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448 The Publishers' Circular june h l8gi...
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448 The Publishers' Circular June H L8gi...
448 The Publishers' Circular june h l 8 gi ^ " ^™—i—^ , . . . i i _______ ,
GRIFFITH & FARRAN'S NEW BOOKS . NEW BOOK BY S . C HALLRHYMES IN COUNCIL : Aphorisms Versified—185 . By S . C Haul , F . S . A . Dedicated to the Grandchildren of the Queen . 4 to . printed in black with red borders . Cloth elegant , 2 s . 6 d . [ Immediatel y . ELSIE GREY : a Tale Crown of Truth 8 vo . cloth . 55 B y Cecil Clarke . trwenty In thi years s story back the ; Au his thor purpose ' s chief to reg fancy ister has a lament been to oyer revive those memories many old and -world incidents spots wh of i City ch have life some been and swept reverence away befor for e thos the e ruthless which yet hands remain of . Improvement This is the mainspring ' seekers ; ; his but hope woven to in enlist is the some record sympathy of trials and disappointments nobly borne , and of a love in the end requited . many THE SONG- OF SOLOMON Crown 8 vo . cloth , rendered . 6 d . in English Terse in Jas accordance . Pbatt , with D . D the . With most 7 approved Illustrations Translations . from the Hebrew and Septuagint . JBy the Rev , ' HIS Curate NATIVE of Kenilworth , late LAND Vicar Crown of St . 8 ' Silas vo . cloth B , Leeds y the 2 s . . 6 d With . Eev Preface . A . J . Biotie Rev . John , M Miles . A ., Moss , of Liverpool . With a Photograph of Jerusalem , and a Map of Palestine . ON THE Allegory Demy . WINGS Illustrated 16 mo . cloth b , y Sister s OF . 6 d . ; E or A , French , C DOVE . S . J morocco . B ., Clewer , ; gilt . or line , and the edges Life , 3 ^ of a Soul Cloth , 2 s . THE CHURCHMAN'S ALTAR MANUAL AND GUIDE Selection TO of A HOLY ppropriate COMMUNION Hymns . Printed ; together at the with University the Collects Press , Ep , istles Oxford , and , with Gospels Borders , and and a Rubrics in Red . Lists of varioias leather bindings and prices on application . With 8 Photographs , 2 s . extra . * * * A Confirmation Card is presented with each Copy of the Book . Uniform with the above . THE CHURCHMAN'S DAILY REMEMBRANCER . the With Eng Poetical lish Church Selections , for the for Use all of Seasons the Clergy of the and Year Laity ; . the Prices Calendar from 2 and s . Lists Table on of app Lessons lication of . With 12 Photographs , 2 s . extra . GRANDPAPA'S VERSES Cloth elegant , and price 6 s . PICTURES 6 d . ; or , Natural History in Play . By T . P . M . With 28 Illustrations by R . H , Moobe . THE CLASSICS FOR . THE Cloth , 5 MILLION s . ; being an Epitome in English of the Works of the Principal Greek and Latin Authors . By Henby Grey , late 1 Secretary epitomes to are the correct Stockwell and Proprietary useful for reference School . in '— Union Athbnjeum with King . ' s College . THE BICYCLE A NEW , ENLARGED ROAD AND BOOK REVISED : comp EDITION iled for the Use of Scotland Bicyclists , and and Pedestrians Wales , with . Being a List a of Comp the lete best Guide Hotels to the and Roads Notable and Places Cross Road on each s of Eng Journe land / , , Population , & c . By Charles Spencer , Author of ' The Modern Bicycle , ' & c . Cloth , 2 s . AMBULANCE LECTURE Ninth Thousand , S cloth ; , price or , What Is . to Do in Cases of Accidents Department or , Order Sudden of St Illness . John . of B Jerusalem y Lionkt , in Wjicathtcrly England . , With M . D ., numerous Lecturer Illustrations to the Ambul . ance G-RIFFITH & FARRAJST , West Corner St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . ( 266 )
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), June 1, 1881, page 448, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01061881/page/24/