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QKIaM »«""" 5 ~^ 223 ZZ 33 I 3 * 3 Z 3 SE 2 « S 5 < ISIZ 2 Z 3 ! SS 2 i 22 i !!—3222222 ^
• * . 15 , 1 B 86 The Publishers * Circular 75- 1 Z- , I , , ¦ „ , ; ; 1 - S ; | . r
Immediately will "be published , demy , 8 vo . cloth , red edges , 6 s . 6 $ . nett . i ' jl BOSWORTH'S CLERICAL GUIDE ECCLESIASTICAL DIRECTORY AND FOR 1886 , \ ¦ CONTAINING AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE CLERGY OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND , i WITH THEIR DEGREES & UNIVERSITIES , BENEFICES , APPOINTMENTS , AND POSTAL ADDRESSES ; ' , - ALSO A REGISTER of the DIGNITIES and BENEFICES of the CHtTRCH , with the NAMES Of the DEANERY INCUMBENTS , POPULATION , CURATES and , VALUE and PATRONS of the ; LIVINGS the COUNTY , and , DIOCESE the DISTANCE , RURAL of EACH from an ADJACENT RAILWAY STATION . methodicall The Clerical y arranged Guide and is more intended easy of to reference supply the than long has -felt yet want appeared of . a Directory of the ; Clergy mox 0 : ' ' for In the addition first time to be the included nsual information so far as they , the are dedication ascertainable s of all . the The Churches dates of in the Engl formation and and Wales of modern -will parisheB and districts will also be given . Much valuable information , without "which no work of the kind can be trustworthy , will be communicated to the Clerical Guide from the Office of the ( JScclesiastical Commission . "Westminster Advertisements S . W , should be sent immediatel ' ! y to Mr ' . Blencowe - _ , Advertising Agent , 9 Bridge Street , ' London : THOMAS BOSWORTH & CO ., 66 G ^ eat Russell Street , W . C . . ____ . _ . _ —^——— . ' . — _ r — — „ T :
,, - - .. : Educational Newspaper Co . I ( XjIMITErD ) , 14 Red Lion Court , Fleet Street , B . C . y . PUBLISHERS OF THE SCHOOLMASTER . The OLDEST , LARGEST , and BEST Scholastic Journal . THE ACKNOWLEDGED ORGAN OF THE PROFESSION . 32 LARGE PAGES EVERY WEEK—PRICE ONE PENNY . Also ; \ THE TEACHERS' AIT 3 . A PRACTICAL WEEKLY JOURNAL For use in Private Families , i n Public Schools , and in the Study . 24 PAGES EVERY WEEK—PRICE ONE PENNY . 3 VCO 3 iT'iri 3 : T _ . Tr PARTSSI 2 C ^» EiaCTCaHJ . , All Communications as to Advertisements . & c . to be addressed to the Manager , at the above address .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 75, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/77/