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TO FEAXjGTTS O'CONNOR , ESQ . LBTTERIII . - - " The peojXe the source of all legiUtnaAe power " Sib , — Many pledge themselves to' the above eentijoeoi , Vbo little think whit i » required to carry It Into effect . To place all power in the hands of the people is to establish & pure democracy . Were the steps neeesgn to attain thia known , and all who acquiesce in the above axiom sincere in their intentions , Britain possesses & power in itself quite enough to attain the end ¦ * , -
. . .. . ^ How it comes , a consummation so rery desirable , jad so often made mention of , should be *> ill understood , can only be accounted for l > y placing men on a level -with parrots , and monkeys , in av fer as reason is concerned . Those talk and act , bnfc know not the jaeaning of what they say or do ; so do they who use the aboTe adage ; and know not the means , nor trouble aiemselTeB abeut its being carried into effect That too ssny of this fcidaey we among n * , fi » dilapidated state of the democratic morement is the best proof . The fable of Pandoras box is an exact representation ef fl » people in this respect ; they are deprived of all their legitimate rights , and the hope ef regaining them it the only stinwilating power that remains . AH are
agreed that the evils are fled from the box ; that is , that th « people are deprived © f their rights , batanytf , ing concerning the nature and extent of these is all tut unknown among us . Speak of regaining oar rights , and the sparkling eye of intelligence points to one or other of the hundred schemes lately propounded for thai purpose . Ask vhst our rights an , and the stupid vacant stare is the best proof of what has been done te enlighten the minds of men on this all-important topic ; the consequence of which is , farther than the right of voting for Members of Parliament , oui rights may "be either fish or flesh , or just nothing at all , for anything the great body of the people can telL
Although the people hare been swindled out of their rights , they still exist and are discernible and rained as much as ever , and may be regained , would they only take the necessary trouble to ascertain the oafcnre , extent , and txne position of their claims . These are not altered from what they erer were—time has not defaced them , although men have all along failed to enforce them ; from the beginning they wen , cow are , and ever will remain the same—unalterably fixed , etersal as nature itself . The line of demarcation bImvIbj -whether we permit the law-makers - of this earth to disregard it informing laws for us to lire under « 3 » 0 t .
If attended to , the result is definite ; nor is it possible to form two opnions about the matter , notwithstsndaQ the different views concerning it Turn to nature who begat you , and the earth which sustains you , and know from whence you derive your organisation , who formed the powers of their mind , of reason , of perception , of moral rectitude , of refined sentiment , and of corporeal and carnal solicitude . If a stone falling from the house top descends te the earth , so do each of these cling to their respective objects ; has nature formed tf »— to in Tain ? or shall mwi dare to nullify eternal justice and benevolence , on purpose to counteract nature's law , by depriving them of their legitimate gratification ? . Shall he thus defy " the powers that fee , " and set op his own aafiiarity instead ?
Has nature withdrawn its prerogative ?—are the laws of the mind changed ?—is natural justice not the same as at the beginning ? Then why hesitate to follow it to Yd several results as regards the management of Qs afEurs of this earth ? I have said the objects of seven inherent principles are involved in these matters , each enjoying a complete circle quite distinct and altogether different from any of the rest ; sod that these as a whole include all the grounds of our relations to the material world and to each other , and that &e object of a principle of Justice , is to give flTWtt'P" pttri regularity to these in thpir several avocatjons , to that all and each should meet their respective obj -eta in such a way that all possessing these principles , should have a like opportunity of gratifying them ; such was the original design of nature ; so it now is , and ever will remain whether we think proper to form our constitutional laws in accordance therewith or
net Of the nature and bearing of the principles in question little need be said in this place ; those who view the deplorable results arising to the human race from ifa ™ being deprived of their legitimate gratification , will soon perceive that their existence and power are too apparent to admit of being questioned , and that it is necessary that justice should preside over them to guard and ¦ mafnfaTn their relations to their respective objects , not as is now the case , to obstruct their passage , and thus deprive them of their legitimate rights ; but to uphold and defend free intercourse , devoid of aB costs : these are our rights ; he who is possessed
of -these principles and deprived of the means of gratifying them , is deprived of that much that nature intended he should have , and that natural justice swards ; could these principles be erased from the mind , the right of their several objects might be dispensed with , not otherwise ; as these are stedfast , so must the way to their several objects be secured and maintained by Act of Parliament before we have a right to expect to have harmony or peace on this earth . The objects of these principles are our rights , and the action « f a principle of justice bearing thereon , will establish a pure democracy , and . only requires to be worked out txrplace all the evils that afflict society once mere in Pandora ' s box .
The following heads of constitutional law form an outline of what isreqnired to effisct this , and although the innate nature of the several principles here legislated for , is not discussed in this letter , Btill these lines have been drawn with a pre-conceived knowledge , both ef the natural principles and their objects respectively , sod the action of a principle of justice as receiving the means through which these principles fulfil their several fractions . Nor has the vent of the other faculties of the Kind nor the dictates of revelation been overlooked , sad the whole is formed to support the human constitution on national grounds , not to divert the different heuluBB from their objects , nor obstruct the passage of cither to their legitimate gratification .
Those who would have the people the . source of all legitimate power , will see from the difference of the constitution here propounded , and that bow is existence , how much is required to effect that object , and be ibis to discern whether their coHdnct is consistent with the attainment of that boasted axiom or not
SEMAESS OS THE PB 1 SI 0 L 0 GT OF HAS . That man is a creature under certain laws peculiar to himself on which his very existence depend , and that say breath of any of these , however small , is prejudicial to him , and subversive of his well being and happiness , though prepared for active exertion in many respects , yet too much or too little is in any case injurions ; though , haiing many resources and much latitude , yet one "jot or tittle" of the law he is uader cannot be violated with impunity . No -one can force another out of his natural course , or deprive any of any part of their koHmate rights without overstepping tie grounds that fistoe prescribes to him . He who stands in the way of
othera , or draws a cable in the shape of law between ay part of mankind , and what nature has provided foi fi&ir use , or would administer , or endeavour to uphold or defend an -unjust law , on any pretence whatever , does Tiolence to himself in a mental point of view , and iiHibversiTe of his moral nature ; the same as he who faies poison is of his physical nature ; and , moreover , is SBrsrerabJe for the consequences , namely , the misery ttflicted en others , and the irregularities they may commit through being deprived by the action of such laws , bd cacnot cover them from the injuries sustained from 2 » laws upheld by him ; hence the necessity of using Baas to deprive men of the power to hurt each otter .
As human nature is the active agent , so is it the Prototype of that constitution which is required to Pisa our movements ; and as seven human faculties « re involved in our relation towards this earth , and to adi-other , be the bent and objects of these carefully pauJed to , and laws made in accordance with natural Jv&te , u defend their several objects from being mmopoljzed by any part of the species to the exclusion rf &e rest Seeing thai mankind , if left to themselves , are prone » transgress against the lairs of their nature , to their ™ £ personal hurt , and that of each other , creating race , confusion , and misery ; to prevent which , and |^ t the seeds of dissension may for ever be withdrawn 50 m among men , as the objects of seven faculties ate ^ olred , be each of these the object of legislation so tf * £ s to secure the legitimate gratification of each aeBlty alike to all who possess them .
