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I 13 , TRAFALGAR STREET . Private Entrance , 57 , JNile-street . Established , I 1834 , for the EicluBive Treatment of a i Certain Class of Disease . i WILKINSON & CO . may be CONSULTED at \ Y their Principal Establishment , Leeds , Daily , ' from Nine in the Morning , till Ten at Night , and on I Sundays till Two . —One of the Drs . W . attends 1 every Friday , at 8 , Southgate , Wakefield , ( near the j Church , ) from Nine in the Morning till Six in the Evening ; every Thursday , at 4 , George-street , Bradford , from Ten in the Morning till Eight in tha ETfcninK ; and . every Satuida-s , at ' 25 , High Oase-J gate , York . j Every form of theso Diseases is treated st thi ° | Establishmt-nt , by Legally Qualified Surgeons , i with the utmost Attention to the Safety , Privacy , ! and Circumstances of the Patient . i In all Diseases of the Generative OrganB , Buch as : Gonorrhce * , Gleets , Strictures , Uloers , Gravel , and j all other Diseases of these Organs , W . A . Co . may i be successfully consulted . | SECONDARY SYMPTOMS , which arise from j improper Treatment ( especially the use of Mercury ) , may be known from Eruptions on the skin , pains in t the Bones , affections of the Throat and Nose , and j general Impurity of the Blood . This may be re-: garded as the most dangerous stage of the Disease , j and requires the utmost skill in its Eradication : — ; Tke Treatment adopted by W . & Co . has been at-| tended -with the most satisfactory . Results , and they , have always had t > ie ^ ranfication of seeing their j Patients restored to full enjoyment of Health . j In Cases where an indulgence in a SOLITAUY ' PRACTICE has produced those distressing Symp-; toma , Seminal Weakness , Nervous Debility , Loss of : Appetite , Depression « f Spirits , Indigestion , Flatu' kney , Difficulty » f Breathing , Palpitation of the j Ileart , and all ihe Evidences of an Impaired Consti > tution , they may be consulted with decided benefit , < having bestowed the grea-test Attention to this me-. ' lanchoiy Prostration of the most important Functions j of Nature . i Their Mode of Treatment will invariably be found i to arrest the progress of these destructive diseases , i and be the means of restoring the sufferer to rej new ^ d hss ) th and vigour both of mind and body . Tha principal eousubing surgeon has had vast ] opportunities of studying these malignant diseases 1 j in all their varied aspects , having for * lengthened 1 period confined his atttntion thereto , in one of the ' principals hospitals in the kingdom , during which i time be had the hyncur oj ^ eceiving high Testimo-! ni » ld to the skill and perseverance he had displayed ; in this particular branch . The 3 e documents are j open to the inspection of any of their patients who j may desire , for their own satisfaction , to see them . ' Subsequently , an extensive private practice in London has afforded ample opportunities of proving the efiicacv of their mode of treatment . I To patients at a distance W . and Co . offer the i most certain assurances of a cure . During the last ; ten years jjreat numbers of both sexes have been | effectually cured , who have merely sent in writing ' an accurate description of their complaint . AH let-; ters > , containing the usual consultation feo of £ 1 , ' j receive immediate attention , and suitable advice , and Medicines to the amount are promptly forwarded . ' 1 % all cases the utmost SECRECY may be relied od , i » Wilkinson and Co . either destroy the letters , or ! return them , as the parties may desire . They have , ' I however , in several insta-aces , sucoeeded in eSeotiiig [ so rapid and effectual a care , that tbe patients have | kindly forwarded to them , without solicitation , let-1 . ters of reference , with tbe full name and address , ' ! which they have authorised Drs . W . to make use of , j wnh the view of encouraging others to avail them-¦ j selves of their advice . These letters are not intended ' < f-or publication , but they will be submitted to pa' tients who desire to inspect them . ' In packing the parcels , the greatest care is ob-1 served , bo as to secure the safety of the Medicine , ; and to prevent suspicion—giving them tho appear' ance of an ordinary package . Experience has enabled W . and Co . to produce a remedy which is beneficial in every stage of disease ; ! and for accommodation of either sex , where , from j any motive , pauie 3 may decline application , either ! personally orby letter , their PURIFYING DROPS . j Price 43- 6 d _ , may ha nsed with tho most decided ; success , No Medicine has ever been ofersd to the public which has been so efficacious in restoring the diseased to health and vigour . They are pow-I erful and speedily efficacious , in recent as well as i the most confirmed cases . A TREATISE of j Twelve Pages , is enclosed with them , describing the j various forms of the disease , and the directions are j so plain that persona of either sex may adopt the j necessary course of treatment , so as to effect a peri feet cure . —To be had of any of their Agents , or . sent free by po 3 t , on the receipt of Five Shillings . ; At the earnest solicitation of many of their pa-1 tients , Wilkinson and Co . have published ft Work j on the diseases of the Organs of Generation , entitled THE SECRET MEDICAL ADVISER . j Priee 23 . 6 d-, or sent / reeto the most remote parts . of the kingdom in a sealed envelope , on tho Receipt j of a Post-Office Order for 3 s . 6 d . j It is a Practical Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of the Diseases and oiher AffectionB of the j Urinary and Sexual Organs in both Sexes . To those who are suffering , this work will be found a grateful ! and acceptable Companion , pointing out the way of ! escape from the calamity which they have brought ! upon themselves , and leading them back to the enjoy-; ment of full health and vigour . j This invaluable work , together with their Purify-1 ing Drops and other Medicines , may be had of W . ¦ & Co ., at their principal € stablisbinent . 14 , Trafalj gar-street , Leeds ; No , 4 , George -street , Bradford , j or any of the following j AGENTS . i LEEDS . —Mr . Heaton , 7 , Briggate , and of the | Times Office . i BiiDposD . —Mr . Taylor , Bo * kselJer . I Halifax . —Mr . Hartley , Bookseller . Plaof 2 rttET ' " ~ iIr * Harrison » Bookseller , Market Hr » BBBsyiELB . —Mr . DewhirBt , 37 , New-street . w ^ a 7 \^ " ? 7 *' ? Libral 7 i-9 i Coney-street , HULL .-At die AdveHUtr Offibe 4 Lowgite , and Mrs . Noble ' s , Bookseller , Market Piaca . Bostos , Ljncolnsh : re . -Mr . Noble , BookseUer . cjsteiu-bT . —jMr . Johnson , Bookseller . Ma ^ chestix . —Mr . Watkinson , DrugjpMi , 6 , M » r-Litebpool . —At the Chronicle Office , 25 Lord-Bt . Sheffield—A t the Iris Office . Wakefield . —Mr . Hurst , Bookseller . Ripou . —Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market Place . Haekogatb and Kmabesbbo ' . —At LangdaJs's Library . Louth . —Mr , B . Hurton , Bookseller . Nottingham . —Mr . Sutton , Review Office . NrwABK . —Mr . Br idges , Bookseller . Po > -tekeact . —Mr . Fox , Bookseller . Gaxwbouough . —Mr . R . BrowDe , ditto . ? -2 j-N £ Pi £ io > . —Mr , S . Pobson , Newa Agent |^ J 84 , LaWD , ¦ i I , ; I i , ' ¦ \ . . ! .
