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rEOELaS COCPES . THE CHARTIST'S , WORKS . THE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES . . A Prison Rhyme . In Ten Books . ( OueVol ., 7 s . 6 d . ) " The most wonderful effort of intellectual power prodncoi within the last century . "—The ISritannia . "We hail the writer as a new powerin the world of poetry , the ruler of a new domain , :: s yet hut little kwrnu , but which the public cannot fail to recognise , when its kinjs of thought shall put on their singing lobes , and with fresh-voice and sou ' s speak its praises to ihemorH / 1 — Sentinel . _ . "The boolc possesses mind—mind which mate itself felt and understood , and which , therefore , demands re-
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WISE SAWS AND MODERN - INSTANCES . ( TwoVoh-, 15 s . ) "A series of Crabbe-like sketches , in prose . They are manifest portraits , aud admonish us of the author ' s ekill in taking the literal likeness . "—AVtenawn . " We haTe read some of these stories with deep interest , and few , we are persuaded , will rise from thtir perusal bat with feelings all the winner for what they have read . They cau scarcely fail to be popular with 'themasses ; ' and , upon the whole , we think they deserve to be so . " —Atlas .
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Also , just published , THE BARON'S YULE FEAST . A Christmas Kbyine . In Four Cantos . ( OueVol ., ? s . ) "There is a nragh earnestness , both in its thoughts and verse , which is strictly in accordance with the genius of our ballad minstrelsy . If it does not show , in point of ability , an advance on the author ' s j-revious productions , it ret shows that he can change his hand without loss of power . "— 'Me J > i-Ztaiima . Published by Jeremiah . How , 203 , PiccadiUr .
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CHEERFUL AXD INSTRUCTIVE FIRESIDE COMPANION . THE WELCOME GUEST OF EVERY HOME ! THE FAMILY UEUALD is not only the cheapest but the most popular and amusing literary Miscellany « verpublishcd . It is a compilation of Wit , Humour , riction . Truth , and Knowledge , adapted for all classes , tastes , and ages , grave or gay , rich or poor , and contains something of everything , facts and philosophy foi Gentlemen , hiut 3 and entertainment for ladies , questions
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BASCE MUSIC FOR CHRISTMAS . —SEW MUSIC FOR PIANOFORTE . y ^ = ^ rpHE riAXISTA , Xo . 63 , contain ' //> H ??\ -I- "The Royal Rritish Jaw , " and yg tfC gJVja " Welsh" Quadrilles , now playing at irfaWwrll fte rr 0 ! nesiaue Concerts . The two sets II lEiirl IJ ^ ch ar S bvJullien , 7 s . Xo . ( S . coi ! - \ ^ Mf } Jl taiM toe " Elfin" Waltzes and two new ^ ySuGW songs for Is . Ko . Cl , Music in Marble \ gg [ p / Maiden , Is . Xo . CO , the Mazurka r —^ Polka and Quudrille in "The Devil to Pay , " ( Diable a quatrc ) now playiag at Drury Lane and all the theatres , Is . JCo . 59 , contains-the whole opera of "Sonnambula , " 2 s . Xo . 57 , Ditto , "Fra Diavolo , " 2 s , or the Xos . from 57 to C 2 , in splendid bind , ing , as a Chrislaas er Si-w Teat's jw « sif , for IOs . Sent carriage free to any part rt" the kingdom for a Postoffice order for 15 s ., in favour of the editor , 07 , Patwnoster-roiv .
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COLOSSEUM .-NOTICE . -PRICK OF ADMISSION DURING THE H OLIDAY .. Day Exhibition ij , ' g ^ Evening Do j _ ' Children under Twelve . Stalactite Caverns THE DAY EXH 1 BITI 0 X consists of the Museum of Sculpture Grand Ticture of London , Alhambra Conscr ratories / Goreeous Gothic Avia . 7 , Clacsic Ruins , Swiss Cottage and X ° nt BlalIC « wlth Mountain Torrent , &c &c . Open from Ten till Four o'Clock . EVEXIXG . —The new and extraordinary Panorama of Losdos bt Kight , Museum of Sculpture , Conservatories , and Gorgeous Gothic Aviary , &c , brilliantly illuminated ; Siriss Cottage , Mont ltlanc , and Mouubiin Torrent represented by Moonlight . Open from Seven till a Quarterpast Ten o'Clock .
