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jan . 15 , 1886 The Publishers' Circular 35 ;
GRIFF / TH , FA RRAN , & CO . 'S EDUGA TIONA L SERIES . T . S . CAYZER'S INSPECTORS' ASSISTANTS . One Thousand . Arithmetical Tests ; Key , with Solutions of all the Exor a nov , the el arrangement Examiner's Assistant of the subj . Specially ect , for Examination adapted , by amples Price 4 , ? . in 6 d . the cloth One . Thousand Arithmetical' Tests . Cloth Purposes With a 1 j complete » . , 6 but d . als set o suited of Examples for general and Models use in of Schools Work . . Th ine ANSWERS . NSWims onI onlv y > P Brice rice , , - b Gd « - clotil c ] oth - tion Forty All Papers Heads the , opera , a aud complete tion on s opening of Arithmetic of at examples any one are appears of presented the Examina carefully under - ^ Onfi . ^ o T " h aTsvo « nn 5 j ^ o « -u nnrl . ov ^ . Al c & ^ uu RYrrninal ! ^& , 0 . ut » . T ^ ato ' nn graduated . I Answers to the Algebraical Tests , 2 s . 6 d . cloth . DARNELL ' S UNIVERSAL TWOPENNY COPY-BOOKS . ITEST EXERCISES IN ARITHMETIC AND IN MENTAL ARITHMETIC . Mundell A Series a Code of , and Seven in accordance Packets of with Duplex the revised Cards for instructions the Seven issued Standard to H . s M , . founded Inspectors on of the Schools latest . requirements of the p rioe One Shilling per "Packet of Thirty Cards . EXERCISES IN 'ENGLISH . ' Including Questions By in HENRY Analysis , ULLY Parsing ETT , Grammar , £ . Sc , St , S . pelling Mnry ' s , S P refixes hool , Folkestone , Suffixes , . Word-building , & c . Price One Shilling each Packet . DICTATION EXERCISES . ft rades A Graduated and for Students Collection preparing extracted for Civil for the Service most , Ox part f ord from artrt Cambridge the Works Loca of Standard l , and other Authors Examinations , for use . in Cloth Schools 2 s . 6 of d . all , COMPOSITION EXERCISES . Leaves from an Inspector's Note-Boole . Cloth , Is . RECITATIONS FOR INFANTS' SCHOOLS . Compiled by WiLHEtMTNA L . Rooper , Author of ' Chats with the Children . ' Fcp . 8 vo . cloth , turned in , price 9 d . INFANTS' SCHOOL DRILL . With Music . Arranged by Winifred Wilson . Price Is . 6 d . A KINDERGARTEN DRAWING BOOK . Compiled by T . G . Roopek . Two Hundred Blackboard Drawing Exercises for Infants' Classes . Price Is . 6 d . ACTION SONGS FOR INFANTS' SCHOOLS , including Nursery for Rhymes Infants set ' to Musical Music Enterta by Arthur i nments Jakratt , arranged ; together by Wilhexmina with G-ames L , . Action Roopeh Songs . Price , Marches 2 s . 6 d . , and appropriate Songs EASY RECITATIONS AND DIALOGUES FOR JUNIOR CLASSES . Price Is . id . INFANTS' DRAWING BOOKS . A Varied Occupation . List of Bodes in the s Book * ries : I Price . Vertical Twopence and Horizontal each Lines - of varying lengths , in Combination . , . TIT II . , ., , . , , . „ witl 1 Obli .. que Lanes ,. draw .. n at angles various of . ingles 45 degrees . . i DRAWING BOOKS . subject A Complete of tbe Education Series of Code Freehand . and Geometry Drawing Books , designed to meet the requirements of the new class of these The subjects Series consist issued s by of Nine tbe Education Books of Freehand Department and . Eleven Books of Geometry , embracing the whole of tlie syllabus Each book contains the neoessary instruction for the clear understanding of the subjects , examples with directions for working They them are self , and -explanatory space for tbe , and pupil the 's pu practice pil using . them will need very little supplementary aid from his teacher . The Contents of the Scries are : — FEBEHAND . Twopence each . Book I . Lines , AngleB , Parallels , SimpleJlight-lineil Forms | Book 8 V . and VI . Familiar Symmetrical Objects of the , „ , III IV II . . . Simpl More Simple Lines e advanced , R form Com ight binations ing -lined 1 familiar Combinations Forms of Symmetrical . Straigh of t and Figures h Curved t and . j „ VII IX . . Department Home and and . VTIT X . . . Common Stage II . of the Science in Li and and Art „ Curved Lines , forming Symmetrical Straig Figures . I , ,, Shade . Objects ght GEOMETRY . Nos . I . to VIII ., Twopence ; IX . to XL , Threepence each . flook I . Lines with , Rulers Angles . , Parallels , and Triangles drawn Book V VII III . . Inscri Proportionals bed and ond Descri Areas bed . Figures . , „ , III II . . Lines Simple and Geometrical Angles drawn Figures with drawn UompasKCS with . Rulers . „ „ IX . Figures Simple and Scales Rectangular , Plans and SolidH Elevations . of Plane „ „ IV V . . Tri Drawing angles to , Quadrilate Scale . rals . Circlos , and Tangents . | „ X . Rectangular Plans and Solids Elevations , with Sections of Plane . Plgurea and ,, VI . Polygons Figures . , Ellipses , Inscribed and Described j ' „ XI . . Sections Plans and . Elevations of Circular Solids and Notic . —The Infants are adopted ' Drawing and Books recommended , tho Freehand for use Drawing by the Science Hooks , and I .-TV Art . ; Department and the Geometry , fife Form Drawing 30 . Hooka , I .-XI . ; GRIFFITH , FARKAN , OKKDEN , < fc WKLNH , West Corner St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 35, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/37/