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code * no les& , by the e ^ ampje # f its framer , than by all its Jeadjijg principles ,- the love of jiiai ^ fT ^ whiefe ) yp ^ M do him good by adding hip $ p renouiice hiserrors—r-tbe on ^ y effectual way ; the love of Unitarian
Christianity , whieh may be prejudiced but can never be benefited , even fpr a moTnTOtpb y ^ m ^ anag ^^^ cealment , by any prudential arts , and which , if it cannot stand , if it does not stand , without these . supports , will and ought to fall .
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Sijt , ^ -Haying been lately much engaged in conversation respecting the Unitarianr chapel wjiicli is -proposed to be built in the western part of London , I take the liberty of ofiering some observations © n wh&t appears to me a most singular motive , which has , . Lfefrl ^ many as the reason for abstaining from even a small in vestment of
cash in the under-tafctfig . This mo- * tive is-r-that the ' p $ r- $ i&s in question , are family men , who cannot , from duty to their $ fyil 4 ren , risk even a very limited portion of property . Now this very excuse , viz . thai they have cfrildre&t 8 trjke $ me as the most stimulating of all Muce ^ ments to the enterprise ; 'fpr what isefrvic , e can we
V ende £ ,, tyj $ ^^ queatS-ip our ojspringi s , o v ^ lwabi ^ as the tr ^ e dpctrjne of our jE-Teay ^ enly Father ? And th | s we jbelieye "TJmXfr xiai » CbrisitiaQitiy tQ be . We all fenow the diffiGvilty , not to say im ^ ssibiHty ; , of conveying , a large family , weekly , through ajj varjieties , pf weatfeier , to a placeof worship ^ eteTat hmites di ^ r tant from their -re ^ ide-nqs ; thp ^ e
therefor ^ , who inba . bil ; th , e yvQ $ josf London , mast fitter ejcerfc themselves to procure the adyant ^ ge of assemr bling in tWr QWn n , ejgbbourhaod—« xnust resign publiQ , v / pj ? shij ) aitogether- ? -prmus ] b prfipar . e , tp lead those pledges , for wfcose gjui 4 . » nce they ariJ
upon / the children , and shows mercy to thousands in those Who keep his commandments- —and we must ail , at this very hour , perceive the force of therannotitri ^ surmountable power of early educatiojij whether of a , gpod pr eyil tenxiency . Alas ! alas ! for us and lor our children , if , when the bride > groom comes , our lamp shall be ex * iinguishe 41 Buf ; J will hope better th ! ngs , ~^ I will hope , m& confidingly ttwij ti % Btof
r-esppiisible fa liheir JVfaJcer , iato t& « ^ e ^ lies Avjipse form ^ njust ,, to ; a eOni SGientious U ^ itaria ??^ appear closely allied to idolatry . If the . di ^ erence be inconsiderable , why make a schism in the church ? if ( as I sincerely believe ) it be of the most awful importance , why refuse our cordial
cooperation in its support ? The trifling investment required , may be obtained by a very trifling sacrifice of convenience , or even of pleasure . ' We are family men . What shall we do for our children £ Shall we give them the enjoyment of a summer excursion ? Shall we
provide our beautiful lilies with fashioBable spring clothing ? Alas the flower pf the field will even then outvie them ! Shall we purchase fo ^ thent expensive instruction ^ music ; ,
painting , the spng , the dance ?— - ( Di ? shall we consecrate our hopes , oui ? treasures " , our well-beloved at the foot of the cross , and bestow on them Pm nurture an Mdmonition pf the Lord ?*
If our faitL be an enlightened ^ nej let it be prove 1 by its fruits i Enveloped in no dkD mysterious veil , the Master whom we serve shines forth upon us in alibis love and loneliness . Where is pur gratitude ? Feel * -
ing the dread responsibility of our ten talents , how should we strive to return hiin his own with usury , and , 4 letting our light slpine before men , # fo ? : ^;^ £ J ^ fimvmf The Jews were warned , in this especial case of false doctrine , that Go . d visits the sins of the fathers
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17 N 1 T 4 IUAN CU ^ ONICLE . $ »
New Unitarian Chapel;
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Jts »
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 1, 1833, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2605/page/3/