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DAGUERREOTYPE AND CALOTYPE . THE APtAUATUS , LESS , CUEXIICALS , VLATES , GASES , ami every other article used in making and mounting the above can be had * f J . Egerton , No . 1 , Temple-street , Whitefriars , London . Dts'iriptive Catalogues gratis . LEREIiOURS celebrated ACHROMATIC TRIPLET LEXSES for the MICROSCOPE , sent to any part of the country at the following price : —Deep Power , COs ., Low Power , 25 s . Every article warranted .
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TO TAILORS . By approbation of Her Most Excellent Majesty Queen Victoria and His RoyalHiulmuss Vriuee Albert . THE L 0 XD 0 X and PARISFASH 1 OSS for Winter , IS 45 and 1 ? 'C , by READ and Co ., 12 , Hartstreet , Bloomsbury-square , London ; Ltrgcr , Uolywell-street , Strand , London , and may be had of all Booksellers wheresoever residing ; a very superb Print , representing the most splendid exhibition in Europe , an Interior View of the Colosseum Regent ' s-park , Londen . This exquisitely executed and beautifully coloured Print will be accompanied with fullsize Dress , Frock . and Riding Coat Patterns ; also , Patterns
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HONOUR TO LABOUR'S CHAMPION . A PUBLIC SOIREE will ha held at the CROWX and AXCIIOU Tavern , Strand , in honour ofT . S . DUXCOMBE , E . « q ., M . P ., who will be present , on Wednesday evening , January 21 st , the night previous to the opening of Parliament . The following gentlemen are expected to be present on the occasion : —Captain Pechdl , R . X ., M . P . ; J . T . Leader , M . P . ; J . Fieldsn , M . P . ; W . D . Cliristie , M . P . ; W . Williams . M . P . ; R . Blewitt , M . P . ; T . Wahley , M . P . ; Admiral D . Dundas , M . P . ; E . G . Barnard , JL 1 \; II . Ernhinstoue , M . P . ; A . Aglionby , M . P . ; and W . P . Roberts . Also the following eminent
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CAUTION!—TJuprincipled individuals prepare the most spurious compounds under the' same names ; they copy the labels ,, bills , advertisements , and testimonials of the original Thomas ' B Succedaneum . It is , therefore , higldy necessary to see that the words " Thomas and Howard" aue" on the wrapper of each article . All others are fraudulent imitations . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . Price 2 s . 6 d .
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Just published , Sixteenth Edition , illustrated tvith cases , and fulUUnglh engravings , price 2 s . 6 < f ., in a scaled envelope , and sent free to any part of the kingdom , oh the receipt ofapost-efflce order for 3 s . 6 d .
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•¦ -- ¦ ' . _ > - - ¦ -. -fe--- ¦ " v- > "" ' — IJNDER THE PATRONAGE OF ROYALTY » :: AND THE AUTHORITY OF- THE \ FACULTY . , KE ATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . —A Remedy for all disorders of the Pulmonary Organs—in Di « i culty of Breathing—in Redundancy of Phlegm—in Incipient Consumption ( of which ' Cougli is the most positive indication ) they are of unerring efficacy . In Asthma , and in Winter Cough , they have never been known to fail . Heating ' s Cough Lozenges ari : freefroni every deleterious ingredient ; they may , therefore , be taken at all times , by the most delicate femalo and by the youngest child ; ' while the Public Speaker and the Professional Singer will find them invaluable in allaying the hoarseness and irritation incidental to vocal execution , and consequently a powerful auxiliary in the production of Melodious Enunciatien . Prepared and sold in Boxes , Is . 1 J < 1 ., and Tins , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . ( id ., and 10 s . ( 3 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , &c ., No . 79 , St . Paul ' s Church Yard , London .
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RECENT TESTIMONIALS . Dear Sir , —Having been for a considerable time during the winter afflicted with a violent cough , particularly at laying down in' lied , which continued for scxcral hours incessantly , and after trying many medicines without the slightest eft ' ect , I was induced to try your Lozenges ; and by taking about half n Hox of them in less than twenty-four hours the Cough entirely left me , and I have been perfectly free from it ever since . —I am , dear sir yours very respectfully , James Ellice . ' ( Latn Proprietor of tli « Chapter Coffee House , St . Paul ' s ) 9 , Claremont-terrace , Pentonville , Feb . 17 , 1815 . Mr . Keating .
