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* . . ¦ . . .. , ^ - ^ v ^ j . ^ - ^ .... .- , ¦ . r-swam gpy- - , r : . ¦ ' : ' Oct . i , 1888 * The Publishers' Circular - \ 1211 .. . i " ^^^^^ ^^^ - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ g ^^^^^^^^^^^^ m - .
CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO . S ANNOONCEMENTS . THIRD EDITION OF LANDOIS AND STIRLING'S PHYSIOLOGY , IN ONE VOLUME . ; HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY In One Royal 8 vo . Vo ( A lume Text , with -book 692 Woodcuts of ) : including 34 * . Histology ; and Microscopical Anatomy , with Special Beference to Practical Medicine . By Dr . X « . " I LANDOIS , of Greifswald . Translated from the Sixth German Edition , with Additions , by WM . STIBLING , M . D ., Sc . D ., Brackenbury Professor of Physiology in Owens College and *** To Victori meet the a Univers wishes of ity Students , Manchester , the Thibd ; Examiner Edition"of Profs in the . Landois University and Stirling of Oxford ' s * Human . Physiolo [ Ready gy' has . respects been , issued of the in One latest Volume researches complete in . Physiology . Numerous and additions their bearing have on been Practical made throughout Medicine ; , and bringin the g number the work of abreast Illustrations in all has also been largely increased—from 494 in the first to 692 in the present Edition . GOUT ( A Treatise on ) . By Sir DYCE DUCKWOETH , M . D . ( Edin . ) , F . R . C . P ,, With numerous Illustrations . Royal 8 vo . HUMAN ANATOMY ( A Text-book of ) . For the Use of Students and . Practitioners . By A . MACALISTER , M . D ., F . E . S ., Professor of Anatomy , University of Cambridge . With numerous Illustrations . Royal 8 vo . MENTAL DISEASES ( A Text-book of ) : Having Special Eeference to the Pathological . Aspects of Insanity . For the Use of Students and Practitioners . By W . BEVAN LEWIS , L . R . C . P ., M . R . C . S ., Medical Director , West Riding Asylum . With numerous Illustrations . Royal 8 vo . CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS . A Text-book of the Chemical , Microscopical , and Bacteriological Evidence of Disease . By Dr . RUDOLPH v . JAKSGH , of the University of Prague . Translated from the German , with Additions , by JAMES CAG-NEY , M . A ., M . D ., St . Mary ' s Hospital . With numerous Illustrations . Royal 8 vo . SURGICAL WARD-WORK : a Handbook for the Use of Practitioners , Students , House-Surgeons , and Dressers . By F . "W . CAIRD , M . D ., and C . W . CATHCART , M . D . With many Illustrations . Eocket-size . BOILERS : Including Rules , Formulas , and Tables for the Construction of Boilers , Saiety-Yalves , Material for Boilers , & c . By T . W . TRAIL 1 , F . E . R . N ., M . Inst . CE ., Engineer-Surveyor-in-Chief to the Board of Trade . Pocket-size . By A . JAMIESON , M . Inst . C . E ., F . R . S . E ., & c . Professor of Engineering , Glasgow and West of ( Scotland Technical College . I . AN ELEMENTARY MANUAL ON STEAM AND THE b'JLEAM J ^ NUiJN Jbi . specially arranged for JtClementary or Jb ' irst Year Students With numerous Examination Questions at the end of each Lecture . Cr . 8 vo . cloth , with numerous Illustrations . Forming an Introduction to the Larger Work by the same Author . [ Just ready . II . AN ELEMENTARY MANUAL ON APPLIED MEOHANIUS . STEAM AND STEAM ENGINES ( A Text-book on ) : Specially arranged for the Use of Science and Art , City and Guilds of London , and other Engineering Students . With numerous Diagrams . Third Edition . Crown 8 vo . 7 s . 6 d . * The best book yet published for the use of Students . '—Engineer . By A . HUMBOLDT SEXTON , F . C . S ., & c . L _ QUANTITAT Professor of Metallurgy IVE _ ANALY . Glasgow and _ SIS West ( Outlines Scotland Technical of ) . For College the . Use of ' A good Students and useful . S book econd Edition Really . supplies Illustrated a want . '— Crown The La 8 ncet vo . cloth , 3 s . [ Ready . * This is an admirable little volume , and well fulfils its purpose . '—Schoolmaster . II . QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS ( Outlines of ) . For the Use of Students . With Illustrations . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 3 s . 6 d . [ Ready . i ¦ Sixth Annual Issue in preparation . Price 7 . 9 . 6 d . YEARBOOK OF THE SCIENTIFIC AND LEARNED JSUOlKXIfcifci Ui ? UK-tiAJL BKlTAlJN AJNJU ifti ^ JLiAiNJL > . Dompilecl rroni Ottioiai Sources , and giving , besides other necessary Official Information , Complete Lists of the Papeks read before % * Copies all the leading of the Societies previous in every Issu Department es from 188 of Science & may throug still hout be had Kingdom , . ! London : CHARLES GBIFFlf & COMPANY , Exeter Street , Strand .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Oct. 1, 1888, page 1211, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01101888/page/105/