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WILLIAM BYENE < ft Co . BOOK AND PRINTSELLERS , STATIONERS * AND GENBBAIiWBWSPAPBB AGENTS , ya . i t C / oth-Market , St . Nicholas Square , NEWCASTI » 1 > U ? ON-TYNE . WM . BYRNE & CO . beg to inform the Public that they will open the above Establishment od Saturday , 6 th February , 1841 , with a general and * well- » rranfle < L Stock of erorj Article in the Trade , of the beat quality , at the Lowest Prices . W . B . < fe Co . will supply all Subscribers to the Northern Star , with the Portraits , npon the same Terms aa any other Agent of that excellent Journal .
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NOTICE . A PUBLIC TEA MEETING and BALL , in aid of the Funds for the Relief of the Wives and Children of the Imprisoned Chartist Victims , will be held at the Social Institution , Hornsey ' s Buildine ' s , opposite the Asylum , Westminster Road , on Monday , February 22 nd , 1841 . Tea on the Table at Six o'Clock , and Ball to commenco at Eight . Single Ticket , to Tea and Ball , Is . 6 d . ; Double Ticket , to admit a Lady and Gentleman , 2 a . 6 d . ; Single Ticket , to Ball only , 1 » . May be obtained at the following Places : —Mr . Rose , 13 , Milbank Place , Rus-
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OLD PARITS PILLS . rpHE following Letter from Mr . Noble , of Hull , is JL well worthy of perusal : — To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Infallible Life Pills . Gentlemen , —Since I undertook the agency of this popular Medicine , I cau with truth aver , that it has , to my own knowledge , been a very # reat blessing to scores of persons in this town and neighbourhood . Indeed , so aumerous are the testimonials to the virtues of " Park ' s Pills" in the cure of inveterate disease , that many persons who had been quite hope-
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POPULAR BLACK BOOK AND ALMANAC , FOR 1841 . MR . RICHARDSON" beg « to Itate . lhat the demand for his popular Book eohtinneB unabated , and has now reached higher Indireulauon than any other Almanac in Ae ' Kingdomtf- ^ proviog that tho People are anxiowi to mo how tfee Taxes are squandered away upon . PIaoemeH , splendid Paupers , and Government hangera-on ; and , also , how the Po « r are treated by those who plundervBieja Of their hard earnings . ¦ -........ - v A spirit of enquiry is on foot : every reader of the " Black Book . " however bigotted in anti-Radical-
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THE NEW COUGH MEDICINE !!! HOLLAND'S BALSAM OF SPRUCE , the newly discovered remedy for Coughs , Colds , Influenza , Incipient Asthma , and Consumption . Medical Science is daily producing new wonders , and among the discoveries which take place none are more deserving of public approbation than a remedy for those complaints which , in this variable climate , are so productive of fatal consequences to the comfort and lives of the public as Coughs and Colds . '
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OZ . P PARR'S SECRET OF 10 NG LIFE DISCOVERED . A MOST singular document has recently been brought to light , and is now in the possession of the Rev . Wh . Arthkk , of East Peckham : it appears to have been written by the celebrated OLD PARR , who attained the almost incredible age of one hundred and fifty-two years , and who left this document to a relation : it is written on parchment , and although upwards of two hundred y ears old is in an excellent state of preservation . The following is an extract : —
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44 , ALBION STEEET , LEEDS . ] N CASES of SECRECY consult the TREATISE L on every Stage and Symptom of the VENEREAL DISEASE , in its mild aud most alarming forms , just published , by Messrs . PERRY and CO ., Svrqeons , No . 44 , Albion-street , Leeds , Private Entrance in the Passage ; and 4 , Great Charles-street , Birmingham , and given gratis with each Box of PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , price 23 . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and lls . per Box , containing a full description of the above complaint , illustrated by Engravings , shewing the different stages of this deplorable aud often fatal disease , as well as the dreadful effects of Mercury , accompanied with plain and practical directions for an effectual and speedy cure , with ease , secrecy , and safety , without the aid of Medical assistance
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TESTIMONIALS OF BLINDNESS CURED , M R ? &mm < pz ^ im&amte * m <> in hela insert that . lfeet | reat . pleasure uunforai . ing yott '^ hat jnjy EXe , Mv » Jlich I was . blind ; ( throurf a violsnt inflammation , and swelled to a great sizeA is now < juite perfect ; and , atthe same time , of r £ turning you my g ^ tfal acknowledgments for yo ^ kind attention , and the high perfection to which yo » have brought it in sir alrort a period . Given in my own handwriting , this 21 st day of
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ADVICE . MR . WILKINSON , SURGEON , H AVING devoted Mb Studies for many YeaTa to the successful Treatment of the VENEREAL DISEASE , in all its various Forma ; also , to th « frightful consequences resulting from that destructive practice , "Self Abuse , " may be personally consulted from Nine in the Morning till Ten at Night , * nd on Sundays till Two , at 13 , TRAFALGAR STREET , NORTH STREET , Leeds , and evert Thursday , at No . 4 , GEORGE STREET , Bradfordi from Ten till Five .