Untitled Ad
, , , , , , FROM THE NEW YORK HERALD . ( American . Paper . " He hath created Medic ' ineB out of the earth , and he that is wise will not de jpise them . "—Eccle&iaeteB xxxviii . i : PARK'S LIFE PILLS . THE Letters which are here given , are from persons of the high < j 8 t respectability and character . The proprietors , of Parr'a Life Pilis respectfully urge those invalids who have the slightest doubt of their accuracy , to visit the parties whose names are heregiveo , or vrhere this ia itnpractible , to make the fullest investigation by letter , as they have kindly promised to answer all questions to those who desire further information : — No . 7 , Washington-street , Jersey , City , To Meaurs . T . Roberts and Co ., 304 , Broadway . Geatlemen—Your Medicine named Parr ' s Life Pills having attracted a good deal of attention in our city , I purchased from Mr . Zabriskie , apothecary here , a 25 cent box , and attending to the directions printed on the wrapper round the box , I took the pilis twice , and have already felt bo much relieved of bile and heartburn , that sincere gratitude induceB me to address you for the par pose of giving my testimony to their efficacy . I can onl y compare my health now to what it was before t&Hng Parr ' s Life Pills , to being relieved from a violtnt attack of tooth aohe . Neither myself nor my family will ever be without a supply . I am , gentlemen , Yours gratefully , Nov . 2 nd , 1843 . JAMES MILLER . Mr . S . TowBey , Postmaster of Joslin ' B Corner , Maddison County , writes as follows : — ; Gentlemen—1 have sold many boxes of Parr ' s Life Pills , and they have given universal satisfaction , ani it ia my candid opinion that they are destined to supersede all the other Pills now in use . Their mild operation and fine balsamic properties will make them universal favourite * . I have used the Pills to my family , and find them to be an excellent medicine , ana I shall recommend them accordingly . To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., Proprietors tf " Parr's Life Pills . " 304 , Broadway . Gentlemen—I oannot refrain from expressing mj gratitude and thanks for the benefit which , under Providence , my family and self have received from the use of your invaluable " Parr ' s Life Pills . " I have . used them constantly in cases where every other medicine has failed , to remove the most tormenting sufferings I experienced from habitual cost : tivencss and bilious attacks , accompanied by-dimness of sight and nausea , with complete prostration of the digestiva functions . I am now completely recovered , as I believe , 8 olely by the uso of " Parr ' g Life Pills . " Finding them bo efficacious in my own case , my wife concluded to give them to our children , instead of the uncertain and ignorant prescriptions which are frequently recommended in the drug stores . I am happy to say , that notwithstanding the last summer was one ef the most sickly and variable known in New York for many y ears past , yet my children did not suffer a single attack of Bummer complaint which iu so fatal to young children . I consider " Parr ' s Pills" the best medicine ever used , and free from the objections of violence of action and prostration of strength , to which all others I have used are liable . You are at liberty to use my name , and on reference to me , I shall cheerfully confirm my opinion and experience of your Pills . Respectfully , CHAS . A . GRIGLIETTI Formerly of Columbia-street , cor . of Delanoy N .. Y ., now of 204 , Broom street . No . 198 , Christie-street . Messrs . T . Roberts and Co . —This is to certify , that I have been afflicted for this twelve years with the liver complaint and dysepsis , and after trying all advertised medicines—then had recourse , to a doctor , who pointed out to me the report of "Parr's Life Pills , ' * and after attentively and carefully taking a few small boxes , 1 began to feel like another being —and I ask my cure may be circulated through the United States , bo grateful am I for my recovery from the grave . M . FL 1 N G , 198 , Christie-street . The above , with hundreds of other testimonials , can be Been at the Proprietor's Office , 304 , Broadway , This medicine can be purchased of all respectable druggists throughout the United Kingdom . TO THE PUBLIC . An injunction in the Court of Chancery of Massa cbussetts , was lately granted against George Roberts of the Boston Times arid Notion , Boston—( no way related to our Thomas Roberts )—for fraudulently attempting to issue a spurious article as our far-¦ amed and excellent medicine , " Parr ' s Life Pills . " i i The Chancellor , Judge Story , after ordering the de-I fendam , &c . into Court , ruled , that "tho injunction bo I made absolute in every point sought for "—being a , severe animadversion on the conduct of the defend-• ent . Although our agents are constantly on the alert , and tho great difficulty and oxpenao of imita-; ing our labels on aud around our boxes of pills , are I 1 strong safeguards , wo are dcterniiaed , at any oost , I I to protect ourselves from the cupidity of dishonest i , persons , and tha public from the danger of a spurious imitation of our medicine . THOMAS ROBERTS & CO ., No . 304 , Broadway , corner of Duane-etreet . It will be seen that Parr ' s Life Pills have extended their fame to tbe United Sutes , and that equally there , as in England , they are efficacious . Beware of Imitations ; see the words " Parr's , Life Pills , " in white letters on red ground , on the Government Stamp . In boxes at Is Hd ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 11 s . The number of Testimonials of Cures by Parr ' a Life Pills are crowding upon the proprietors daily and tbeir unsolicited testimoney witnessed by gentlemen of high reputation . The following Testimonial is from one of the most ' talented and respectable members of the Theatrical Profession , Mr . T . D . Rich ( the Original Jim Crow ) ¦ —a gentleman whose high character for worth and \ integrity as a citizen places his unsolicited and . voluntary attestation of the excellence ot the medicine beyond the shadow of suspicion : — " Gentlemen , —Having in the course of a long and . arduous practice of my profession , contracted a tight , ! ness across the chest , with prostration of strength , . and suffering much from the effects of the labour attached to my peouliar pursuits , while in England I had recourse to your popular medicine , Parr's Life Pills , from which I received great benefit . Finding a branch of your house in this city , I procured a few boxes of the medicine , and can now sincerely testify to their value and great efficacy ; and also to the great character they bear in the Old Country . " Your obedient servant , Thos . D . Ricb . ( l 20 ^ Vestry-street , New Yorfc . " ' ¦ " ThomasCallaghan , 31 , Cumberland-street , Liver pool , was troubled for eighteen months with a waterbrash , which reduced him to a skeleton : he had plenty of medical advice , which w » b of no use , read the advertisement of Parr'a PiIIb in the Liverpool Chronicle , and bought a small box , and before it was finished was as well as ever . ( Signed ) " J . H . H . Nightingale , Agent . " A decided Case of Consumption radically cured by Parr's Life Pills . u To the Proprietors . II Gentlemen , —I feel it a duty I owe to you and to the public at large , to acknowledge tho most important benefit I have received from Parr ' s Life PiUsi I was for nine years a soldier in the 52 nd Regiment of Foot , and was discharged ia October , 1839 , in conaequence of ill-health , ( . being deemed consumptive , ) after having the best advice her Majesty ' s service afforded . I returned to my native town , feeling that my days could not be long on earth . But by * what almost appears an interposition of Providence my attention was directed to Parr ' s Life Pills , aud by taking only two 2 s . 9 d . boxes , I was completely cured , and ana thus a living monument to the good effected by this most valuable medicine . Within the last few days I have been on a visit to some of my friends in a neighbouring village , where I was told that 'It was like seeing one risen from the dead , to see me walking through their streetB . ' I have recommended them to my neighbours , and many of them have experienced very great benefit from their use " I am , gentlemen , yours , <* tc , , " John Osborne . " Witness—James Burgess , BookBeller , Hinokly . Mr . John Oeborne ' s case was pronounced by the regimental doctors to be incurable consumption . By the aid of this wonderful medicine , he is now so hearty and active , as to be enabled to travel on foot since the date of his recovery upwards of 1200 milofl IMPORTANT CAUTIOH—BBWABE OF HUTATIONS , In order to protect the pnblio from imitations , the Hen Commissioners of Stamps have ordered the w » rds " Parr's Life Pills" to be engraved on the Government Stamp , pasted round the sides of each box , in white letters on a red ground . Purchasers are also requested to observe that a fao simile Of tbe Proprietors' signature , " T . Roberts and Co ., Crane Conrt , Fleet Street , London , " is printed on the directions wrapped round eaoh box—without which none are genuine . Sold -wholesale by E . Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay and Sons , Farringdon Street , Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard , London ; Mottershead and Co ., Manchester j and J . a id R . Raimes and Co ., Edinburgh ; and retailed by at least one Agent in every Town in the United Kingdom , and bv most respectable dealers in medicine . Price I 3 id ., 2 i , 9 d ., and fsirily packets lls . each . Full direoiions are given witt « ach box .
