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© rated fox their peculiar virtues , are strongly recommended to the notice of every lady , having obtained ihe sanction and approbation of most gentlemen of ihe Medical Profession , as a safe and valuable Medicine in effectually removing obstructions , and rlieving all otker inconveniences to which the female frame 13 liable , especially those which , at an early period « f life , frequently arise from want of exercise and general debility of tiie system j they create as appetite , correct indigestion , remove giddiness and nervous headache , and are eminently nseful in windy disorders , pain 3 in the stomach , shortness of breath , and palpitation of the heart ; being perfectly innocent , may be ssed wiih safety in all seasons and climates . «* ? It s necessary , owing to ihe nnmerons imitations , to in f orm the Pnblic that KEARSLEY'S is the only ORIGINAL and GENUINE MEDICINE of thi 3 description ever made , and has been prepared by them for more than Fjtit Yjeabs ! Purchasers are particularly requested to remark , that as a testimony of authenticity , eaoh Bill of Directions contains an affidavit , and bears the signature of " C . XEARSLEY , " in writing , also engraved on the Government stamp , and each box i 3 wrapped in white paper . Sold , Wholesale and Retail , by J , Sanger , 159 Oxford-street , London ; Heaton , Hay , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and . Newsome , Smeetoni Hexnhardt , and Tarboxtom , Leeds ; Brooke , Ifewsbury j Dfnnis and Son , finrdekin , Moxon , little , Hardman , Linnty , and Hargroves , York ; Paulkser , Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney . Hipon j Fogget , and Thompson , Thirsk ; England , Pell , and'Spivey , Huddersfield ; Sweeting , Knaresl > roV Rogerson , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Pontefract ; Cordwell , Gill , Lawton , Dawson , and Smith , Waken" eld 5 Berry , Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , and Parker , Halifax ; Waite , Harrogaie ; Wall , BarnHley ; and all " respectable Medicine Tenders throughout the Kingdom .
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Messrs . Perry and Co forte demoted their Est * h-Ushvient Jrom Birmingham to No . IS , Ber / urs-street , Oitford-slrtet , London .
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in ft TEXRTXEXTS EDTTIOS . Just Published , Price 23 . id ., in a sealed envelope , And sent Free to any part of ike United &ingdoB en Qie receipt of a Post 055 m Oriti for Ss . 5 d , THE SILBST TBJEXTD , 1 MEDICAL WORK oh tke INFIRMITIES ii . of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being as enquiry into tke eoncealed cans * ihat destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : — with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLIDARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION ; CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of th « REPROPUCTIV-E POWERS ; witk aeans of restoration : '• the destructive effects of Gonorrhsea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar : manner ; the Work is EfiBsmsHEp wits £ s « Si . vis gs , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions o » the head , facs , ani kody ; with appsoted mode of cttke for b # th sexes -, followed by observations om the Obligations 01 MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with direoiions for ihe removal of certain Disqualifications : ihe whole pointed out to snfferinj humanity as a « SILENT FRIEND" to bo consulted without exposure , and with assured coifidence of success . By R . and L . PERRY , and Co ., Cossnursa Sussboss , Loadon . Published by the Axjthobs ; sold by Heaton , and BucktoTi , Briggaie , Leeds ; Strange , Paternosterrow ; Field , 65 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; Pnrkis , Compton-street , Soho , London : Guest , SI , Bullstreet , Birmingham ; and by all booksellers in town and country . THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYR 1 ACUM . Isagentlestimulantand renovator oftheimpaired fuacurasoflife , and isexcl » sivelydirected to thecure of Tuch complaints as arise from a disorganization of the Generative System , wkether constitutional or acquired , I 033 of sexual yewer , and debility arising from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to ihose who , by early indulgence Id solitary habits , have weakened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state of chronic debility , by which the coBstatufion is left In a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kept sp which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from ibis dangerous practice , are not confined to itspnre physical result , bnt branch to moral ones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile field of ssdume errsr , — into agradnal but total degradation of manhood—into a pernicious application of those 4 ahereiit rights which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her species ; bringing on premature decripitude , and all the haiitndes of old age . Constitutional yreaknft = 5 , sexual debility , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , iotal impowacy and barrenness are effectually removed by this invaluable medicine . Sold in Bottles , price Us . each , or I ' m quantity of Tour in one Family bottle for 33 s ., by which one lls . J&otile Is saved . Prepared only by Messrs . PERRY & . Co ., Surgeons , 19 t Berners-street , Oxford- ^ reet , Loxdcw . None are genuine without the signature of B , and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a stamp on the ontside of each wrapper to imitate which is felony of tie deepest dye . The Five Pound cases , ( the porcaisin ^ of which will ba a saving of one pound twelve shillings ;) may be had asusualatlS . Bemere-sfcreetjOxford-strtetjLondon , Patients in the country who reqairo a course of this admirable medicine , Fhould send Five Pounds by letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . May be had of all Booksellers , Druggists ; and Patent Medicine Tenders in town , and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of 35 urope and America , of whom may b 9 had the ** Subi Fsiesd . " Messrs . PERRY expect when consulted by letter , ihe usual fee one pound , without which , no notice whatever can be taken of the communication . Patients are requested to beasmiaute as possible m the detail of their cases . PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 tL , is . 6 dM sni lls . per box , ( Observe the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . on the outside of each wrapper ) are well knows throughout Europe and America , to be the most certain and efffctnal cure ever discovered for every stage and symptom of a * -certain disease , in both Eexes , including Goaorrhasa , Gleets , Secondary Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakness , Deficiency , and all diseases of the Urinary Passes , without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance from . business .. They have effected the most surprising cures , net only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and all ether means have failed % they lemove Scorbutic Affections , Eruptions on any part of the body , Ulcerations , Scrofulous or Yenereal Taint , being calculated to cleanse the blood from all foulness , ^ counteract every morbid affection , and restore weak and emaciates" constitutions t » piis tine nsalSi and rigour . Messrs . Perry and Co ., Surgeois , may be consult ed as -usual , ** 19 a Berners-street , Oxford-street , London , panctaally , from Eleven-in the Morning uhiilj ejght . in the Evening , tmd on Sundays from Eleven tilWae . Only one personal " vi = af * i 3 required from I a eountrypatient , to eaable Messrs . Perry « and C # ^ I to give seek advice as will be the -means of effeetiag I a permamnt and effectual care , after all other means have proved ineffectual . - -.,.. ¦ NJJ . Country Brnggists , Booksellers , Patent ^ Iedicine Veadff 3 » &ctoan be snpplied with any quantityof Perry ' s rPorifying SpecMc Pills , and Cordial ! Balm of Syriacum , with tta usual allowance , to the iErade ,-bSrhost of tfc > prioeipla Waolesale Patent Ifedwwn HojOfies vfJan&OB . ^ , - ¦ _ > SoWtfeitJfeBmws , 7 » anss ^ o tes *» :
