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Mt Fbietds , —I hare not time to say much this week , further than to ihank the good men of South Staffordshire from my soul for the brave muster made by them on Monday at Birmingham ; and to say that your delegates met in Convention appear to be duly impressed with the great and important duties imposed upon them . You will see the detailed report of our proceedings in this week ' s Star ; md , as far as we havegone , Intake no doubt that
they , as well as the nnanimity with trhich they were carried forward , will give you pleasure . Let jne aow implore and beseech of all to stifle every attempt at bickering or disunion , which alone can injure our common cause . For myself I shall only gay to Slander— "Fire aioay till the Convenrion shall fcave terminated its labours ; till then I shall i > e satisfied 10 be a target for hatred and envy to fire a , I shall take no notice of anything but the prooeediDg 3 brought before the people's delegates . "
AboTe all things , my beloved friends , Sign ! Sign 1 ! Sign away 111 every man of you , and every woman . You will receive directions from your friends , through their address , which you -will do well to observe . 1 must beg and request of the hundreds of correspondents who honour me by writing to me , to accept my apology for not replying to all . In fact , it would be impossible . I have now over fifty letters upon legal questions , involving a large amount of property , ihe writers all requesting answers , which I have not time to answer .
I now beg to announce to the people that it is in contemplation to hold a National Conference at Birmingham , for the purpose of carrying out what is called Complete Suffrage ; and , being resolved that the whole people shall be represented in that Conference , and being more than once or ten times par&Iized lor want of pecuniary means to back and carry out our principles , and having paid for thai purpose ODt of my own pocket a large sum of money , 1 have resolved upon devoting my time and energy to die levying of an Emergency Fund , to be applied to such purposes as procuring delegates from places too poor to contribute to any Conference
wliich may be called to discus 3 our principles . I am ready during the sitthig of the Convention , to attend meetings within one hundred miles of London , on routes where railways hare been established . These meetings must not be called for earlier than eight o ' clock in the evening ; and the committees of the several places where I attend must- make arrangements for charging what to them shall seem fit for admission ; the proceeds to go to the fund to be applied as I have stated . I will not lose a moment of my time which shonld be devoted to the Convention , as I can start at two o'clock when the Con-Yention a < jjonrns , and can return at night after my lecture , and be reaay for morning at nine .
I shall be at Cheltenham on Monday next , the 18 rh instant , and at Southampton on Tuesday , the 19 th ; and -whatever places within one hundred miles reanire my services for the above purpose will please address me , directed care of Mr . John Cleare , 1 , Shoe Lanej Fleet-street , and then I shall appoint a day by return of post . Now to work , brave Chartists . ' Onward , and we conquer ; backward , and we fall i Tee Chaster , axd xo Svrrexdsr 1 Ever your faithful friend , Feasgcs O'Cokxor . Convection Room , Wednesday .
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It having been arranged that thi 3 body should assemble at Dr . Johnson's Tavern , Bolt Court , Flett-street , on Tuesday last , at eleven o ' clock on that day , several members being present . Mr . Abram Duncan was appointed chairman , and Mr . Campbell elected secretary , pro tern . Credentials were received from Messrs . Stall wood and M'Donall for the Metropolitan district ; Mr . Abram Pancan , from Alloa ; Mr . Campbell , from Norfolk and Cambridgeshire ; 3 Ir . Beesly from Yorkshire ; Mr . Dqyle , from Cheshire j Mr . M- 'Pherson , from Aberdeen ; Mr . Potrell , from Cornwall ; Mr . O'Connor not being prepared with his credentials , some discussion arose respecting the power of the secretary of the Executive to grant credentials to those WflOBj he Was offieiallv informed were elected .
Mr . SiaUwood moved , and Dr . M' Douall seconded . K That those persons of whom there was a reasonable belief that they had been elected members of the Convention should take their seats until they had procured their official credentials , " which was carried unanimously . Mr . Ford was appointed doorkeeper and messeneer pro tem . Mr . Stallwood moved , and Mr . MT ) onall seconded , that the members present constitute themselves into the National Convention . —Carried . Mr . O'Connor moved that Messrs . Stallwood j M'Douall , Duncan , M'Pherson , and Beesley , be appointed a committee to draw up rules for the guidance of the Convention . —Carried . Messrs- Siallwood and M'Don&ll were depnfced to procure for the perusal of the members the rules of the Old
Convention-Mr . Cleave was unanimously appointed Treasurer to the Convention dnring its sittings in London . Dr . M'Donall moved that 600 small cards be purchased for tickets of admission for visitors , & . C . —
Carried . _ It was then carried that each member of the Convention be allowed four tickets of admission foi
visitors Dr . M'Douall moved that a deputation be sent from this body to attend the delegates from tie London localities , meeting at 55 , Old Bailey , this evening , to offer the services of the Convention for the purpose of efficiently agitating the Metropolis . —Carried , and a deputation appointed . Sir . O'Connor moved that this Convention appoint a committee , consisting of Messrs . Stallwood , IFDonail , and Doe can , for the purpose © f preparing an address to be laid before the country , urging upon them the necessity of exerting themselves in procuring signatures to the National Petition , and Of stating to the country the means to be adopted in transmitting the petition to London . MesKrs . Philp and Ridley , delegates for London , Somersetshire , and Wilts took their seats as members of the Convention .
Mr . Ridley moved that until the rules , &c . be drawn up , all committee men and officers be appointed by ballot . Seconded by Dr . M'Donall . —Carried . Mr . O'Connor moved taat it be a recommendation to the eousmittee for drawing up rules to consioeT the propriety of appointing a permanent ChairmaD , and supported it by many cogent arguments , showing ii would tend to produce unanimity , and greatly facilitate the transaction of business . Messrs . Duncan , Campbell , Doyle , and BJdley supported the recommendation . Mr . Stailwood opposed it . The Convention then adjourned till three o ' clock .
AFTERNOON MEETING . It caving been circulated that the Convention had commenced its titling ? , many visitors were present . Mr . Duncan was again called to the Chair , and the Secretary read over the names of the Delegates wbose credentials had been received . lir . Siallwood moved " That the residences of tne various members of Parliament be divided into eenaia sections , in order that they might be waited upon to request their support to the National Petition . ' Kot being seconded it fell to the ground . Mr . O'Connor moved , " Thsr or-iej ; to the small number of delegates present , and they having two important Committees appointed , tliat they did now adjourn till Wednesday morning , at ten o ' clock . " Mr . Powell seconded the motion .