Untitled Ad
ggp" Messrs . R . & L . PERRY & Co ., Consulting Surgeons , of 19 , Derners Street , Oxford Street , London , beg to inform thfir Patients and those desirous of availing themselves of their advice , that Mr . R . PERRY fin consequence ef repemled applieations ) , may be eonsulted professionally , from Eleven in the morning till Eight in the evening , and on Sundays from Eleven to One , at 34 , Coney Street , Yqhk ; from SATi / fiDAY , August 33 s / , till September \ 4 th , and from Morq > AT , September 16 f /» , till October 1 st , at iVo . 9 , Whilefriargale , Hull ; and from Friday Octtobrrlth ,. tilt \ Qth , at No . 24 , Eldon square , Newcastle upon-Tyue . Other engagements will preclude the possibility tfa longer stay . THS THIRTEENTH EDITION . Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed envelope , and seat Free to any part of the United Kingdom on the reoeipt of a Post Office Order for 3 s . Sd , THE SILENT FRIEND , A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of nanhood , era rigour has established her empire : — with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on tho partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhsea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished with Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode op cuke for both sexes ; followed by observations on the Obligations op MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whote pointed out to suffering humanity as a I "SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . Bt R . and L . PERRY , and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , London . Published by the Autho * o i ootd by neaton , and Buckton , Brifigate , Leeds ; Strange , Paternosterrow ; Field , 65 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; Purkis , ComptoQ-street , Soho , London : Guest , 51 , Bullstreet , Birmingham ; and by all booksellers in town and country . THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM . Is a gentle stimulant and renovator of theimpaired funotionsof life , and iaexolusively directed to the cure ' ' of such complaints as arise from a disorganization of the Generative System , whether constitutional or acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility arising from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who , by early indulgence in solitary habits , have weakened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state of chronic debility , by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from this dangerou . * practice , are not confined to its pure physical result , out branch to moral ones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile fiold of seducive error , — into a gradual but total degradation of manhood—into a pernicious application of those inherent rights which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her species ; bringing on premature decripitude , and all the habitudes of old age . Constitutional weakness , sexual debility , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain , evacuations , total im potency and barrenness are effectually removod by this invaluable medicine . Sold in Bottles , price lls . eaoh , or the quantity of four in one Family bottle for 33 s ., by which one lls . bottle is saved . Prepared only by Messrs . PERRY & Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Bernera-street , Oxford-street , London . None are genuine without the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a . stamp on the outside of each wrapper to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye . The Five Pouud cases , ( the purchasing of which will be asaving of one p * und twelve shillings ); may be had as usual at 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London , Patients in the oountry who require a course of this admirable medicine , phould send Five Pounds by letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . May be had of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent Medicine "Venders in town and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe and America , of whom may be had the H Silent Friend . " Messrs . PERRY expect when consulted by letter , the usual fee of one pound , without which , no notice whatever can be taken of the communication . Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in ihe detail of their cases . PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and lls . per box , ( Observe the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . on the outside of each wrapper ) are well known throughout Europe and America , to be the most certain and effectual cure ever discovered for every stage and symptom of a certain disease , in both sexea , including Gonorrhsea , Gleets , Secondary symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakness , Deficiency * and all diseases of the Urinary Passages , without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance from business . They have effected the most surprising cures , not only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and all other means have failed ; they remove Scorbutic Affections , Eruptions on any part f the body , Ulcerations , Scrofulous or Venereal Taint , being calculated to eleanse the blood from all fouln ess , counteract every morbid affection , and restore wo » k and emaciated constitutions to pristine hoalth and vigour . Messrs . Pe . * ry and Co ., Surgeons , may be consulted as usual , at 1 . 9 , Berners-3 treet , Oxford-street , London punctually , from Eleven in the Morning until eight in the Even ing , » nd on Sundays from Eleven till One . Only on e personal visit is required from a country patient , / o enable Messrs . Perry and Co ., to give such advice a w 1 " be the means of effecting a permanent and eh ^ otual cure , after ail other means have proved ineSoetatl . N . B . Country Druggist e , Booksellers , Patent Medicine Venders , &c . can be supplied with any quantity of Perry ' s Purifying Spec / So Pills , and Cordial t Balm of Syriacum , with the u . « ual allowance to tho Trade , by most of the principiM Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London . Sold by Mr . Hkaxon , 7 » Briggate Leeds
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THE FOLLOWING WORKS ARE NOW ON iSALE BY W . DUGDALE , No . 16 , Hclywell-atreet , Strand . rpHE WANDERING JEW , by the Author of -L the Afysteries of Paris , is bow publishing in Penny Noa . and Fourpenny Parts . Part I , is now ready , and ] with it is given the First Number of a New Edition of the " Mystebies of Paris , " to be uniform in Bi ' se , type , paper , and illustrations ; and to be completed in Thirty Numbers , or half-a-crown for the whole . Th « se are known aa the Nonpareil Editions , and for accuracy of translation are unrivaled amidst all their competitors . They will bo accompanied by Engravings from designs by eminent Artists . W'th No . 5 of the " Wandering Jew'' every purchaser will be presented with a copy of No . 