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"FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS . " THE following testimonials from respectable per-Bons . in addition to many hundreds of DECIDED CURES—particulars of which have , been already published—established the character of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , as the Best Medicine in the World : — TO THB PBOPSIETOES OP PABB * S LTFJS PIXLS . Gentlemen , —This is to inform you , in detail , what OLD PARR'S LIFE PILLS ( or Pills of Health ) , have done for me . First . —They have cured me of a Ccugh , of about three years duration , by which I could sleep very little ; but the third night I took them I slept comfortably . Secondly . —Of a Nervous Affection , with which 1 have been troubled for many year 3 . Thirdly . —Of Costiveneas , from which I have suffered much for many years , having been , except at interyalSj for three , four , five , six , seven , and eleven days in torment , previous to going to the ground . Fourthly . —Of the Rheumatism , from which I i have suffered much , for upwards of 40 years . Fifthly . —Of a Scorbutic humour , with which I have been tormented at least 44 years , naving been i lame with it , several timc 3 , for months together . This has been a very stubborn case . I do not know what I may have , but at present , I have not a sore spot , or a pain abont me . I am now enabled to ble 3 s I and . praise God for bis mercies in bringing to light I such a restorative health and soundness of bddy . I \ am not like the same person as I was a year ago i being bo mach altered for the better . All these cures have been effected in me , by the nsof PARR'S LIFE PILLS . And lastly . —I believe them to be , a safe preventatiye of the Bowel Complaint , / or , neither I nor my wife have had it , since taking them ; she having frequently had it previous . I am , Gentlemen , your humble Servant , R . W . RICHARDSON , Schoolmaster . Red Lion-street . Walsall , Staffordshire , Januarv 30 th , 1843 . Witsess . —R . Rich ird 3 on , his present wife , can ; vouch to his being afflicted as above , for more than i 22 year 3 . ! NeiE . —You are at liberty to make use of the I above statement , in any way you please ; I am ready to answer any question put to me relating thereto . R . W , R . Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., London To Mr . James Arthur , Bookseller , Riokergate , Carlisle . Sir , —I cannot refrain from expressing ^ he deep f gratitude I feel , for the great benefit I have derived from taking Parr's Life Pills . For the space of I eighteen months I was seriously afflicted with a [ complaint of the stomach , accompanied with severe ; pain and flatulency . During that time I had much ; medieal advice , and was a patient at the Carlisle ¦ Dispensary , for six months , but without deriving the j slightest benefit whatever . I also tried several 1 patent medicines , but without experiencing any ; benefit . I was worn out to a complete skeleton , 1 —had a severe cough and spit , and waa also troubled with Diabetes , and had no hope of ever leoover-| ing ; fortunately , however , I was informed by some : of my neighbours , of the great benefit they had dej rivod from Parr ' s Life Piils , purchased from yon ; . I accordingly agreed to give them a . trial . I did bo , I and during the last eighteen months , I have taken » about twelve boxes , which have been attended with the most happy results . I am now quite well in i health , and am labouring very long hours . I have I considered it my duty to recommend this excellent j medicine to others , and am happy to be able to state i that it ha 3 been attended in many cases , with very j favourable results I remain , Sir , your obedient Servant , JOHN DAVIDSON , Slay maker , Rigg-street , Caldcwgate Reference can be made to Mr . James Abthcb Bookseller , Rickergate , Carlisle , who can bear testimony as to the great benefit derived by many others from taking the above-named medicine . Carlisle , Oct . lath , 1843 . The following letter , jasfc received by the Proprietors from the Rev . David Harrison , Independent Minister , Whitstabie , near Canterbury , is a further proof of their efficacy in ca ? ea of Indigestion , Liverand Stomach Complaints , &c , &c . : — „ ' Whitstabie , Sept . 5 , 1842 . H Mr Dear Feiekd " I received the box of PARR'S LIFE PILLS you so kindly sent me , for which I beg you to accept * my be 3 t thank 3 . They could not have coiae more opportunely , as I was suffering considerably from indigestion at the time . I immediately commenced taking the pills , and found great benefit in a few days . I have taken them subsequently , with the same happy effact , which induces me to believe that they are an exceedingly beneficial remedy in indigestion . A friend of mine has found them of great utility in an obstinate liver complaint . If my reoom- ' msndation can be of any Bervice , you are at liberty to nse it as you please . * ' I am , my dear friend , " Yours , very traly , M DAVID HARRISON . " From Mr . D . Cu 5 ions , Horncastle . Horncastle , Sept . 30 , 1842 . Gentlemen A most extraordinary Case of Cure communicated by Mrs . Moxon , of York . Mrs . Mathers , of that City , had for many years been affected with a most inveterate disease , which her medical attendants pronounced to be Cancer . It originated in her breast , and continued to spread nearly all over her body , defying every effort of surgical skill . Parr's Life Pills being recommended to her , she resolved to give them a trial ; and , speaking of _ the result , she says she cannot express the incon- j ceivable adoantage which she has already derived j from them . She further states that she is now almost well , aud ascribes her convalescence solely to the persevering use of that sovereign medicine , Parr ^ s Life Pills . i Communicated by Mr . Bawden . Gentlemen , —At the request of Mr . Thomas Barret , Farmer , of iienally , parish of St . Veep , Cornwall , I send you the enclosed , and beg to state that you are quite at liberty to publish it , if you think proper to do so . Since I have been your agent , I , have received numerous testimonials of the benefit ; PARR'S LIFE PILLS have conferred upon the . afflicted . : I remain . Gentlemen , respectfully , j H . BAWDEN , Chemist and Druggist . ; Fowley , Cornwall , j Gentlemen , —I feel it a duty I owe you to express j my gratitude for the creat benefit I have derived by , taking PARR'S LIFE PILLS . I applied to your ; agent , ilr . Bawden , Chemist and Druggist , Fowley , for Parr ' s Life Pill ? , for a Swelling I had in my Groin , which extended to my ancle « and I could '; scarcely walk from the pain and swelling . It arose , about an inch in thickness , descending in a line from the top to the bottom of my leg , and was quite black and painful to the touch . After three boxes of j FARE'S LIFE PILLS , it quite disappeared , and ¦ I have not had a return of it since ; I am determined not to be without them , for I shall always have a box continually in the house , in readiness for any complaint with which I may in future be afflicted , I I remain , Gentlemen , Your most obedient Servant , I THOMAS BARRET , 1 Of iienally , Parish of St . Veep , Cornwall . Qrencester , Jan . 