SECTIOS L—LAW OP TEHPEfiA > 'CE . Be it enacted , that nothing calculated to hurt , mis-« Mj or ensnare unwary man be allowed to remain Vtthin Ms reaeh ; -whither acting mentally , to the dan-Sa of his mental powers , or physically , to . the ^ anger of naph ysical powers ; in either case , cursed is be that Pre * from his tand or lays in the way of hi 3 neighbour *™* he knows will prove hurtful to him ; cursed is he * «> prepares the ensnaring net . and cursed is he who fiKsit " -S
SECTIOX 1 L—1 XVT OF PBOPEKTY . 5 * the body of man is not a marketable commodity , ^ otfcei is his jiatrimony , therefore be it enacted , that Werj house inhabited by human beings be provided ** & 10 SO acres of land , or more , according to its rela-F" Talne or powers of production ; that each such en" ?**«* be as nearly equal as possible , and upon the ¦ owe , calculating on all the advantages deriTable from w « m iiSereat sources connected therewith ; thai each , be g ™ to 1000 acres of good land , that all born within ¦** precincts of such endowments , are members of that j ^ &onweaith , holding equal privileges , and in every jrl * et oa an equal footing , to cultivate , hold , and de-« oa this thtir patrimony , aB fogir natural mother , from 5 ~ a they receive the jjeeessaries 0 / life , without r ®^ J or price , to be preserved in endless feu , as a ^» Qtee against poverty and want ; which privileges | J * ffl no way a marketable cemmodity , nor transfer-• 6 * 1 nor in any case to be changed , nullified , abror ™*> or got rid of , otherwise tW by breach of these
^ CIIOS III . —LAW OP DEFENCE—I > ISTK 1 B ¥ T 1 OS ^ . OF P 0 "R'EK . * k it-enacted , that none ho ) d cormnkaon or trust of Myiind -wbateTtr , who has not been dnly elected and ^ tituted thrccgh the scfirages of the adult popula-« sa of tte ccicinomrealtli or commonwealths , whose ?* a eE 8 such are to be intiusted with ; these who act ™ f out- community to be a " bone foe" member ci that RajaEB * it 7 j those -rLo do tueneEs for mere to be a
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" bona fid * " member of some or other of those concerned ; this in evry case , whatever the duties required may be . Males to elect males ; females to elect females . JbaA twenty-one years , in either case , constitute a voter ; that all elections are open , nor can Toting by proxy be permitted , and that none so elected remain in office more than one year , subject to be re-elected , SECTION Iv «— LA " W OF COHHEHCE—BEI . ATI 0 H 8 OF
SOCIETY . As money is not a legal tender for the bo \ 3 y of man , nor for its patrimony , neither is it for the fruits of his labour , therefore be it enacted , that all public workB , of whatever character , are the 6072 a Jidt property of the commonwealth , or commonwealths , deriving advantage therefrom , to be maintained and upheld by them at their own proper charges , not transferable , nor liable to be let on lease ; nor can one commonwealth act or do business for another , but each taking part for themselves
according to the nature of the transaction ; and be it further enacted , that no individual or individuals do manufacture-either by machinery or otherwise , or expose for sale any of the productions of nature or art , for his , her , or their private emolument ; and that no isolated house orliouses do exist for that or any other pnrpose , within the ; range of the boundaries prescribed by these laws ; . that all things connected with manufac tures and transfer are in conjunction with and for the indiscriminate benefits of the commonwealth or commonwealths concerned in such undertakings .
SECTION V . —LAW OF COMMONWEALTH—PATERNAL EELaTIOSS . That all born in- one commonwealth are brothers and sisters , tracing their origin to Nature , who begat them , and the earth , which sustains them . To their father they look for laws to direct them , and to their mother their application is for nourishme&t to sustain them . Ifatuxe ' a laws are the " powers that be , " and these all are alike called on to obey : these alone are . legitimate . Mother earth is the source from which all necessaries and earthly comforts are derived j and as nothing can be obtained therefrom without application , all are alike bound to take their part With this understanding , and Nature ' s Jaws -as our guide , that none be exempted or deprived of either the toils or pleasures imposed by Nature , in using the means necessary to r » ftfafr * H our
independence without being burdensome to others , and that the several parts of labour , whether mental or physical , be conducted in all its ramifications with regularity and skill sufficient to ensure the desired effect , be it enacted , that each commonwealth have a Council consist ing of twenty-fire males and twenty-four females ; all out-door business to devolve on the male portion , and all in-door business on the female portion ; and that each are responsible , in their respective capacities , for the regularity , ability , harmony , and comfort of the whole concern ; to bold their veto and surveillance over all , according to the spirit and intent » f the constitutional laws , which powers they are bound to obey , and bound likewise not to permit their infringement by others . These shall be elected at two stated periods annually , half retiring at each period , subject to be reelected .
YOUTH . That these are mentally , and physically , under the paternal care of the directors of commonwealths , with this understanding , that the primary object of all education is to teach all , indiscriminately , concerning the laws imposed by nature , affecting their relations toward the material world and to each other , and their reciprocal duties towards ethers required of them , and towards -themselves required of others . That faithful copies of the constitutional laws , as standing , be always referred to , and the reasons why these laws are as they are expounded , their bearing on human nature and their relation to Christianity , be this the primary object of all educational boards , and church services . In all other respects education may be supplied to meet the inclination or capacity of the pupiL
SECTION VIL—SEXUAL LAW . Be it enacted , that those born in the same commonwealth , are in the capacity of brothers and sisters , and consequently , are not eligible as man and wife ; that the paternal feeling of brbtherly love may reign in each community undisturbed , and that the different commonwealths be joined together by the sexual tie , holy and uncontaxninated blood alliance , be it enacted , that each man at the sgb of twenty-five , and each woman at the age of twenty-one are eligible to marry , ( this scale to vary according to circumstances , ) and may form such alliance witb any person in any commonwealth , so that both do not belong to one and the same , ( which would
constitute an intercourse of this nature , a direct breach of this law . ) The act of constituting a marriage is that one of the parties sfeall leave their paternal community , on account of the other ; and whether the man leaves his community in virtue of bis wife or " fathers and mothers" as scripture has it , « r the woman leave " father and mother" in virtue of her husband , either way the union is complete , and the incomer a member of the others' commonwealth , on the same footing as any in it , nor can snch union , or any rights arising therefrom , be withdrawn or repealed ; such man and woman may live together on friendly terms or not , but while they both exist , neither are permitted to marry another . - -
N . B . All laws in opposition to , or having a tendency to nulify or frustrate the working of the foregoing seven laws are repealed . PE ^ ALTT FOR BREACH OF THESE LATVS . J That the high moral tone of these commonwealths be untainted ¦ with crime , be it enacted , that all defaulters convicted on any clause be unceremoniously delivered over to the boards of trade , and law , to be deprived of the protecting influence of the above laws , and all rights , privileges , and advantages arising therefrom , ( and with the understanding that corporal punishments shall in no way be inflicted ) that these ever after live under such subordination as those boards may deem necessary ; that directors of commonwealths failing to convicfe when necessary , are themselves liable to the full amount of a breach of these laws , which crime can in no manner be overlooked . MODE OF ; 3 £ A >' AGEME > XT U . VDER THE FOREGOING CONSTITUTION .
As the storm precedes a calm placid stillness in the elements , so the spirit of agitation the resigned quitt of political apathy ; hence the iniquity of introducing half measures , and tae difficulty of completing 01 correcting them , to prevent which , and te give tangibility and direction to the foregoing heads as the basis of all law , and that these may be applied with becoming spirit and regularity , be it enacted , that every forty-nine Jcommonwealths form a convention , to meet once a month , each community sending one representative ; that such sit in the several communities alternately ; th ' nt its object be general business of every description , in as far as the working out ef the spirit of . tha constitutional laws require , without the powers to alter or overlook these . That each
forty-nine contentions Bhall fonn a conference ; the sphere of each Convention , to send one , to sit in the boundaries of the respective Conventions alternately ; its object shall be to consider all improvements attainable or necessary in the existing laws of the country , to concoet such alterations , and present the eame to the several commonwealths represented by them , and to all similar conferences within the realm ; and who , if . a majority of said conferences agree on any point or points , that such be incorporated with the law as then standing , under its respective head or heads ; such improved edition of said laws to be faithfully transmitted to all commonwealths within the realm , after which an imperial legislature shall be summoned to consider the same ; invested with powers to adopt
or reject said improvements according to a majority ; that the imperial legislature shall consist of five hundred members , an eqpal proportion to come from the boundaries of each Convention ; that all contemplated alterations of the organic laws be incorporated with the laws then standing , and forwarded to each commonwealth , before such election , where such must be discussed and explained , and its-actual bearing pointed out before the members of eaeh commonwealth assembled for that purpose , at least three times , in the most free and open Hianner , wkere all may speak who will ; three months after which , the general election shall take place ; nor can euc £ imperial legislature introduce , or discuss , any measure afftcting tile organic laws , which has not thus
been handled hefore they were elected ; they may reject the proposed alterations , or suggest amendments , which if sust&Lied by a majority of their body , must be transmitted to the several conferences when they dissolve , and should a majority of taid conferences , as before , agree on the utility of asy-. part , such part to be incorporated , transmitted , and dismissed , by the commonwealths , as before ; three months after which , a second imperial legislature shall " be elected as before ; and , should these fail to agree , and still the clause . or clauses , be considered worthy , a third imperial legislature must be elected on the same footing as either of the others . But no more . Should these fail to attain a majority in favour of such alterations , they must in no ways form a part of tha organic lawa .
