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I 64 The Publishers' Circular Jan-is, 18...
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I 64 The Publishers' Circular Jan-Is, 18...
I 64 The Publishers' Circular Jan-is , 188 3 I
! jktart THE < # NORTH ttrmalmi OF ENGLAND 0 tali \ Makers of Furniture LIMITED for Church , and School , AND SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL APPARATUS . 5 . In addition to their own Specialties , this Company now manufactures those of the \ late having Firm purchased of Colman from & the Glendenning Trustees of , of the Norwich said Firm —the of C N . . & of G E . . all S . F Registered . Co ., Ld ., < and & c , Patented Rights . Among the Specialties manufactured by the North of England School Furnishing Company , Limited , may be enumerated the following : DR . ROTH'S MODERN ADJUSTABLE DESK AND SEAT , THE * NORTHERN COUNTIES' and THE ' EASTERN COUNTIES ' ! CONVERTIBLE * DESKS AND SEATS , THE KENSINGTON * ART TABLE , ABLETT'S DRAWING APPARATUS , The noted substitutes for large Welsh Slates and Blackboards known as THE * DARLINGTON' SLATEBOARDS , & C . & c . & C . During the past year the North of England School Furnishing Company , Limited , 1 has been entrusted with orders as under : THE CITY OF LONDON Thames Embankment SCHOOL , . J \ The Pupils Messrs ' . Desks Davis and & Emmanuel Seats in Walnut , London . Architects . : TYNEMOUTH ( Holy Saviour PRIORY ' s CHURC ) . H . . . \ / Keseating North in Shields Oak . . Architoct : F . R . Has well , Es ^ ., MALTA WESLEYAN GARRISON CHURCH Seats , & e . Architect : T . MullettEllis , Esq ., London , SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT . Kensington Art TabLes . ETON COLLEGE Darlington Slateboards . MISSION ROOM , LIVERPOOL EARLE'S ROAD . , . . J t Seats Crofts with , Esq Kerersible ., Liverpool Backs . . Architect : J . W . NEWCASTLE SCHOOL BOARD . . Teachers' and Scholars' Desks and Seats . SUNDERLAND SCHOOL BOARD . . Dual Scholars Desks and Masters' Debts . ! PUBLIC GIRLS DAY , WEST SCHOOL CROYDON COMPANY . FOR - . / Modern M . Ad .,. J ^ able , „ Desk n , . I PUBLIC GIRLS DAY ST SCHOOL . ANDREWS COMPANY . . FOR ) ^ Modern M , n Ad A , justab . . le 1 a Desk ^ , . , 1 MRS ' . * fURREY ROBSON , WORCESTER " PARK , ^ M - ^ l ° ^ . , n Adj A ,. ustable , , 1 a JL j . > esk - . J MARLBOROUGH COLLEGE . \ . Darlington Slateboards . I MEDICAL UNIVERSITY , EDINBURGH . Darlington Slateboards . deSiS A WaterhUSC LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE . } ^ Sj ^ SdSi : * T g "^ ' ° ' I And numerous other important Commissions . j Educational ^ noc + iftnoi Depdts twu Works q i ( Ru 25 & Se rainger : ll s & > treet ^ XfcL Street BnUding irST West s , , Eewcastle ParliDgiion TOlV . -on . -Tyne ; and J [ Illustrated on application Price Lists to THOMAS , Estimates R- , CLI and FFORD other , Information Manager , Dariingtor , will be sent ^ L ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1883, page 64, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011883/page/64/