1 , 1843 . Gentlemen , —The wonderful effects of PARR'S LIFE PILLS have been felt by tbc poorer classes in the parish of Cirencester . Scarcely a family but what has taken them , one and all declare tbe wonderful efficacy resulting from their use . Infact . it is gratifying to me to say to the Proprietors of the Pilis , ^ ay 3 al e increases daily . Some days I so ]] 50 boxes . Yours , W . WHITE . Agent for Cireccester . Many persons , after learning that so many wonderful cures have been effected by PARR'S LIFE PILLS have a great desire to procure the medicine which has done so much good . In doing this , however , caution must be observed , as certain individuals without honesty , are offering a dangerous subsitute , instead of the genuine medicine . The I proprietors cannot , of course , be accountable for any nutoward results that may en 3 ue , to those who have been thus imposed upon , but they can point out ' ¦ « n effectual means to prevent further imposition . CAUI 10 S—BEWABS OF IMITATIONS . _ In © r 3 er to protect the public from imitations , the Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered the words Pass's Lipb Pills to be engraved on tht Government Stamp , which is paste * round the side , of each hox , in white letters on a bed ground Without this mark of authenticity they ire spurious and . an imposition ! Prepared by the Proprietors . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street ; London ; -and sold wholesale by their appointment by E . Edwards , 57 , St . Pauls , also by Barclays an < J Sons , lamngdon-Etreet , and Sntion and Co . j Bow -Churchyard j Seld by Joshui "Hobsos , Northern Star Ofiice , Leeds ? and it 3 , Market Walk , Huddersfield ; and . retail by at least one agent in every town in the United Kingdom , and by most respectable pealers in medicine . Price Is . lid ., 2 b . 9 d ., and family boxes lls . each . Full direotion . 3 are given « ith each box .
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MEDICAL REPOSITORY . 13 , TRAFALGAR STREET . Private Entrance , 57 , Nils-street . Established , 1834 , for the Exclusive Treatment of a Certain Class of Disease . WILKINSON & CO . may be CONSULTED at th « ir Principal Establishment , Leeds , Daily , from Nine in the Morning , till T « n at Nieht , and on Sundays till Two . —One of the Drs . W . attends every Friday , at 8 , Southgate , Wakefield , ( near the Church , ) from Nine in the Morning till Six in the Evening ; every Thursday , at 4 , George-street , Bradford , from Ten in the Morning till Eight in tke Evening ; and every Saturday , at 25 , High Oasegat « , Y « rk . Every fom of these Diseases is treated at thif Establishment , by Legally Qualified Surgeons , with the utmost Attention to the Safety , Privacy , and Circumstances of the Patient . In all Diseases of the Generative Organs , such as Gonorrh ** , Glt « t 8 , Strictures , Ulcers , Gravel , and all other Diseases of these Organs , W . 4 c Co . may be sucoesifully consulted . SECONDARY SYMPTOMS , whioh arise from improper Treatment ( especially the Hae of Mercury ) , may be known from Eruptions on . tke skin , pains in the Bone 3 , affections of the Throat aad Nose , and general Impurity of the Blood . This may be regarded as the most dangerous stage of the Ditease , asd requires the utmost skill in its Eradication : — The Treatment adopted by W . & Co . has been attended with the most satisfactory Results , and they have always had the gratification of seeing their Patients restored to full enjoyment of Health . Ib Cases where an indulgence in a SOLITARY PRACTICE has producedthose distressing Symptoms , Seminal Weakness , Nervous De bility , Loss of Appetite , Depression ef Spirits , Indigestion , Flatulency , Difficulty of Breathing , Palpitation of the Heart , and all the Evidenoes of an Impaired Constitution , they » ay be consulted with decided benefit , having bestowed the greatest Attention to this melancholy Prostrationof the most important Functions ot Nature . Their , Mode of Treatment will invariably be found to arrest the progress of these destructive diseases , and be the moans of restoring the sufferer to re-Btwed health and vigour both of mind and body . The primoipal consulting surgeon has had vast opportunities of studying these malignant diseases in all thiir varied aspects , having for a lengthened period confined his attention thereto , in one of the principals hospitals in the kingdom , during which time he had tho honour of receiving high Testimonials to the skill and perseverance be had displayed in this particular branch . These documents are open to tho inspection of any of their patients who may desirt , for their own satitfaction , to see them . Subsequently , an extensive private practice in London has afforded ample opportunities of proviHg the tficscv of their mode of treatment . To patients at a distanoe W . and Co . offer the most certain assurances of a cure . During the last ten yeaT 3 great numbers of both sexes have been effectually cured , who have merely sent in writing * n accurate description of their complaint . All letters , containing the usual consultation fee of £ 1 , receive immediate attention , and suitable advice , and Medicints to the amount are promptly forwardod . In all cases the utmost SECRECY may bt relied 00 , as Wilkinson and Co . eiiher destroy the letters , or return them , as the parties may desire . They have , however , in several instances , sucoecded in effecting so ra > id aad effootual a our * , that tho patients havt kindly forwarded toth « m , without solicitation , letters of reference , wita the full name and address , which they have authorised Drs . W . to make use of , with the view of encouraging others to avail themselves of their advic * . Thesel » tters are not intendad for publication , but they will fce submitted to patients who desiro to inspect them . In packing the parcels , the greatest care is observed , so as to secure the Bifety of th « Medicine , and to prevent suspicion—giving them the appearance of an ordinary package . Experience has enabled W . and Co . to produce a remedy which is beuefioi&l in every Btrfge of disease j and for accommodation of either sex , where , from a » y motive , parties may decline application , either per sonally or by letter , their PURIFYING DROPS , Price 4 s . 