Messrs . M'Douall and Philp were opposed to an adjouri inent . Many country delegates might arrive , and it would then be inconvenient ir the meeting was acjourned . A suggestion was made tbat the adjournment shouls be deiajed one honr , and during this interval notices of motion for ihe morrow were given in . The meeting of the Convection was th « : n adjourned until Wednesday morning a ; tea o ' clock .
Wednesday , April 13 . Pursuant to adjournment this body met at 9 o ' clock . Messrs . Duncan , O'Connor , Beesly , Doyle , CampbelL M'Douall , iTPherson , and Ridley , were preseiii . Credentials were received from Mr . Leach , for Lancashire , Mr . Morgan Williams , from South Wale ? , Messrs . Bairstow and Harrison , for the Midland counties . Mr , Dubc&b "was elected to ths « h&ir . The secretary then , read the minutes of the meeting of the preceding day . Dr . M'Douall laid before the body the address to tie country which the committee appointed had drawn up . Hi . O'Connor Bioved the adoption of the address , which was seconded by Mr . Kidley , and carried unanimously . _ _ . '
Tfce Address was signed by the members of the Convention present , and it was requested to be in-Eertec in the various Chariist publications , to whom copies of it were gent .
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Mr . Morgan Williams stated they had a W « lsh paper advocating Chartist principles , and that he would translate it into that language and procure its insertion . The Committee appointed to draw up rule ? , &c , stated they were not yet prepared with a report . The time for receiving their report was extended to the following day . Correspondence from many quarters was received , more particularly a letter from the Rochdale Chartisir , stating that a deputation had waited on Mr . Sharmun Crawfora , and that he had stated his intention of bringing forward his motion for the Suffrage , in the House of Commons , on April 21 si , and that he would be happy to receive any suggestions or advice from the Convention . Mr . O'Connor moved a vote of thanks to the wriier of the letter , and also to Mr . Sharman Crawford . Seconded by Mr . M'Pherson .
Mr . Stallwood was opposed to the vote of ihauks to Mr . Crawford . Messrs . Bairstow , Doyle , Beesly , and Woodward supported the motion . Messrs . Ridley and Morgan Williams were opposed to it . Mr . Stallwood moved as an amendmenr , " Thai this Convention give tneir cordial thanks to Mr J . Leach and the men of . Rochdale , for waiting upon Mr . Sharman Crawford . " Mr . M'Douall suggested that it would be better first to correspond with Mr . Crawford . Mr . O'Connor cordially adopted the suggestion , and ' the motion and amendment were withdrawn . The Secretary was then instructed to correspond with Mr . Crawford . Mr . Ridley gave in the report from the deputation wnich attended at the London Delegate Council meeting .
Mr . O'Connor moved and Mr . M'Douall seconded , " That an agitating committee of three beappomted , to secure the best method of ensuring the attendance of delegates at the public meetings in and around the metropolis . " A ballot then took place , and Messrs . Ridley M'Douall , and O'Connor were elected . Credentials were received from Mr . Woodward , for Hampshire , Sussex , &c . ? Mr . White , for Birmingham ; and Mr . Roberts , for Wiltshire , Somersetshire , &e . . Mr . O'Connor moved that no member of the Convention should-receive any salary , with the exception of the Secretary , and alluded to the evils
felt fay a contrary conduct daring the first Convention . One great and important object they must look to was , being able to lay a clear balance sheet before their constituents . They must in money matters be actuated by the greatest purity . Mr . O'Connor then ably spoke in favour of preserving a feeling of nnanimity , and . not , as had been the case in a previous ConTenrion , frittering away their time by long speeches . Mr . Morgan Williams seconded the motion . Mr . Stillwood did not see the necessity of the Secretary being a paid officer . Mr-M'Pherson shonld not be doing his duty to his constituents if he voted for any large salary to any officer of the Convention . The motion was then unanimously carried .
Mr . O'Connor moved that the Convention should assemble at sine o ' clock , and stand adjourned at two o ' clock . His object in moving this was to ascertain the fe > lings of the majority ; he was very willing to alter the rime , if disapproved of by the majority . - Mr . Roberts seconded the motion . Mr . Bairstow moved as an amendment , "That they should meet at nine o ' clock , adjourn th ^ sitting at twelve ; resume at two o ' clock , and again adjourn for the day at four o ' clock . " Mr . Beesly seconded the amendment . Mr . "Philp was in favour of the amendment ; it would give a better opportunity to those wh > felt an interest in their proceedings to attend the afternoon sitting . Mr . Stallwood supported the original motion .
Messrs . Campbell and M'Pherson supported the amendment . Messrs . Ridley and Woodward were in favonr of the original resolution . The resolution for meeting at nice , and adjourning at two o ' clock W&S carried by a majority ot' three . Dr . M'Douall moved " that a Committee of seven be appointed to report upon all notices of motions previous to their being brought before the Convention . " Mr . Morgan Williams seconded the proposition . Mr . O'Connor supported it , with the addition of the correspondence being also referred to the same Committee .
Mr . Roberta objected to any committee having the power in any way to interfere with tne right of the members to bring a motion which , at least , in their opinion , was calculated to do goo-i , before the body : a committee had no right to prejudge any motion previous to hearing the mover in its defence . Mr , Stallwood also objected to the appointment of the committee . Mr . White supported the motion on the ground that several notices of motion might be given on the same subject ; it would greatly expedite business . MesErs . Philp and M'Pheraon were opposed to the motion . Messrs . Campbell and Ridley supported it ; h had been found to work well in the petition
Con-. The motion was then put and carried with two dissentients ; it being understood that the sole duty of the committee should be to arrange the motions and correspondences . The election fell upon Messrs . Beesly , Leach , Philp , M'Pherson , Morgan Williams , M'Douall , and Roberts . Some little discussion took place respecting a book , a writing desk , &s ., public property having belonged to the late Convention , which was now in the hands of private individual ? , and which could not be obtained until the arrival of Mr . Pitkethly . A book , for the insertion of minutes , &c , was then ordered . tobe purchased . Jjr . MVDonall moved that a Finance Committee , consisting of three persons , be appointed to audit the accounts of the General Treasurer , and relieve him of the labour of arranging the receipts from the st parate districts&c .
