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&T\Ttm& Set.
From Mr . W . J . Clarke , Margate . —Visitors to the popular "watering-place will find Clarke ' s 'Margate Household Almanack and Diary' a
very useful book , full of local and general information . prom Messrs . "W . CollinsSons & Co . ( Ijim . ) .
, , —' Acoustics , Light , and Heat / by William Lees 1 Collins , M ' . A Advanc . Mr ed . Lees Science ' manual Series' forms and is one issued of
to suit the syllabus of the Governme , nt Department of Science and Art . The style of the book is lucid rather than fluentand it is therefore 0
, eminently a work of instruction for those who are in earnest . A full supply of illustrations enhances the value of the text-book .
Prom the same . —Collins * 'Housekeeper ' s Account Book , or Register B of Famil B M K H y Expenses rt / This is _^ ^ ^^^^ ^ ta
one of the best ^ household diaries we have seen . It ^^* contains a series of useful tables , and upwards of — 100 — — — reci — pes — — and is adapted - _____ for — — -. any _ _ year _ _
com ~ mencing at , any j - time . y _ , , _ , Irom the same . —The princi a . pal * addition to the .
numerous recent educational works issued by this firm is the series of ' Improved Illustrated Readers / which have been carefully adapted to
meet inspectorial changes . Cheapness is a marked characteristic of the books . The lessons appear to be well graded , and attention has very
properly been paid to simplifying the expressions used in the books for junior classes . Throughout the whole series spelling difficulties have likewise
J- —CJ been simplified . Summaries of lessons , exercises in parsing and composition , and questions , are given , and in the sixth book will be found a
course of lessons on English , Latin , and Greek prefixes , also a useful etymological supplement . The ' Infant School Primers ' ( three in number )
and the ' Infant School Readers / issued in connection with the series , are easy and well adapted for their purposebeing specially prepared by a
lady teacher having , a long experience . Prom Messrs . Griffith , Farran , Okeden , &
"Welsh . —Drawing-masters who are looking out for examine reall — _ y Messrs good . drawing Griffith -books _ Farran should _ & _ _ Co not . s fai Draw l to
-, , ing-Books for the Standards / They are among the most successful of this class of books . There I ! are ten books for free-hand drawing *— , and eleven for HI
¦ I geometrical drawing . The parts are very cheap , || and the paper excellent in quality . | From M ! r . John Heywood . —We have to
ac-| || knowled Textile Recorder ge the recei , which pt of , as the usual latest , is rep part lete of with the || I valuable information - _ _ regarding ^ t -- the progress A SJof
I I ] is textile one of industri the best es in trad all e organs parts of in the the world country . . This || From Messrs . Uoulston & Sons . —To those who
I |] attend affairs we to method recommend in the ' Famil management y Records / of a home well-__ I - prepared jl , j £ - —— — — little book ¦ , intended — . ___ _ as a reg _ ^___ ister of the
I more interesting family events—births , deaths , I marrjages , visits , and agreements , with accounts I of general expenditure .
I From Messrs . Mac rail Ian & Co . — ' A Tangled I Tale / by Lewis Carroll , comprises in book form a I series of sketches that have previously appeared
I in the Monthly Packet . The object of the author I has been to present under the disguise of fiction a I number of mathematicalalgebraicaland
geo-, , I metrical questions , after the same fashion , he I characteristically observes , * as the medicine was I so dexterouslybut ineffectuallyconcealed in the
, , II jam of our early childhood . ' This comparison ,
- however — — - — " — — , -m will » " — h —— a ^» rdl — - — " ~ y __ hold — ^— ¦ ' " g ^^^ t o ^^ od ^^^^ , for ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ no ^^^ ^ " ^ being ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ # ^ % ' that ^^•¦ ' ¦¦^ WW Wt ^ \ . \ I child herwise
we have met , or ot , is naturally fond '" of medicine , whereas a large £ -J number — — - — ~ - ~ —— of — people ^— — — - r— ^~ — are —— - ~ !