N . B . —In cases of emergency , an Imperial Legislature may be called at one month ' s notice ; but in such cases nothing affecting the organic laws can be interfered with . Britons , behold the Charter of your rights in rery Email compass indeed ; nor ia it year ' s alone , but that of the whole human race . Ponder over it , and try to reconcile it as applicable to meet your case , or point out what is unjust , or unreasonable , in it ; and know if justice demands this much , that all shert of this is
short of justice . Think how you would be under laws ct this character , or whether such a state of things is worth contending for ; would any part of the community riot on the fruits of your labour , while poverty hunted you like a fiend ? Would it be necessary to form societies to relieve your wants in ease of distress ? Or would the inclemency of the season deprive you of the means of subsistence ? All I can say , if justice , shall rule , the result is pretty near . What is above stated as the right direction " of the material feelings in their relation to " their several objects , is all a principle of
justice can effect . Sir , —It is admitted , by Whigs , and Tories , that our country , from its own internal resources , is capable of maintaining one hundred millions of human beings ; the question being put—under what laws and regulations it could do so ? I submit the foregoing as suffi-
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cient for that purpose , not only as regards sufficiency of food , but in full possession of all their rights ; and whether any plan yet propounded is preferable to that bow submitted , shall be the subject of inquiry in my next letter . . ; I have tile honour to be , ; . ~ Your obedient Servant , Charles Duncan . ' Cannon Street , Cannon Mills , Edinbro , Dec 25 th , 1841 .
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TO THE CHABTISTS OF NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM . . Brethren , —Tke Councilor the Sunderland Charter Association having received , a letter from their brethren of Ouaeburn , urging the propriety of a delegate meeting for the two counties , to take , into consideration :.. 1 st , the nomination of a fit and proper person to represent them in the- ! comingPetition Convention ; 2 ndly , the best means of raising the necessary funds ; and 3 rdly , the improvement of the district organization , so as to effect the engagement and exchange of lecturers , and to carry onthe cause with increased vigour and unanimity ; the said letter was taken into consideration at pur Council meeting yesterday evening , when It was unanimously resolved : —
1 . " That this meeting fully concurs in the necessity of a delegate meeting for the purposes stated in the letter from the Oosebura Charter Association , and this meeting further considers that the said meeting should be held on New Year ' s Day , at eleven o ' clock in the forenoon . " 2 . " That as it is highly probable delegates will be in attendance from Darlington , Stockton , Middlesbro" , Auckland , Wingate , and Hartlepool , as well as from places north of Newcastle , this meeting respectfully submit to their brethren in Northumberland and Durham , that Sunderland is most centrally situated , and therefore that the said meeting should be held at the Joint-stock Store Room , Bridge-street , Bishopwearmouth . " .
3 . " That a letter , embodying the foregoing ; resolutions and als * appealing to the Chartists of Durham and Northumberland for aid , should be drawn up by Mr . Williams , for insertion in this week ' s Star , and signed by the Chairman on behalf of this meeting . " As there is not a moment to be lost , we trust , that the above resolutions will meet with the unanimous approval of our brethren , and hope that you will immediately appoint delegates to attend the same . Let 1842 be the most memorable and glorious year in the annals of British history ! It is in our power to make it so , and we will . ' . I am , Brethren , On behalf the Sundetland ChartistB , Your ' s , faithfully , Wu . Bond , Chairman .
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THE STONE MASONS ON STRIKE , From the New Houses of Parliament , and Nelson ' s Monument , Ltndon , and the Woolwich Dockyard , TO THE PDBLIC AND THE TRADES O » GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND . " The race of mankind would perish did they cease to aid each other . From the time that the mother binds the child's head , till the moment that some kind assistant wipes the death-damp from the brow of the dying , wb cannot exist without mutual help . All , therefore , that need aid , have a right to ask it of their fellow-mortals ; no one whe holds the power of granting can refuse it without guilt "— Sir Walter ScotL /
Fellow Men , —We have commenced the fifteenth week , struggling against the cruel dispositions and combined efforts of a base and unfeeling government , leagued with money-mongering and un-Christian capitalists . Every stratagem imagination could conceive , and every effort the allurements of " gold " would tempt their underlings to persevere in , have been put in requisition to defeat us ,- but notwithstanding all their evil machinations , and all their allure ments , we are stall as determined to persevere in the righteous contest as at the first moment we entered upon it With your pecuniary aid { and with such an enormous amount of . capital and means opposed to us , we need it to a very liberal extent ) we are resolved to oppose them in every possible , lawful manner—to assail their haughty "dignity" in the very citadel ef its cruelty , and to teach them , that although it is our lot to labour , we have minds sufficiently susceptible of wrong not patiently to endure treatment unbecoming the character of men .
Since we last addressed you , two have turned traitors to the cause of justice in which they had embarked , one at Woolwich , and the notorious William Greggie at the New Houses of Parliament . Respecting Gteggie , our only wonder is that he remained with us bo long , unless it was to furnish Allen with the nature of our movements , and which , from his known intercourse with one of Allen ' s tools , we have every reason to suspect he did do . It is therefore probable , that in his apparent departure from principle , we have experienced a gain rather than a loss . In confirmation of a portion of the evidence already submitted to you , in support of the charges of cruelty alleged to Allen , and of the brutal system these iudividnals have lent themselves to perpetuate , we submit the following copy of a letter from one of its victims : — ;
"I received a letter from Manchester on a Tuesday , intimating the death of my mother . I showed it to Mr . Allen , and requested that he would allow me a week or a fornight to go and see her interred , and stttle some other business connected with her death ,. " Mr . Allen asked me if I wanted my money , iliat is my discharge ; not immediately understanding him , I replied that I was not in actual want of it for the present . He replied that if I was going off for that length of time , I had better take Biy money with me , for he would be damned if be would keep a job open for any man there . I then told him I would strive to manage '
with one ictek . I be damned / said he , but one day to go down to Manchester ( a distance of two hundred miles ) , one to bury her , and another to come back , is quite sufficient , and he would be damned if I should have any longer time . * 1 went without leave , and on mj return , having been absent four working days , I went to ask whether I may start to work . He replied , What damned lies have you been telling the men V I replied , ' That I had said nothing , only such as he had said to aie . ' He then said , 'I may go to work ; ' he knowing the men on the works had held a meeting and remonstrated with him on the subject .