6 d ., may be used with th » most decided success . No Medicine has ever been offered to the publio which has been so efficacious in restoring the diseased to health and vigear . They are powerful and speedily efficacious , in recent as well as the most confirmed cases . A TREATISE of Twelve Pages , is enclosed with them , describing the various forms of the disease , and the directions are so plain that persons of either sex may adopt tho necessary course of treatment , bo as to effect a perfect cure . —To be had of any of their Agents , or s « nt free by post , on the receipt of Five Shillings . At the earcest solicitation of many of their patients , Wilkinson and Co . have published a Work on the diseases of tho Organs of Generation , entitled THE SECRET MEDICAL ADVISER . Price 23 . Sd ., or Bent free to the most remote patts of the kingdom in a sealed envelope , on tho Receipt of a Post-Offioe Order for 3 a . 6 d . It is a Praotical Trcatis * on the Prevention and Cnre of the Diseases and other Affiotioua of tho Urinary and Sexual Organs in both Saxes . To those who are suffering , this work will be found a grateful and acceptable Companion , pointing out the way of escape from the calamity which they have brought upon themselves , and leading them back to the enjoyment of full healtk and vigour . This invaluable work , together with tbeir Purifying Dr » ps and other Medicines , may be had of W . & Co ., at their principal establishment . 14 , Trafalgar-strcet , Leeds ; No , 4 , George-street , Bradford , or any of the following AGENTS . LEEDS . —Mr . Heaton , 7 , Briggate , and of the Times Office ; BBADruiiD—Mr . Taylor , Bookseller . Halifax —Mr . Hartley , Bookseller . Barsslky . —Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market Place . Hudderstield . —Mr . Dswhirst , 37 , Ncw-streot . Yobk . —Mr . Hargrove's Library , 9 , Coney-street , Hull . —At the Adverlizer OSes , Lowgate , aud Mr 3 . Noble ' s , Bookseller , Market Place . Boston , Lincolnshire . —Mr . Noble , Bookseller . Beveklet . —Mr . Johnson , Bookseller . MANCHtsTEu . —Mr , Watkinson , Druggist , 6 , Market Place . ' Liverpool , —At the Chronicle Office , 25 , Lord-st . \ Sheffield —At the Iris Office . Wakefilld . —Mr . Hurst , Bookseller . Ripon — Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market Place . Habrogate a . n » K . vahesbro ' . —At LaDgdale ' s Library . Lourn—Mr . H . Hnrton , Bookseller . Nottingham . —Mr . Sutton , Review Office . KiWAUK . —Mr . Bridges , Bookseller . Pontefract—Mr . Fox , Bookseller . Gainsborough . —Mr . R . Browne , ditto . Mansfield . —Mr . S . Dobson , News Agent , 184 , Lawn .
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FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH Price ls . l ^ d . perbox . rpHIS excellent Family Pill is a medicine of long-X tried efficacy for correcting all disorders of the stomach and bowels , the common symptoms of which are costiveness , flatulency , spasms , loss of appetite sick head-ache , giddiness , sense of fulness aftei meals , dizziness of the eyes , drowsiness and pains hi the stomach and bowels . Indigestion producing a torpid state of the liver , and a consequent inactivity of the bowels , cansing a disorganization of every function of the frame , will , in this most excellent preparation , by a little perseverance , be effectually removed . Two or three doses will convince tho afflicted of its salutary effects . The stomach will speedily regain its strength ; a healthy action of the liver , bow * ls , and kidneys , will rapidly take place ; and , instead , of listlessness , heat , pain , and jaundiced appearance , strength , activity , and renewed health , will be the quick result of taking thi 3 medicine according to the directions accompanying each box ; and if taken after too free an indulgeuce at table , they quickly restore the system to its uatural state of repose . Persons of a FULL HABIT , who aro subject to head-ache , giddiness , drowsiness , and singing in the ears , arising from too great a flow of blood to the head , shonld never be without them , as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by then immediate use . FOR FEMALES these Pills are most truly excellent , removing all obstructions ; the distressing head-ache so very prevalent with the sex ; depression of spirits , dulnessof sight , nervous affections , blotches , pimples , and sallowness of the skin , and give a healthy and juvenile bloom to the complexion . As a pleasant , safe , easy aperient , they unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect , and require no restraint of diet orconnnementduringthoiruse . AndforELDELRV PEOPLE they will be found to be the most comfortable medicine hitherto prepared . Sold by T . Prout , 229 , Strand , London , Price 2 s . 9 d . per box , and by his appointment , by Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigk , Smithy Bell , Townsend , Baines and Newsoiae , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Tarbbtton , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewisbury ; Dennis and Son , Burdekia , Moxon , Little , Hardman , Linney , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke and Co ., Walker and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Ripon ; Foggitt , Coates , Thompson , Thirslt ; Wiley . 'Easing wold j England , Fell , Spivey ^ HuddersJLeld ; Ward , Richmondj Sweeting , Knaresbio '; Pease , Oliver , Darlington ; Dixon ; Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthidrpe , Tadcaster ; Rdgerson , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford . ; Brico , Priestley , Pontefract j Cordwell , Gill , LawtoUj Dawspn . Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; Dalby , Wetherby ; Waite , Horrogate ; Wall , Barnsley ; and all respeotable Medicine Vendors throughout the kingdom . Ask for Frampton ' s Pill of Health , and observe the name and address of "Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government Stamp .
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INSTANT RELIEF FROM PAIN . T EFAY'S GRANDE POMMADE cares , in most JLi cases by one application , ticdouloureux , goytt , and all painful affections of the nerves , giving instant relief in the most painful paroxysms . Patients who had for years drawn on a miserable existence , and many who had lost the use of their limbs from Weakness , brought on by paralysis and rheumatism , to the astonishment of their medical attendants and acquaintance have by a few rubbings been restored to strength and comfort , after electricity , galvanism , blistering , veratrine , colchicurn , and all the usual remedies had been tried and found useless . Its surprising effects have also been experienced in its rapid cure of rheumatic pains of the head and face , paralytic affections , weakness of the ligaments aad joints , glandular swellings , sore throat , chronic rheumatism , palpitation of the heart , and difficalfc respiration . It requires no restraint from business or pleasure , nor does it cause any eruption , and may be applied to the most delicate skin without fear of injury . Sold by the appointment of Jean Lefay , the inventor , by his sole agent , J . W . Stirling , chemist , 86 , High-street , Whiteohapel , 10 metallic cases , ut 4 s . 6 d . and 2 a . 9 d . each . N . B . A post-office order for 53 . will pay for a is . Gd . case and its carriage to any part of the United Kingdom .