partial , for their own amusement , to the solution of problems . Such will find great entertainment in Mr . Carroll ' s new book , and for thellover of
sly humour there is an ample fund in its pages , j Further interest is imparted to the work by the ' answers received from the readers of the
beforementioned magazine , which are referred to , with h eight solutions of thei , at r the enthusiasm end , and tw even o of th 'drop ese , in into the j \
poetry ; while , to complete the number of its are attractions lied , som b e Mr exceeding . Alfred ly B cl . F ever rost . illustrations The book ¦ ¦ supp
should prove an y extremely interesting companion I for both old and young ^ m — ^ J at - many - — — — ^ m a — winter » — —^ — ' — — ^^— firesid ^^^^^ t ^^ m ^^ ^ m ^ ^^ - ^^ b e -m ^ , ^ m
and in the unravelling of its problems the ingenious reader should find a perfect wealth of delight . : From the same . — ' Yoltaire / " b y John Morley . This
j m — —— - ^ - ~ — j ^ m *— ' ^ - " ^ — V is the first volume of the new ^ edition of the collected works of the distinguished man of letters . ' whos — e name — — — appear J ^~ — — ' " s ^ upon W— ' — ¦ the - — " ^ - — ' title " ^^ ^^ " — - ^ -page Hfe ^ - » - ^ V ^ h ^^ ^ . The V ^^ ^ ^ *^
edition , judging from the appearance of the initial volume , promises to be one of the successes of i modern and clearl publication y printed neatl ¦ is hand y bound y in and size , moderate car e full ff y - |
in price . ^ The m ^« edition , will c omprise ei g ht volum ^^ ^^ ^ - ^ ^ es ^^^ \ and the issue will be complete in May of the < present year . !
From the same . —Professor Henry Sidgwick , who ¦' was President of the Economic Science and
Statistics section of the British Association ; meeting at Aberdeen , has published his presidential Method address of Economic under Science the title . ' ' Political The Scope econo and - \ ;
mists will read the address with interest . ( From Mr . Thomas Miarby . —Great results have
James been claimed Wadey for , author * The of Acm * Curvilinear e Drawing Cards Freehand / by \ j / "i ies / & o mi _ to j . _ i . be admirabl _ ji i t i . i
Copc . They seem y adapted ( for teaching freehand drawing . The series comprises seven sets , and each set consists of thirty '
cards containing the same pair of designs . ' From first Messrs volum . e Kegan of the Paul Avon , Trenen edition , of & Shakspere Oa .-r-Tlie ;
promises well for the success of the work . It is ; compact and neat in form , and is printed with remarkable clearness upon a fine quality of paper . ,
Volume I . contains * The Tempest / ' Two Gentle- ! men of Verona / 'Merry Wives of Windsor , ' . and i ' Measure for Measure . ' The editor says ; ' Tho
text of the present edition of Shakspere ' s works ¦ < 1 reading is mainly is th adopted at of Delius some . good Wherever and recognised a variant
Shaksperian critic has been followed . In no case i is a new rendering of the text proposed ; nor has I it been thought necessary to distract the reader ' s I
attention by notes or comments . ' [ From Messrs . George Philip & Son . — '
Healthful Exercises for Grirls / byA . Alexander , Director of the Liverpool Gymnasium . This is a little volume ¦¦ - ¦ which - is sure to have a large share of
success - — -- , the author - having succeeded in putting , together in a practical form a large number ' of instructions .- ^ , — for _ exercises in calisthenicsan .. 4 ptf j ^ r
movements , _ ^ - suitable for the physical , p training ^ ^ ^ ^^ of g the irls pencil . Every of Miss page Gisborne has usefu a l illustration member ofl s one r from of
the author ' s ladies' classes . , From the same . —Philip ' s School Series—in the
' branch of . Historical Eeaders—has supplied a capital text-book entitled * Early Ecgland , ' from the earliest times to tho accession of I
jan . 15 , 1886 ^ . The Publishers' Circular i | - _ _ . _ ... - ; I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 15, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/17/