"Ambrose Protheroe , " Stone Mason . " 6 , Felix-street , Westminster . " This letter needs no comment , and we merely add , that the chairman of the meeting who remonstrated with Allen on this occasion , was almost immediately after discharged . By referring to our last report , it will be Been that those who prepared the stone at Dartmoor for Woolwich Dock-yard and Nelson Monument , works contracted for by Qrissell and Peto , had , with a spirit of magnanimity beyomd all praise , Tesolved to prepare no more stone for them until Allen was removed . These men , ninety in number , are aJl out , and , to their credit be it spoken , evince a determination to remain so until . the objects of their sympathy receive the full measure of justice from those who , while dissipating in affluence the produce of their toil , haughtily asserted that they had "lowered their dignity" in deigning to hold converse with them . It will also be seen in the same report that " the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty , "
————— Egyptian-like , had " vow'd To break the BpiriV which the yoke had bow'd , " by desiring Burgess and Walker , their agents , to consult with G . and P . as to the practicability of procuring granite elsewhere , and that B . and W . had recommended several places for that purpose . We have , however , the pleasure to inform you , that the places named from whence danger was at all to be apprehended , have been visited by delegates , who still remain in their vicinity , meetings called , and resolutions unanimously passed by those conceraed , not upon any conditions to toach a single stone for these parties .
The ramifications of our strike being now extended from the Land's End almost to John O'Groat ' s , and the number put increased to three hundred and seven , our expences have necessarily increased in proportion ; and which Tenders it incumbent on us , while with heartfelt gratitude we return thanks for the unprecedented support we have received , earnestly to solicit its continuance . " It ia through the instrumentality of the " wealth" with which we have supplied our opponents , that they have so long maintained the position they now so desperately hold ; but supplied with the means to counteract its debasing influence , victory is ultimately ours . '
Let us take example "by the amount of strict and intimate union existing amongst the nobility and capitalists ; how well they are all known to each other , throughout the length and breadth of the land ; how systematically they concert , plan , and execute in a body tot their own interest and our enslavement . The Duke of Devonshire and the Duke of Sutherland know each other ' s proceedings , and concert and act in common . Let the working classes of Devonshire act in concert with the working men of Sutherland . Let the working men of Britain make common cause with each other , and indolent wealth will lose its influence .
In our present struggle we need the essenee of this common cause ; we need a concentration of energy and exertion ; the amalgamation of mind and means for one great purpose , and that purpose being human right , will thaw the frosty influence of brute compulsion . That the brute force with which- we have beea treated may be . successfully tamed , —its turbulence for ever calmed , —it is essential there should exist an extensive brotherhood , imbued with feelings of social lavingness and affection for the common good . Let each , then , who has a neighbour still standing aloof , surround him with a moral and social influence ,, and show him his helplessness when standing alone ; and if any have shopmates yet pretending to be ignorant of the nature of our struggle , or who think self-love paramount to social happiness , such ignorance should be torn up root and branch , and such minds besieged with perpetual persuasion .
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Again , gratefully thanking you for the support received , and respectfully informing you that to prosecute with energy our present contest , an early supply of means is necessary , -:- . ^; '"¦'' ¦ - ''¦ ¦' . " ; ' ; ' ; ' ' 7 . . - .- /¦ '¦ ¦ . ¦¦ . . ' :: '¦ ; : . ;¦; ¦ ¦ . " ( We remain yoursj :. . V ' . ; . ' .. ¦ ¦"''¦ ¦ ¦' . [ : , \ . ¦ ¦' ; , ; " ¦ - In the cause of human regeneration , . The Masons * Society , - ¦ •¦ ¦¦ ..- ¦ ' ¦ - . -. ' ¦ . ' - Thomas , " $ H 0 RTX , . . ' . " - " - v ¦ - ' ¦¦ "¦ ¦' : : .... ' y . •• '¦' . v '" . '¦ ' ! . - . '¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ Secretary . ' . "" 8 , Agnetstreet , Waterloo-road , Lambeth .
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TO THE CHARTISTS OF NORm : . ¦ y . v :- ' ?/ - 7 LANCASHIJRB . > ¦ " ' ' ; ' . y % ' --y-MT Deau FaiBNDS , —You are aware that at the last delegate meeting , held at 'Accrington , Dec . Sr ^ it was agreed that Mr . Thomas Land , of Lancaster , should be engaged as the lecturer for North Lancashire , and that he Bhonld commence his labours when two weeks ' TObBcriptlens had come in to the district secretary for the support of tfie lecturer ; so that we should be enabled to pay him pna week ' s salary before hand . This resolntloa , I ani sorry to say , has not been adhered hy , no money having come in from any place but Ciithero I would have sent' fdm ^ c ^ ad '' ' the » ' . \ wei ) kXaftar ^ Mr . Marsden had finished Wb route had I had the means in my power to do bo ; for I do assure you we must not give ap the agitation we have 80 successfully began in this district , if we intend to 'cany oat our principles , for
the agitation that has already taken place has done an amount of good . New members are being added daily to our Association : our principles are spreading , and taking deep root in every town , hamlet , and village . Meeting places are about to be formed in numereus places . Oswaldtwistle , Basenden , GWndleton , Sanley , and Harwood . Harwood has already enrolled ilixtyflve members . I held a meeting there Ia&t week , and a glorieus one it was . A fine spirit was manifested by theworkies of this little place . I have also been at Lancaster and Kendal , and held good meetings there . AU that is wanting ia agitation to blow into a flame the spirit of liberty that is sparkling in so many bosoms of the hardy sons of the North . The men of Kendal are desirous of having the service of the lecturer . Much good may be done in the North by agitation ; and it
was agreed that several fresh places should be broken into . At the delegate ' meeting . Settle , Leng Preston , Higher Bentham , Milnthorpe , and others . The men of Kendal will give every assistance in their power to the lecturer in opening any of the above places ; and they are a very intelligent set of men—very zealous in the cause—and likely for getting « n rapidly , and will be a great auxiliary to the lecturer in the North . I also held , oa Christmas Day , a meeting at Sawley , in a room under the Methodist Chapel of that place . The people were very attentive , and , at the conclusion , acknowledged the justice of our claims . There is some brave fellows in this place , but , God help them , they are in a miserable condition , being all of them handloom ¦ weavers , and not able to earn more than from 2 s . 0 d . to 3 s . per week . .. - .. . ' . •¦ .:. v : : ' 7 7 . - 7 •"/• '¦ .. ¦ ; ¦ ' : 7 . ¦' ; -, ' ;;
After the meeting at this place , I proceeded to Grin ? dleton , about two miles distant , and there held an openair meeting . The day was far advanced , and cold . We bad a good sprinkling of the women there . It began to hail and rain , but the people stood to the last ; and when the meeting broke up , three cheers were given for Mr . O'Connor , three for Frost , Williams , and Jones , and three for the Charter , when the meeting quietly separated . Chartism has taken deep root in this little place . ¦ ¦ .:. ' . '" . " : ¦ ' . ; : ' .: ¦ ' ¦ ¦ "' :: - '' - ^ ¦ : ¦ : ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ ' .:. : ' - ' ; ,- ' ; - v- I hope , my friends , you will do your utmost to get eut other lecturers : ' I have more than I can possibly do : I cannot go out as much as I de at present I have this week to attend a meeting at Blackburn , Basenden , Ciithero , Harwood , and most likely Bacup ; so that yea perceive my time is occupied nearly every night this week , and has been so for the last five or six weeks . ' ¦ " : " ¦ ¦• -. ' :: ¦;¦ ¦ . ' : ' ¦ .. ¦ . ' . ' - \ - - ' I ' - ; . : -. ¦ ' :
Whilst I have been off this week , I have been informed that two of our Ciithero Chartists went with the Petition to get signed , to the gTeat Catholio College , at Stonyhurst When they reached the place , they enquired for the head priest In a short time he attended to them , and , after learning their errand , he ordered them to be taken into the kitchen , and be provided with something to eat , and he would get their Petition filled . He took the Petition , and in a Bhort time returned with sixty-seven male signatures , and forty- seven females , ordering ; at the same time , the men should not be sent away empty banded , but take something for their families . And what think yon , my friends , did they give them ? a crust of bread or a morsel of cheese ? No , but they tied them up twenty-two pies each , to take back , the priest telling th « m that he had read some of the Chartist vrorks , and he quite agreed with them ; and he further said , that he wished the world was filled with such men as the Chartists could boast of having in their ranks .
