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a<H The Publishers' Circular March t, l8...
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A<H The Publishers' Circular March T, L8...
a < H The Publishers' Circular March t , l 8 g 2
The French in London . ' Since the " Battle of Dorking " appeared , nothing comparable to that most useful little brochure has been published —till now . Who " Grip " may be who has just written an account of " How John Bull Lost London ; or , The Capture of the Channel Tunnel / ' we do not know ; but his story of the future is admirably told—not too solemnly , with no exaggerations , but with all the vraisemhlance of actual history . It really does compare with the " Battle of Dorking ; " and no greater praise can be given to anything of the kind . In order to show what this little book is like , we reprint an account of what , according to this historian of tlie future , London will have to endure between the time of its conquest and the time of its deliverance in 1890 : — " What London suffered during tlie period of its occupation will never be fully told . Very naturally , tlie "bulk of the French , army occupied certain strategic positions in the suburbs . But a very considerable number of troops were I quartered inside tlie very lie art of the metropolis , and did I pretty much as they pleased . For two days the metropolis I was in absolute disorder . Then the administration of the I French officials began . " I ' This is taken from not the least impressive chapter in the book ; but other chapters—like those descriptive of the I ingenious way in which the Tunnel is seized , and the Battle I of Guildford—are far more exciting and equally true to life . I " Grip " evidently knows his business , and his book is likely I to prove as useful as it is entertaining . It comes out at a I most opportune moment , and is not unlikely to have a coa-1 siderable effect in settling the question of the Channel Tunnel I in many a mind at present bewildered by contend ^ I argument/—St , James ' s Gazette , I London : SAMPSON LOW , MAftSTON , SBARLE , & RJVINGTON , I I Crown Buildi i # * , 188 Meet Street , E . C . ^ \
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 1, 1882, page 204, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01031882/page/20/