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THE NEW DISCOVERY FOR THE NERVES , BY which the trembling hand may become steady the weak heart strong , and nervous irritability ( so often the precursor of insanity ) may be arrested , is offered to the Publio , who may rely en nervous vigour being the reward of a patient trial . By the use of this medicine ( which does not contain one partiolo of any opiate ) refreshing sleep has been obtained by thoso who have not enjoyed that biasing for years , and the most obstinate indigestion conquered . Above forty of the Nobility now use this wonderful restorative . Prepared ( for the Proprietor ) in London , in Boxes , at Is . l ^ d ., 2 < j . 9 d ., and 43 . 6 d . each , containing directions for its use , and advioe to the Patient , with Testimonials attached , and sold by Wholesale Houses , and all respectable Chemists . Ask for Dr . Graudiaotfa Charity Pills . From W . A . Goff , Esq ., "Dec . 12 ih , 1842 . " Sir , —I cannot refuse to state that your Pill has had au effect upon my Nerves , almost miraculous . 41 Your obliged Servant , " To Dr . Grandison . " W . A . Goff . Agents for Leeds : Reinhaidt and Sons , Briggate
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WORKS PUBLISHING BY W . DUGDALE , No . 16 , Holy well-street , Strand . fTTHE MYSTERIES OF PARIS from the French X of Eugene Sue , price 5 a . 6 d ., secured in 1 handsome wrapper , or 6 s . bound in strong cloth . This is the cheapest book ever printed . It contains 960 pages—double oolumns—small type—upwards of Fifty lithographic and wood engravings , and is translated faithfully and freely without abridgement , from the French . On the Continent , the demand hap been unprecedented . In New York , upwards of 100 , 000 copies have been soli in bix months . This work must bo read to ba appreciated . It may be had in sixty penny Isos ., each containing sixteen pages or Fifteen parts at 4 i . each—or , as above , in one Volume . ! May be had from every bookseller in town and country . Also , the following works , In two Vols ., cr . 8 vo . Price 12 * ; handsomely bound , TOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY , uniform with the Mysteries of Paris , without abridgement or Mutilation , containing every word of the edition in Six Volumes published at £ 2 10 s . The first volume has a medalion likeness of the author , and the second , a full length engraving of Voltaire as he appeared in his 70 th year . To the first volume is prefixed a oopious Memoir of his Life and Writings : Every care has been taken to keep the text correct , so that it may remain a lasting monument of the genius and indomitable perseverance of the Author in enlightening aad liberating his fellow creatures , 'l'he universal fame of Voltaire ; the powerful blows which he dealt to superitition and tyranny , from which they will new recover , have long rendered ; this book celebrated above all others , as the great advocate of freedom and kumanity , and the undeubtable assailant of tyranny , whetkor Spritual or Militant . For beauty of typography , and correctness of the text , the Publisher will challenge competition—aud for cheapness he will defy all . The two volumes contain 1 , 276 pages , and may be had in 120 Penny Nes ., fifteen parts at fourpenoe eaoh , or , in two velumea , handsomely bound and letUred , price 12 s . Sold by all Booksellers . As a companion to the above , and uniform with U in every respect , HISTORICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS of VOLTAIRE , Comprising his Essays on the Manners and Spirit of Nations . — Letters on England , on Toleration , Miscellaneous Essaye , Sen . &e . The First No . will appear thia day week . VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES , NOVELS , AND TALES . The ! Celebrity which these famous Tales have obtained , in all Europeon and American languages , renders all comment superfluous . For wit , furcasin , and irony they stand unrivalled . This will be the first uniform and complete Edition , aad will comprise the following celebrated Works : —Candid , or All for the Best—Zadig—The Huron , ortk « Pupil of Nature—The White Bull—The World as it Goes —Tho Man ot Forty Crowns—The Princess of Babylon—Memnon ] the Philosopher—Micromejas—Plato ' s Dream—Babebeo ; or , the Fakirs—The Two Comforters—&c , &o . May be had , in Penny Nos ., or Fourpenny Parts . The WORKS of THOMAS PAINE , Political and Theological , in one Volume . No man ever lived that , by his pen , produced such effucts upon the history of the world , or benefited mankind so nobly . It was the "Common Sense" of Thomas Paine , that decided the Americans to throw off the yoke of England . They were trembling in tke balance between the desire to vindicate their rigkts and the dread of England ' s power . " Common Sense" appeared , and England and its myrmidons Hew into the air . For this alone , he deserves tke perpetual gratitude of all nankind ; and the noblett monument that can be reared to his memory is the works that he left for our use . Straige as it may appear , there has yet bees no complete and cheap edition of his works . Richard Carlile placed them beyond theraach of the working classes when he { published them for £ 2 2 t ; and the lowest price for ! which , they can now be obtained is 15 a . This edition will comprise the whole of Paint ' s Works for five shillings , in one Volume . It will be published in penny numbers and fourpenny parts . The first No . will contain a meat elegant engraving , after Sharp from Romney , being the best acknowledged likeness ever taken . I . To be published , in penny numbers and fourpenny parts , and to be completed in two Vols ., for ten shillings , illustrated with numerous engravings- necessary to tbe elucidation of the subjects , and a portrait , the Complete WORKS of C . F . VOLNEY , author of " The ! Ruins of Empires , " < fco . < fec , and comprising the following : —The Ruins ; or , Meditations on tho Revolutions of Empires : with engravings—The Lawi of Nature—Reply of Volney to Dr . Priestley—Discourse on the Philosophical study of Languages—Travels in Egypt and Syria—Net ? Researches on Ancient History—Lessons on History—History of Samuel , the Inventor of the Consecration of Kings , or the Lords Anointed—Picture of the United States , with description of their Soil aad Climate , with various other minor and explanatory letters , fco . ¦ Various Editions of the separate pieces ef Tolney have appeared [ from time to time , and have been bought up with avidity . " The Ruins of Empires , " has ensured to the Author an immortality which will always give an interest to his other works , independent of the wonderful learning and ability displayed in them . This will be the first Edition ever printed in the English language . It will be uniform with the " Philosophical Dictionary" of Voltaire , and tka'" Mysteries of Paris ; " and at the same cheap rate . ; The MIRROR OF ROMANCE , in weakly Nos . at 2 d . each , containing Sixteen quarto pages , and Thirty-two columns , of closely printed matter , with occasional illustrations from Freuoh popular engravings , j The " Mirror of Romanoe" was established for the purpose of making the English public acquainted with the most popular writings of the more modern authors of France , including ; also , reprints of soar oe and celebrated works of English origin . Thus , in the twenty-fivo numbers that have appeared , there is tho celebrated tale of " Leone Leoni , " by George Sand , now Madame Dudevant , one of the most