Now , my friends , do you think that if some of our Cambridge friends were to take the Petition to the College there , would they be treated in the same manner ? or to the College at Oxford ? Would the Sons of Old Mother Church at Cambridge have obtained for them the signatures ? or would the pious solons at Oxford have fed the poor fellows whilst they obtained for them signatures , and after doing so , would have sent them away laden with provisions for their starving families , ; like Joseph sent away his brethren from Egypt , when they went to him to purchase corn ? Yes , most likely they would have Bent them where they would hava been provided for , but it would have been with skilly . They would soouer have sent them to the tread mill for having the honesty to endeavour to obtain for themselves and posterity , that freedom which must come , and shortly , or there will soon be shaking amongst the dry bones .
I am informed that Hurstgreen or Stonyhurs ' t , is not far from Ciithero . If not , I will be obliged to my Ciithero friends to obtain either a room or a piece of land , and I will go over some day and have a meeting at the above named place . I am extremely sorry that our lecturer has not been enabled to commence his labours amongst us , but 1 hope the district will now bestir themselves , and without delay raise the necessary funds , so as to enable rue to call him out . I have made up ^ niy- mind not to go out anymore , nor lecture in any place that doe 3 not send in their quota , to bring him out . And those places that come up to the resolution passed at the meeting , I will assist them to the utmost of my power in carrying on the agitation , for I am of opinion that if I keep supplying those places with lecturers , that they will never send in their share of his expences . ¦' . ; , . ¦
I will be obliged to the different sub-Secretaries , if they will send me word how many subscribers they have or can obtain for the . North Lancashire , and Teetotal Letter Bag . We cannot publish ' it until we get 800 subscribers , at the least . The sub-Secretaries will therefore see the necessity of sending an early report * 60 that we may bring out the paper without delay . I am convinced , hiy friends , if we intend to do any good , we must begin to ; Jw more in earnest ; there must be no lagging , for we have ; now at the head of affairs in England the most cruel set of monsters that ever existed . There is Sir Robert Peel whose fortune has been wrung from the life ' s blood of the labouring population ; then there Ib the . iron-hearted Duke of Wellington , the great wholesale murderer of ancient or modern
times , who has made more widows and orphan children , and destroyed more- lives than any other man in existence—no human butcher has ever destroyed so many lives as has the present leader of the house of blockheads , I mean the House ot Lords . ; Then there is the Jump Jim Crow , Graham and Stanley , and the empty-headed foppish Lyndhurat , with aflnumber ; pf ethers too low and insignificant to name here ; and if any thing is obtained from this remorseless crew , I am persuaded that we must at once arouse from our lethargy and make pur tyrant rulers uneasy amidst their ill-gotten gain . We must become united as one
man ; show ourselves no cowards ; but by our united efforts we must be determined to pull down the citadel of corruption , and in its stead raise the glorious temple of liberty . Beware of spies , take care not to be entrapped into any secret conspiracy ,. bub act openly , manfully , and doterminedly , and then you may laugh at the efforts of ' , » government to entrap you by their spies or minions into partial outbreaks , and party riots , for be assured no money will be ' spared to accomplisa this object My friends , you will watch them with a jealous eye , in order that you niay escape the lash of the law that will be brought against you with a yengence if you get within its power . ,
Hoping you will take up the question of agitation with more earnestness , -. " " ' 1 remain , ; ; ' . ; . ' ' .. / . '¦ -.. . . ' v Your humble servant , Accrington , Dec 26 , 1841 . W . Beesly .
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BALANCE SHEET OF THE MANCHESTER DEMONSTRATION AND SOIREE COMMITTEE , HELD SEPTEMBER 22 nd , 1841 , IN HONOUR OF MESSRS . O'CONNOR , O'BRIEN , &o . DR . ^ fi . S . d . Dec . 11 . —Monies received for Demonstration as per Mr . Mitchrfl „ ., > .... ; ..... „ ..., ; ........ II 14 4 i ~ Monies received at Soiree , a 9 per Mr . Davis .................. 85 18 3
cr . : . \ ¦ " : ' - ,:: ; . -7 . . ¦^ - £ 97-l 2- . V 7 J Dec . 11 . —Monies paid by Mr . Mitohell , » 8 perbalance ... v ..... i ... i .... 11 9 4 ~ Monies paid by Mr . Davies , a 8 per balance .......... ; ,.... »» .. 79 7 3 „ Paid to Mr . Ellison , as per debt of late Demonstration 16 2 Ditto Mr . Snape , diito ......... 0 5 3 . - Ditto Mr . Linuey , ditto »—• 0 9 2 -. Ditto Town Council , to dele- ^ gate to Hebdenbridge ...... 0 10 0 ~ Ditto , ditto * towards forwarding the National Petition * .. 3 11 lOj - » Money owing to Committee fbrticketatoSoireeii ........... 0 13 : 7 J £ 97 12 7 i Audited and found correct by Peter Shorrocks , Sajiuel Chamberlain , Thomas Davis , George Mitchell , John Pullen , James Wood .
^ ftl ^^
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Dominations to ^ e gen eral ,. ¦ : ¦ ¦ : ¦/ : ¦ u ^ f ¦; : ¦ ^ COUNCIL , ¦ « ' ¦ : . ^' .::: .. / . ; , ¦; ¦¦ " . » ¦¦ . ;• . ¦• t :. ' . , ' ' -,, -iBK-iwoji .. ' / . : ;; , V-. , < , . ; ¦ ¦'¦ . ' ,, . " . . Mr . Richard ^ nret , woolcomber , Embsay . Mr . Chailes Wilkinson , labourer , Skipton Oub Houses . : ¦ : ; . ' , ;• ::.. ¦ ¦' . . \ ' - - ^ \ : ¦ . <;¦ . ; s ^ r ¦ . ' - "•¦ . ' . . - ¦ ¦ - ¦ :: -.- > - Mr . James Whithana , weaver ; Carlton . ; . Mr . Henry Hardfsasfle , weaver ^ High-street , Skipton , sub-Treasurer . . 7 ' :-:- ^ ,. ; v--. / "¦ ¦;• ' ' . . >; . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ , . . •¦ ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ . ¦ .. ¦¦ ¦ - ¦ . ¦ . Mr . John flallem , overlooker , Milfield ' s , Skipton , sub-Seoretaryi ' H .- . ;•; : ¦'¦' ;¦ ¦ ¦ . *> ' . '¦¦ ¦ ¦ : - "¦ ' V - ' - - ; ¦' ¦ '¦¦ : ¦ '¦ X " '
. 7 . :-- ' : : y . ' ; '¦ ' - NORTHAMPTON . " : ' . ¦ . " : ' •; ; Mr . WiUiajtt Johnson , shoe-inaker Tanneratreet . -: ;¦ : ¦ ¦" .- : . ^ . i . 'J , -: V- ¦ : ¦ :- -: --r ... ' ¦ ¦ . . ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ : . — -Mr . John Barker , shoe-maker , Upper Mount-Btreet . - : : - - ^ -- - ¦' : " - ¦ ¦'¦ - : . r- ' ¦ ¦ :. ¦] ' ¦ . ; ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ : ¦ '¦'¦ ' I ^ ' : ' '' ; Mr , William Miller , masons Horse-market , GardenB . . ¦ . ¦ ' . ' . ' : ' ¦ . 7 ; . ; . . - . -: •• ' . '"¦• ¦;¦" ¦ ' : . . *¦ : -. ;• . •• : '; : ¦ : '¦ . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦/ ¦¦¦" Mr . John BTFarlan , watch and cloak-maker , Scarlet Well-street . ; - Mr . William 7 Helliwell , shoemaker , Graftonstreet . '' -::: ' / . - ? C : \\ ' ¦¦¦¦ : '¦' . '¦ . ¦¦' . ¦ '¦ ,. ¦ .. ¦ ¦ . '¦ ¦ . - ¦ .