, Mr , O'Connor seconded the motion , which was agreed to unanimously . ' Messrs . Leacb , M'Douall , and Campbell were then elected . Mr . O'Connor moved that , as many copies of the address were now completed by aid of the manifold ¦ writer , that it should a ^ ain be read , and the Mgiiutures of the Convention members attached to the various copies of it which had been prepared for the public press . Mr . Woodward seconded the motion , which being carried , the address was read , and the signatures aitached te ii . Several notices of motion were then given in for the ensuing cay . Mr . Doyle moved , and Mr . O'Connor seconded , that a copy of the address previously read be seat to the Sun newspaper for insertion .
A letter was read . from Mr . Powell , delegate for Cornwall , apologisiug for his non-attej : dance at the morniug tittin ? , on account of sudden illness , from which he was recovering , Mr . Beesley movad , and Mr . Stallwood seconded , that a deputation , consisting of threo indiriduai ^ , be appointed to wait on Mr . Dancombe . . Mesars . Leach , M'Pherson , and M'Douall , were then appointed . Mr . Philp wished to know whether there W 33 any intention to move that a deputation from : he Convention s-h&nld be heard at the bar of the House of Commons ! he had heard of such a report . The Chairman stated that he had no ; heard the report . Messrs . Stallwood , O'Connor , and Roberts , spj ^ on the . subject , and Messrs . Stallwood and Bcesiey tave-noiices of motion relative to it .
Petition sheets were received from Tnnbridge . m Kent , containing upwards of 2 , 000 signatures , whereas , to the last petition , they only obtained 400 ; tius shows the projitf ss of the cause . The Secretary then called over the names of the delegatfS , aid the meeting was adjourned until Thursday morning at nine o ' clock .
Thursday morning , Nine o ' clock . Mr . Duncan was called to the chair . Mr . Campbeil acted as secretary , and called the roll , when it appeared that Me-sr 3 . Campbell , Leach , M'Pnerson , White , Bairstow , Philp , Duncan , M'Douall , Woodward , Powell , O'Connor , Morgan Williams , Ridley , Stallwood , Doyle , Roberts , Beesly , and Harrison were present . Credentials were received from Mr . G . Ralson for Nottinghamshire , Mr . Lowrie for Edinburgh , Mr . Mason for Warwickshire , and Mr . Thomason for the Dumbartonshire Burghs . The Secretary then read the minutes and they having been confirmed , ilr . Doyle moved , that a permanent chairman and vice chairman be appointed .
Mr O'Connor seconded the motion . They bad ej perienced the evils of a contrary system . If the eiected a permanent chairman , he would be able t devote the whole of hia attention to the office , an would be perfectly acquainted with their rules an
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regulations , and they would still retain the inherent ri « hl of removing him at pleasure . Considerable discussion took place regarding the point of . law , which Mr . O'Connor explained . Mr . Stallwood moved , and Mr . Ridley Beconded , an amendment , that the Chairman be elected daily , but the members having expressed their opinions that this would be practically carried into effect , The amendment was withdrawn . _ Mr . Stallwood was in favour of an open nominar tion previous to the Ballot , but this course being disapproved of , the Ballot was taken , and Mr . Abyam Duncan was elected Chairman by a large majority . The numbers for the Vice-Chairman being equal , it was decided that the Chairman should give the casting vote , which being done , he declared Mr . Leach to b ? elected Yice-Chairman .
Mr . Beesly moved and Mr . Stallwood seconded , that a permanent Secretary be appointed . On being put to the ballot , Mr . J . Campbell was elecred-Mr . White m * ved , and Mr . Thomason seconded , that a permaue . it door-keeper be appointed . Carried unanimously . Mr . Stall wood moved , and Mr . Powell seconded , that Mr . Ford be appointed door-keeper . Mr . While moved and Mr . Thomason seconded . that Mr . Linncy be appointed . Messrs . Ridley and MvDouall , having been requested by the Bermondsey locality , moved and seconded that Mr . Pirie be appointed . After some conversation respecting the merits of the candidates , Mr . Linney was withdrawn , aud Mr . Ford was unanimously elected ; the salary was fixed at 30 s per week .
Mr . Beesly moved , That a deputation from the body wait on Mr . Duncombe , to request him to bring forward a motion in the House of Commons , appointing a deputaiiou from the working classes shall be heard at the bar of the House of Commons , to plead in favour of the People's Charter . If it made no impression upon that house , it would make a great impression upon the country , and would raise up such an agitation and create such an amount of publie opinion in their favour as would greatly assist iu the obtainment of the Charter .
Mr . O'Connor seeonded the motion . He considered it the most practical step the Convention had yet taken . This was a legitimate course for them to pursue , and they would thereby make the House of Commons , and through that tke press , an organ to convey their opinions to the country . The press now neglected them—they had a Convention or twenty-eigbt celegates elected from all parts of the country ; they would have a petition signed by four millions of people , and ytt not a reporter from either a . Whig or Tory paper was present . Mr . Stallwood supported the motion . Mr . Roberts threw out a suggestion that other members should also be requested to support it . It would test those who were lukewarm , and they would shrink from opposing it . If this wt re not done many liberal member ^ would feel it their duty to be present .
Dr . M'Douall stated that deputations could afterwards be appointed to wait on those Members of Parliament . Mr . M'Pherson supported the motion , which was carried unanimously . Mr . White , having been instructed by his constituents of Bromsgroye , moved that the word consistency" in the National Petition be considered . Mr . O'Connor explaiued , that if any word in the petition was now altered , all the signatures received woutd fall to the ground ; after some other remarks , the motion was withdrawn . Mr . O Connor moved that a committee of five be appointed to receive all petitions sent to Mr . Duncombe and other * ; and that they procure machinery for the purpose of conveying the National Petition to the House of Commons .
