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—W y ======Z ^ Mardl If lg8l The Publish...
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—W Y ======Z ^ Mardl If Lg8l The Publish...
—W y ====== Z ^ Mardl If lg 8 l The Publishers' Circular I 93
Messrs . HOLMES <& SON , % ttonntmx \ $ tt Ualuers 1 TO 1 U BOOKSELLERS PAPEB , PROPRIETORS STATIONERS , , PRINTERS & c & c . , STEWS-66 a PATEBNOSTER ROW , Are instructed to sell the following businesses : — j L T 1 Disposal THOGRAPHIC COMMERCIAL in the finest STATIONER , LETTERPRESS business town Y BUSIN in Eng , land and ESS . He ! urns and profits good . A splendid opportunity for « i practical man . Open to every investigation . rpo 1 and BOOKSELLINO FANCY TRADE . — , ST old- ATIONERY established and , safe business within an hour ' s ride of London . Kent iM-J-. Best position in town . Returns about | i' 1 , 000 . ( No newspapers . ) About £ 500 required . ryo STATIONERY and FANCY TRADE . ¦*• In high-class suburb . In same hands over 20 years tached . . Rent Produces £ 60 . £ 35 Very a year good profit house . Returns agency about at-£ 1 , 150 . About i £ 700 required . BOOKSE LLING ^""" STATIONERY , and JL > FANCY TRADE . —In excellent cathedral city . Established 15 years . Rent £ 70 . Fine position . Returns nearly £ 1 , 300 . About 600 in cash . x BOOKSELLING ) FAXCY TRADE , — S 1 \ excellen ATIONERY t business ^ town and about two hours from London . In same family 20 , years tion . alx Rent mt £ 800 £ 65 . , Returns £ 2 , 500 . All at valua'~ TO STATIONERYANDW MINTING business ¦*• TRADE situated . —An in old sea -established -side town , in very Kent safe . count Profi ry ts about £ 2 , i ) 0 a-year . All at valuation about £ 450 . ** BOOKSELLING FANCY TRADE , — STATIONERY A first-class old established , AND West-End business , returning £ 4 , 000 to £ 5 , 00 <> a -year uired . in Specia cash l , balance reasons by fur arrangement sale . About . £ 1 , 000 Stationery and fancy trade . — In very busy thorough fare , within a mile of the y returns ' rty . Establish about £ 800 ed 30 ( all years cash . ) , Low could rent be , m on uch lease in- , e TIOLE as ^ . __ About S A LE £ 5 oO _ ST roqu A ired T ION . E R Y B USLr lished ^ concern **> * ° . Disposal In same . — famil A first y - 100 class years and . old Returns estab-- y ' > A tal 0 O purchase 0 to £ 13 about , 000 ; £ could 2000 be doubled h ilf miht with rema energy in in . 'I' ^ bnsiness . , ; g 0 J X I , 'ANCY W ^ WELLINC TRADE . — In ^ very fushioimlle cisl prof v pn j" . % ? on * a l ^ r Sout an ° orsl Stock ^ S h ° ° P Coast £ urcn > 2 > ° U ascd . hiiU Established to on £ 3 would favourable , 000 a bo -year many accepted terms " years hi for g in h . , ' [ ° NOOKStL LING ^ STaWoNErY , and It 11 I KmT v incr - atcr , . t - r - AXCY ^ 1 ' ' laCe About - ( no r - l TKADE ^» new est 60 . ° posiiion p . iu ; - ipor cash In trad » in balaneo e town very ) , and . attractive X ) y rap instal urns idly - I PofiUfr Sll ™ jiUS 1 N ^ ESSES " REGISTER for DISPOSAL ' of over forwarded 100 IL I C ^ ^ oster ' ° a PPlication Bow , London to Messrs E . C . Holmeu & Son , ,
Mr . A . M . BTTRGKEDES , ACCOUNTANT & VALUER TO BOOKSELLERS , STATJOyJERS , PRINTERS , dc , la PATERNOSTER ROW , Is instructed to Sell the following Businesses : T 5 OOKSELLING and STATIONERY . — - * -J A leading West-end Business , good main thoroughfare . Returns over £ 3 , 000 . First-class connection ; established 25 years . Rent ( half let off ) £ 194 . Business capable of great development . Fine house and handsome shop . About £ 700 required in cash , balance may remain . Vl ^ HOLESALE STATIONERY . — Firstand and * ^ open class taxes to Eng onl full lish y investi £ 100 city . gat a Returns year ion . . Easy over Thoroug £ terms 6 , 000 hly . can sound Rent be arranged . About £ 1 , 500 required in cash . A good opportunity . ITY PRINTING BUSINESS . —Returns Established C average 1851 £ 1 , 200 in a year same . Rent hands £ 40 all ( very the time low ) . . £ 400 required . A ; splendid chance for a practical printer . STATIONERY West-end thoroug , hfare MUSIC . Returns , Ac— £ 1 Leading , 400 ; in-A creasing thoroug . hl Good y sound connection and genuine . About business £ 700 required in good . neighbourhood . MUSIC town , Eastern INSTRUMENTS Counties . Returns , & c— Market 1 , 500 ayear stead . y business Bout £ 4 . 0 . Proprietor Established retiring 30 years . About . A £ good 700 required . ^ O ^^ LLING ^ nT ^ TA ^ IONEllY ^ ¦* - * Lending business in first-class English city . tiring Old-established . Fine , premises and prosperous in best position . Proprietor in town re- . Rent £ 150 . Returns over £ 3 , 000 . About £ 1 , 200 required in cash . STATIONERY and NEWS , Belgravia . — ^ About Returns £ 200 required £ 15 a- . week A g . In chance busy for thoroug a pract hfa ic re al . man . Kent £ 40 . ¦ " BOOKSELLING - * TIONERY . — Pleasant , LIBRARY English , town and STA Hand - connection nearl some y premises £ 4 , . About a-y in ear £ main 1 , 800 good thoroug required profits hfare . . Ful Fashionable . L Returns investigation will be giren . PRINTING , BOOKSELLING , and STAJ- TIONERY .- —13 usy town , north-west of Eng-£ land 1 , 000 . J a ^ - nt yotr £ . ( yd ' A ( very thorou low ghl ) . y Returns good business nearly . About £ l , (> 00 required . "DOOKSELLING , STATIONERY , and JJ PRINTING .- —First-class business town . Rent £ £ 1 60 , 000 . l 4 i- ino year corner . About position £ 400 . required Returns avorago for all . over A practical man could largely increase this business . zoa Monthl rded post y - Reg free ister on app of li Businesses cation to Mr for . A , Disposal M . Bujrghe for / 9 - , 1 a Paternoster Row , E . C ,
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 1, 1881, page 193, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01031881/page/33/