Mr . William Coleman , shoemaker , Oak-street . Mr . Charles Spencer , shoe-manufacturer , 'Hopeplace , " . : ^ . : : . 7 . - " ¦ . : '¦ ' • ; " . ' ¦ :: ¦¦ ' " V 7 V ¦ ' . ' ¦ , ¦ Mr . John Cherry , baker , Harding-street . Mr , William Clark , shoemaker , Francis-street . ; Mr ; John Carby , shoemaker , Regent-street . Mr . James Tipler , shoemaker , Oak-street . Mr . William Jones , bookseller , Horge-market , sttb-Tr ' ea 8 urer . 7 ; -7 ' " . ' - -. ' . . ' . ' - ¦ ¦ : "'¦ ¦ ' / ; . ¦ V " VV ' 7 •' . . -.. ' .: Mr ; ChriBtother Harrison , sawyer , Grey-Friar ' sstreet , sub-Secretary . ;
¦ ¦ : ; . ; . ¦ ¦ : ' - .: ; 7 ..,. ' . . ¦ . TRURO . - .. . ¦¦ .. ¦ , ¦¦ . - ; Mr . Tho 8 . Venn , Union-street , ' . painter ^ ... Mr . J . H . Longmaid , Calmuck-street , tailor . Mr . John Thomas , Coomb ' s-lane , woolsorter . Mr . Stephen Cumming , St . Clement'a-street , labourer . ;;; - ' ; y " ..-: : ¦ '¦ . ' , V 7 " ;'" . v ^ ' ,: ^ - ¦ Mr . William Mathews , George-street , plastewr ; '' .:- . - ¦ ¦ . -: ;• " ' ¦ '¦¦ ' •'¦ : ¦ ^ : ¦ ¦ :, ' .: ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦; "¦ ' ' ; ; : - .. ¦ . ¦;' - " -- ; - '' - : ''¦'• • • Mr . John Endean , Castle-street , bookseller , sub-Treasurer . ' ¦ v ; . 7 " - - ; .:. ' ¦•¦ . '¦ -y . : .:. ¦ ¦ : '¦ ¦ '• ¦' . Mr ; Wm . Wall , juni , Gbodwiirs-lane , ^ ^ shoemaker , BubrSecretaryv 7 7
• ; . ' : > - . - ' . 7 - ' - DWCKENFIBLD . ; : ' . 7 ' . . - Mr . Abraham Lee , block-printer , Oxford-place . Mr : Robert Foden , jshoemaker , Town-lane . ; Mr . William Cook , news-agent , do . Mr . James Haigb , hatter , CresceBt-road . Mr . James Moss spinner Furnace-hill . Mr . William Smith , tin plate worker , Clay houses sub-Treasurer . - ; -V ' ¦ ; . -: / -. ¦ '"' . ' ¦ '¦' . ¦¦' . ' "• ' ¦' ; "¦' :. ¦'' Mr . George Roberts , weaver , Astley-street , sub Socretary . ^ . ¦'¦¦ : ¦ ¦ - . :- ..: \ ::- ^ . '' ¦ : ' ¦ -:.. . - ¦ ¦ - ' ^ -, •• - ¦
RAnFORD . Mr . Wm . Swan , Pelican-Btreet . Mr . Edmund Ball , Bloomsgrovo-street . Mr . Wm . Shepperd , Birphtrow , Mr . Thomas Ellis , Kyme-street . Mr . Charles Reddish , Pelican-street . Mr . James Saunders , Denman-streflt . - Mr . John Burrows , Bottom Buildings , Mr . Robert Sands , No . 6 , Birch-row , sub-Trea surer . ; , ; . ' .. ' : ' ' ¦ "" ' ,. . . ¦ ¦ " . ' -. ' . ¦ ¦'¦"¦ ' ' . ¦' , " . Mr . Wniiaiu West , No . 2 , Fearfield-sfcreet , sub Secretary .
- ¦ 77 . - / . .. ECCLES . ... . ' Mr . William CJegg mechanio , King-street , Ecoles . ;¦ 7 "" - ¦ - . ' . ; ¦ ¦ . ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦"¦ ¦ ' : •¦ " " ' ¦¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ Mr . Henry Worthington , plasterer , Regent-road , Ecoles ... ¦ .. . ¦ ,- . ; ' -.. ¦ . ¦ : ¦ ¦ . . ; V ; :.. " : ; v ,: ;"" .. , -: '¦ Mr . William Guthrie , mechanic , Scotch-row , Winton . " ¦ .. '¦> . '¦ ¦ : V ¦ " ' ' "¦ ¦"¦ , : ' : ¦ r ' - ' Mr . Henry Hornsby , mechanic , Pittsey-moor . Mr . James Schofield , small ware weaver , Victoriaplace , Ecoles . : ¦ . ' .. ¦' - Mr . James Willbck , small ware weaver , Victoriaplace . ' - ' . " ;¦ '" . ' . ¦ '' ¦¦ '• ¦ : - ' - ; ' . ' "¦¦¦ : . v- ., '• ' . ¦ ¦ " ' : ' ¦ . ' " ¦ Mr . George Bntterworth . small ware weaver , College-croft . ¦ Mr . George Lindsey , weaver , Patricroft . Mr . John Rankin , hammerman , Patricroft . Mr . David Mprrison , meohanic , Green-lane , Patricroft , siib Treasurer .
Mr . Robert Humphrey , hammerman , Green-lane , Patricroft , sub-Secretary .
HAMUERSKITH . Mr . Edmund Stallwood , 6 , Little Vale-place . Mr . Andrew Caliaghan , gardener , 2 , Prospectplace , Bropk-green . Mr . John Daly , innkeeper ^ Hammersmith-road . Mr . James Millwood , builder , 1 , Brook-green . Mr . Henry Cullingham , carpenter , King-street . Mr . James Mortimer general dealer , Lower Valep lace . ¦¦ ' " ¦' ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ - . "¦ •/ •• ¦¦'¦ ' .. ' ¦ '¦ . ¦' : '' ¦ ' . ¦ ' . ' . ' : Mr . Walter Reed , nurseryman , 4 , Portland-place , North-end , sub-Treasurer . Mr . Henry Dobson , gardener , Angel-lane , sub-Secretary ^ ¦ ¦ ; : ¦ . ¦ .. ' 7 " ¦ ¦ ¦ . - ' ¦' •¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦' . ' ¦ ' ^
v BYKER HILL . Mr . Thomas Croft , tailor , By . ker-hill . Mr . Martin Jude , pitman , near Byker-bar . Mr . Wm . Scott , labourer , Bank-top . Mr . George Dixon , fitterTup , near Byker-bar Mr . Thomas Greener ^ pitman , Byker-hill . Mr . John Hebden , ' cfiito ; . Bank-top . Mr . Joseph Kidd , waterman , Byker-hill . Mr . Wm . H . Robsoii , grocer , diito *
Mr . John Scott , smith ; Bank-top . Mr . George Bell , waterman , Dents-hple . Mr . John A . Middleton , grocer , Bjker-hill . Mr . James Harrison , pitman , ditto . Mr . John 'Ramsey , ditto , ditto . Mr . Thomas Rand , dittJ , ditto . Mr . Isaao Bruce , ila . x-dresser , Lime-street , sub Treasurer ... ' ¦ ; ¦' . . . ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ / •¦ ; Mr . John Hall , flax-dresser , Lime-street , sub Secretary . " : " .
BACUP . Mr . James Stott , stonemason , Lane Head . Mr . WiUiam Fogg , caUco-pririter , Smelt . Mr . Thomas Bradley , calico-printer , Pippin Bank . ¦ ' - . ¦ : ' 7 . . ' ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ - ' ¦ ' ' - ' ' ' " ' : "¦ Mr . Charles ; Connor , calico-printer , Pippin Bank . Mr . James Dawson , piece-ldaker , Moss Gap . Mr . John Hdwsort , tailor , Jewell-street . Mr . Harley Hplgate , power-loom weaver , Kingstreet . . ' ; , , . , - . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' ; . ;¦ ¦•¦ ,. v-.. .. ; ' - ¦ ¦ '• .. Mr . Thog . Skackleton , cordwainer , Jewell-street , sub-Secretary . : Mr . James Barker , twister , Smithy-nook , sub-Treasurer .
