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Jan. 15,1886 The Publishers' Circular 69
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Jan. 15,1886 The Publishers' Circular 69
Jan . 15 , 1886 The Publishers' Circular 69
NEW PUB LIC A TION S . CORNELIUS Montrose Academy NEPOS . Post 8 vo . cloth Edited , 3 * . , with . complete Vocabulary , by James Stobo , M . A ., Rector of AESCHlNE one of the Classical S IN CTESIP ters in the Edinburgh HONTEM High . School Translate . Post d , wi . cloth th Introduction , 3 $ . 6 d . by John Edgab -i , M . A ., I EXTRACTS FROM MARTIAL . For the Use of the Humanity Classes in the Universities of Edinburgh Post 870 . cloth and , Glasgow 192 pp . 3 . * . 6 "With d . an Introduction by W . T . Seller , Professor of Humanity , University of Edinburgh . \ UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY . i . THE DISSECTION OF THE PROG . By J . Cossab Ewart , M . D ., Regius Professor of Natural History . 4 to . limp cloth , 1 * . 6 d . II . DIRECTIONS MOECIUM , VORTICBLDA FOR HYDRA THE LTTMBRICTTS EXAMINATION , HIR . UDO , ASTER OF IAS and AMOEBA ECHINUS . , FARA J . Cossab - Bwabt , M . D ., Begins Professor of Natural History . 4 to . limp clotii , 1 * . 6 < i . I PRIMARY II . DIRECTIONS and MUSSEL INS TRUCTION By J FOR . Gossar THE Ewart IN M EXAMINATION RELATION . D ., Regius Professor TO of Natural EDUCATION OF History THE . 4 to . SNAII limp . , By cloth . S , . S S . Laitbib 6 LUG d . , , HANDB Professor OOK , Institution TO Education LECTURES , University ON of Edinburgh EDUCATION . Third Edition . , Revi By S . Post S . Latjrib vo . 250 pp , Professor 3 * . 6 d . , 'full Institution of thought of , and Education worthy , University the careful of consideration Edinburgh . of Third all Teachers Edition . ' , — Enlarged Educational . 8 vo . Times cloth . , 2 s . ELEMENTARY cellaneous Mathematics Questions in the . University DYNAMICS By James of Blaise Edinburgh , ( M MECHANICS . . A This ., Fello book w , of has Gonville been ) , specially and With Oaius prepared nu College merou for , s Cambridge Schools Exampl and es , Exa and University miner Mis of - Examinations . Eleventh Edition , Enlarged . Crown 8 vo . 35 . 6 d . CONTINUOU Classical Authors , Master with an , S Grammar Introduction LATIN School of PROSE , Aberdeen Difficult . Constructions . Third Exercises Edition , Style , partl Post , Order y Idiomatic vo . of 3 j Words . 6 rf . , partl & o . y Selected James More from , M . Eng A ., Head lish c Quite the best exercise-book of the kind that we have seen . '—Athenaeum . OUTLINES OF ELEMENTARY PHYSIOGEAPHY . . With Illustrations and Institution Questions from . With the numerous Science Examination Illustrations . Papers Post , 8 South vo . 2 » . Kensington . . By George Thom , M . A ., Principal of Dollar I I AN INTRODUCTION TO DETERMINANTS . With numerous Examples for the M use . A of ., B Schools . So ., Professor and Colleges of Mathematics ( being tae , Stellinbosch Text-book recommended College , Cape . at _ Colony Edinburgh . 8 vo . University 5 * . ) . By William Thomson , Edinburgh : JAMES THIN , Publisher to the Universit 7 . London : SIMPKIN , MARSHALL & CO .
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 69, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/71/