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PAISIi ' iY . —Dr . M'Douall recently lectured here , ¦ aid at the conclusion of ibe lecture it was agreed that » new Association be formed , - to aid ihe People ' s Charter . GLASGOW . —A numerous and spirited meeting ? was held here on the 22 nd nit ., consisting of the inhabitants of the Glasgow North West District , at Mr . Walker ' s room , Garacube-road , when a petition to Parliament and a memorial to the Queen were adopted , on behalf of Frost , Williams , and Jones . It was agreed that the memorial be sent to the Birmingham Committee , and be presented bj Messrs . Moir , WiQiuns , and Lovett ; and that the petition be sent to General Johnson for presentation in the House of Commons , and Mr . Fielding be requested to support the prayer of it . At the conclusion of the meeting , thanks having been voted to the chairman , three cheers were giv « o for Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., and three for the Charter .
NEWPORT . —Isus op Wight . —At a full meeting of the Working Man ' s Political Association , held on Tuesday evening , the 2 « th ult ., the following reBolution vns adopted : —** That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Chartist delegates from various place ? , and to the men of Leeds and surrounding districts , for their noble and patriotic assertion of the Tight * of the industrious classes ; theft energetic advocacy of those rights ; ani for their bold and manly bearing at the great meeting of the 21 at , held ia Marshall ' s Mill , Leeds . " OIJ > CBMSfPCK . —On Saturday night , Dr M'Douall deliTered a ' most powerful lecture on the past and present condition of the people , to an excellent meeting . In conclusion , he appealed to the working men to stand for the Charter , and no less ; for in it alone was their political salvation . A vote of thanks was passed by a unanimous show of hands , to the lecturer , for his services .
LOTJGHBOROTJGH . —A discussion was entered into at this place between a Mr . Saxby , on the part of the Cora Law Repealers , and Mr . SkeriPgton , on the 25 th nit ., when the former sat down confessedly discemfitted , and made such a ¦ weak attempt at argument , that severad of his friendi left the room ashamed of tbeir champion . A resolution wa 3 adopted to the effect , that it would be no Ies 3 difficult to obtain a repeal of a political evil like the Corn Laws , than to obtain the Charter ; and , therefore , the meeting was-determined to strive for the Charter , deeming the"" cheap bread" cry a trick to divert their attention from their main object .
TILLTCOUXiTRY . —A soiree w » 9 recently held here for the benefit of the wives and families-of the imprisoned Chartists ; when v&riouj addresses were delivered . A surplus of £ 1 will be transmitted to the Victim Fund , and 5 s . to Mrs . Peddie , Edinburgh . Cheers were given at the conclusion , for Fros :, Williams , and Joces ; for Mr . O'Connor , and the Northern Star ; aad for all the incarcerated Chartists . KENSINGTON . Celebsljtio" of Thomas Pai > "e ' s Natal Dat , —The above event was celebrated by a supper on Friday last . The room was tastefully decorated with portraits of Paine , Frost , Collins , M'Djaall , Cisiier , &c . The supper was well aifceaded , aiid several ladies graced the meetiDg
by their presence . Mr . Jarvis was called to the chair , and gave " The people , the source of ali power . " Mr . S ' -allwood , in an appropriate speech , proposed " Thomas Paine—we meet to respect his memory and extend his principles . " Mr . Collar « ang , m good style , " March , march , friends of great Thomas Pain * . " The following toasts were also proposed : — Superstition , and may the edifices erected for its adoration be converted into the tsmples of reason and science , " followed by the song , * Will you hear reason ' s voice 2 " " Education , ratioDal and universal , " followed by a song , " Education forms the man ; " " The memory of all men , in erery age and country , who have devoted tbeir talents to political and mental freedom , " followed by a song from Mr 3 . Smallwood , " Lo I we have scattered to the winds the fetters Worn of yore ; ' '
Tne press , proposed by Mr . Ford , who said when he named the Northern Star , he wa 3 sure he need aot add another word to ensure Jho same honours to this as had been paid to preceding toasts , and it was followed by the song , " The brave freo pres 3 f * * Woman , persecuted woman , and may she speedily enjoy equal rights and privileges witn njau , " responaed to by Mra . Ford , who also favoured the compaaj with " Come , arouse . ' my brave Chartigt band f " A speedy return to Frost , Williams , and Jones , and the release of all political prisoners , " followed by " God save John Frost , " by Mr ., Mrs ., and Miss Ford ; " The People ' s Charter , and may it speedily become law , " followed by the soag , Gilded thing ? and , lastly , " FeargusO'Connor . " The meeting then broke up in good order .