Mr . M'Pherson seconded the motion , which was unanimously carried ; and Messrs . Beesly , M'Pherson , M'Douall , Ridley , and Mason appointed . Dr .. M'Douall" moved that a committee be appointed to consider the propriety of engaging a theatre for the purpose of aiding ihe funds neces ^ eary to carry ohi the ensuing demonstration . The members were well aware that funds would be rtquired for that object , and the Convention funds wt » re not available . . Mr . Ridley seconded tne motion ; the question was thtn on a motion of Mr . U'Connor , seconded by Mr . Woodward , referred to the Finance Committee . ¦ ¦ .
Several notices of motion were then given in , the Secretary called over the names of the members , and the Convention adjourned .
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London . —Important Meeting of Delegates . —The Executive Council having issued a notice to tke various localities of the counties of Surrey and Mid * dlesex , to meet them on important business , at 55 , Old Bailey , on Sunday last , delegates attended from the following places : — Mes 3 r =. Salmon and Goulding , City of London . Messrs . G . ff = rd and Stallwood , Hammersmith . Messrs . Foster and Maynard , Bermondsey . Messrs . Stanjiroom and Hornby , Somers Town . Messrs . Purcell and Simpson , Walworth . Messrs . Wheeler aud Ridley . Chelsea . Mr . Martin , Finsbury . Messrs . Seal aud Poyser , St . Pancras . Mr . Drake , Brick-lane . Messrs . Nagle and Packer , Mary-le-bone . Mr . Cooper , Globe Field ? . Mr . Southey , Westmirster . Messrs . Stratton and JCtmplay . Dockhead .
Messrs . Brown and Pedky , Walwortb . Messrs . Bassage and Duffield , Limehouse . Messrs . Wh-te ^ ides and Bartlett , tailors , Richmond St ., Soho . Mr . Dob * 11 , tailor , King St ., Soho . Mr . Cuffay . tailor , Berwick St ., Soho . Messrs . Parker and Blackmore , ' tee-totallers , Waterloo Road . Mr . Fergnsson , tee-tctillers , Beak St , Regent St . Messrs . Serle and KiDg , City of London Shoemakers . Mr . Wjlkin ? . Tower Hamlets Shoemakers . Messrs . Lan < rwith and Macartby , Shoemakers , Golden Lanr-. . Messrs . Arderry and Morrish , Albion Coffee-House , Shoreditch . Mr . Wynn , S . ioemakers Clock Hou ? e , Leicester Square . Mr . Shepherd , Tailors , Red Lion , King St ., Soho .
Mr . Martin , of Finsbnry , was cailed to tue chair ; Mr . T . W . Paiker was appointed secretary ^ pro tem . Dr . M'Douall and Air . J . Campbell then stated the objects of the meeting , wht-n thw \ wo lellowintj resoli . iions were unanimously agreed tu : — "That public meetings br heldin ibe metropolis duriug thesittinKB of the Convention , and that ibis meeting pledges itself to use every exertun in its power to carry out the same . " " Tnat a provisional committee , to consist of two from ^ ach locality , be appointed to
arrange and carry ii < to effect the above resolution . " Mr . Maynard proposed , ami Mr . Fer ^ usson seconded the following resolution : — " That this meeting se ^ s the necessity ot a general uiiion of the counties named in the London disrricc by the Executive , aDd therefore consioer the plan H . d down by them ought to be received , anil that two delegates from each locality meet occe a month , to form a general delegate meeting . " A * an amendment an adjournment was proposed to Tuesday evening , which was carried .
Chartist Teetotallers . —Mr . Sankey lectured at the Brraaima Coffee House , 86 , Waterloo Road , Lunibetb , on 11 mda > last , to au overawing meeting , and cevcra . 1 members were enrolled . A Public Ball and festival took place at John-£ treet , Tut ; eiihauicou t-road , onMondaylast , inaidot the funds for tfic Convention , &c ; at half-past six o ' clock , a numerous company sat dowa to enjoy au excellent tea-repas-t , which as usual , was served tip in first-rate ttyle . Shortly after seven o ' clock , Mr . Martin was called to the chair , aud apologised tor -. he absence of Mr . O'Connor , who had been appointed to preside , and for other delegates , whose assistance had been promised , and explained that their absence was occasioned by their being compelled to be present at . the' grand demonstration at Bir-Cornwall
mingham . Mr . Powell , delegate for , proposed the first toa , t :- ' The People ' s Charter , and may ii speedily become the law of the land" and m an addrees oi much force and abiUty ^ which was ureatlv anrjlauded , responded to the sentiment . Mr . Stallwood gave the following toast :- " The National Chniter Association , may its organisation tend to reform the present corrupt House of Commons . He ably showed the superiority of that association ot which Feargns O'Connor was the able advocate . and the Northern St « r , the acknowledged organ over every other scheme laid down for their adoption . Mr . Brannon then gave " The Convention and may its efforts tend to promote the happiness and prosperity of all mankind . " He called upon them to unite and support their representatives , for unless backed by their support ^ their efforts would be use
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less . Mr . Campbell , amid much cheering , proposed the followiDg toast ..: — ' •• The speedy restoration of Frost , Williams , Jones , and all politioal prisoners , " and m aspeech which manifested great sympathy , with the unfortunate , exiles , arid drew great applause from the audience , urged upon them the necessity of renewing their efforts for their release . Mr . Goodfellow addressed the meeting in support of the above sentiment , and it w » s warmly responded to , Mr ; Campbell proposed , and Mr . Stallwood Peconded , a vote of thanks to the Chairinari , who briefly ^ acknowledged the compliment ; after which the Mil was cleared for the festive dance , which was kept uy with great spirit until an early hour in the morning ; The concert was ably presided Over by Mr . Stallwood , and the evening ' s entertainment appeared to give great satisfaction to all present .
The Metropolitan Trades Delegate Council . — Ab usual at the Crayeu ' g Head Inn , on Sunday nigh 11 ast , the Executive and several of the . m < mbers of the Convention , who have arrived in L ° ndoii , were present . Deputations were appointed to visit the bricklayers , basketimakers , and hatters . It was arranged that each deputation should be accompanied b y a member of the Convention . An osoellerit spirit seemed to ' -be manifested , and the Council determined to render every possible assistance to the Convention during its Bitting in London . Lambeth . —At the meeting of the above society , Mrs . Jooelyn delivered a very able lecture on education , which ended in a vote of thanks , and the meeting separated .