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BISLiEx . —A public meeting was held in the Toryridden town of Bifiley , on Friday last There pnly went from Stroud , Mr . Newman , pur pilot , and two others , not daunted at trifles . Found bur friend Cook on our way , expecting ua A room had been engaged for the night , and on our going to light the candles and begin the meeting , behold the doora were locked and barred against us . The bills had been torn down . Determined not to give it up , we made application to two others ; they both refused . ¦ Between hope and fear , our friend Gook tried a fourth , to no effect . Our pilot , Newman , directed , that , not % be done , two should sing the Trumpet of Liberty through the streets . This we . did , followed by a great number , who began to stone us , and even brought out brooms and besom-sticks to daunt us , ' in apite of all we went oiir round singing ,: and at last entered a house te get a little refreshment . While doing so , a number of people gathered in and
around the house , determined to show them that truth must prevail , Mr . Hatton rose and urged upon all the question of good government , and having succeeded in gaining their attention , he read the Natioriai Petition , and moved its adoption ;" ' A man named John Davis exclaimed , " We havei got enough ivages , I can put by half-a-crpwn a ^ eek . " Pilot Newman addressed the meeting at great length , aad : won upon the audience by a few good home remarks . Mr . Abel Cook , a native of Bisley , ro « e and in a speech of an hour long , told well upon the hearers j his aTgument 3 told home , and many were brought to view the Chartists in a different spirit The petition was read by Mr . Cook , as a great many had not heard it before . A few CtTCM ? ars \ rere bought by the persons present , and notice was given that a public meeting would be held in the Market-place , at the early part of the year 1842 . —Correspondent . ¦ 7 , '' .. ' . ' . . ' ¦ ¦ : ' ¦ ¦¦ ' . " : ¦ ' . -. ¦ "
WOTTON-ONDrR-EpGE .--Great excitement prevailed in this place during the last week , among the Chartists and Corn Law repealers , in cohseqnence of the arrival of Mr . Paulton , the anti-Corn Law advocate , who had been sent for to give two or three lectures on the evils of the Com Laws , and the blessings which would follow : their immediate abolition . ; Biils were posted , announcing that public discussion would be allowed . The Chartists , ' ¦ '•' 'were immedii . t ? ly on the alert , and appointed a ^^ deputation ^^ to wait upon Mr . Paulton , to know on what principles the meeting would be conducted . Mr . Paulton assured them that the Chartists should beallowed a fair hearing . Mr . Paulton delivered ; two lectures , which gave great satisfaction to the Chartists , inasmuch as he very fairly ascribed all . the evils of the country to the monster class legislation . At the conclusion of his second lecture , after some discussion , it was agreed that a public meeting
should take place on the « ucceedlng evening , and that a Committae should be appointed to draw : up resolutions embodying the views of both partiea . At the appointed time the Public Hall was densely crowded : At the conclusion of Mr . Paulton ' a speech , the Rev . J . WattB proposed a resolution deneunclng the Corn Laws as wojust , which was seconded by Mr . Daniel Cax , and passed unanimously .. ;; , ¦; Mr . J ^ Wltta , on the part of the Chartists , jose to propose the second resolution , embodying tha Chatter , and , was received with -tbe most tremendous cheering and clapping of bands . At this time some signs of equivocation began to be exhibited by the Corn Law gentlemen ; bat the meeting , which consisted of nearly all Chartists , would not be huHibugged . Mr . Witts , at . some length , proved that the Chartervwaa the only true reniedy for all evils , and was loudly cheered . Mr > Lewis ; ar cloth manafacturer , seconded the resolution , which was passed amidst the plaudits , and cheers of tho yaat tasjxaily .
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lOKPOM .- ^ -SWTALWEI . DSi ( CaRP £ NTEBS' ASMS , BRick-iANE . )—On Sunday December ^ ^ 6 , the inhabitants of this locality ^ refering Chartism to the boisterous revelry usually resorted to on such occp . sions , assembled : in goodly numberB to hear ^ lecture from Mr . Stallwoba . Ihe lecture ** addressed them , on the institutions of sooiety as at present constituted , for an hour and a quarter ; the andien . ee cpnststed of persons of •' lk » t 8 ; 'Be' ^ i !^ o ; : liBteheiii : yritlj . b ? eathlflsg attention , and appeared much gratified / At the sonelusionMr . McQaith moved , rand- 'Mn ^ ^ Drakeseconded a vote of thanks to the lecturer * which was carried by acclamation . X ) ri Monday , Dec . 27 , Dr . M'Douall leotured for the benefit of the masons , at the Large SchooliRpom , Harp . Alley , Farringdon-street .
: BINGLBY . —Mr . T . B . SmiUi , of Leeds , delivered an impressive address in the Chartist meeting room , on Christmas Eve , to a very good audience , and on the following day , ( Christmas Day ) preached two sermons in the Maoket-place , and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather , a better congregation assent Med than was even expected . The day follwing ( Sunday , ) the Rev . J . Arran ^ of Bradford , preached twosermoos in the Chartist meeting room , one in the afternooR , the other in the evening : A collection was made at the close of each sermon , and the proceeds , after paying the expences of getting up the sermons , ia to be appropriated to the benefit of the forthcoming Convention .
CARMSUS . —Messrs . Marsden and Tattersall visited this place a &w nights ago , on their way to Scotland . During their stay in Carlisle . they visited the town of Wigtori , Where theyheld a public meeting , and addressed the people of that place on the present state of public affairs , and called upon them to support the National Petuion . They also visited the spirited village of Dalston , at which place they held two or three meetings . They attended a public meeting in Carlisle , on Friday eTening , the 23 rd inst » in Mr . Blythe's beaming machine ; Mr . James in the chair ; when they addressed the people at considerable length . These-gentlemen also addressed a verylarge meeting in the above-named place , on Sunday evening . ' : ¦ : ¦•;; ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ : / ' ¦ :..: ¦¦ : ¦¦ -:: . ^ .. ' .- ¦ ¦ ¦' - ,
WIGTON , CtJMBXRLAND . ^—A Chartist meeting was held here , Dec 23 d , in the Primitive Methodist Chapel , when Mr . Jolin Bryce morei the adoption of the National PetitipriJ which ^ was seconded by Mr . Marsden , and supported by Mr . TattersaU . It "was rapturously adopted . ' After a vote of thanks to the Primitive Methodisto for the loan of the chapel , and the usual forms , comprising cheers and thanks to certain personages , was { gone through , the meeting quietly dispersed . ' ; " ' y ; - ¦ -: . i ' - ' f " ¦¦¦' ¦ ¦¦ / . ¦ . ' . ' .. ' ¦ , 7 ' . ' . ^' : : ' / \ BURTON-UPON-TBBNT— ' . On " . ^^ SundayVlast , the
Chartists of Burton paid their fourth visit to the only poor man ' B church' in Needwood Forest ; accompanied by the Chartists of Swadlingcote , and heard an excellent sermon from the Rev . Humphrey ^ Price . ¦ v The poor man ' s church was- crowded more than ever was known , except once . Many of the middle class were present from Burton and Tutbury and the vilUges round , and all went homehighly delighted , after a sermon which lasted two hours . The old hundredth psalm was eung by the Chartists , and the eyes of all were fixed upon them . ; . " ' ¦' : >/ ¦"¦ ¦ ' ¦ :- . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' : J ;' . '•¦¦ ¦ . '" ¦ ¦ ' ¦' ¦/ ' : v '" : ' - .