1 of " Memoirs ! of the Devil , " uniform in size and type , and which will after be proceeded regularly with in Penny Numbers and Fourpenny Parts , The MASTERIES OF PARIS , in Sixty Penny Numbers , and Fifty Illustrations . May be had in Parts or Numbers , and forms a handsome volume , in large type , and is well calculated for Travellers , or number Carriers . May be had handsomely bound price Six Shillings . VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY , 12 * Penny Numbers , Thirty Parts at Fourpence each , or , in two volumes , handsomely bound , each having a likeness of the Author , price Twelve Shillings , j All the Numbers and Parts may be had , being constantly printed as the Numbers fall out . VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES , NOVELS , AND TALES . [ The Celebrity which these famous Tales have obtained , in all European and American languages , renders all comment superfluous . For wit , sarcasm , and irony they stand unrivalled . This will be the first uniform and complete Edition , &nd will comprise the following celebrated Works : —Candide , or All for the Best—Zadig—The Huron , or th » Pupil of Nature 4-The White Bull—The World as it Goea —The Man of Forty Crowns— 'The PriuccB 9 of Babylon—Memnon the Philosopher—Micromegas—Plato's Dream—Babebec ; or , the Fakirs—The Two Comforters—&o . Six Parts are now published , and Twenty-four Numbers . Will be rapidly c » mpleted . PAlNEfS WORKS , Political and Polemical , being the first attempt to present to the public a choap . elegant . * . nd «< . mKlD' ° Bunion ot the Whole Work ' s « f ^ " celebrated writer . A 3 a study of the English Language they are worth the perusal of all . Part 1 isjnow ready , and the other P-arts . vcill be followed up rapidly . Tne whole volume shall not exceed Five Shillings , or Sixty Penny Numbers . VOLNEY'S WORKS , complete in one volume . These havje been advertised some time and are not quite ready , owing to the illness of the Engraver , but next week , August 17 , 1844 , the first Part will be ready , and will then be quickly followed up till the whole ] is completed . It is impossible to state with precision the extent to which they will go , but they will comprise all his works , and be illustrated by numerous splendid Engravings . The calculation is that they will not exceed Ten Shillings . The following -is a synopsis : —The Ruins ; or , Meditations onjthe Revolutions of Empires ; with engravings—The Law of Nature—Reply ofVolney to Dr . Priestley—fDiscourse on tho Philosophical study of Languages—Travels ia Egypt and Syria—New Researches on Ancieit History— -Lessons on History—History of ; Samuel , the Inventor of the Consecration of Kings , or the Lord ' s AHointed—Picture of the United States , with description of their Soil and Climate , with various other minor and explanatory letters , &o . Tho MIRROR OF ROMANCE , publishing in Numbers at Twopence each , and Sixpenny Parts , was issued for the purpose of presenting the public with translations of the most celebrated' works of modern French writers . There are Thirty-six numbers out , and Ten Parts at Sixpence each , which contain complete tha following : — " Leone Leoui , " by George Sand , now Madame Dudevant , one of the most poweful romances tbat has ever been written . " The Physiology of a Married Man , " by Paul dc Kock , with upwards of fifty illustrations , is given entire , "Jenny ; or The Unfortunate Courtezan , " by the same author , containing a most affecting moral , drawn from real life . " The Bonnet Rouge ; or , Simon the Radical , " a tale of the French Revolution , —a vrork , of great merit . The MANUAL OF FREEMASONRY , aa published by Carlile for fifteen Shillings , is contained in fourteen numbers of the " Mirror of Romance , " at 2 d , each , and each number has alse an elegant French Plate , worth more than the whole sum charged . The WHITE HOUSE , by Paul de Kock ; Memoirs of an Old Man of Twenty-five , are now completed , aud the whole work may be had for Five Shillings , in one volume handsomely sewed .-Tbe DIEGESIS , by the Rev . Robert Taylor . Twelve Parts at Fourpence each , are now published , and the Thirteenth , completing the Work , will be ready in a few days . The volume , handsomely bound , may be had for Five Shillings . Cases for binding , price Sixpence . May be had through all booksellers . The DEVIL ' S PULPIT , by the same Author , reduced to One Penny . The whole of the First volume has been reprinted . The Second will be epeediiy injprint . This will be the cheapest philosophical and liberal work ever offered to the public . Complete in Forty-eight Numbers , with Memoir of the Author . Just published , NEIGHBOUR RAYMOND , by Paul de Kock , price Is ., a most amusing tale . Also the following by the same Author : —BARBER OF PARIS , 2 s . GUSTAVUS ; or the Young Rake , 2 s . GEORGETTE ; or the Scrivener ' s Niece , 2 s . BROTHER JAMES , 2 s . MOUSTACHE , 2 s , THE MAN WITH THREE PAIR OF BREECHES , 2 a TOURLOUROU ; or the Conscript , 3 a . Also , INDIANA , a Romance of Illicit Love , 3 s . - Will be followed up by others of the same writer . ON THE POSSIBILITY OF LIMITING POPULOUSNESS . AN ESSAY ON POPULOUSNESS—to which is added the THEORY OF PAINLESS EXTINCTION , by Marcos Price Is . * » * The celebrated pamphlet where it is proposed t © forbid the intercourse of Man and Woman when they are poor , and to make it felony when a child is the result . ! The Theory of Painless Extinction coolly discusses tbe method of extinguishing life , when the intruder has not property immediate or expectant to support that life . The MONK , by Lewis , verbatim from tho Original : twenty-four plates , —price 2 s . id . MARRIAGE PHYSIOLOGICALLY DISCUSSED . Inifour parts . —Part I . —On the Necessity of Marriage ; Precocity ; Effects of Wedlock . Part **• —Instructions in Courting ; Sudden Love ; Organisations ; Madness cured by Matrimony ; the Courtezan reclaimed . Part III . —Limitation of . life justified ; Protectors—their utility and general adoption . Part 'IV . —Real causes of Sterility ; remedies . From the French of Jean Dubois . 2 a . 6 d . FRUITSJof PHILOSOPHY ; or , private advice to young married people . Containing the various hypothesis of Generation ; Structure of the female organs ; Conceptions ; remedies against barrenness 3 l Impoteney ; with a curious anatomical |>\ late . 2 s . 6 d . All the above , and more extensive Catalog / iffy may be had from every Vendor of eriodicals .. All orders punctually am ended to , * ,
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IGREAT MEDICAL BOON . i HEALTH , STRENGTH , LIFE . THE tijua and long enjoyment of health may be secured for all the afflicted by the use of the oldest , best tried , and most successful remedy of the age ; DR . MAINWAJUNG'S PILLS . Nearly two centuries ago Mainwanng earned a fame greater than Abernethy by bis rapid and certain cures of all these afflicting complaints , which arise from derangement of that vital Organ , the Stomach , { such as Indigestion , causing Headache , Dimness of Vision , Giddiness , Fulness at tbe Pit of the Sto ' mach , Wind , Heartburn , Water Brash , and Difficulty of Swallowiug . Coativeness , attended with Dryncs ? of Skin , Flushes of Heat and Cold , and tendency to Apoplexy . Bilious Affections , having a tendency to Jaundice ; Palpitation of the Heart , with Swelling of Legs aud tendency to Dropsy , Affections of the Lungs , with short , dry , C » ugh , Phlegm , and tendency to Consumption . AlaiawarioK ' s work on " the means and method of preserving health , " together with his system of curing diseases , have caused him to be quoted and followed by the first medical men of the present day , who hereby admit that the wisdom and experience of the shrewd Main waring has stood the test of nearly j TWO CENTURIES OF EXPERIENCE , Mainwaring ' s inestimable prescription has been long in private hands until the steady , certain , and permanent cures effected by his Pills have foroed them into ! public use . Maiuvraring ' s system is fully explained for the benefit of the afflicted in a small pamphlet , given gratuitously by the agents . All applications for agencies , ( en the usual terms , must be made to Cleave , 1 , Shoe-lane , Fleet-street , London ; and Hoy wood . Oldham-street , Manchester . N . B . —Th « Be Pills are carefully prepared according to the receipt under the directions of Dr . M * Douall , | 52 , Waloot Square , Lambeth , London .