SAXiFOHD On Sunday evening last , Mr . Sheares , from Browc-ttreet , Manchester , lectured . The canse is thriving well here . A memorial to Lord ^ NormMiby , concerning Mr . O'Connor , will be forwarded this week . The room of the Association is open every Saturday evening . The Association here wishes to know from the Executive when the National Delegate Meeting will take place ; or ¦ whether they intend holding office another year . They see no reason why the Executive should nui have obeyed the ru 3 e 3 laid do-vn by the Delegate Meeting that elected them . The Silford Association considers such electioa of a fresh Executive ought net to have been postponed . A rove of thanks wa 3 given to Messrs . Mirfchim and Seal , of Leicester , for re ' using the invitation of O' ConnelT . The Committee of this Association i 3 now very active : they have started a library , ana hope their friends will aid them to enlarge it .
BSHUONSsET . —A Movkkext a ¥ 05 G ths Wobkixg Classes . —We understand that a large Chapel , as Djck Head , Bermondsey , London , ia to be opened _ _ next Snnday evening , the 7 th instant , for the purpose of delivering lectures to the working classes , on moral and religiou 3 subjects , to promote kindly and social feelings amongst all sects ana Dirties , aad to consider ihs propriety of opening Sunday and day schools for their children . This is just acting up to the advice of Sir Robert Peel , by laziDg tiieir affairs into their own hands . What will tiie- Bishops do with such disorderly members I We hope our Chartist frienda will give these meetings their countenance and support . —Corjespoiidcni .
COKGLETOW . —On the evening of the 28 th of January , the Dzmocnts * t tint town assembled in their room , Moedy-street , -when upwards of forty partook ct a good rapper , to celebrate tke birth-day of that great philosopher , the immortal Paine . Tiie walla were decorattd with the portraits of their founders , Paine , Hunt , and Cobbett , encircled with laursL 2 Jr . Naseby , a champion of the olden time , was called to the chair , and Itr . H . SUellew officiated u Tice . Tfce Chairman ro » e aad proposed as a toast— " J * he Sovereignty of the People , " which was ably responded to . Tuast , by the Chairman—• ' Tiie immortal memory of that great phil&nthr'pLsi , Thomss Paine . " Drunk in solemn aileace . Mr . Dixon responded , and eulogised . P&Ine " j efforts and character . Tlie Chairman rose and said be considered Paine was one of the best men thai ever
lived in this or any other country ; he hai risen from obscurity , originally was a tailor , but his superior talents had raistd him to the French Convention , and also to the American Congress , where he met . with those iliustriocs persons , Franklin and Washington , ¦ whose names would be handed dewn to poswrity aa Ion ? as time had a being . Toast by the Chairman" Hunt and Cobbett , and ail the brave patriots wio bad suffered for their country . " Mr . Thomas Beresford eulogised those brave worthies of tbeir day , and prr * a ? d the audience to copy tkeir conduct . Toast by the Chairman— " Feargus 0 "Coouor , and all ths other Chartists » ho were suffering imprisonment under the despotic tynnny of a Wkig Oovemment . " This waa ably rtgponded to by ilr . R . Jonts . Song , by the
Chairman , -which was coaposed feu ths present occasion . ( Great applause . ) Toast , from the chair" Mr . Owtn ; " three fonts three . Mr . Jostph Bercsferd responded . He said he was Ecarcely able to deliver his sentiments upon a subject so important . He ( Mr . Otren > had sprung np from the lowest class , but by assiduity , temperance , and a strong natnral jeniu * , aided by a persevering spirit , had realised aa imme-. ise fsrtune , £ 21 , 000 of -which , under a well grounded consciousness , he had sacrificed to the good of his feilew-countrrmen . What a living monument ol philanthropy ! not excelled upon the habitable globe ; but though heiVr . 0 . ; h » d been persecuted and abu » ed , ( witness the Potteries and Bristol ) he was a man of the most lubfime Christian principle * , -who -wished to