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GREAiIbRITAIN MILITIA SOCIETY . ENROLLED- an ( V Empowered by " Act . ^ Parliament . Office ,, 13 , Tottenham-terrace , , ( late ; Court ) , New Roed , St ; Pancras . •^ Society house , Round Table Tavern , St . MartiuVcourt , Leicester-square . This Society is instituted for the purpose of procuring Substitutes or paying the Fines of Members who are drawn to serve . Meeting nights of the Society every second Monday in the incnth . Personal attendance not necessary . Entrance money 2 s . fid . Monthly subscriptions ,- 1 e . M . Persons can enrol at the office , or . society bouse , at any time . Free directly on entering . Persons residing in any part of the country can become members by transmitting a Post-office Order for entrance fee , with Christian , Sirname , aud Residence to Daniel William Ruffi , Manager , '
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FUNERAL ECONOMY ! rriHE CEMETERY and GENERAL FUNERAL COMJL PASY , united with SIIlLLlBEBlt'S l'A'i'EKT FDNEUAL CARRIAGES , respectfully invitepiiblic attt'li . lion to the economic and convenient arrangements for performing every description of Funerals complete , atchargHB so moderate as to defy competition . nnd no extras , by which the comfort of bereaved families will be materially promoted , and expenses limited . City-road , Finsbury , next Bunhill-nelds Burial-ground ; 21 , Percy-street , Tottcnham-court-road ; and 13 G , Union-street , Southwark . Shillibecr ' s Patent Funeral Carriage , with two horses , £ 1 lls . Cd .: Single Horse , £ 1 Is . A respectable Carriage Funeral , combining every charge ,. £ 4 4 s , Hearses and Mourning Coaches . Catholic Fittings . Four Horse Funerals . £ 1212 s .
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ALL MAY BE CURED !!' BY HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT . FIFTY ULCERS CURED IN SIX WEEKS . EXTRACT of aLettevfvom John Martin , Esq ., Chronicle Office , Tobago , West Indies : — February 4 th , 1845 . To Professor Holloway . Sir , —I beg to inform you that the inhabitants of this island , especially those who cannot afford to employ rnc-dical gentlemen , are very anxious ol having your astonishing mediciucB within their reach , from the immense benefits some of them hare derived from their use , as they have been found here , in several cases , to cure sores and ulcers of the most malignant aud desperate kind . One gentleman in this island , who had , I believe , about fifty running ulcers about his legs , arms , and body , wko had tried all other medicines before the arrival of yours , but nil of which did him no good ; but yours cured him in about six weeks , and he is now , by their means alone , quite restored to health and vigour . ( Signed ) John Martin ,
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Just Published , A new and { mportant Edition of the Silent Friend on . Human 'Frailly . Price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of u Post OiSee Order for 3 s . 6 d . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established hcv empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTIONlocal and vonstitutionai WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IURll
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should bear enstamped upon it the physical characters derivable from parental debility . Price lls ., or the quantity of four at lls . in one bottlt for ? 3 s ., by which lls . is saved ; the £ 8 cases may be had as usual , which is a savin ? ef £ 112 s .
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HEALTH , LONG LIFE , AND HAPPINESS , SECURED BY THAT POPULAR MEDICINE TVTO Medicine yet offered to the world ever so rapiiflj ± S attained such distinguished celebrity : it is questionable if there be now any part of the civilised globe where its extraordinary healing virtues have not been exhibited .
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The medicine of O ! d Parr is thenr rtpopular of the present day . It has been before th ? . ublic only a few years ; and in this short period has irmly established itself in public favour , nndhnsaffe * ' idimmense benefit to all who have obtaiued thi * -. » timable medicine genuine . Hence tha list of i-Fi .. yotublu names bearing evidence to the high charactt-r 0 . this rw * , < ij , and testifying beyond the possibility of doubt the wonderful character of the medieirte by the number of extraordinary and decided cures wholly resulting from its use , This medieinc , solely by reason of its high character , has extended itself to all parts of the work !; and therefore its healing
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2 ' " I . ' / - ^^ THE ^ NQllTHERN STAR , jf j , - \ , ., X-1 l '; V' jAyuA * ' 1846 ' •¦ -- ¦ '¦ . _ > - - ¦ -. -fe--- ¦ " v- > "" ' —
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 17, 1846, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1350/page/2/