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\ f ff\ jan. is, " . - 1886 . ¦ ¦ -'¦•- ...
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\ F Ff\ Jan. Is, " . - 1886 . ¦ ¦ -'¦•- ...
\ f ff \ jan . is , . - 1886 . ¦ ¦ - ' ¦• - ¦¦¦ - ¦ \ - - . ¦ - ¦ -- . - ¦ v ' . v--- ' - ' ' ' ^ The . ¦ -. ¦!»;;«¦ . ¦ ,-.. ¦ -. ; ¦ ¦ Publish ¦¦ - .- - ¦ .,. :, , - -t . > J . , . ; .. , v ers \ . . j . . . , > - ' >; , ^ Circular 1 . , , . . . . ;¦ . - ' i i- ¦ . ! . >¦' . ¦ -. -. - ¦ . > ' ' ^ V vvV ^ y \ i ; . w i ; " < -.- ' . ^ . vnV ' : ' ' ^ ' / --Ji »^ ' ^ " ' 55 -j ;
CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO / S PUBLICATIONS . In the press . Crown 8 vo . cloth , uniform with ' Cnittwell ' s Roman Literature . ' A HISTORY OF CREEK LITERATURE , From the Earliest rimes to the Death of Demosthenes . By FRANK B . JEVONS , M . A . University of Durham , sometime Scholar of Wadham College , Oxford . Will shortly "be published . Price 7 s . 6 d . THIBD ANITOAIj ISSUE . YEAE-BOOK OP THE SCIENTIFIC AM ) LEAMED SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND . Compiled , from , Official Sources . throu # g * hout The the ISSUE Kingdom for 1886 . gives lists of the Papers read before or published by all the leading Societies subject It goes would almost be in without time one saying of the that most a Handbook generally of useful this Affords Science . an opportunity a hanrthook of of reference ascertaining it 4 s the invaluable ProgfreSs . ' of * book ¦ m ^ * m T s he for mm Year ^ the m ~ library mm -Boo Z T ™* k ^ or " of Tr the " Societies ™ desk """™ . 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'D e . , able ' ' The for work furnishing is very a complete useful , and and reliable likely to outli prove ne invalu of the - Queen ' s College , Belfast . subjects treated of . *—Mi . mwo Jouu . val . London : CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO ., Exeter Street , Strand .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 55, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/57/