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'¦¦:"' xi f 26 v The Publishers' Circula...
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'¦¦:"' Xi F 26 V The Publishers' Circula...
'¦¦ : " ' xi f 26 v The Publishers' Circular jdh . ^^ 1 -I " ¦ ' *' ¦ '" ¦¦¦¦ >>
W . WAN SQNMENSCHEIN & G 0 . t 1 ?? ett > # tmcctftonal l $ oo & 0 . Rev . EDMUND FOWLE'S GREEK and LATIN SCHOOL BOOKS . A SHORT and EASY LATIN" BOOK . New Edition . Post 8 vo . Is . Gd . A FIRST EASY LATIN" BOOK . New Edition . Post 8 vo . 3 * . Gd . A SECOND EASY LATIN BEADINGBOOK New Edition . Post 8 vo . 35 . Gd . SELECTIONS from LATIN AUTHORS : Prose and Verse . Post 8 vo . 2 * . Gd . ; or , in Two Parts , 1 * . 6 d . each . SHORT and EASY GREEK BOOK . New Edition . Post 8 vo . 2 * . Gd . FIRST Mjtholopy EASY & GREEK c . New Edition READING . Po 3 t 8 vo -BOOK . 5 v . . Containing Fables , Anecdotes of Great Men , Heathen SECOND the Firs EASY t Book of GREEK the Iliad . READING New Edition . -ROOK Post 8 vo . . 5 s . Containing Extracts from Xenoplion , and the whole of FIRST GREEK READER for Use at Eton . First Edition . Post 8 vo . Is . Gd . Tlie FIR Post ST 8 vo . 2 BOOK * . of HOMER'S ILIAD , in Graduated Les 3 ons , with Full Notes and Vocabularies . STUDENT'S MANUALS . Student Macaulay 's s E Manual ssays , Napier of , Hughes the and Reign Burke . 3 . of * . ( d . George III- & y Oxon . Based on Bright , Student Pauchgani ' s Manual 3 * . Gd . Of Indian HistCry . By Dn . Hawthorne , Rector of Argy ll College is day . , Studeiit ' s Manual of Cermian Literature . By E . Nichoi ^ sox . 3 s . 6 d . Problems and Exercises in Political Economy . By Alfred Milxks , m . a . is . 6 ^/ NOTES on the EARLY TRAINING of CHILDREN . By Mrs . Fbank Mamhw Crown 8 vo . 2 * . Gd . * * A Highly book instructive that should and be in interesting the hands . ' of —Schoolmaster every mother . * . —Christian "Would . Third Edition of The CHILD and CHILD NATURE , By the Baronet Bulow . Crown 8 vo . 3 . s-. The Skcond and Third ^ arts POOLEY'S and CARNIE'S COMMON-SENSE METHOD of TEACHING FRENCH arc now at press . rart i Analysis of Woiidh and Pronunciation is ready . Price 1 * . The Third Grade of Mr . RIDLEY PKENTICKS The MUSICIAN is now ready . Price 2 s . The UTOPIAN . Contents : —Notes No . ox 3 , demy Mr . George . SIXPENCE ' s Book . —Church and Cjiristjaxijt —Tbo Ghost of thb IIoiisk op Lords—Technical Instruction in Germany—The Hkductiok of Cui . mi :, Ac . 3 STJSI -V 7 * S ^ I ^ eXDSS OD ? TIME : 51 "gflctQaainc of <§ x \ vxent ^ opico , ^ Ucralttrc , anb girt . Monthly , medium 8 vo . Is . . , s „ . WIT extant H the . Now It is Year intended ( 1885 ) th tho at TIME present shall Proprietors in future of tblw Magazine a distinct purpose lace altering of its own its character in Periodical to nn Literatures important con entering classes tent * of } , into and readers whilst rivalry . clulming wfth no to existing rank among Serial . tho It more will represen distinctly occupy t no literary party of or clique the p monthlies ; its name , it will vrtH provide be tbo standard matter for o ! w H « ; Principal Contents of JAJSTUAIIY JSTumber : Y Rev rrnon . S . A i . Barnktt .. . .. . . . . . • •• •• •• .. A Signor University Curiazio Settlement : A Musical in Mechey "Whitechapel . . ; Kev JVAhmpby .-HiLDBitzo ^' Fkieni . ' . " > . ' ! . ' ' . * . " " . ' . ' ' " 1 V ] } From Oriental the Flower Giant ' s Lore Point . of , . View . " \ V . F . K ibby , Ex-Secretary Lund . Lodge , Theo-oph . Soc . .. The Theosophical Society . , Mrs William . G . P . AiicilKit iLBEjiT From Shakespeare . Nature and . , the Public , . ; William Sime , Author of ' King Capital , ' 'The Red Boute , ' & o . Cradle an £ Spade . —Ohaptera J . to Vlil-Literary Index of the Past Three Months . London : W . SWAN SONNENSGHEIK & CO .. i ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1885, page 26, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011885/page/26/