emancipate man , and restore -woman to that state of life which her character demanded ; and for Una he -was called an aiheLst and an ia&del . ( Cheering . ) Sons , by Mr . Jackwn . Toast , from tlia chair— " Frost , "William * , and Jonea" Drunk is solemn silence . Tiie Chairman aaid they were not transported for their own Crimea , but for those of other * . They could not suppress tbeir fetlisp ; bat he hoped they would , ere loug , be mtored _ io the boaoma of their familial . tLoud applause . * ) " The ¦ worthy Vice brgged to propose . the baaltb of aa old , tried , out abaen ' t friend , Mr . William Booth . GtWH -with load bentr of ' appUuse . Song , "The Dushten- ftf Jatiah . " * Mr . Joseph Beruford laid Mr .-Owea -waa the firat foooder of Infant Schools , aad Badftubttdrr mm the createat contributor In the 1
¦ world totiMtttutioasof that kind . He iMr . O ) had Vr » Telled thron ? h Pnuaia , -where his knowledge vu highly agpr&cii&ad ; aad alw through Germany , whtre be foand j ibai ; UiuJt -were appropriated Co the edac&tioa f the po ^ r , asd be wished to form aimiiar establiab-Bients iniiu * country T but it aeemod impracticable at I prtasnt ^ la al rigaU and . equal jiufcioe were iua lead- j ing thaffe * . (^ . ppJaase . ) Mr . Thomas Bereaford © hserred . tfcejjS ^ w tj » the only paper eit&at thatj benfifitte 4 ' , 'ibi poor ; ' bath young aad old received j iMtruciiMlrpatit , * ad h * quoted ae-reral instancee . ! A » ht ierifilt ^ befanipznj were enlivened by quadrilles , i ooe ia paV ^ xniarv ^ aued F ^ atgus O'Connor . A . vote of j thanxs iyi giTea ' tb , the lforthy Chairman , aad the meting a * p * raUd ' , ** riatti 6 r a iate hour .
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STAFFOED . —A mee-iag of the friends of the Charter was held here on the 25 ih ult ., when a National Charter Association was formed , and the various officers appointed . The memorial , to U » & Qaeen on behalf of Frost , Williams , and Jones , was also adopted by the meeting . BRADFORD .-Daist Hili .. —The National Charter Association held their weekly meeting , at their usual place , the Old Cot , Mr . Thomas Mercer , in the chair . It was resolved "ihatwetake tho Fleet Papers and People ' * Mapasine , for the benefit of the Association . " The following resolution was also adopted : — " That we , the ChartiBte of Daisy Hill , denounce all agitation emanating from any party , at the present crisis of affairs , having for its objects and intentions any thing ghbrt ' of our inalienable rights , embodied in . the / -People ' s Charter . '
BERXSONSSEY . —The National Charter Association here met at Mr . Wootton ' s Temperance Coffee House , on Wednesday , the 27 th oh ., when the plan of org&oiuktion laid down by the Executive of Manchester was listened to with attention and applause . It was resolved that no agitation should be countenanced except that for . the People ' s Charter . The Association earnestly call npon their fellow workmen of the neighbourhood to join them in the endeavour to procure Universal Suffrage . LONDON . —To web Hamlets' National Charteb Association . —This body meets on Sunday evening , at ssvea o ' clock , at the Bricklayers' Arms , Cheshire-street , Waterloo Town . A voluntary subscription has been opened to commence * library . Loans or donations of books are solicited .
At a meeting of the National Charter Association , late the East London Democratic Association , held on Sunday last , at the Hit or Miss > 79 , Weststreet , Globe Fields , eleven new members were enrolled , and the various officers were appointed . 2 KXSSLETON . —A lecture was delivered here on Monday last week , by Mr . Leach , in room of Mr . Bairstow , who bad been announced , but could not attend . Mr . Leach improves greatly , as a lecturer ; he always appears to be master of his subject , speaking thereon in its general points , with great eloquence , and in detail with much tact , talent , and plainness . He had a good audience who listened with much attention .