Teetotallers , WATEBLOO-RoAD . r-A meeting of the above body took place at their meeting room , Rix ' s Coffee-house , Waterloo-road , on Monday evening last , when Mr ^ Tancred , of Scotland , gave a spirit-stirring lecture on the principles of Chartism and Total Abstinence . The Chairman announced a tea-party and concert to : take place on Monday evening next , for the benefit of the Convention , and that Messrs . O'Connor , M'Douall , Binns , Bairstow , Leach , Campbell , and others of the people ' s advocates had been invited . Dklegate MEETiNG . r-rAn adjourned meeting of the above body took place at 55 , Old Bailey , on Tuesday eveninglast , when the third proposition of the Executive was taken into - / Consideration , and after a protracted discussion Mr . ' -Maynard ' s amendment , that a general monthly delegate meeting be held , comprising the counties of Middlesex , Surrey , Easrx , and Kent was carried by a large majority .
Walwobth . —The members of this locality met at their room , the Ship and Bluecoat Boy , Walworth road , on Monday evening , when Dr . M'Douall pave a very interesting lecture on taxation , to a crowded audience ; At the conclusion of the lecture , Mr . Brown gave in a report of the delegate meeting which took plane on Sunday last , to hear . the propositions of the Executive . Tha report waa unanimously received . Five shillings was voted to the Executive ; also 8 s . to the Convention . NEWCASTLE . —Defeat of Sturgites in Gateshead . —The Complete Suffragists of Gateshead , got up a requisition to the Mayor , bearing a hundred signatures , requesting him to convene a public meeting of tbe inhabitants intVre Town-nall , to take into
consideration the propriety of petitioning Parliament , and memorialising the Queen in favour of a full and free representation of the people in the House of Commons ; his Worship acceded and called the meeting for last Thursday evening , at seven o ' clock . As soon as the doors were , opened , the place became crowded to suffocation . George Sowerby , Esq ., the Mayor , was called to preside . Ho opened the proceedings by requesting the Town Clerk to read the requisition , and requesting that all persons who might have any remarks to make for or against the subject of the requisition , might get a fair hearing . He tlion called on Mr . Alderman Brockett , who , in a very energetic speech , in which he expressed it as his opinion that the time was at
hand when the people would unanimously and irresistibly demand political entranchistment , moved tiio first resolution ^ which was briefly seconded by Mr . Clephan , and carried unanimously , namely , " That by the constitution of this country , the House of Commons should be representatives of the great body of the people , but that in practice it is the creature of a class , tho majority of ita members being elected by the aristocratic interest , already more than amply represented in the House of Lords . ' ^ Mr . Wm . Cook , m a very able speech , in which he gave some very broad hints at the profligacy-and extravagance of tho Whigs , at the same time not forgetting the Tories , moved the next resolution , which was ' seconded by Mr . Windeatt ,
and carried . Mr . W . in seconding the resolution , was understood to recommend all men to become the followers of Mr . Sturge to procure political freedom , and Y et this same Mr . W . would not sign the National Petition when solicited to do so about three mouths ago ; heLwashissed throughout , having the imprudence of occupying the time of the meetiue ; without having ; any information to give ihem , Tho resolution was as follows : — "That class legislation has inflicted great and perilous evils on the British empire , squandering its resources , creating selfish and burdensorjne / monopolies , and reducing a patient and industrious people ^ to the verge oi jintional bankruptcy ; and now , when the public revenue , notwithstanding its shameful amount , wrung from the industry of a starving people , falls
short of the enormous expenditure of our profligate Government , such class legislation has prevented the people from sending even one man to Parliament bold enough to tell both factions that the national expenditure ought at least to be reduced to meet the national income . " Mr . Pratt moved the tWrd r 6 Bol \ iuon , expT 6 S 6 inR ^ . hope that refnrniers of all grades would soon be united , and thereby become invincible as in 1832 . Mr . Craggs said , the rc « solution before the meet ng was one in which he cordially concurred , and trusted one day to meet with his fellow-townsmen in congratulation that ; the great principle which it laid down was legally recognised ; and sat down by seconding the resolution amidst gr- at applause . "That the only effectual remedy for the grievances of the nation is to be found in the abolition of that fruitful soUrfia of all
other monopolies , the monopoly of -legislation "; and therefore the representation of the people should be amended by the extension of the electiro franchise to the adult male population of the United Kingdom . " Mr . Sinclair said he felt great pleasure at the change which appeared ' lo . have taken place in the actions of tho shopocracy of Gateshead . He .. saw gentlemen in the room now avowedly advocating ; Universal Suffrage , who a few months since occupied a great deal of their precioug , / timo in practising the most effectual mode of . cutting . off' the heads of the Chartists if they even mentioned Universal Suffrage in public ;
but ho hoped the middle classea were becoming wiser . Gentlemen mighti laugh , but had he not great reason to thr . uk Him who can change heaxes of stone , that a gentleman , who was now staudimi on his ( Mr . S . ' s ) right , evidently * o advocate Complete Suffrage , should have no hesitation in May , 1839 , to perjuro himself in making a charge against Jii . ii ( Mr . b . ) before a Bench of MagiBirK , tes , and the only reason he could assign wa * , that he was a d—d Chartist , lie ( Mr : S . ) saw that their new cloaks suited them badly ; and , as they were not gufficicHtly acquainted with tho principles , he would move an addendum to thtf resolution before the
meeting , viz . the five remaining points of the People s Charter—Annual Parliaments ^ Vote by Ballot , No Property Qualification , Payment of Members of Parliament , and the division of the country into Equal Electoral Districts . Mr . John Murray seconded tho addendum , and the resolution was carried with Mr . S . ' s addendum . Mr . Murray then said a resolution had been put intO \ his hinds , to propose which he was sorry had not fallen into other hands . Ho would just read the resolmion , and propose its adoption , viz . " That a potiti-m founded on ' . he forcftoins resolutions , be signed by the Mayor on behalf .-. of the meeting , and that his Worship be requested to transmit it ,. tp Win . Hutt , E > q ., M . P ., for presentation to the House of