Untitled Ad
TO MR . PROUT , 229 , STRAND , LONDON . Copy of a letter from Mr . Wm . Wilson , Clifton , near York . n Clifton , York , Feb . 5 , 1844 . ft QIR , IT is with the greatest pleasure that I O inform you witth what success Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatic Pills have effected a cure in me . For many months £ have had the Rheumatism ; and , in spite of all I could do , I was not able to obtain the least relief , until a friend recommended to me Blair ' s Pills , which , after a few trials , effected a complete cure . " You are at liberty to make use of my name if it will be of any Bervice to you . 11 YourB , truly , " WILLIAM WILSON . Tbe above recent testimonial is a further proof of the great effioacy of this valuable medicine , which is tho only effective remedy for Gout , Rheumatism , Saiatica , Lumbago , Tic Dolereaux , Pains in the Head and Face , often mistaken for tooth-ache , and for all Gouty and Rheumatic Tendencies . It is also gratifying to have permission to refer to tl . o following gentlemen , seleoted from a multitude of others , whose station in society has contributed to advanoe this popular medicine in public esteem : —J . R . Mandall , Esq ., ooroner , Donoaster , the Rev . Dr . Blomberg , the Chevalier dela Garde , Lieut . Masters , late of the Royal Newfoundland Veteran Companies , Mr . Mibkin , brewer and maltster , D * rtford ; Mr . Richard Stone , Luton ; John J . Giles , Esq ., Frimley ; Mr . Inwoad , Perbright ; all of whom have reooived benefit by taking this medicine , and have allowed the proprietor the privilege of publishing tho same for the beu « flt of tbe attioted . Sold by T . Prout , 229 , Strand , London , Price 2 s . 9 d . per box , and by his appointment , by Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Newsome , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Tarcotton , Hornor , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis and Son , Burdekia , Moxon , Littlo , Hardman , Linuey , aud Hargrove , York ; Brooke and Co ., Walker and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaater ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Ripon ; Focf itt , Coates , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easing wold ; Ingland , Fell , Spivey , Hudderefield ; Ward , Richmond ; Sweeting . Knaresbro '; Peaso , Oliver , Darlington ; Dixon Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcaster ; Rogerson , Cooper , Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Pontefraot ; Cord well , Gill , Lawton , Dawson , Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; Dalby , Wetherby ; Waite Horrogate ; Wall , Uarnsley ; and all respectable Medicine Vendors throughout the kingdom . Ask for Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatic Pills , and observe the name and address of " Thomas Prout 229 , Strand , London , " impressed upon the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Genuine Medicine .
Untitled Ad
I CHEAP LIGHT . EDWARD PRICE and Co ., Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of the COMPO 51 TECANDLES , respectfully call the attention of the Public to the fact , that , ] although the price of these are somewhat higher than that of ordinary mould candles , they are in reality much cheaper than these latter ; one real Composite Candle Riving the same quantity of light as two of j the moulds . They require no snuffing , and burn more brilliantly than the best wax . The purposes of economy and luxury are therefore both eerred at the same time by the use Of these Caudl 63 . Parties intending to try them for the first time , are earnestly requested to take care that they are served in the shops with "PRICE'S PATENTCANDLES : " the reason for this caution is given elsewhere . They are sold by most of the respectable tallow ohandlers throughout the kingdom , and wholesale to the trade by EDWARD PRICE and Co ., Belmont , Vauxhall ; and by PALMER and Co ., Sutton-street , Cierkcnwell . 1
Untitled Ad
LETTER FROM MR . WM . HICK , N 0 $ . THERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDf . ' * Northern Star Office , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . Cfri entlemen , —You will oblige by forwarding , j | VX your earliest convenience , the same quantiw of PARR'S LIFE PILLS as last Bent . While [ am writing I cannot refrain from communicating tig Battering intelligence of the groat good your pill ' s «« doing in Leeds and its neighbourhood . It is clearl y a great error to find fault with st medicine merel y because it is a patent one ; and more especially since its use has contributed so largely to the public health . The faot is , however , predjudice is fast giving way , as it always must where the pills are tried . A few cases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted . " A young female came into the shop to-day for a box , who stated that they had done her immense good . She had been troubled with a hoarseness bs > bad that no one could hear her speak ; but having taken a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , bH was completely restored , as was evident by the way she spoke . " Very many case of extraordinary cures hav « occurred among the aged workpeople , both male and female . In one mill , an aged couple , enfeebled by disease and debilitated by premature old age , hitf become almost past work ; they were persuaded to try a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , and i * a week were restored and strengthened that the ; could pursue their employment with pleasure ana profit ; so much to , that from being unable to work at their calling more than two days in the week , and this with great physical difficulty and languor , they can now not only do a full week ' s work , but overhours besides . Bad as trade is here , the old peopla being favourites with the mill owner , are enabled to get as much employment as they can do , which has excited the , envy of those younger persons who had been employed in their absence ; fcnd it is a laughabla fact , that Parr ' s Pills come in for a . share ef theii rancour . The old people continue to take the pilla regularly in small quantities , and find them aaneceg . aary to their health and prosperity as their dail y food . " The next and last case which I shall mention at this time , is one of a most extraordinary nature . I have not seen the individual myself , but I shall give you the fact as I have received it from his employer ! and from Mr . J . Hobson , who has frequently seen him since his convalesence . The man is a working mechanic and had spent about thirty pounds last year on the doctor , in going to the Isle of Man and other places , for the benefit of his health , bat to no purpose . His food had consisted for a long time of nothing but rice milk , the stomach refusing to take anything stronger . His body was greatly emaciated and his temporal prospects clouded ; with a mind filled with melancholy forebodings for the future , ha returned to his friends at Leeds , where he was told by his medical adviser that should he be restored a little , his disorder would have its periodical return ; but being advised to try PARR'S LIFE PILLS , he bought a few boxes , which have completely removed his disease , and enabled him to return to his work , vthero he was seen a few days ago by Mi , Hobson , ( it being dinner hour ) eating beef-steakt with great gusto ; and to whom he recited with pleasure and gratitude the cause of his then healthy con * dition , together with a long history of his past affliction . 11 Should the-above three cases of cares be worthy of your notice , you are at perfect liberty to make what use of them you think proper . I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , " WILLIAM HICK . To Messrs . T . Roberta and Co ., 9 , Crane Court Fleet-street , London . " MIRACULOUS CUBE FROM THS USB OF PARR ' S LIPS FILLS . Copy of a Letter just received by the Proprietors from Mr . Wm , Moat , 3 , Cobbett-street , Shaw ' i Brow , Salford . 11 To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . 14 Gentlemen , —I have the utmost pleasure in for * warding you this my own case of cure , effected solely by the persevering use of your Park's Life Pills . Before having recourse to them , I had beenfer upwards of five year ? ifflicted with a most distressing malady , which the different medical men who attended me all pronounced to be a serious case of hydrocele ( or dropsy of the scrotum ) , and declared there was no other chance of either relief or cure than undergoing a surgical operation . I was thus driven almost to despair ; and consulted the treatise written by Sir Aatley Cooper , wherein he states that the operation is generally attended with considerable danger . I therefore determined cot to risk bo painful and uncertain an experiment , but rather chose to leave tne result to nature and Providence . Fortunately , I heard of tho Rro » t fame of Pajiu ' s Lips Pills , and resolved to give them a fair trial . I COa * seqaently took them for Rome time without perceive ing any benefit , but still kept persevering ; and I have now taken twelve boxes , and to my great joy I am perfectly well , the dropsy is entirely removed , together with a scorbutic affection , whioh 1 had been much troubled with since my return from India in 1827 ; and now there is not a vestige of disease left in my whole system , as I am now in better health and spirits than I have been for fourteen years . I feel certain you would have accounts of far more cures , if people would persevere in the use of the pills a proper length of time , as I have done . I g } T 0 you my heartfelt thanks , and authority to publish this letter , and will gladly answer any application * either personally or by letter , and remain your grateful and obliged servant . ( Signed ) " W . MOAT . Witness—John Hough , Cheadle , carrier . u Manchester , Feb . 7 , 1842 . » FROM MR . HBATON , BOOKSELLER , LEEDS . II To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . " ' Gentlemen ,- ^ -I am happy to inform you that wi are daily hearing accounts of the good eSeetsot Parr ' s Life Pills ; to enumerate the eases would be a task too formidable for me , and whioh has provented my writing to inform you before , as I can hardly tell where to begin . One man said he wanted a box of Life Pills for Life Pills they were to bi » they had done him so much good , in relieving aim 01 an obstinate cough and asthma . " Another Baid they were worth their weight in gold ! as he was not like the same man since he h * d taken them . " Another said his wife had had a bad leg fir yews , bat after taking one small box , which *«> recommended by his Cla 3 S Leader , her leg was mucO better , and when she had taken the second box , u was quite a& well as the other . " A very respectable female said her husband bio been afflicted above two years , and had tried m » nj things , but since he bad taken Parr ' s Life Pills M was quite a new man . 18 You will please send immediacy , by Deacon ^ waggon , 36 dozen boxes at la . l ^ d ., and | six ooaen at 2 s . 9 d . II , Gentlemen , yours , respectably , "JOHN HEATON . . " 7 , Briggate , Leeds , Feb . 6 th , 1842 . To MessrB . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court . Fleet-street , Loadon . " Another most extraordinary case of cure , communicated by Mr . Moxon , of York : —Mrs . Mather of that city had for many years been Bffected wit " a most inveterate disease , which her m edical atUfl * danta pronounced to be cancer . It originated in nez breaat , and continued to spread nearly all W £ * jj ? body , defying every effort on surgical ' skill . Parr * Life Pills being recommended to her , she resoirw to give them a trial ; and , speaking of . , ^ " 2 she says she connot express the inoonceiveable *** vantage which she has already derived from toeo * She further Btates , that she is now almoBt well , * m ascribed her convalescence solely to the perser ^;^ use of that sovereign medicine—Parr ' s Life xu * N . B . Any one doubting the accuracy of tne aoore statement , may , through the agent ( Mr . Moxob ) , «* directed to Mrs . Mathers , who will herself autneu * ticate its truth . —York , Nov . 17 tb , 18 * 2 . CAUTION—BEWARE OF IMITATIONS . In order to protect fte public from imitations , tb « Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered we words Parr ' s Life Pills to be engraved on MM Government Stamp , which is pastei round tbe sw * of each box , in white letters on * bed grew * Without this mark of authenticity they «•¦ "?? " ?? and an imposition ! Prepared by the £ f P f ° £ T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fle et-stratf , London ; and sold wholesale by their appointmen . by E . Edwards , 57 , St . Pauls , also by Barclays wo Sons , Farringdon-street , and Sutton and to ., ^ Z Churchyard ; Said by Joshua Hobso . n , N *«*? Star Office , Leeds ; and at 3 , Market Walk , C" « dersfield ; and retail by at least one agent m JV * bfa town in the United Kingdom , and by most respeci »^| dealers in medicine . Prieo Is . lid .. - *• *" ' ^ ga family boxes Us . each . Full d *»< " -tiiw aw «" iri&b eaol .-box *
Untitled Article
Lokdos Cobs £ xcha * gs Mondat , Ndt £ mbeB 4 . —The reinrns for ihe past week snow moderate &r- xivals of English Wheat , with a great Increase in the receip ts of all kinds of Barley , from our own poass ^ as -well as from abroad . Of other " tends of Grain , the receipts were only moderate , Fresh up j to onr market , the Ettppliea of Wheat , coastwise and ! by land-carriage , were by no mean 8 large ; yet we had a fab * quantity on offer . The attendance of "buyers being rather numarous , the sale for that articl ¦ was very steady , at prices folly equal to tfco ^ o btained on Monday last , and at \? hieh a ^ clearance wa ? effected . The general qualit y of the Wheat was good . Of Foreign Wheat , free of ? „ £ the show was not large . The best descri p g ^ i '
commanded a ready inquiry , at very fol ] price k j n other kinds comparatively little was doinr £ \\ kinds of Corn , under lock , were a mere dn ^ - \ j ^ ¦ not cheaper . The _ supply of Barlty ^ wa 3 hise , jarticalajly of Foreign , whin , being ' FiTSOriOT quality , As now attracting the attention of the maltsters . All Mnd 3 , from ihe extensive caantities kronght forward , were heavy at a decline of | 5 \ Q 23 per quarter , from the currencies obtained ^ g 'Monday last . The best Ghevaller Malt mxintair ^ = Hs value ; "but other "kinds were very dulL The s apply of Oate -was-only moderate , "while the trade "w ras steady , at full prices . In Beans—the business ^ Dia ^ im which * vas not large—we have no alter * iiofa to notice . vreyPeas were Is per quarter h ' ^ her . In other kinds , as well ss Flour , no vsei&tir m wes noticed .
LOSDOS SUTTHFIEID CATTLE Ma' £ K . E } V MOXBAY— . Prom lhe whole of those of out grazing districts , Whence the principal portio *^ of oar Balicck supplies -are nsnally derived at this ^ period of the year , the : » rrnrals of Beasts , fresh xrp-to thia ^ norEing ' s market , \ rersij ? &in extensive , fent * sre scarcely er < r recollect to k » Te -57111168904 suck » i miserable deficiency of -quality as ^ as-ebserved to-day ; in fact , nearly 3 , 000 ef the a-boTe description of stock were in only a half-fat condition . Akhougia the attendance of buyers was rather numeroos , the Bsef trade , generally speaking , was in a ^? e * y sluggish state ; yet ihe primest Scots , Demons , Runts , and Hereford- ; , were mostly disposed of at last week ' s quotation ? , but the "ralue of all other breeds suffered an abatement of
< iuite ~ 2 d per 81 bs , and considerable difieuliy wa 3 experienced in effecting a clearance of such , even at that amount of depression . The droves from Lincolnshire , Leicestershire , and Northamptonshire comprised abont " 2 , 600 short horns ,- while from Korfolk , Suffolk , Essex , and Cambridgeshire , we Teeeived 400 Scots , Home-breds , &e . ; from the "western aud midland counties 400 Herefords , Runls . £ > arons , &c . ; from other pans of England 3 * 0 of Tarious breeds ; from Scotland , 200 horned and polled Scoi 3 5 and from Ireland , 40 Beasts , via Liverpool . Tfee nntabsrs of Sheep were moderately good , but aiot to say large . On the whole the Mutton trade was steady at prices about eqaal to those obtained on ibis day se ' nnight , and at which Jrost of the snpply found buyers .