Me . Hawcey and Scotch Chartism . —From a very lengthy communication forwarded to as by Mr . Harney , we learn that he has visited the following places during the last fortnight , wher « meetings have been convened for the purpose of promoting the cause of Chartism , namely , Montroee , Luthermure , Brechin , Kirkinch , Cupar ADgU 3 , St . Andrew ' s , and Arbroatb . Mr . Harney gives a most cheering account of the progress of Chartism in the districts he has -visited . He also details the circumstances connected with his recent arrest , but which , from the many demands on our space , we are compelled , though reluctantly , to lay aside for the present . BXR 2 KCZNG 3 ASZ . —CocsciL Mektikg . —A Special meeti ng of the Council of the Birmingham Charter Association , took place at Bill's Temperance Coffee House , Moore-street , on Tuesday evening last , Mr . Williamson in the chair , who opened the business by stating that several important matters would be
brought before the council , to which he entreated their serious attention . He then called upon the Secretary to read the minutes of the last council meeting , when a long conversation took place on various subjects connected with the people ' s cause , after which the following resolutions were agreed to : —1 st . That a grand Chartist Soiree be prepared bv the association of Birminghom , to be held in the Hall of Science , Lawrence-street , on Tuesday , March 2 ad , in honour of Messrs . White , Binns , and Yincent , to sympath'te with them for the Bufferings which they have endured in the people ' s caase . 2 nd . That a petition to the House of Commons be immediately prepared , in accordance with other parts of the country , in behalf of our much persecuted and injured friend , Feargus O'Connor , Esq . 3 rd . That as Mr . George Binns , of Sunderiand , ia now free from the trammels of Wbiggery , this council do reqnest the Secretary to write requesting him to become lecturer for tkis district . Mr . Barrett then
arose and called the attention of tho council to a paragraph which appeared in last week ' s Star , having reference to Mr . Candy , then present . He considered that paragraph calculated to mislead " Newcastle-under-Line , " and stated that Mr . Candy had been lately sent out to lecture , by the council and committee of the delegated meeting held in Birmingham ; he wished it to be understood that Mr . Candy had not been appointed by that council , A long and rather warm discussion followed this announcement ; it was urged by Bome that Mr . Candy had been appointed , and also argued that it was not fo understood by other members of the council . It , however , appeared that Mr . Candy had proceeded on a missionary tour through the
district , with the concurrence of the council , but without any fixed arrangement as to payment , that being left to the option of the parties he might visit . A question then arose as to the propriety of handing over a sum of money in the hands of the treasurer , which formed part of the missionary fund , to Mr . Candy , he not haviug been appointed a missionary within the strict meaning of the terms under which the money had been originally sent . All seemed to agree that Mr . Candy was a very honest and upright man , and that he had performed his missionary labours with credit to himself and benefit to the cause . A letter was signed by several delegates from parts of the Potteries , who assembled at Hanley , highly approving of Mr . Candy ' s services and abilities . It was thea agreed thai 7 s . 6 d . be given from
the misrio&ary fund towards the payment of Mr . Candy ; the Council binding ihemselve 3 , at the Bame time , to make it zood if hereafter objected to . Mr . B-irrats , as treasurer of the missionary fund , refused to pay any money entrusted to his caTe , as he considered he should not be justified in doing so in the present instance . The remainder of the evening ¦ was spent in considering the necessary steps which should be taken for getting up the soiree , and forwarding the principles of the Charter . A very good feeling seemed to prevail ; the whole of the proceedings were conducted in a business-like manner , Biils have been extensively posted through the town , announcing that a lecture would be delivered on Tuesday evening , at the Hall of Science , Lawrence-street , by Mr . George White , of Leeds .
