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5 86 The Publishers' Circular Aug. i, 18...
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Books Received:— From Samuel Bagster & S...
As a type of the homely lessons which the Author thus gives we may select the following : —
"Work ! Sklf-Help is the Law that governs man ; The His His will wil base l is is and that that gro we we undwork work work for for of what what God ' s we we perfect ask ask : plan : ;
Work with our hands or heads : nor shirk the task . Work ! Work ! that with a boon a blessing brings : The Work earliest is the lot mandate of all created of the King things of — kings .
A all strong tho versif practical y ings , , sensible -which will , reli be gious welcomed tone mark not s only _/ by */ the aged Cj author ' s friends on person 4 b . al
grounds , but will , from their intrinsic merits , be acceptable to a still wider circle of readers . From J . Haddon & Co . — Crisp ' s Business Guide
for Printers , Lithographers , Engravers , ' & c . Seventh Edition . A useful work for the trade in all its branches _ _ sup __ p ___ lying f-- ^ estimates for every
variety —_^ . — of — — job — — — and , — book ^ j -work — printing — — in the provinces and 284 London prices ; also price-lists for — lithograph and copper-plate
printiDgbookbinding , C ? ruling A , & c . J The A A recipes , which t . J , form no inconsiderable part of the book , will be found useful , and there are many notes on points on
which it is desirable to have information ready to hand in an accessible form . Taken altogether , it isas the issue of a seventh edition abundantl
proves , , a very useful and popular work . y From _____ p ' ™ ¦ - ^^——— ^ Mr _^^—~—^^^ " —i . —^ Jolm —^ r ^ - ^ ~ ~ - H ¦ ' eywo ^ - ^ ^^^ m ™ ~ ~~ ¦¦ od — . —— — «^ Mechanics ___ i »—^^» —^^ ^_— _ p ^ f ^_— ^^^^ ^__ i ^— ' ^^_ - ^^ r ^^_— for 4 V ^ ^^^ tfW
Junior Students , including Hydrostatics and Pneumatics / By "W . J . Browne , M . A . Lond ., Inspector of National SchoolsIreland . —Despite
the antagonism of Lord Norton , and his fellow Peers to the introduction of scientific subjects in elementary —¦ — — - —— — — — ^ m schools - — — — they — ^^ hold — -w , - ^ m it ^— - ^_ r cannot - ^ w ~^^ ^^^^ ^^ " ^^ ~^ ^^ be ^ % ^ ~^
doubted , a high place in the consideration of both teachers and pupils , and the fact that this little work — — _ i — - _ i has — - —»~ - —_ - reached — — — - - a — fifth - edition —»~ - _ - ^^ —i ih ¦ —— _ —^^•^ - ^ may s ^ P ^^»^^ *^ " ~^ be r ^ v ^^^ " cited ^^— ' ^^ ^^^ ^» ^^^^^ ^ as ^^^ F V *^ F
evidence in favour of our assertion . The only knowledge assumed as a part of the pupil ' s stock in trade before he takes the present volume in
hand al metry gebra . includes , and The a author few the propositions elements steps in at of of this geom plane point etry trigono and and
matics g and — ives pneumatics _ - , him dynamics a series . , h The ydrostatics of examination lessons — — - ^__ - __ ^^—^_ , - ^_ - _ - _ h in m h y ~^^ r b drokinematics ^ - —^^ statics papers v «^ " ~^^ M ^^ ^^^ ™^« , r ^^ r kine pro ^ m ^ ^^^ ^^^ - - ,
vided at the end of the work will be found extremely useful by pupil-teachers preparing for examination or by m candidates - - ¦ —¦ for i ¦ the v br junior 0 fe
university - - examinations ^ . — — — ^— —p- ^_^^ — " ""™ ^^ «^ Prom — € Some _ . __ _ Words . . . _ * Publishing . ___ . , _ . ¦ ¦ — ¦ ' ¦ ^^^^™ |^^ v Office —^» avw ^_^ ^^ ^^ . v —' Two ^^ am * y V ^^ _^ a m t • • - _ ¦ _• _ ^ m ' ^ _ _ i _ __ _
Rev Cities . J . ; F with . Serjeant other . Papers The author Practical of , ' these by the late was one of the most earnest of the London clergy papers ,
au 4 had also served for some years at one of the Anglican Churches at Paris . Prefixed to the volume the Fireside Rev . is Charles Mr a . preface Serjean Bullock t and had , to biograp contributed whose hical magazine the sketch , the ers by
here brought , together . They form an attractive pap b of udget enforcing of little Christian essays truths written and with princi the p purpose les , and the book will be found well adapted for family
reading forms . the The frontisp portrait iece of of the Mr . book Serjeant will , make which it still more welcome to his numerous , friends .