Comifloi > s ; and that the follovriug national inenrom 1 to the Queen be adopted and submitted totheinhabi ? an ts of the Borough for signature ; ( Hiere follows Siurga ' s memorial . )—Mr . Alderman Brockett seconded the resolution . — -Mr . Charles Cross , in a Very pithy address moved , as an amendment , v .-thafc the fourth resolution should terminate with the word "Commons , " and that Mr . Sturge ' s memorial form no part of that resolution . Mr . C . said , why adopt Mr . S . 's memorial ? The Sturge movement had a , tendency to weaken arid divide the aKitatioa of the people , who were too poor to have ability td support two agitations . The Conference at Birmingham was composed of persons who were littlb known to
their fellow countrymen , except as their oppressors . No doubt there werosorue honest men in the Conference , but the object of the movement ivasr to create division—to sow division iu the rar . ks of the people . The Sturge memorial was a phantom , an indefinite though plausible document , that might mean anything or nothing . Tne printed infatructions to convassers for signatures made several exceptions , While they professed to recognize Universal Suffrage , persons who were a burden to the state were to have no vote . Did Mr . Stufge meau by that to exclude such men as Prince Albert , the Diike of Wellington , &c . ( who were really burdensome to the state ) from the franchise 1 Ah , no 1 it was only
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the honest , industrious man who might be necessitated to receive parochial relief , and by such exceptions Mr . Sturge ' s Universal Suffrage mighi become a mere mockery . The people wanted no such pretended friendship ; they knew their own work aud were able to accomplish it . Let Mr . Sturge and his followers join the associations of t . he people and eombiii © wiih O'Connor , O'Brien , and other true friends to the popular cause . The working classes rejected the alliance of men who would merely use them for selfish purposes . Mr . Sinclair said he Would second the amendment on two condiiiojjs—first , that the name of William SharDian Crawford , Esq ., M . P . be substituted for that of Mr , Hutt ; for Mr , Hutt declared publicly
on the hustings , at the election here , that Ms decided opiiiioa W& 9 , that no inaa paying less than £ 7 , 10 s . r < 3 nt had a sufficiency of sense to exercise the elective franchise ; he declared he would not support a further extension on that account , coneequently ft was no use sending the petition to him , as he could not support the prayer thereof : secondly , that the pefcitiou be sabniilted to a deputation from the National Charter Association prior to its transmission to Mr . Sharman Crawford ; But as Mr . Cross would not accede to these conditions , Mr . Sinclair withdrew hissupporfc , and Mr . John Walker ¦ ecotidsd Mr . Cross ' s amendment .. Mr . Sinclair then moved , as an ainendment , "That the petition , be entrusted : to Mr . Sharman Crawford for presentatioand that from
n , . a deputation the National Charter Association ^ inspect it after it is prepared , and see ifc signed by his Worship , and posted / ' Mr . William Oliver seconded Mr . Sinclair ' s amendment . Mr . Alderjaan BraolJett said he wished to say one WOT . d before the meeting divided . Although he did not go the full length of the third resolution , as amended by the meeting , he had seconded Mr . Murray ' s proposal of founding a petition on the thrse resolutions , because he was anxious that the House of Commons should hear the voice of the inhabifants of Gateshead constitutionally expressed through a public meeting , duly convened by their chief magistrate . He therefore hoped that no conditions would be imposed on the Mayor with which he could not
honourably comply , and said something about sooner aUowiag his right hand to be cut off rather than accede to the terms imposed by Mr . ; Sinclair , for to suspect the Mayor wasmijust . The Mayor understood that Mr . Sinclair meant that they merely Wonted to see that the petition was properly worded . Mr . S . answered in the affirmative . If precaution was not observed ^ they might substitute another petition instead of the one now adopted . Sinclair was a Scotchman , and their maxim was , never to be twice cheated by the same party ; and he was cheated out of the result of the show of hands taken at the last public meeting in Gateshead , Those gentlemen who profess such honour and honesty to-night , smuggled the anti-Corn
Law petitions contrary to the decision of the meeting . Mr . S . hoped the working men then present , would trus-t no man above his own sphere in life , -without testing him well first . We know them -only-as enerniep . Let us have a good proof of their real friondship before we put any reiiance in them . If they , the middle classes , are actuated by honest motives , let them join the National Charter Association . I , as snb- « ecretary , have brought the book here for that purpose . Several of . the industrious classes here joined , but none of the drones ; they were not prepared to go that length , although we promised them the right-hand of fellowship if they would . Mn ij . 's amendment was carried . The Mayor hayiug then dissolved the meeting , Mr . Woodward moved a voto of thanks to the Mayor for his conduct in theohair . Mr . Sinclair eaid that at the last
meeting he had moved as an amendment , that the vote of thanks be held in abeyance until his Worship had learned to do justico to the working . classes ; and was happy to say that the conduct of his Worship this evening , was highly creditable to him , and Mr . S . would therefore most cordially second the proposition . It was carried with three cheers . Mr . Williams , of Sunderland , was then called upon to aiddress the meeting , and he Tna . de ayery Rood cbncUiatory speech , and was well received , although some showed some Blight marks of disapprobation ; after which , Mr . Sinclair moved a vote of thanks to the Town Clerk for bis conduct that evening , which was seconded and carried with three cheers . " Three tremendous cheevs were then given for the Charter , three for Mr . O'Connor , and three for Frost , Williams , and Jones , and the meeting separated .