Christian Ciubtjst Chusch . —Sermons were preached at the Christian Chartist Cbnrch , Kewhall-street , on Sunday last , by Mr . O'Neil , of Glasgow , which were well attended . Upwards of two pounds were collected at the door . BRADFORD . —We understand tbe members of this association will hold their weekly meeting on Monday evening next , at ei < ht o ' clock , at the house of Mr . Goldsborough , Goodmausend . The reason for changing the time of meeting from Saturday to Monday is , because the room mil in future be open every Saturday evening , at six o'clock , for the purpose of reading the Northern Star , and other political periodicals , calculated to instruct the people , asta the best means o > ' pro moling their well-being and happinesg . On Sunday evening , the room will be open at the same hour for reading and holding discussions . On Sunday , the 7 th instant , the subject for debate will be the most efficient- means for speedily ameliorating the condition of the working classes . "
Cockcil Meetings . —The members of the council hold their weakly meetings on Saturday eveniDgs , in the chapel , Long Croft place . At the three last meetings the following council men have paid in the contributions of their members . Mr . Riley , White Abbey , Si . 6 'd . ; 3 Ir . Heaton , Little Horton Green , 2 s . Id . ; Mr . Wadding ! on , Park-lane , & . 8 d . ; Mr . Greenwood , No . 11 Class , 2 s . id . ; Mr . Robinson , Little Honon , 3 » . 9 d . ; Mr . Oddy , Dudley Hill , 3- « . Od . ; Mr . Edward New , Lsed 3 , 4 s . Od . ; Mr . Whitehead , No . 1 , Clas ; , 1 « . 8 J . ; Mr . Hanson , No 2 , Class , 2 s . 7 d . ; £ 1 13 i . 9 J . from the victim fund has been distributed amongst the wives of the imprisoned chartists .
j CHZSTERFLELD AND BRAMPTON . —At the | weekly meeting of the members of the National ' Caaiter Association , ou Moaday evening , thanks ; were voted to Messrs . Markham . and Seal , of Leicester , for their manly refusal to demean themselves , ! in not accepi . ng the invitation of the " Big Beggar-\ man , " and •* Brown Bread Joseph . " The secretary ] was instructed to transmit five shillings to the Frost , ; Williams , and Jone 3 Restoration Committee , Birj mingham . Thanks were voted to the editor of the ' Northern Star . I
Rumocbeb Release op Six Chartist PKrso . vEits . —In the Silurian , a paper published in the -county of Brecon , it is stated that Dr . Bissot Hawkins , one of the Government Inspectors of prisons , has lately attended at the Brecon County GoaL and tpeciaily examined the six Chartist prisoners now undergoing the j sentence of two years' hard labour each , infiieted at the Spring Asiixes ,. 1840 , when they were convicted oT a riot and conspiracy on the memorable 3 rd of November , 1839 , at Llanguinnider , in this eouhtj . It has been snrmised that this is a preparatory step by the Government , with a view to their early release from prison .
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THE LEEDS MEETINGS . TO THB WORKING MEN OF GREAT BRITAIN . ; Hy Friends , —The erenta of the last fortnight bare ; placed you in aa eminent—in a pronj position . Tour ddegatea have met tbe representative * of tbe middle cl&saea in the arena which tbey had chtaea for thema « lvea , and you have conquered . It is net , perhapa , while your triumph ia itUl freth upon your xtinda , and yoor laurels are yet unwithered on your brows , that you may like to hear the -words of caution , which may be interpreted aa those of du-, trust ; but , mj friend * , tbe more I am convinced of the solid advantages you have gained by tbe day of Leeda , the mare anxioas I am , aa your friend , that you ahould not lose those advantages , or be again nude tbe mere injiramenti of othsn , to work oat their own favourite project * .
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It is for this reason I -wish to address to you a few words , and put you on your guard against being led away by the cant of " good and cheap Government , " which , ia echoed and re-echoed by Mr . Hume , and all ot that party . What you want , my friends , ia " responalble and representative Chweninient , " <* bAcb > can only be obtained by Universal Suffrage . Aa to th « leaders of the middle classes , their cry for cheap Government is not to benefit you— " not thai tb » y care for the poor ,, " hot to spare their own poekeU ; aod by gootl Government they mean a gendarmerie to coerce yon , and a Poor Law Amendment Act to keep down tbe
poorrates . To iUuatratethe difference between the cant of" good aad cheap Government , " and tbe principle of " repreaentattee Government , " I would just pat it ^ blB way If Mr . Hume , and the paendo atatesmeo of bte school , were fd be offered , to-morrow , what they calf"" good and cheap Government , " though at the expence offlveB narrowing the present constituency , they would , ! am confident ^ take tbe ofer , under the aelf-conoelted notion that they know better what ia good for you than you do yourselve * .