From tion . Mr ' In . three TJiomas books Laurie . Books . — first ' Eng and lish second Composi . By - Alex . Monfries . —A book of exercises for
beginners ideas in on composition the principles desi of gned constructing to give them sentences clear and to set before themin a collection of s ,
from good writers , examples , of stylo on passage which they are to be subsequently questioned . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " a *
From Messrs . OliptLant , Anderson & Perrier ( Edinburg — h )/ . —* Letter ? of the Rev . Samuel
\ CJ ' ' ** i * 14 VX Rutherford St . Andrews , Princi b , 1639 pal -1661 Professor . Thomas ' Carefull of - — Divinity y , ^ revised ^^ ^ j ^ j \ at -i \ A
and edited "y the Rev . Smith , D . D . with a preface by the Rev . Alexander Duff letters of eminent
possessed D . D ., LL . D a . greater Few interest than those of men Samuel ever Rutherfordwhich are here presented in their
, entirety a . . Among t the aV points * . of *¦» interest . . in connection ------ with -- the _ . _ letters , it - may . be . __ noted — _ _ ^ , ^ . ^ that »/*_ j , ^^ ^
they were all posthumously printed , and that they were never designed by their author for publication - facts - sufficient to account _____ for __ ^_ the
blemishes j , of style which in some cases mark »/» i ^^ them . Dealing with a vast variety of subjectsthe book is in fact almost encyclopaedic —p- in
character—they present the thoughts ^ of ^ — — — one of ___» be the commended most powerful either and for gifted private teachers reading , acd or may as
furnishing _« a ^ _ material m ^ for _ h amplification *¦ _ h _ «* _¦ for _ . more public use . £
From Messrs- S . W . Partridge & Co . — 'War and its Consequences : Economical , Commercial , Financial / and Moral . ' With Proposals for the
Establishment , of a Court of International i Reference and Arbitration . By Professor Leone Leyi , F . S . A . & — c . The object « s of the work before
usis to charm the nations into a resort to arbitration in cases of dispute as a means of escape from warand his propositionput into a few
wordsis to , resuscitate and ive , wider basis and permanency , to the Court of Arbitration g which sat at Geneva with so much success . Any of the
great Powers , and especially Italy , might , the author thinks , take the initiative , and after two States have joined they might invite others to
accede to the arrangement . Whether such a scheme has yet come within the region of practical politics will probably be a matter of opinion ,
but everyone will wish the Professor success in his pacific efforts . The book is appropriately dedicated to Mr . Henry Richard , M . P .
From tion the of Religious the Sacred Tract Heart Society : ' an Exposure . — ' The Devo of its - Errors *^ - _* ^ ^ b ^^ «^ ^^ ^ and _ rfV __ bA x *_¦¦¦ a Dangers « flB ^ ^ Ljm _ fc BWfc ^^* m * f ^_ r 9 . «_ B v ^_ r y m the ^^ A ___ ^^ * Rev ^ fe w ^^ V . « ^ Robert - » - vr —v v-w —¦ - — — C .
Jenkins Canon of , M Canterbury . A ., Rector . of Canon Lyminge Jenkins and assi Hon gns . the re-introduction \ l into Eng J 11 land lUVilVi after AivX a period w
of of L / - Jk A V prudent the UliV . * - W _ JLJL ' Devotion . \* F oblivion \ Jl HU W I SM- of extending X AA LV the JIC Sacred \ over VVL , * C _ JU two Hear JJt centuries t '— f' t hat - - ,
instrument which ¦ w h _ . » T _ the t . liA JLS ** J Tp Jesuit for T VUIVU . snit the -. Father "Rfl VTA thfir conversion UJULV de Ho ^_/ C « . la la . Colombiere r of . ft 1 mnbi Eng VI ** . w land _ re . tno tho of
confessor real inventor of Margaret while the Ma nun ry herself Alacoque was , was but , tho the
publication JJ A half K K . CM * . KJHK / JL -unconscious J . \ ^ -1 IX KJl VXJUVAJL . \ JlM . of _ , > JL VV this lllllO J . XJ apostle .-AV volume VWIULUC UAjIVJ JLJ ' — U . as . ' JLJIUX the The J . LJUJ PUXJ occasion . J Father - uui IT **» » «» of ^ -- de A - the . la
Colombireto whom reference is here made , was the ( afterward UbJ residen OiJ _ s 7 , t VfUL chap / lai Consort / n of the of \ JX James *» Duchess II ) of and York he
it ^<» A was n who . U > fashioned Queen VK VUJUOVLU this scheme OH-.. I . for VIU J the - " .- 'fl , conver — — - have sion of great icai Eng / land ULtDCi , which because k / Dtauoo woul it xu d , appealed he prop hesied to the ,
sense jiiavo of ^ the success love and , tenderness of sfj ^** the ' * - * ' ^* Saviour tow toward ards s His His children childrenwhich which had had found iouna its us way *» j
into private nmraf the / . form < f _ h ymns » m of _^ -P and devotion rlatrAt , , prayers -. r . n of Canon < " 1 « almost nr _ Tl Jenkins JenkinS every
adopting enlarges on that the feature wisdom of practical . of tho Christianity Jesuits of Christ in
which which , , under under the tho title title of of * * The The Heart Heart or ^ iu » ° ^ , and was of their the in resolving home own . of and a to common he make finds it love a a kind parallel to all of Christian 4 peculiar for tno ^
re audacity -introduction and effronte bCardinal ry of its Mannin early g history a few ygj in iw y ^ " * ^^^ " *^^^^^ w —^ ^ * **^^ ^ ' * ^^ ^^^ ^ ^™ ' ^ * *^ ** " ^ " ^***^^*^ ww '* ^^ ________*_^ i ^^^^^^ g
5 86 The Publishers' Circular Aug. I, 18...
5 86 The Publishers' Circular Aug . i , 1881
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Aug. 1, 1881, page 586, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01081881/page/10/