XsrHTGATB akd Leadeshall . —The arrivals of « o"untry killed , meat up to these markets during the ^ reek haTe been but moderate , the time of year Considered , and of very middling quality . With meat slaughtered in tke metropolis , however , we continue to be hra-rily supplied . Prime Beef and J 4 nt » on are commanding a steady inquiry , at iully previous rates ; but those of all other kinds of « jeat have declined quite 2 d p » r 8 ! b 3 . Several carcases of Dutch beasts and sheep have been on Bale . In the quality , a decided impovement is noticed , and a corresponding advance in prices has been obtained . A few of the former have realised Zs 2 s -per Slbs .
Boaot'CH , A- * » i > SpTTAXKrExiis , —Daring tha past treek the arrivals of Potatoes at the waterside have amounted to abaut 1 , 800 toss , in good condition . The best qaalities have been in tolerably fair request . At absni p » evions ratei , but all other kinds haTe sold leavily , on easier terms . _ Wool Market . —The transactions , in all descriptions of Foreign and Colonial Wccl , continue extremely unimportant , and price ? , owin ; * to the manufacturers being largely in stock , are with difficulty supported- English Wool is a mere drug and may be pnrchased on lower terms . The imports liave been confined to about 1 , 000 bales , ohkfly from German- ? and Russia .
BoroC'Gh Hop Mabket . ^ A ! though there ia a good display of most kinds of Hops in onr market , ibe demand for nearly every description haa ruled * ctive , and the quotations are still on tbe sdrance . "Weald o Kent and SiL-sex Pockets . mn . 4 be cocadcrtr-i 5 =- to 7 s per cwi higher . Tne duty IB aoiaiaal a-, i' 1-50 , 000 . Taxxow MiaKKi—This market may ba considered £ rm , alihonsh the arrivals have been so heavy . There is now a very fair demand , and i : is ccueralJy believed pr-: ces caanoi recede further . F . ne new Y . C . is Tctv scarce , and is sought after a : 41 s to 41 s 3 d , which is rather above the . quotation of th s siorning . Prirea for the spring Eonih ; 41 s 3 d to 41 s 6 d . Town Tallow 42 s nett cash . The =. aU due ibis morning has not arrived .
£Par.I\Ru£Is, 5rc.
£ par . i \ ru £ is , 5 rc .
Untitled Article
Iroai tiif London tlazeiU t > f Friday , Srpi . 1 . SANKRt ? rS . Willbm Camdler , ol ys , Mir oH . es , City ) cbemist . Thomas Qjliisworthy , lite of 75 , Oid Brv . 'ad-sirect , City , and norr of CiiftoE- "pillts , 2 Hania-Tale , ja ^ rctiaiii . "WillL m Brooke , IDnutj 3 y * I illocin ^ - ; a 2 e , - nx ; d lat * vt Soowhili , alehoasa-lte ^ peE . Jkitrxritmz- ii ^ Jnrrr&a * ad lewis Henry FolgBT , of Higb-street , SSorediLch , cabicetinatrera . Robert O ? en , of Manch sU-t , p : orision--dealer . Gnarlei Pitt , or Bristol , Tictuiil « r . Wiliiam BiireU Briddick . of Durham , dealer in iron . Dl"rli ) ZM ) 5 DECX . AE . ED . Thomas Broot , \> l Longwood , Yorkshire , woollen cloth marckist , first snd flna ] diTidtnd of 2 J . in the pound , payable at 1 , Commeicial-bnildings , Lewis , any Tuesday . 1 '
Joseph Robert Atkinson , of CalEtor , Lincolnshire » ine mercbarit , fi' « t and final dividend ^ jf 3 X in the pound , pajabls at 7 , Commercial-tnildiiigB , Lbeds , any Taesdsy . Heury Plit . of Sslby , Yorkshire , wine merchant , first and final di ^ dind vl -4 » . 0 ^ I - in tee poand , and Jot those wbo hive lecei'stil » lormfcT . oividend , a second dividend of ^ L in the poand , payable at 7 , Commercial-buUd'ngB , Lt . « is , any Tuesday . "William Waiter , and J = 3 nss G'iiy , o £ I ^ eds , 'WOOljftapleu , filit = jiJ final orri ^ eiia of 13 . t- | 1 . in the pocid and for those who have received a former ¦ difidtnd , a eccoad dividend o ! * 3 J- in tha pound , payable ai 7 , Commereial-baildings , Lseis , any Taes-Gzj . Robert Djwson Newman , of Leeds , corn factor , first < lrvi end of 4 s 9 i in tks ponnd , payable at 14 , Biahopscste-str £ s » , h ^ sds , un and after November 5- | ' ' ' [ ' ¦ '
Thomas SjuU-er , c-f Gionceaurr , gTOCcr , first cividend <* f 5 s . in the pDEnJ , payable at 19 , Aogabtine-place , Bristol , any Wtdccsday . Samuel Spsakman , tf Preston , LmCiShire . shipboilder , firet dividend of i $ i . in the poa ^ d , payable at 72 , G ^ orse-Btrctt , Manchester , any Tuesaay Thomzs Siaa ^ of Manchester , merchant , first dividend of 3 s . S ^ ia . ^ 1 ^ poaad , pajaoie at hb , GeDrjfe-Ctreet , Jkla : iciit » tcr , uny Infc&day . Joseph TdLEiller , late of lt > . New Broad-street , City , anerchAut , fifih dividend ol l ^ d in iha pound , payable » £ 12 , Abcbarch-Jaae , KoveiuDer 2 , and VUico fuiloffing SalordajB . J > avid Hagne , of Horeforth , Yorkshire , papermanufacluiti , fiidt divide * d of 1-j 6 i in the ponnd , payable ; &t 7 , Cjmaiercial-buildiiigs , Lteds , any Tuesday . 1 '
George K- > binson , of Haadersfitld , surgeon , and ilary yirxandj vl AlmoiiCbttiy , Yortihirt , d&-Je :, titit dividend of 2 i in the ponid , pay&bie at 7 ,. CjniuitrcialboiidinEs , L = sds , BByTutBday . Bobert H ^ - ^ e , of Kelpia , Yorkshire , corn factor , firot « Bd flnai dividend ol 7 * Ofi m the p Tisd , p 3 jj . ble st 7 , Cummfciciai-bulivliDgs , L- ^ ds , t ^ y TuesGaj , Charlca EJiott , of Ittds , tallow merchant , first and lmal dividend of 1 * 2 J-1 in the pound , payable at 7 , © oiamercial-bEilitiiigs , Lecca , aay Taeadsy . 32 BjiH > in Siji ^ * aJ 1 b . t , sma Bo'jiij , vf sijiniEld , and oITin = l £ y , iioii njaiWra , nrat fiivuiend of 5 i in the pound , payable at 7 , Ckj ^ iaetcJal-builoince LtedB tn ? Inesdiy . Jam « Knipton and William ^ l'KV , of Manainshsm , Toikshue , stuffttanufjwtoifcra , first and fiajd dividend 5 * . ?! . " »? + ^ P ° . P-J ^ ia at 7 , O . mmerciaiinUoings , L « is , any Tocsd-j .