Vow , tak * tbe other aide . Permit me , fora moment , to consider myself as your representative . I admit that I have my own ideas of good Government ; but , if it was proposed to tne to carry out my views , without extending the franchise to the full principle of the Charter , I would say " No ; " I would « ay , ' It is not to be my wish , or the wish of even thousands , that should direct the legislation of the country ; but the will of the millions , expressed by their representatives in Parliament assembled . " With respect to all thosa who now ait , or have sat in Parliament , with the aole and single exception of Feargua O'Connor , 1 would have no confidence whatever in any ene of them , as they never bo much as tabled a motion in favour of Universal Suffrage , for all the opportunity they had when in Parliament . I do not except even Sharman Crawford or Col . Thompson : with these men , be assured , tbe carrying their own favourite projects is tbe primary object , the suffrage only aecondarv .
Even with respect to tbe different points of the Charter itaelf , you see with what different favour they are looked upon . Thus you will find that those which least concern your interests are dearest in the eyes of the middle-class leaders . The Ballot will find an advocate in Greta—the Electoral D ; btricts in Hoebuck ; but the suffrage—Universal Sufi ' rage , never had a sincere friend in any of the M . P . ' s or ex-M . P . ' s , with the single exception ( I repeat it again ) of Feargu 3 O'Connor . Urging you , then , my frienda , to keep united , to consolidate , and extend your organisation , I remain , Your sincere well-wisher , William Vilhers Sankey .
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THE CORDWAINERS AND TAILORS OF MANCHESTER , TO THEIR FELLOW ARTISANS AND OPERATIVES OF ENGLAND , IRELAND , SCOTLAND , AND WALES . Fellow Labourers , —We call upon you ct this important crisis ta come nobly forwatd , and assist us in breaking the fetters which hold the industrious of all denominations , in the miserable bondage of poverty and class legislation . That you have nobly darud to check the usurious inroads which have been mado upon your only property and possession , viz ., your labour , we are fully aware ; but at the same time we feel ourwlves compelled to confess , that , daring baa never guaranteed to us a basis of permanent security . Notwithstanding all our efforts , labour has been forced to succumb to tbe unholy but mighty influences of accumulated capital .
When we take into our consideration , the vast amount -which haa been expended by the oppressed working millions of this ceuntry , to procure a protection , which the legislature ought to have secured to them , we feel deeply tke . necessity of securing for labour a representation iu that house , whose very name implies the right of such a representation . We , tbe Cordwainers and Tailors of Manchester , have , therefore , after mutual and close deliberation , adopted what we consider to be a good means of obtaining this much to be desired end . Mark it ! we have enrolled ourselves as members of the National Charter Association of Great Britain , and we hereby formally invite our brother operatives to join us in this grand and gloridus movement
We would not be thought dictators , but we feel we owe to our posterity , the performance of a great moral and national duty—the calling en the working men of England generally , to come forward and unite for this much desired object . Signed , on behalf of the Association , Saml . Pehberton , Sec .
33attftrupt& Kc.
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From tfu London Oaxette of Friday , January 29 . BANKRUPTS . J . A . Chalk , Kennlngton-plaee , Vauxhall-roaa , billbroker , February 5 , March 12 , at half-past twevle , at th « Court of Bankruptcy . Atts . James and Graham , Old Jowry . J . M . and W . B . Mills , Great BerkhampBtead , Hertfoid&hire , brewers , February 11 , March 12 . at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Att Peachey , Salisbury-• qaare . J . Jones , Staines , linen-draper , Feb . 11 , March 12 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Atts . Jones and Son , Size-lane . T . Bennett , Copthall-buildlngs , bookseller , Feb . 11 , March 12 , at « ne , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Atts Fry and Co ., Cheapside . W . Morrison , Fenchurch-street , stationer , Feb . 5 , at one , March 12 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Att . Abbott , Bucklesbury .
A . P . Bottomley , Gracecharch-rtreet , tailor , Feb . 9 , March 12 , at elcveu , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Att Anderson , CornhiiL H . Nottoge , Kingston-upon-Thames , Surrey , builder , Feb . 6 , at two , March 12 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy . AtU . Messrs . Robinson , Queen-streetplace , Sonthwark-briilge . G . Frauks , Newcwtle-upon-Tyne , hatter , February 22 , at eleven , March 12 , at one , at the Bankrupt Commission Room , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Atts . Kent and Cuartres , Newcastle-upon Tyne ; and Nicholls and Son , Cook's-court , Lincoln ' s Inn . J . and C . Townsend , Leeds , Yorkshire , joiners , Feb . 11 , at ten , March 12 , at eleven , at the Commissioners ' Room ! , Leeds . Atts . Middlet < in , Leeds ; and Robinson and Barlow , Essex street , Strand .
