / ersqns Wholly mcpmpqtetii ? tb m inferfef cfess tff tftkrkiy caterers , who are commonly in England excessively ignorant . Abroiid ^ . -this species of literary tuen are very a , bundaut , and . are of acaulrenienta and character inihiitely
superior . . . AjiHirnah of half , this size and ; pricc , devoted to ; wrfeigH literature , and conducted with industrV , " skit ) . ' and a due
Untitled Article
consciousness 6 f our own detfclenci ^ s , and : of the Irnjserable folly < if applying English edtfeeit and seif- $ dftciency to stich subjects , might be ma 3 e . a Valuable addition to bur p ^ ribdic ^ l lite ^ tufe . Without cbnsidtiritig the Revtie Encyclop ^ dique a s a staildard of excellence , we can at any , Me recotonie ^ ft ine Ei ( iitbrs of the Foreign Qaarterlv Retlew "
to iooiE at it , % t& blush for fheir manifest inferiorrty . An active eonipefltor has adsen ! h ^ He " T'breign fteViifeV . " pieir luarrei has carried the parties iuto details equally absurd hiid degrading to the persons of whose \ wfts eich claims the morib ^ . We ar $ rather disposed to think the "Foreign Review' * Will , Ih many respects , be the mU <^ dfficiehtfor tjie pftjblfc service . The addition of teaiiy , Short critical pptices Js certa } nty ( jitt improvemerit iit . ' tfife plan , alid the "Fp ^ rgn ( juarterjy ' hasitit ) art fdllo ^ ved its rival ' s
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Art . XIV , —The Weekly Reviews and Literary Journals-The protested kdttthly Keviews have bttfoirfe tinBoj ) u ! at a 6 d have a ; tnibsfc vanished . Ttie Qyrterty Reviews were conceived tb nave ^ so dfccidedfy tne advantage , from the logger time atrd more perfect consideration which could be employed in their redaction , that they
drove their rivals out of fhe field ; but they have run into the extreme of loading their pages by dissertations of such a length as to prevent the possibility of noticing more than a very few of the passing works ; they are , in fact , mere pamphleteers . We cannot but regret ffie bid frtaii ; ft was a hhj ^ f the&ktih , giving sufficient « hiie for consideration ,
if actively employed , ^ ud yet giving the opportunity for abundant freshuesa and novelty . In . their absenpe tie , pppqsi $ e ^ treine him , beefi run into . - lihere havf ; now sprung up what we are mcjlined to thiuk conaicfeiiblei ttuis ; aticea *—ib ^ e J ^ e ^ kly Ueviews i wnose only object is Jo pitch every thing as » oon as , or fa ^ e ** bcfoi-e , it a | Kpears ; to say something about alj | things , ; to | 0 y th «; . Acifi ^ i j i $ last aa possirble ; and to retail a jfew ah ^ low &nd flippant observations .. . It is obvious that no pereojus of real talent will give their time » to ( wbrjf 8 pt so im |) drfect . and ephemeral a Character . ; anc |< tne readers betiig almost exclusi ' vely tliq ^ e x ^ f the town , tte cockneyisjn , of tne rWhekle is woai isoiiuj in the exfti-eme . ' jfjbay . are most of them intlmalcty connected with
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ftrUical Nwices . 343
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), May 2, 1828, page 343, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2560/page/55/