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»ipii^^ % I 2& The Publishers* Circular ...
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»Ipii^^ % I 2& The Publishers* Circular ...
» ipii ^^ % I 2 & The Publishers * Circular jan . 15 , isss
Walter Scotts List . | THE CANTERBURY POETS . ! NEW EDITION" OF THE POETS . In Sethwo Monthly Volumes . 1 Suitable ¦ for College ¦ , School , and ¦ pthep Presentati .. ons . ... r . I EMERSON . Handsrmely Editedwith bound Introduction in cloth , rod edgp and 'I s . Note Now s ready b Waxter Lewin . , , y Volumes already issued . : KEBLE'S CHRISTIAN YEAR . BURNS . Two Vols . 1 * . each . Edited by < i . COLERIDGE SHELLEY Joseph Skipsey . . . With With Introductory Introductory Essay Essay b b y y Joseph Vol VoL . 2 . Skipsey Songs Poems , . with with Critical Biographical Estimate Notice . . Joseph Skipsby . MARLOWE . With Introductory Essay by B ot LONGFELLOW LAKE Y ^ . w With tOSB ut : PH . Introduction . With a ?• Pre , Biographical t fa > - tory Notice 1- i and b a y KEATS Percs Hogben E . . . Phtcierton With Introductory . With Sketch Introduction by John-CAMPBELL ^ A ^ r ? ni ? fT . With wvK % Prefatory *« . Kotice * r r b C y GEORGE by Ebntest HERBERT rhys . ! WORdIwORTH POE by . Prefatory . Symingto Notice n . F . RJ With 3 . by N , A Joseph . Introductory Skipsey Essay . , , VICTOR COWPER i . 25 « . HUGO ,,, t Edi ~^ ted . , Translated m with Introduction , * . i and Ed t ^ , b ited * y Ev b y * ! WHITTI CHATTERTON ER . Ed . ited With by Eva Biographical Hope . and SHAKESPEARE Dean Cabdington . : Songs , Poems and Sonnets . Critical Introduction by John Richmond . Edited , with Introductory Essay , by William Sharp . Meudy January 25 , 1886 . SONNETS OF THIS CENTURY : ; With an Exhaustive and Critical Essay on the Sonnet , by Wiixiam Sharp . BEING THE FEBRUARY VOL . OF THE CANTERBURY POETS . Sonnets Archbishop Edmu by nd Lord Gosse Trench Tennyson , And , J rew . , Addington Robert Lang , B George rowning Symonds Meredith , A , . W C . . Bell , Swinburne Cardinal Scott , , Chri N M ewman atthew stina ; by Ar s nold ett the , , late Edward Theodore Dante D Gabriel owden Watts , , Rossetti , Mrs . Barrett Browning , Charles Tennyson-Turner , & c , and all the best Writers of the Century . To be folio-wed by WALT WHITMAN . Edited by Ernest Bhts , and published by special arrangement with the Author . . Any of the above may be had in red roan , gilt edges , price Is . 6 d . ; or in silk plush ., price 4 « . 6 d . bIST OF ELEGANT fRESENTATION BOOKS . Suitable fop Birthday Presents , Sehool Prizes , & e . & e . Price 2 s . 6 d . each , or gilt edges , 3 * . Life Life a & nd Times Work of of W Lord . E . Gl Beaconsfi adstone , eld lbwis . 3 apjohn > itto . . Famous Engineers of the Nineteenth Cen p . layso tury n . Life Life Lire Life of of oi of fochard General rticnara Tnhn ~ hJi Brio Gordon v Cobden - hr ooaen . . . Author of- Lkwis t Grace ™^« a Darling T Apjohn « t , .- , The tm Tales Memorable , « Youn xr « " » < * Sketches . SlUpwreckS Woman \ xt ^~*~~* s of Fnend tr . the - ;^^ JJANIEIi C a . ovenanters L J . F CDDY . Laysox . I / . . V t - - f r ^ r r 2 o \~ - T k L lX ? ^ 5 ! n ^ tone 4- - Ho WILLIAM ward J- » Beckett obkewok Walters . . . Th Christian The Young Heroines ^ Man ' s . Friend . Daniel Daniel C C . . Ebdy Eddy , , D D . . D D . . t Mt Iff 5 WOrW wnHH ?«; H HCr ° eS : !^ i An ( ^\ ? ™ ' Ethel Elflah e Angels , L * Desert * Whispers 5 « The Prophet . kersha . dan Kev ^ l . H c Ten . . ebdy T . howat , d . d . . i ^ ^ SSSi ^ , , pen ^ i • - —_—__— _ ., — Fortieth Thousand , paper cover , crown 8 vo . 405 pp . I * . ; postage Zd . extra . vigour Echo ol . the — The sketches author ' s pen Some po 8 forma B THE « eaaea of the c » nt same WORLD are mercilessly kind of power but OF faithfully as " Ape CANT V represen pencil . ted . ' We can bear trlbate to the injustices Scotsman . — encouraged A vigorous under , clever religious , and almost pretext ferociou . " s exposure , in the form of a atory , of the numerous ahama and } NEWCASTLE TOWN : an A Crown ccount of . cloth its Rise gilt , price and 7 Progress s . 6 d . , its Struggles and Triumphs , and ite Ending . By R . J " . Oharleton . With Illustrations by K . Jobuno . Now ready , post quarto , price 6 d . ! THE mader at menced tbe LADIES the sa at me variou any time time ' s wi NATIONAL . th Compiled such amount on new of HOUSEKEEPER classified lines , bo order that as the will ordinary enable 'S any outlay BOOK housewife and . income For to see can any at be a year gL readily & nce ; can what entered be is com spent , and - headings . I 24 WARWICK LANE , PATERNOSTER ROW .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 28, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/30/