T . Robinson , Heaton NorrU , Lancashire , provisiondealer , Feb . 9 , March 12 , at eleven , at the Commissioners Roams , Manchester . Attys . Harrop . Stockport ; and Bower and Back , Chancery-lane . W . Latham , Halifax , Yorkshire , linen-draper , Feb . i , March 12 , at one , at the Shakspere Tavern , Halifax . Att Lloyd , Cheapside . T . Lancheater , South Biddick , Durham , ship-builder , Feb . 5 , March 12 , at twelve , at Horner ' a Commercial Hotel , 8 undeTland- Atts . Burn , juu ., Sunderiand ; and Compton , Church-court , Old Jewry . W . Bradley , Birmingham , manufacturing chemist , Feb . 5 , March 12 , at twelve , at the New Royal Hotel , Birmingham . Atts . Stubbs and Rollins , Birmingham ; and Chaplin , Grays-innsquare . J . Bairstow , Ovenden , Yorkshire , Btuff-manufacturer , Feb . 22 , March 12 , at ten , at the North-gate Hotel , Halifax . Atts . Mitchell , Halifax ; and Jaques and Edwards , Ely-place , Holborn .
J . and J . Norfolk , VVoodhoose Carr , Yorkshire , steffdyers , Feb . 11 , March 12 . at nine , at the Commissioners' Booms , Leeds . A tU Atkinson and Co ., Leeds ; and Hawkins and Co ., Now Bos well-court , Lincoln ' sinn . E . Sergeant , Barrow , Lincolnshire , draper , Feb . 10 , March 12 , at eleven , at the George Inn , Kingston-upon-HulL Atta . Foden , Beds ; or Makingon and Sanders , Middle Temple . G . Coles , jun ., Portsmouth , coach-maker , Feb . 5 , at three , Match 12 , at one , at the George Inn , Portsmouth , Atts . Devereux , Portsmouth ; and Watson and Sous , Bouverie-streot . Fleet-streat
PARTNEBSH 1 PS DISSOLVED . J . M . M'Intosh and H . Boden , Manchester , Calicoprinters . —T . Charlesworth and W . Hirst . Wakefiehl . Yorkshire , tailors . —J . Williamson . J . Johnson , E . Germain , and B . Williamson , Leeds , Yorkshire , spinners of coarse tow yarns—J . Whitlow and R . Robinson , Manchester , dealers in lace . —A . & J . Latham , Balne , Yorkshire , firmer * . —H . Slater and J . Ashworth jun ., Hulingden , L&ncwhire , coUou- » pinnera . —W . Whittaker and W . Whitelegg . Manchester , eottoa . deilers . J . F . and E . Greenwood , Keighley , Yorkshire , worstedspinners .
Untitled Article
From the London Gazette of Tuesday , February 2 . BANKRUPTS . Henry Cunliffe , brewer , Southampton . Thomas Keatler and Joseph Leonard Keasley , tannera , Bermondaey . Taomaa Hoakin , jun ., horse-dealer , Thorley , Hertfordahire . George Frederich Kerschner and Joseph Kerschuer , victuallers , Great Surrey-atreet , South wark . James Field aad William Field , wine-brokera , Mincing-iaas . James Stanley , braas-fonnder , Birmingham . Ju *; pa Sbillito , warehouseman , Birmingham . Abraham Lambley , hotel-keeper , Birmingham . Joha Salter and John Cale , stoae-masona , Gloucttster .
Thomaa Trdfford , innkeeper , ^ atton , Lincolnshire . John and Richard Lairton , drapers , Leigh , Lancashire . William Charles Fairclough , engineer , Liverpool . Josiah Barnett , builder ; Sydenham , Kent John Lewis , draper , Tredegar , Monmouthshire . Gaorge Donnelly , hatter , Dudley , Worcestershire . William Blunt Foibrooke , money-scrivener , Liverpool . Le \ Tia M \ um , paper manufacturer , Soleabridge , Herefordshire . Jamea Goldie , distiller , High-street , WhitechapoL
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2 THE NORTHERN STAR . " ¦ ¦ " ' ' . _^
New Establishment.
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 6, 1841, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct535/page/2/