The Council met this evening as usual , Mr . Smith in the chair , when Mr . CrosB moved and Mr « Watson soeouded , " That an Election Committee be immediately formed ia connexion with this Association , and that Messrs . Bihris , Johnstone , youag , Smith , Cross , Dees , Sinclair , FranklaiK ) , Hazer , Seed , Finliy , Sloane , Parvis , Livington , Higgins , Collins , Shattop , and Embleton , form that committeei '' Carried ; Mr . Smclair moved , and Mr . Cross seconded , That a Committee of three be now appointed to examine the Gateghead Petition prior to its tranHmission to Mr . Crawlord , for presentation to the House of Commons . Messrs . Stephens and Binns , Edward Scurfieid and James Sinclair , form that committee . " Miv Cross moved , Mr . Frazer
seconded . "That the thanks of this Association be lendVred to Mr . James Kirker , for his services as a member of the coHncil , 'which office he now resigns in corihequehce of ill health . " Several subscriptions were handed in to the Convention fund treasurer , and sheets containing 2000 signatures , collected in BeUijigham and neifthbourhood--a place that , we bolicvc , never signed any previous National Petition . The gentlemen who canvassed that district . deserve our best thankst . Any place having petition sheets or donations to the Convention fund , are respectfully required to transmit - ' the ' -game to Mr . Smith , Basket manufacturer , New Market ; Mr . Stephen Binns , Chartist blacking manufacturer , 23 , New Market , or to bub-secretary James Sinclair , No . 3 , Pipewellaate , Gateshead ,
GLASGOW . —At an adjourned meeting of delegates , called by the directors of the Association , held in their hall , College Open , on Friday , it was agreed , all / but unanimously to recommend the sending of a delegate to the Petition Convention , about to meet in London . A public meeting in pursuance of the above resolution , was held in St . Ann's Churchj on Monday : evening last , Mr . Gillespie in the chair ; on the motion of Mr . Colquhouaj it was agreed to solid a delegate to London . It was then resolved the qc lea ate should be instructed to return home as aoph ' . as tlto Petition should be presented ; leaving it to hi . s own discretion , in the event of ¦ . ¦ the Convention ajt ; rett ) ing to issue au address after the petition is prcat-nted , to remain a few days to see the-same Jrawn ui > and signed on behalf of his constituents . Mr . Moil * was appointed delegate , and the meeting separated .
BATH . —Mr . Bartlett lectured on Sunday evening last , at tlie Chartist room , on the subject of political economy . BMiSTOi . —At a public meeting held , on Monday Ja . - ' , after a voteof censure on Messrs . Vincent , ami Philp , Mr . O'Connor and Mr . James Leach were unanimously elected as the delegates to re present Bristol and the neighbourhood in the Convention . W « received a long report of . the proceedings by Thursday morninfiV post , but it was tOO late fW . us to make any use of it . •"
DUBLIN . —The Irish Universal Suffrage Association reassembled on Sunday , April the 10 th , at the « reat rooms , No . 14 , North Anne-street , Mr . H . Clarke in the chair ; the secretary CMr . Dyotty read the miuutes of proceedings of the last day of meeting , ami s * id as he observed some strangers in the room he would read the objects and the rules of the association at length , in order that they might judge whether the calumuies so artfully and industiiously circulated regarding them had any foundation in fact—their candour would be found propoftiOnate to
thiiir honesty and their straightforwardness equal to thttir determination . He then read the principles and regulations of ihe association , which Were unanimously applauded ^ by the meeting , v Tho Secretary next road ah adddress to the Universal Suffrage Aspoeiation from the Chartitts of Clitheroe . Mr . O'Higsins rose aud said he held id hi 3 hand a letter subscribeti by no less than sixty individuals , candidates for admission into the association , whom he begged to propoae . M . Woodward seconded the » dmission of iho 3 o persons , which was agreed to , and tue meeting adjourned .
NEWBRIDGE , ( Glamorgan'Shibb . )—A public meeting was held in the Associatiph Room , over tho Co-operative Store , on Wednesday night last . Messrs . Morgan , Thomas , and Miles , addressed the meeting , exposing the Complete Suffrage scheme , and other tricks of the would-bei r' Liberals , and exhening the people to unite peaceably but determinedly to gain their political rights . OLDHAIW . —On Monday evening last , the following resolution , was unanimously passed ;—"That a discussion class be formed , to consist of the members of % ht > National Charter Associatiphj to be called the 8 cieiit ! fical , political , and mental improvement class ; the discussion to commence at nine o'clock on Monday evenings , after the business of the association is transacted . " It is requested that the members will be energetio in carrying out tho above desirable object with spirit , and to use their influence with their brother Chartists in this town to be punotual in their attendance . ¦
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WlGAN . ~ 0 a Mond ay evening , April llth . the Chartists of this place held their weekly meeting ia the Association Room , Mill Gate . The attendance was good . Mr . John Heaton was unanimoasly called to the chair , who briefly opened the buslnesa of the meeting iu a neat and appropriate speech . Ha thanked them for the confidence they had placed in him , and the honour they had that night conferred upon him by electing him as their chairman . He then introduced Mr . William Dixori , who spoke upwards of an hour and a half , in a pithy and harmouious manner on Peel's budget and the Sturgite conference . A vote of thanks was given to the chairmani and the meeting separated .
KNARESBORCUGH . —Mr . Charles Connor delivered a leoture here , on th « 8 th uli , on ths rights of labour . The lecturer gave great satisfaction to his audience . The room was crowded to suffocation . THORNTON . —On Monday last Mr . John Arran , of Bradford , preached two sermons in the Chartist Association Room ; he greatly delighted his audience by his lucid exposition of the usury laws . Merthyu Ttdvil . —Monday being the appointed day for Mr . Morgan . Williams to take bis leave for the Convention ^ it . was resolved on Sunday night , both at the Three Horse'Shoes , and th » WeillnKtoa meetings to accompany him down to the Railway Station , and at three o'clock , the appointed hour , there could not be less than 5 , 000 . persons . They formed themselves into a procession , the two leading fustian jackets carrying the petition , and marohed thtOUffh th « nrinftinal Bt . Tftftfa > anrf hflfrtrfl thflv
— ' — *^ p ^^ M ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ W ~ ^^^ * ^^ ' ^ ^^ ^^ ' ^^ 9 ' n ~^ ^^^ ^^^ ' — ^^ ^ ^ r ^^ ^^ . ^ ^^^ ^— ^ m reached the Station-house , there could riot be less than 10 , 000 people . They opened a way for Mr . Williama , accompanied by Mr . D . John , jun ., to pass through , all wishing him sucoess . He mounted a wall before the open space of ground opposite tfle Station House , and briefly addressed the assembled thousands in Welsh and EpgliBh , returainfi : them bis best thanks for their exertions and good behaviour . Three cheers were then given for him , three for the success of th « petition , arid three For Frost , Williams , and Jones . The large assemblage were then addressed by Mr . D . John , jun ., William Gould , Evan Rees , and David Ellis ; and thus passed the most glorious day since the commencement of Chartism in this town . The Petition was signed by 36 , 000 persojiB , of Merthyr , TfedegaTj Aberdare , and Newbridge—being more aumeroua by far than any previous one . •''¦ . ' ¦ V ! "" ¦ " ¦¦ ' -: ¦
/ MAaytEBONK . —Mr . J . Savagp lectured to a very crowded meeting , on last Sunday evening , on the death of the late Henry Frost j after which a collection was made for Mrs . Froat , of 153 . to enablo her to meet the funeral expencea . ; Pinder ' s Blacking . —Tho following i 8 the money due this week to the Executive from the sale of it Pinder ' s blacking : — ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ ' . ' ¦ ¦ ' :- ' ¦ ' ¦ '" ¦ : ' , \ - ' - ' - ' i , ' - - ' . Mr . Tucker , Westbury ... ... 2 3 § Mr . Haslemj Oldham ... ... I 10 Mr . Wright , Stocknort ... .. ; 1 8 Mr . Marshall , Sheffield ... ... 0 6 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . '" . ' ' ¦ ¦ ' : . ¦ '¦ ¦ ' v , ---- . -- : '' ; ' - ¦ - ..: 6 31 : ¦ : ;
National Convention.