Bobsrt Hcntig , of Ki& Sbion-Bpon-Hiu ] , merchant firat dividend of 2 i * i m the penad , pa > at ) ie Bt / Conunsrcisl-bnildicgi , Levda , any Taesday . ' Henisn Proctor , of acaa-wood , Yorfaiire , tanner first and final dividend of 2 * 6 i in the puuud , pay ' able at 7 , Commercial-bniluiugs , Leeds , ^ ny Tuesday . Jerem-ah Nettieton B 3 isns , of Leeds , - woolBtapler , first and final dividend of 2 $ 3 % I in tLe-pound , payable at 7 , Commerciai-bnUdingB , L ^ eia , hdj Ic ^ soav . DIVIDENDS iobe declared at ihs CjHii of Binkraptcy London .
Samuel E Iderstcne Welldon , of Csmbndfe , batcher , ifoTeinbcr 26 , at half-past e ' evtu—Joseph Eaiiey , c } Woturn , B * iford » hire , plumber , I ^ uveiater 23 , at twtirB—Jsmba Eber Bunker , ol ± 7 , i *» -xet 5 > iadweli , merchant , IfoTBmber ' 22 , at eleven—Joseph Francis Sporer , of St , Jamea ' t-Etxeet , Picadilly , taiior , November 2 S , at fcaif-past Vko—Prederick Shaman , vi Bargeyard , Bncklersbiiry , Bho 5-L , Ctor , JfuTfcmbfir 22 , at two —Simcn Saaihe , of Sooth-street , Fansbury-market , and of 122 , KtngBland-Toad , cabinet msnnfactufcr , November 26 , at three—WUIiaai Browa , of Rick mans worth ,
Hertfordshire , anr tioaeer , Jft-vember 22 , at twelve-James Craiabrock , of Da&l , K = at , drap = i , Novtmbsi ^ at one—Abraham CroEifitM , of 91 , Whiiechspsi-TOad , and of Camp , Kent , scrivener , NoViiibir 22 , at talf-past lwcl- ? &— William Bdward Dray , of Heath-field , Sussex , ^ rceer , Hottanba 22 , at faro—Richard C . oj , cf Si J-annyn- t'&rt , 8 ^ Jtairt ' s , saddler , ^ ovi-mbe 7 22 . at llalf'past ors J'jhn Gioombriii ^ s , of Abh ^ y-ttrett , Bermondsvy , Lcrised victualler , rfaTeniber 22 at halfpast two—Jiai- ; Gf- « 3 , of Great WinehcittT-stieet , Oity , merebcit If , vcj ^ bcr 52 , j . 1 thrte .
I > ITIDE 5 I > a 10 5 r . DHCLA 2 ED IX THE GOCMBT . Joseph Jo ^ es ofrfiffjd , bookseller , XoTembsr 27 » t eleTeD , » j rtj ? 9-vT ; \ - Baa&ruptcy , Bjnaiagtam-
Untitled Article
¦ [ ' . Jobn * f > 5 r ) rer , of Klngstsn-npon-HuH , corn miller , Noren ^ ej 25 j &t eleven , at the Court of B-tnkruptcy , Lecdf t—Samuel Appleynrd , of Manchester , stnffmerchan tj pacamber 6 , at twelve , at the Court of Bank-TB P' xy , Manchetter— George DavenpoTt Thomas , of w > im , Shropshire , grocer , November 27 , at eleven , at tD -e C » urt of Bankruptcy , Birmingham—William Webb , of . Leamington , WaTwick » hire , hotel keeper , NoTembsr - ^ 5 . at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Birmingham-John Perry , of Birmingham , mUUter , November 25 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy . JBinningaain . , certificates to be granted , unless cause be shorn ) . to tho contrary on the day of meeting .
Hor&tie Rood , of Great Newporfc-streefc , Lonf-acr « , commission agent , November 22—Francia Ch Ties Hopkins , of 11 A , Tottenhaa-court-road , commission agent , Nevemfcer 22—Ann Tregeai and TJiomas Crump Lewis , of 96 , Cheap » lde , City , pisji-forte aellers , November 22- Henry Clarke , cf Sbtffisl * , feuUder . November 25 —Thomas Sedgwvck , of LeedB , grooer , November S 5—Nichola * Hostell , of Liverpool , soercbant , November 23—Thomas K-mp and Riehard Divies , of Aohtonnigh-BirminghaHi , builders , Norember 23 . cebtificates to be granted fey the Court of Review , unless cauBe b » shown to tbe contrary , on or befoN November 23 .
Thomas Ashley , of Lyonahall , Herefordshire , builder —John Holdroyd , ef Norrh-moor , Northumberland , farmer—Thomas ; Gnffl . ihs , © 1 Steke-upon-Trent , tailor —B 26 » " William , of Bristol , dealer in bntter—Henry JecksJJlxon , of Kidderminster , and of AJdermanbury , City , carpet manufacturer—JohuTodd , jun ., of 7 , Burystreet , Bloomsbury , ironmonger .
? AaTNBESHI ? S DISSOLVED . William Ayr , jun ., and John ; Saxelbya , of K ? nestonapon-HulL attorneys—Hifiiry Lea and Joseph Wells , of Yictoria-mill . Yorkshire , machine makers—Win TarBoltm , Richard TarboUon , and John G 3 pesTarbot ton , cf K'ngstoD-npon-Hull , currurs ( so far as regards John Capes Tarbotton )—William Lacomber and Joseph Thyer , of Manchester , cabinet makers—Joseph Uns worth and James "Dnswcrtb , of Pemberton , Lancashire farmers—H ? nry Cjwie , and John Paiker Hall , o Liverpool , ship brokers . From the Gazette of Tuesday , Sept . 5 . BA . NKBUPTS .
John Clark , Brnnswick-cottag 8 , City-road , carman—George Biekerton Rudge and Arthur Jtffcry Budge , GloDceBter-street , Curtain-road , j « rpan leather manufacturers—Richard Eaton , Featherstone-street , Cityroad , batcher—Jonas Staples , Cotlenham , Cambridgeshire , plumber—John Bedford Pim , Tweed '» -court , Great Trinity-lane , stationer . Walter Holbein , Upper Seymonr-street , flour-dealer—Henry Bragg , Montagueclostj , Southwark , bottle merchant—William Henry Fitihu ; h and Robert Eiwards Walker , Liverpool , merdiants—Mart Israel Jacobs , Ashton-under-Lyne , tailor—Thoni&a Craasfleld , aen ., ICirkham , Ij » nc 38 tlire , knendraper—Joseph Clearer , jao ., . Coventry , victualler .
Uaks.St Intelligence.
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Untitled Article
5 > THE NORTHERN STIR Noybmbeb 9 , 1844 ,
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 9, 1844, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1288/page/2/