PAISWEY . —FROSX , WlI-LlAWfS , AND JONES —At a public meeting of the Town Council of Paisley , held on the 21 st instant , ' the Provost in the chair , on th « motion of Mr . John Campbell , seconded by Mr . William Ban , and supported by Messrs . Blair and Hastie , a petition to her Majestyvpn behalf of the exiled patriots , was agreed to . The following is a copy : — " the Queen ' s moht ExcellentMaksty . - The huntftle petition of the Provost , Bailies , and Totim Council of Paisley , " SheWEXH ,---Tbat we your 31 ajesty ' s loyal and dutiful subjects , the Provost , Baillies , and Town Council of Paisley , in pommon Council assembled , hereby beg leave to approach the Throne , with the expression of our moat profound respect and attachment to your Majesty's person and government . : i ;;
"• We , your petitioners , were among the first to lay -at the . foot ' ; of the Throne our unfeigned congratulations on the auspicious event of the birth « f a Prince of Wales , and prayed that Divine Providence might continue to watch over your Majesty and your Royal Hpuse . ' : ¦ '¦ ' ; - . //; ' ¦ : ¦; . •;¦¦; - ; " : ¦ : ¦ ¦"• ' . ¦' ¦ .:..- " vV . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' -, . - " : "We accordingly now rejoice at your Majesty ' s happy recovery to your wonjied health and strength , to enable your Majesty to perform 7 our royal functions . with your accustomed tenderness and mercy . . ' ;
" In the midst of these national rejoicings , your petitionera would most humbly beseech your- Majesty for a jfree pardoi . in favour of the poor haplesa exiles , Frost , Williams , and Jones . We do not ask this for the sake of these political offenders ; far less do we jaitend to palliate their offences . We ask it entirely as an act of grace , and for the sake of their disconsolate famiiies , who are placed in a worse position than the widow and the fatherless ; andirecause we think that such an act of grace wiU shed a holy lustre on your Majesty ' s name to the latest posterity . '
" Moreover , we humbly presume te think the present the most fitting occasicf . n to make this pttUioh for a free pardon for these ^ men . Your Ma jesty may safely take it for granted , that it would be in strict accordance with the national feeling from this fact alone , that the last Parliament were equally agreed on the subject , and that this concession of mercy was . withheld bjv the single Voice of the Speaker alone , of the last House of Commons ; ahd thus prevented , by a single voice , the exercise ef your Majesty's most benignant and ' mostexalted prerogative , that of . mercy towards helpless and penitent offenders . : ; ' " May it thereforeplease yourMajesty ; . to consider this petition , and do therein as to your Majesty shall seem proper ¦ •' . ; and as in duty bound , your petitioners shall ever pray . " The petition was sent off on Thursday week to Sir Frederick Pollock , to be presented by him to her Majesty . " ¦ . ¦ - ¦ . ¦ . . '¦ " : .
BRISTOL . —A . public meeting waa . feeld in the Hall of Science , in honour of Ftiargus OTJonnor , Esq ., on Tuesday , December the 21 st . Shortly after ¦ ¦ twelve o ' clock , Mr . ¦ ¦ O'Connor ; . accompanied by Messrs . Koberts and ; Vincent , entered ; the hall , and on Mr . Newman being called to . the chair , Mr . Simeon proposed the first resolution , -which was seconded by Mr . Tudor , and supported by Mr . Roberts in a very humourous and matter-of-fact speech— "it was as followa : •—'' That this meeting views with Kgret . and , ' ; dismay the evils arising out of tbe present ^ corrupt system of representation , and which ate daily increasing to an enormous extent . And having witnessed the failure of the Reform Bill , as a means of improving the condition , of the working classesj we pledge ourselves to agitate for nothing short
of the People's Charter . " The resolution having been unanimously adopted' amidsf ; loud cheers , Mr . G ' Cennor came forward amidat th § most ¦ enthusiastic , cheering , and waving of hats aud handkerchiefs from tbe ladies in the gallery , and , which continued for several minutes . It woald be injustice to attempt anything like a garbled report of hiimost poweiful and eloquent address ; He completely exposed ; the trickery of the Corn Law League , and so ' forcible ' were his arguments , that the Tory reporter , who waa present / scarcely waited until he had ' . finished , ; before he disappeared from the platform . Mr . O'Connor did not ¦ forget liis countrymen on the occaaion . He declared himselCia favour of a repeal of the union , and declared he . would never cease to agitate for Ireland ' s right until he raised
her from the condition of a' poor province to be a happy and flourishing ; nation . - He concluded by stating that he had only tten given bis text , and that in the evening he would preach , faiis ¦ sernicn , and : by challengint ; any person or persons who-might feel so disposedte discuss the principles of the Chatter with them , and as he said He only asked . ; " a clear stage , and no favour . " The second resolution was pioppsed by Mr . Cppp , and seconded by Mr . CUftQn . It '¦' was : •—••* . That we are of opinion that all the various systems of political agitatipnnpw existing Mli fail to benefit the people of . this country , and that the plan laid down in the People ' s Charter is , of all ethers / the most certain to obtain that pplitieaV power whereby they will be enabled to repeal the Corn taws , « arid put an end to class legislation . " ¦
It Was supported by 'Mr . Vincent , who ,. although labouring under a severe cold and soreness of the cheat , delivered a most / eloquent : and powerful speech , and which so net tied the "Com Law press" of the city ^ that it declared it was ? ' higb-flown nonsense . " Anything is a compliment ffdni such parties , anel even Mr . O'Connor was of the . same opinion , for be said " it waa better to be spoken ill of than nob spoken ¦ . of at alL ' We regret to Bay that Mr , Vincent should have been so indisposed , as he wa 3 unable to speak for so long a period as , the meeting were ' desirous of . The resolution being pub to the yot ? and carried ^ and a vote of thanks given to the chairman , and several loud and heartstirring cheers given for the Charter , O'Connor , Frost , Williams , and Jones , the meeting separated to meet
again in the evening , in the same place , to a ball and ' soiree . , In the evening , - Mr . O'Connor and his friendB made their appearance ; on the platform , which , as well as the pillars which supported the house * were tastefully decorated with banners , flags , lauiel , &o . The number Of persons assembled were about eight hundred , and never did we witness more enthusiasm than on this occasion . After the chairman had taken his seat , Mr . Phflps was Called upon , who delivered a Very excellent 84 dress . ^ addressed the meeting , and delighted " the audienee , ' by bis racy wit and : humouroua fSatire . ^ MrV ; ( Jliftcm then read an address from the Chartists of the / City of Bristol to Feargua O'Connor , Esa ., after which , Master Powell presented another from the Youths'Association , both ofwhich were / received ' . with : evident satisfaction by
Mr . O'Connor and all asaembled , after which Mr . " O'Con--nbr did indeed fulfil his promise—his ' Bermpn ' ' wa 3 ' one of the most profound and eloquent we ever beard , and lasted little short of two hoars . It is only snffleient , toeayihat many ? who came to listen and criticise , are nbwvof opinion that the'Chattista hava reason on tbe ^ r ^ side , and are even anxipus for Mr . O'ConnoFs rettirnv ' 5 ^ hich he has kindly promised will be in a fortnight . Mr . O'Connor left the hall about half-past ten ; sur- 7 rounded by his admiring friends , and greeted upon all sides by nnmbers of respectable persons , who vied with each other to obtain a parting adieu with this friend and patriot . The meeting . . ' dissolved , . at twelve- , o'clock , without ; the least annoyance or a ' ceidea ^ and thus ended a day which Trill beremembsred long in SiiatoL ¦ ; ¦ - ¦ ¦ " . ¦¦ , ¦"¦ . ¦'¦¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦"• : '¦ ¦; . ; -: ¦ ' . -. - - ¦ - " " ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ' ¦ ' ' - ''
Untitled Article
" " ¦ ' ¦¦¦ '¦ .- ¦ . . - - ¦ ¦ ' . \ .. .. , ¦ - ' THE N . 0 B ' t H ; B ; R ^ S'i ^ ' . }/ A ' " . / - ^ : >^¦ : :: (^^^ ;^ . ;; : ; : i K : ! S ^
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 1, 1842, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1142/page/7/