poweful romances that has ever been written . ' ¦ The Physiology i of a Married Man , " by Paul de Kock , with upwards ef fifty illustrations , is given entire . "Jenny ; 5 or The Unfortunate Coartezin , " by the samo author , containing a most affecting moral , drawn from real life . " The Bonnet Rouge ; or . Simon the Radical , " a tale of the French Revolution , —a work , of great merit . All the above works may be had , complete , in parts I . aud II , of the Mirkor of Romance , price 8 J . each . The MANUAL ; OF FREEMASONRY , as published by Carlile for fifteen Shillings , is contained in fourteen numbers of the " Mirror of Romance , " at 2 d , each , and each number has alse an elegant French Plate , worth more ! than the whole sum charged . " The manual of Freemasonry" may also be had in parts , of which , the first and second will be Oue \ Shilling , and the third Two Shilings . The White House , by Paul de Kock ; Memoirs of au Old Man of Twenty-five , are being published , and will be proceeded with regularly in this work . The DIEGESIS , being a discovery of the origin , evidences , and early history of Christianity , never yet before or elsewhere so fully and faithfully set forth . By the Rev . R . Taylor , A . B . To be . completed in forty-eight penny numbers , or twelve parts , at fourpence each . | To be followed by the "SYNTAGMA , " by the $ ame author . Both works exhibit learning and research such as are rarely met with . The Astro-theological Lectures of the Rev . Robt . Taylor , published under tbe title of the "DEVIL'S PULPIT , " complete in forty-eight Nos ., the two last comprising a Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Reverend Author . This work was formerly 1 published in twopenny numberB—now reduced ia price to one penny . ) All the numbers are reprinted aa they fall out , go ; that sets may be constantly obtained . ; On the Possibility of Limiting Populousness . An j Essay on Populousness—to which is added the Theory of painless extinction by MARCUS . Price one Shilling . ! % * The celebrated pamphlet where it ia proposed to forbid the intercourse of Man and Woman when they are poor , and to make it felony whea a child is tho result . The Theory of painless extinction coolly discusses the method of extinguishing life , when the intruder has not property immediate or expectant to support that life , The MONK , by Lewis , verbatim from the Original tweofcy . fou ? plaus .-pprioe 2 s . 4 d . MARRIAGE PHYSIOLOGICALLY DISCUSSED . In four parts . —Part I . —On the Necessity of Marriage ; Precocity ; Effects of Wedlock . Pan II .-rIn 3 truotioris ia Courting ; Sudden Love ; Organizations j Madness cured by Matrimony ; the Courtezan reolaimed , Part III . —Limitation of life justified ; . Protectors—their atility and general adoption . ParfclV . r-Reacauses of Sterility ; remedies . From the French e £ Jeaa Dubois . 2 s . 6 J . FRUITS" of PHILOSOPHY : or , private advice to young married people . Containing the various ; hypotheses of Generation ; Structure ; of the female organs ; Conception ? ; remedies against barrenness and Impotency j with a curious anatomical plate . 23 . 6 d . I ' . ;¦ . ' ; ... . . ¦ ' 1 ¦¦ ' ¦ ' All the above , and more extensive Catalogue , may behad from every Yonder of periodicaJst All orders Donetually attended to .
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THE NINTH EDITION . Just Published , price 2 ? . 6 < i ., and sent free " enclosed inn staled envelope " on receipt of a Post-office Order for 3 a . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED CAUSES of Us PREMATURE DECLINE ; with Instructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from tho Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Doluairo Habits Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; terminating in mental , aad nervous debility , looal or constitutional weakness , indigestion , insanity , and consumption , including a comprehensive Dissertation on Marriage , with directions for tha removal of Disqualifications , and remarks on the Treatment of Gkonorhet , Gleet . Strioture and Syphilis . Illustrated with Cases , Jcc , BY « . J . LCCAS . & CO ., CONSULTING SUBQEONS , LONDON ; THE NINTH THOUSAND . May be had of the Authors , 60 , Newman-street , Oxford-street , London ; and sold by Brittan , 11 , Pater * osUr-row ; J . Gotdon , 146 , Leadenhall-street ; G . Mansoll , 3 * King-street , Southwark ; C . Westerton , 15 , Park-side , Knightsbiidge ; H . Phillips , 264 , Oxford'streefc , London ; S . Bnckton , Bookseller , At , Brigrate , Leedi ; Journal Office , Wakefield ; W . Midsley , Halifax ; J . Noble , 23 , Market-place , Hull W . Lawson , Si , Stone gate . York ; W . Barraclough , 40 , Fargate , Sheffield : William Harrison , Barnsley ; Thomas Sowler , Courier Offioe , 3 , St . Ann ' s-sqaare , and H . Whitmore , 109 , Marketstreet , Manohcstet ; William H » well , 75 , Dalestreet , and J . Ho well , 44 . Waterloo-place , Churchstreet , Liverpool ; W . Wood , 78 , High-street , Birr mintham ; W . k , H . Robinaon , 11 , Greensidestreet , Edinburgh ; T . Price , 93 j Dame-street , Dublin ; and by all Booksellers , in the United Kingdom . "The various forms of bodily and mental weakness , incapacity , suffering and disease , faithfully delineated in this cautiously written and practical work , ar « almost unknown , generally misanderstood , and treated on principles correspondingly erroneous and superficial , by the present race of medical praotitionerB . Hence the necessity for the publication of a lim , ely safeguard , a sijent y ^ t friendly monitor , or , where debility has made threatening inroads , tho moans of escape and the certainty of restoration . The ofils to which the book adverts are extensive and identical iu their secret and hidden origin , and there are none to whom , as Parents , Guardians , Heads of Families , and especially of Publio Sohools , is confided the oare of young people , who ought to remain for a moment devoid of that information and those balutary cautions this work is intended to convey . Not only are tha most delicate forms of generative debility neglected by the family physician , but they require for their safe management the exclusive study of a life entirely abstracted from the routine of general practise , and ( as in other departments of the profession ) attentively concentrated in the daily and long continued observation requisite for tha corroot treatment of sexual infirmities . " jf we oonsider the topics touched upon either in a moral or social view , wo find the in tores ts and welfare of mankind seriously involved . The effeots of licentious , indiscriminate aud secret ; indulgence in certain practices , are desoribed with an accuracy and force which display at once profound reflection and extensive praotical expirionce . "—The Planet . "the best of all friends ia the Professional Friend , and in no shape can he be consulted with ereater safety and seortcy than in "Lucas on Manly Vigour . " The initiation into vicious indulgence—its progress—its results in both scxo 3 , arc given with faifhful , but alas ! for human nature , with afflicting truth . However , the Authors have not exposed the evil without affording ; a : remedy . It shows how " Manly Vi « omt" temporarily impaired , and mental and physical emasculation , produced by uncontrolled indulgence of . the passions , can bo restored ; how tho sufferer , who has pined in anguish from the consequences of earlj indiscretion—afraid almost to encounter his fellow-man , can regain the