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¦ ; v / : v :- ^ GHAETISfS ! i ^> Asyou value the cause you have espoused ; as yo * ^ attach importance to the movement now being made / * // to bring your principles fairly before the public t / v ai you are anxious for the establishment of the reiga of aiaHT ,: attend to the ^ ^ following address from THE NATIONAL CONVISNTION OP THE INDUSTRIOUS CLASSES TO THE ¦ ¦ . .-: ' : . - ' . ; . ' : ' ¦ ¦ : " :. ' ; . ¦ ¦ people .-. ,. . ' - . : " .. ;/ ; ; - : ; . ; : S ¦ . ¦ ' ¦/; . ¦'¦ ;• • Feilow CoDNTHMEN . - ^ Yonrflnffrageshave placed us in the responsible aud honourable office of repre « 8 entati ves in ' the National Convention ; and we conceiye it to ; W out fitst duty to urgei upon yon , our constituents , the neoessiiy of supporting pur efforts in carrying out , to the fullest extent , the great objects for which we have assembled .
The chief end we bave view is to create and direcfc public opinion to the six pojats of the People ' s Charter ; and , by legal and constitutional agiiationY to procure the « nactmenti of Universal Suffrage , Vote by Ballot , Annual Parliaments , No Property Qualification for Members , Equal Electoral pistricts , and Payment for Parliamentary services . You have decided on exercising the right of petition as a means towards a national end i you have
resohed to draw public attention to your wrongs , and to arouse the Government to a due sense of your constitutional rights ; you have agreed that the record of the sufferings of four nations shall be presented in that manRer which its imposing magnitude ! deserves ; therefore , we earnestly and confidently appeal to you for the purpose of giving us that authority to act peacefully in yourbehaIf , which four millions of signatures can so effectually confer aponus . .
We are as nothing when deprived of your sanction and , suffrage , but when weare armed with the voluntary approval of millioris we then possess an importance which no force can subdue , and derive power from a source of which Oovernmeht cannot rob us . - ' " : ¦ =. ' " ' , ; ; . . .. ' •¦'• ,. '¦ ' ; - . ; : . ¦ . . "¦' . ¦ .:. ' - . - ' - ¦ Fellow-conntrynien , give us that authority , coiifer upon us the right of addressing the Government in the name , of four millions of Cbartistg , and rely upon our tried and trusted principles , for the wisest advice and the safest direction during this great crisis in our nation's history .
We have resolved to present the National Petitioa upon ^ Monday , the Second day of May . Arouse yourselves to a sense of duty , to an immediate and active canvass for signatures , more especially in , those places where the agitation has been less aotiye and fewer ' -sheets filled up .: Let OUT Scottish Slid Irish Brethren put in the Post-office , their last sheets Soz presentation , on Wednesday ¦'• the Twentyseventh day of April . Let our Engliah and Welsh brethren put into the Post-office > the last sheets for presentation on Friday , the 29 th day of April . Let all sheets be forwarded through the Post-office , opea at both ends , under sixteen ounces in weight , arid directed to T . S . Diinoombe , Esq ., M . P ., Albany , London . ;" . "
We particularly wish to impress upon the country that the period of our sittings is limited , and that no alteration or postponement will now take place in regard to the day of presentation of the National Petition . ' ' . ; - ¦ ¦; ¦ " ,- ; - . " ' ' . ' ¦ :. - ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦' . - /¦ " - . Our arrangements are being rapidly completed , and we have great satisfaction in stating to our constituents that there is every likelihood of the trades of London publicly testifying to the Government their adoption of the Chartist principles , by going down in procession to the House of Commens with their record of oppression and demand for justice .
This important movement will call forth the energies of the Convention , for the purpose of securing the sanction and support of the intelligent , organised , and powerful trades of the metropolig . The success pf bur meeting depends mainly on the moral effect we shall be able to produce upon the Government , and the public opinion we can excite in London ; therefore , every man is interested ia the procession of tne 2 nd of May , who advocates our principles . /
Felldw-couBtrymenv our pecuniary resources will be affeoied by this movement ; and we confidently appeal to you to aid us in giving to the procession that appearance and character which the serious nature of our dutiesl demand . We , therefore , adyiae you to sign in massea the National Petition to support -your delegates in the Convention , and to forward funda for the porposes of the procession to John Cleave , 1 , Shoe-lane , London . Let us not be deceived in signatures , and we shall not deceive ourselves , ' as to the numbers who shall be marshalled in solemn and peaceful procession .
The 2 nd of May will become memorablei in ths annals of Chartism , and we have fall reliance in you , our constituents , to make every exertion to support us , which the necessity of the moment demands , and the purity of our principles suggests . Union , peace , arid energy attend you . We remain , ; Your faithful Representatives , Peter Murhay M'Douali * FeaHGHS O'COKNOE . WitLiAM Beesly . James M'Pherson .
Edmund Stallwood . Rtjffy Ridley . James Leach . George Harbison . William Woodward . Georce White . Christopher Dovxe . Robert Kemp pHiLPi WiLLiAii Roberts . Morgan Williams . Jonathan Bajkstowv Abram Ddncan , Chairman . John Campbell , Secretary .
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VOL . Y . yp . 231 . SATURDAY , APRIL 16 ~ 1 O ^ g ^^^" yy % ^ "
To The Iitperlal Chartists.
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 16, 1842, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct426/page/1/