vigour of health aud moral courage . The work is written in a conoise and perspicuous stylo displaying how often fond parents are deceived by the outward physical appearance of their youthful offspring ; how tha attenuation ef the frame , palpitation of the heart , derangement ef the nervous system , cough , indigestion , and a train of symptoms indicative of consumption or general decay , are often ascribed to wrong causes ; and instead of being tho natural res » lts of ooagenital debility ot disease , arc the consequences of an alluring and pernicious pactice , alike destructive to the mind and body . "—Bell ' s New Weekly Messenger . " "AlthottRh a newspaper is not tho ordinary channel for the expression of opinion jipou the merits of a medical w « rk , this remark is open to exception in any instance where the public , aud not the isolated and exclusive members of the profession , are the patties addressed . Upon that whioh is directed to men indiscriminately , tho world will form its own opinion , and will demand that medical works for popular study should be devoid of that mysterious technicality in whioh the science of medicine has hitherto shrouded its own ignorance . The work before us treats of subjects we believe generally , yet very strangoly , neglected by tho medical attendant , and requiring doubtlessly ( as in operative widwifery and the surgery of the eye ) an entire devotedness to a deeply important branch of study . Tho tone of this book is highly moral , and it abounds in wellwritten , fearrovring , yet correct displays of the suffering coBStqaent upon unbridled sensualism . No human being can be the worse for its perusal ; to multitudes it must provoa beaoon , a well-told appeal to reason , a permanet blessing . It is written in a clear intelligible style , and is evidently the production of a nind long and practically conversant with the diseases of the most delicate division of the human organization , " - * -rAe Magnet . 11 security of happiness in the marriage state is the chief anxiety of all ; but many dread entering upon wedded union , through a secret fear of uniUoess for the discharge of matrimonial obligations . This essay is most particularly addressed to all suffering under a despondency of the character alluded to ; and advice will be found calculated fco cheer the drooping heart , and point the way to renovated health . " Messrs . Lucas & Co . are to be daily consulted from ten till two , and from five till eight in the evening , at their residence , No . 60 , Newman-street , Oxford-street , London . Country Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their eases , as to the duration of the cemplaint , the symptoms , age , general habits of living , aad occupation in life of the party . The . communication must be accompanied by the usual consultation ; fee of £ . 1 , without whijjh ' no notice whatever cak be-taken of their application ; aad in all cases the most inviolable sepreoy tnay be rbr lied on . # . ) ' ' Sold by Mr . Joseph Buokton , Bookseller , 50 , Briggatec Leeds ; Mr . W . Lawson , 51 , Stonegate , York ; W . Langcfale , Knaresbro * , and W . Lasgdale , Harrogate ; and . Foj £ ,, fnd J 5 oa Pontefract ; by who ^ thi ^ Work ia seal ( post-paid ) in a sealed envelope * for Ss , 6 d , * ,
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FROM THE NEW YORK HERALD . CAmerican Paper . " He hath created Medicines oat of the earth , and he that is wise will noi despise thein . " --Ecc ! esiastes xxxviii . ' PARR'S LIFE PILLS . THE Letters which are here given , are from persous of the highest respectability and character The proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills respectfullJ urge those invalids who have the slightest doubt of their accuracy , to visit the parties whose names are here given , or where this is impractible , to make the fullest investigation by letter , as they hava kindly promised to answer all questions to those who desire further information : — No . 7 , Washington-street , Jersey , City , ; To Messrs . T . Roberta and Co ., 304 , Broadway . Gentlemen—Your Medicine : named Parr ' s Life Pills having attracted a good deal of attention in our city , I purchased from Mr . Zibriskie , apothecary here , a 25 cent box , and attending to the directions printed on the wrapper roHhd the box , I took the pills twice , and have already felt so much relieved of bile and heartburn , that sincere gratitude induces me to address you for the purpose of giving my testimony to their efficacy . I can onl y compare my health now to what it was before taking Parr ' s Life Pills , to being relieved from a violent attack of tooth ache . Neither myself nor my family will evet be without a supply . I am , gentlemen , Yours gratefully , Nov . 2 nd , 1843 . JAMES MILLER . Mr . S . Towsey , Postmaster of Joslin ' s Corner Maddison County , writes as follows : — Gentlemen—L have sold many boxes of Parr ' s Lifa Pills , and they have given universal satisfaction , and it is my candid opinion that they are destined to supersede all the other Pills now in use . Their mild operation and fine balsamic properties will make them universal favourites . I have used the Fills to my family , and find them to be an excellent medicine , and I shall recommend them accordingly . To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., Proprietors of M Parr ' s Life Pills . " 304 , Broadway . Gentlemen—I cannot refrain from expressing my gratitude and thanks for the benefit which , under Providence , my family and self have received from the use of your invaluable " Parr ' s Life Pills . " I have used them constantly in cases where every other medicine has failed , to remove the most tormenting sufferings I experienced from habitual costiveness and bilious attacks , accompanied by dimness of sight and nausea , with complete prostration of the digestive functions . I am now completely recovered , as I believe , solely by the use of " Parr ' s Life Pills . " Finding them so efficacious ia my own case , my wife concluded to give them to our children , instead of the uncertain and ignorant prescriptions which are frequently recommended in the drug stores . I am happy to say , that not * withstanding the last summer was one of the most sickly and variable known in New York for many years past , yet my children did not suffer a singla attack of summer complaint which is so fatal to young children . I consider " Parr ' s Pills" the best medicine ever used , and free from the objections of violence of action and prostration of strength , to which all others I have used are liable . You are at liberty to use my name , and on reference to me , I shall cheerfully confirm my opinion and experience of your Pills . Respectfully , CHAS . A . GRIGLIETTI . Formerly of Columbia-street , cor . of Delancy N . Y ., now of 204 , Broom street * No . 138 , Christie-street Messrs . T . Roberts and Co . —This is to certify , that I have been afflicted for this twelve years with tbe liver complaint and dysepsis , and after trying all advertised medicines—then had recourse to a dootor , who pointed out to me the report of " Parr ' s Life Pills , " and after attentively and carefully taking a few small boxes , 1 began to feel like another being —and I ask my cure may be circulated throngh the United States , so grateful am I for my recovery front the grave . M . FLING , 158 , Christie-street . The above , with hundreds of other testimonials , oau be seen at the Proprietor ' s Office , 304 , Broad * way . This medicine can be purchased of all respectable druggists throughout tbe United Kingdom . TO THE PUBLIC . An injunction in the Court of Chancery of Massachusetts , was lately granted against George Roberts of the Boston Times and Not ion , Boston—( no way related to our Thomas Roberts )—for fraudulently attempting to issue a spurious article as our far * famed and excellent medicine , * ' Parr ' s Life Pills . ' * The Chancellor , Judge Story , after ordering the defendant , &c . into Court , ruled , that "the injunction bo made absolute in every point sought for —being a severe animadversion on tho conduct of the defendant . Although our agents are constantly on the alert , and the great difficulty and expense of imitatingar labels on aud around our boxes of pills , ara strong safeguards , we are determined , at any cost , to protect ourselves from the cupidity of dishonest persons , and the public from the danger of a spurious imitation of our medicine . THOMAS ROBERTS & CO ., No . 304 , Broadway , corner of Duane-streef . It will be seen that Parr ' s Life Pills have extended their fame to the United States , and that equally there , as in England , they are efficacious . Beware of Imitations ; see the words " Parr ' s Life Pills , " in white letters on red ground , on the Government Stamp . Iu boxes at Is Ud ., 2 a . Sd ., and lls . The number of Testimonials of Cures by Parr ' s Life Pills are crowding upon the proprietors daily and their unsolicited testimoney witnessed by gentlemen of high reputation . The following Testimonial is from one of the mO 3 talented and respectable members of the Theatrics Profession , Mr . T . D . Rice ( the Original Jim Crow ) —a gentleman whose high character for worth and integrity as a citizen places his unsolicited and voluntary attestation of the excellence of the medicine beyond tho shadow of suspicion : — " Gentlemen , —Having in the course of a long and arduous practice of my profession , contracted a tight , ness across the chest , with prostration of strength , and suffering much from the effects of the labour attached to my peculiar pursuits , while in England I had recourse to your popular medicine , Parr ' s Life Pills , from which I received great benefit . Finding a branch of your house in this city , I procured a few boxes of the medicine , aud can now sincerely testify to their value and great efficacy ; and also to tha great character they bear in the Old Country . " Your obedient servant , Thos . D . Rics . 11 , Vestry-street , New York . " II Thomas Callaghan , 31 , CumberIand-street , Liverpool , was troubled for eighteen months with a Wftterbrash , which reduced him to a skeleton : he had plenty of medical advice , which was of no use , read the advertisement of Parr ' s Pills in the Liverpool Chronicle , and bought a small box , and before it was finished was as well as ever . ( Signed ) " J . H . H . Nig htiwoale , Agent . " A decided Case of Consumption radically cured by Parr ' s Life Pills . *• To the Proprietors . " Gentlemen , —I feel it a duty I owe to you and to the public at large , to acknowledge the most important benefit I have received from Parr ' s Life Pills . I was for nine years a soldier in the 52 nd Regiment of Foot , and wa 3 discharged in October , 1839 , in consequence of ill-health , ( being deemed consumptive , ) after having the best advice her Majesty ' s service afforded . I returned to my native town , feeling that my days could not be long on earth . But by what almost appears an interposition of Providence my attention was directed to Parr ' s Life Pills , and by taking only two 2 s . 9 d . boxes , I was completely cured , and am thus a living monument to the good effected by this most valuable medicine . Within tho last few days I have been on a visit to some of my friends in a neighbouring village , where I was told that ' It was like seeing one risen from the dead , to see me walking through their streets . * I hava recommended them to my neighbours ; and many of them have experienced very great benefit from their osa . " I am , gentlemen , yours , &c , ' " John Osbobne . " Witness—James Burgess ^ Bookseller , Hinckly . Mr . John Osborne ' s case was pronounced by tha regimental doctors to be incurable cousamptioa . By the aid of this wonderful medicine , he is now so hearty and active , as to 09 enabled to travel on foot siaee the date of his recovery upwards of 1290 miles * IMPOBTANr CADTION—BEWARE OF IJU 2 AnONS . In order to proteot the public from imitations , tha Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered ta » words "Parr ' s Life Pills" to be eDgraved on , tad . Government Stamp , pasted round the sides of eaett box , in white letters on a red grounds Pifcn& ^ axe also-requested to observe that a / ac simile « tbfl Proprietors' signature * " T . Roberts and Co ., Crane Court ,. Beet -Street ; London , " is printed on : the directions ! wrapped , round each box- ^ wtthoui wmca none are genuine . : Sold wholesale by E . Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s Churcby&rd 5 Barolay and Sons , Farriagdon SweeSi Sutton and . Co ., Bow Churchyard , London ; MM * tersh ^ ad and Co ., Manchester ; and J . a id « ? Raises and Co ., JEdinburgh ; and retailed by « k » . st one Agent in every Town in the United-Jung ^ . omi and by most respectable dealers in medi cine . Price I 3 i < i ., 2 s . 9 d ., and family packets 1 Is . eaofc I Fall directions are given with each 002 .
Untitled Article
ExtbataGasce . —liSxs . BaTger of Peterborough M < L , about eighteen months ago was safely delivered of three fine children , and lbs samo lady last month presented her husband with four healthy children at a birth . Seven children in eighteen months 1 ! iliddlefcon valley must have a soil so fertile that married folks will be afraid to reside there in ihest hard times . —New Tori Sun , Spais has again lapsed into ihe grossest supersti-Eou . A river overflows Its banks : relics are brought forth , and carried -with great pomp towards the liver , and the affrighted waters retire . At Seville there is a drought : again relics are paraded to
draw . down rain . What an admirable . agreement between the altar and the throne , to oppress and JjrntaliEB the people I—Brighton Herald . Amebicas Msect . —Jonathan ' s heart of dollars has somewhat relented . The white man sentenced to he hanged in Louisiana for adding the Quadroon glare In ac attempt to escape from bondage , is not , it seeems , to he executed . Beisonly _ toba publicly whipped . Hence , the Americas fldg-may retain its Significant stripes . —Punch . Sheep . —Thera axe thirty four million Sheep in Ihe United States , worth 70 . 000 , 000 dollars , and their wool is valued at 40 ^ 000 , 600 dollars . New York owns one fifth of the whole .
Gekebal Tom Thc 3 eb . —An English paper calls him _ a " aKi vigorous and condensed little creature , aa infinitessimal Jiomulus , the brief expression of a whim of nature—& compressed image of Adaman incarnate dot—a pocket edition of humanity without abridgement V—New York Sun . £ otk . —We hare heard of a shoemaker in Connecticut who bought some shoe pegs made of rotten woad . No : being able to use them , h » took his knife and sharpened the other end of them and then sold them for oa . ia . —LoireU Courier .
Important To Ladies. Ttearsley's Obigqux. Widow Welch's Jq.'Dpemale Pills, So Ions-And Justly Oele-
Untitled Article
2 THE NORTHERN STAR , April 27 , 1844 .
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 27, 1844, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1261/page/2/